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A newsletter published monthly to keep the faculty, students, staff, and community informed about the activities taking place on the campus of LaGuardia Community College. Information for PERSPECTIVE should be sent to Bob McVeigh In Room 341, Main Bldg., ext. 248, 249.
A Touch of Glass Witness to History Colby Renews "No-Loan" Commitment Fresh Idea The Anthropology of Air Travel Oak Fellow Fights India's Caste System If the Ring Fits… TwitterFEED New Maisel Fund Opens Doors to the World Goodbye, Oil (Almost)
Is social networking for libraries? can social media lose its hebetude?
Print No:163; Discontinued stamp AUG 26 1918
A teoria clássica considera a taxa de retorno esperada como único determinante do fluxo internacional de capitais. Por sua vez, da teoria da paridade de juros resultam duas condições de equilíbrio - paridade coberta e paridade descoberta - que têm sido marcantemente utilizadas na mensuração do retorno esperado. Haja vista a ligação entre os fluxos de capitais e a teoria da paridade de juros, esta é motivo de uma discussão preliminar no Capítulo 1. Embora a teoria da paridade ensine que, sob algumas hipóteses simplifícadoras, a existência de um diferencial de juros entre duas economias seja uma condição suficiente para promover deslocamentos de capitais na direção daquela onde se observam as maiores taxas, as pesquisas empíricas quase sempre registram a presença de um diferencial de juros sem a contrapartida dos fluxos de capitais. A fim de encontrar repostas para esse desencontro entre a predição teórica e a evidência empírica, a literatura tem explorado as imperfeições de mercado. Dentre as distorções mais largamente consideradas, quatro são objeto de análise no Capítulo 1: (1) custos de transação; (2) a mobilidade imperfeita; (3) a substitutibilidade imperfeita entre títulos semelhantes emitidos em economias distintas; e (4) a assimetria de informação.
O propósito deste estudo foi estudar as percepções de sucesso que os professores da RAM têm em relação ao sucesso dos alunos, e analisar estas percepções tanto a nível das medidas de combate ao abandono escolar, como ao nível dos factores de sucesso escolar. Procurou-se também averiguar a associação dessas mesmas percepções em relação aos dados biográficos (género, grau académico, experiência profissional, nível de ensino, idade). A amostra foi constituída por 1056 professores, 340 do sexo masculino e 710 do sexo feminino (os restantes 6 foram omissos). As medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar e os factores e causas de sucesso foram determinadas através de um questionário que apresenta garantias de objectividade, validade e fidelidade. O tratamento estatístico incluiu uma análise descritiva e uma análise inferencial através do Teste do qui-quadrado, de forma a se encontrarem associações significativas entre as variáveis em estudo e a poder explicar a natureza dessas relações. Algumas das principais conclusões obtidas nesta pesquisa foram: 1) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar, relacionadas com a família/encarregados de educação; 2) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar relacionadas com os próprios professores; 3) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar relacionadas com a estrutura, organização escolar e o meio envolvente; 4) possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar, relacionados com os alunos; 5) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar relacionados com a família/encarregados de educação; 6) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar relacionados com os professores; 7) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar relacionados com a estrutura/organização escolar e o contexto envolvente.
Organizations are Complex systems. A conceptual model of the enterprise is needed that is: coherent the distinguished aspect models constitute a logical and truly integral comprehensive all relevant issues are covered consistent the aspect models are free from contradictions or irregularities concise no superfluous matters are contained in it essential it shows only the essence of the enterprise, i.e., the model abstracts from all realization and implementation issues. The world is in great need for transparency about the operation of all the systems we daily work with, ranging from the domestic appliances to the big societal institutions. In this context the field of enterprise ontology has emerged with the aim to create models that help to understand the essence of the construction and operation of complete systems; more specifically, of enterprises. Enterprise ontology arises in the way to look through the distracting and confusing appearance of an enterprise right into its deep kernel. This, from the perspective of the system designer gives him the tools needed to design a successful system in a way that’s reflects the desires and needs of the workers of the enterprise. This project’s context is the use of DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) for (re)designing or (re)engineering of an enterprise, namely a process of the construction department of a city hall, the lack of a well-founded theory about the construction and operation of this processes that was the motivation behind this work. The purpose of studying applying the DEMO theory and method was to optimize the process, automating it as much as possible, while reducing paper and time spent between tasks and provide a better service to the citizens.
Increasing air movement over poultry by using fans (ventilation) has become an accepted means of reducing environmental heat stress over the last several years. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of air velocity and exposure time to ventilation on body surface and rectal temperature of broiler chickens. Male broiler chickens aged 36-42 days were placed in individual wire cages and exposed to five different air velocities (5.7, 4.2, 3.1, 2.4, or 1.8 m/sec). Throughout the experiment head, back, leg, and rectal temperatures were monitored every 10 min during a 30-min period for each air velocity. The data showed that exposure time to the wind affected (P<.05) leg and body temperature, with a rapid reduction being observed during the first 10 min. There was a reduction in leg temperature with air velocity of 2 m/sec; however, air velocity lower than 4.5 m/sec was not effective in decreasing head and back temperature. The results suggest that air velocity of 2 m/sec, in air temperature of 29 degrees C, improves heat loss in the birds. The data also indicate that exposure time to ventilation seems to be a critical point in the maintenance of bird thermal homeostasis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The thermostability (TS) and efficacy offered by live vaccines against Newcastle disease strains B 1, La Sota, VG-GA and Ulster, produced or imported by four Brazilian laboratories, were evaluated during their validity period. Kinetic profiles were obtained from samples conserved in refrigerators during 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 months after their manufacturing. The statistical analysis of the vaccine titre effect obtained by the fresh air (FA) method showed that the vaccine profiles were parallel and coincident, presenting a significant descending trend. The vaccine titres and efficiency proofs at the end of the validity period were above the level of legislation requirements and showed an average loss in titre of 0.40 and 0.66 log(10), within the first and second validity years, respectively. The titre obtained by TS, within the month after manufacturing, had no significant difference from the titre obtained by FA within 24 months after manufacturing, being their pairs of observations positively correlated (r = 0,49, p = 0.0003), showing that the TS method, which anticipates the vaccines' performance at the end of the validity period, can substitute the FA method 24 months after manufacturing. (C) 2009 The International Association for Biologicals. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Use of antibiotics as an additive in poultry diets to improve growth has been discussed in relation to bacterial resistance and the development of new products and management practices. This study was carried out to test the efficacy of a new substance (Saccharomyces cereviside cell walls, var. Calsberg- SCCW) obtained from the brewery industry, added (at 0.1 and 0.2%) to broiler chicken diets (based on corn and soybean meal), on performance and intestinal mucosa development. In Experiment 1 (carried out in litter-floor pens) the results revealed higher body weight gain,for the total experimental period and higher villus height at 7 d of age for the birds fed 0.2%,SCCW. In a field test using 44,000 broilers that,received feed containing 0.2% SCCW,. The results also showed higher body weight gain and better feed conversion for SCCW-supplemented birds. The present findings show that SCCW improved body weight gain in broiler chickens and that this effect can be attributed to the trophic effect of this product on the intestinal mucosa, because it increases villus height, particularly during the first 7. d of a chicken's life.