974 resultados para 111-2


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Density-functional theory has been used to investigate the chemisorption of S, SH, and H2S as well as the coadsorption of S and H and SH and H on Pt(111). In addition reaction pathways and energy profiles for the conversion of adsorbed S and H into gas-phase H2S have been determined. It has been found that S, SH, and H2S bind preferentially at face-centered-cubic (fcc), bridge, and top sites, respectively. Both the S+H and SH+H reactions have high barriers (similar to1 eV) and high exothermicities (similar to1 eV). This reveals that adsorbed H2S and SH are highly unstable adsorbates on Pt(111) and that adsorbed S (and H) is the most stable SHX (X=0,1,2) intermediate on Pt(111) (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Using the semi-empirical embedded-atom method, the structure of small copper clusters on Au(111) surfaces has been investigated both by static and dynamic calculations. By varying the size of roughly circular clusters, the edge energy per atom is obtained; it agrees quite well with estimates based on experimental results. Small three-dimensional clusters tend to have the shape of a pyramid, whose sides are oriented in the directions of small surface energy. The presence of a cluster is found to distort the underlying lattice of adsorbed copper atoms. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Calculated answer: First-principles calculations have been applied to calculate the energy barrier for the key step in CO formation on a Pt surface (see picture; Pt blue, Pt atoms on step edge yellow) to understand the low CO2 selectivity in the direct ethanol fuel cell. The presence of surface oxidant species such as O (brown bar) and OH (red bar) led to an increase of the energy barrier and thus an inhibition of the key step. © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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Microkinetic model is developed in the free energy landscape based on density functional theory (DFT) to quantitatively investigate the reaction mechanism of chemoselective partial hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde to crotyl alcohol over Pt(1 1 1) at the temperature of 353 K. Three different methods (mobile, immobile and collision theory models) were carried out to obtain free energy barrier of adsorption/desorption processes. The results from mobile and collision theory models are similar. The calculated TOFs from both models are close to the experiment value. However, for the immobile model, in which the free energy barrier of desorption approaches the energy barrier, the calculated TOF is 2 orders of magnitude lower than the other models. The difficulty of adsorption/ desorption may be overestimated in the immobile model. In addition, detailed analyses show that for the surface hydrogenation elementary steps, the entropy and internal energy effects are small under the reaction condition, while the zero-point-energy (ZPE) correction is significant, especially for the multi-step hydrogenation reaction. The total energy with the ZPE correction approaches to the full free energy calculation for the surface reaction under the reaction condition. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using density functional theory (DFT) and kinetic analyses, a new carboxyl mechanism for the water-gas-shift reaction (WGSR) on Au/CeO2(111) is proposed. Many elementary steps in the WGSR are studied using an Au cluster supported on CeO2(111). It is found that (i) water can readily dissociate at the interface between Au and CeO2; (ii) CO2 can be produced via two steps: adsorbed CO on the Au cluster reacts with active OH on ceria to form the carboxyl (COOH) species and then COOH reacts with OH to release CO2; and (iii) two adsorbed H atoms recombine to form molecular H-2 on the Au cluster. Our kinetic analyses show that the turnover frequency of the carboxyl mechanism is consistent with the experimental one while the rates of redox and formate mechanisms are much slower than that of carboxyl mechanism. It is suggested that the carboxyl pathway is likely to be responsible for WGSR on Au/CeO2.


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Evidence of high gain pumped by recombination has been observed in the 5g-4f transition at 11.1 nn in sodiumlike copper ions with use of a 20-J 2-ps Nd:glass laser system. The time- and space-integrated gain coefficient was 8.8 +/- 1.4 cm(-1), indicating a single-transit amplification of similar to 60 times. This experiment has shown that 2 ps is the optimum pulse duration to drive the sodiumlike copper recombination x-ray lasing at 11.1 nm. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America


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Low-energy electron diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and temperature-programmed reaction spectrometry results are reported for the structural and reactive behavior of alumina films grown on Pt(111) as a function of thickness and oxidation temperature. Submonolayer Al films undergo compete oxidation at 300 K, annealing at 1100 K resulting in formation of somewhat distorted crystalline gamma-alumina, Thicker deposits require 800 K oxidation to produce Al2O3, and these too undergo crystallization at 800 K, yielding islands of apparently undistorted gamma-alumina on the Pt(111) surface. Oxidation of a p(2 x 2) Pt3Al surface alloy occurs only at>800 K, resulting in Al extraction, These alumina films on Pt(lll) markedly increase the coverage of adsorbed SO4 resulting from SO2 chemisorption onto oxygen-precovered surfaces. This results in enhanced propane uptake and subsequent reactivity relative to SO4/Pt(111). A bifunctional mechanism is proposed to account for our observations, and the relevance of these to an understanding of the corresponding dispersed systems is discussed.


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The structural, thermal, chemisorptive, and electronic properties of Ce on Pt{111} are studied by photoemission, Auger spectroscopy, scanning tunnel microscope (STM), and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED). Stranski-Krastanov-like growth of low-density Ce layers is accompanied by substantial valence charge transfer from Ce to Pt: in line with this, the measured dipole moment and polarizability of adsorbed Ce at low coverages are 7.2 x 10(-30) C m and similar to 1.3x10(-29) m(3), respectively. Pt-Ce intermixing commences at similar to 400 K and with increasing temperature a sequence of five different ordered surface alloys evolves. The symmetry, periodicities, and rotational epitaxy observed by LEED are in good accord with the STM data which reveal the true complexity of the system. The Various bimetallic surface phases are based on growth of crystalline Pt5Ce, a hexagonal layer structure consisting of alternating layers of Pt2Ce and Kagome nets of Pt atoms. This characteristic ABAB layered arrangement of the surface alloys is clearly imaged, and chemisorption data permit a distinction to be made between the more reactive Pt2Ce layer and the less reactive Pt Kagome net. Either type of layer can appear at the surface as the terminating structure, thicker films exhibiting unit mesh parameters characteristic of the bulk alloy.


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XPS, TPD and HREEL results indicate that molecular pyrrole is a fragile adsorbate on clean Pd{111}. At 200 K and for low coverages, the molecule remains intact and adopts an almost flat-lying geometry. With increasing coverage, pyrrole molecules tilt away from the surface and undergo N-H bond cleavage to form strongly tilted pyrrolyl (C4H4N) species. In addition, a weakly bound, strongly tilted form of molecular pyrrole is observed at coverages approaching saturation. Heating pyrrole monolayers results in desorption of similar to 15% of the overlayer as molecular pyrrole and N-a+ C4H4Na recombination with formation of hat-lying pyrrole molecules. This strongly bound species undergoes decomposition to adsorbed CN, CHx and H, leading ultimately to desorption of HCN and H-2. The implications of these results for the production of pyrrole by a heterogeneously catalysed route are discussed.


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XPS, HREELS, ARUPS and Delta phi data show that furan chemisorbs non-dissociatively on Pd{111} at 175 K, the molecular plane being significantly tilted with respect to the surface normal. Bonding involves both the oxygen lone pair and significant a interaction with the substrate. The degree of decomposition that accompanies molecular desorption is a strong function of coverage: similar to 40% of the adsorbate desorbs molecularly from the saturated monolayer. Decomposition occurs via decarbonylation to yield COa and H-a followed by desorption rate limited loss of H-2 and CO. It seems probable that an adsorbed C3H3 species formed during this process undergoes subsequent stepwise dehydrogenation ultimately yielding H-2 and C-a.


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Nano-sized(nO-Co3O4, 387nm)andmicron-sized(mO-Co3O4, 6.65 mm) Co3O4 octahedraenclosedby
treatment,andservedasanodematerialoflithium ionbatteries(LIBs).Electrochemicalresults
demonstratethatthenO-Co3O4 showsexcellentlongcyclabilityandratecapability.ThenO-Co3O4
candeliverastablechargecapacityashighas955.5mAhg1 upto200cycleswithoutnoticeable
capacityfadingatacharge/dischargecurrentdensityof0.1Ag1 (ca. 0.11C).Theexcellent
octahedra. WhilethemO-Co3O4 could onlymaintain288.5mAhg1 after 200cycles,illustratingvery
changeduringrepeatedcharging/discharging process.TheresultsrevealthattheCo3O4 nano-


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The electrochemical deposition of Ru on Pt(111) electrodes has been investigated by electron diffraction, Auger spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry in a closed UHV transfer system. At small coverages Ru formed a monatomic commensurate layer, at higher coverage mostly small islands with a bilayer height were detected. When the Pt was almost completely covered by Ru, three-dimensional clusters developed. The island structure of Ru changed upon electrooxidation of CO, reflecting an enhanced mobility of Ru. Adsorption and electrooxidation of CO have been studied on such Ru-modified Pt(111) electrodes using cyclic voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Compared to the pure metals, the Ru-CO bond is weakened, the Pt-CO bond strengthened on the modified electrodes. The catalytic activity of the Ru/Pt(111) electrode toward CO adlayer oxidation is higher than that of pure Ru and a PtRu alloy (50:50). It is concluded that the electrooxidation of CO takes place preferentially at the Ru islands, while CO adsorbed on Pt migrates to them. © 1999 American Chemical Society.


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The structure of a Pt(111) electrode after treatment in an electrolyte and subsequent transfer to an UHV chamber was investigated ex situ by combined low energy electron diffraction (LEED), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Treatment of the sample in a CO saturated 0.1 M HClO solution at potentials between -0.2 and 0.2 V versus Ag/AgCl caused a maximum CO coverage of about 0.75 as probed by cyclic voltammetry, which dropped by partial desorption to about 0.25 upon transfer to the UHV chamber. This adlayer exhibited a (distorted) 3×3 R30° pattern by RHEED (but not with LEED) exhibiting an average domain size of 2.3 nm at room temperature. This is identified with the same phase reported before from gas phase studies, as also corroborated by the similarities of the vibrational spectroscopic data. The same structure (albeit even more poorly ordered) was found after dissociative adsorption of methanol.


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The most active binary PtSn catalyst for direct ethanol fuel cell applications has been studied at 20 oC and 60 oC, using variable temperature electrochemical in-situ FTIR. In comparison with Pt, binary PtSn inhibits ethanol dissociation to CO(a), but promotes partial oxidation to acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Increasing the temperature from 20 oC to 60 oC facilitates both ethanol dissociation to CO(a) and their further oxidation to CO2, leading to an increased selectivity towards CO2; however, acetaldehyde and acetic acid are still the main products. Potential-dependent phase diagrams for surface oxidants of OH(a) formation on Pt(111), Pt(211) and Sn modified Pt(111) and Pt(211) surfaces have been determined using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. It is shown that Sn promotes the formation of OH(a) with a lower onset potential on the Pt(111) surface, whereas an increase in the onset potential is found on modification of the (211) surface. In addition, Sn inhibits the Pt(211) step edge with respect to ethanol C-C bond breaking compared with that found on the pure Pt, which reduces the formation of CO(a). Sn was also found to facilitate ethanol dehydrogenation and partial oxidation to acetaldehyde and acetic acid which, combined with the more facile OH(a) formation on the Pt(111) surface, gives us a clear understanding of the experimentally determined results. This combined electrochemical in-situ FTIR and DFT study, provides, for the first time, an insight into the long-term puzzling features of the high activity but low CO2 production found on binary PtSn ethanol fuel cell catalysts.