996 resultados para 02180600 CTD-67
Ki-67 is a protein expressed in the nucleus of several species during cell-division, being absent during the GO resting phase of the cellular cycle. During attempts to disclose mitosis in the so-called " amebocyte-producing organ " in Biomphalaria glabrata infected with Schistosoma mansoni, the parasite multiplying forms appeared strongly marked for Ki-67, while the snail tissues were completely negative. These data are worth registering to complement general data on Ki-67, and to help future studies on the relationship of the parasite and of its intermediate host.
Aims: To evaluate whether ki-67 labelling index (LI) has independent prognostic value for survival of patients with bladder urothelial tumours graded according to the 2004 World Health Organisation classification. Methods: Ki-67 LI was evaluated in 164 cases using the grid counting method. Non-invasive (stage Ta) tumours were: papilloma (n = 5), papillary urothelial neoplasia of low malignant potential (PUNLMP; n = 26), and low (LG; n = 34) or high grade (HG; n = 15) papillary urothelial carcinoma. Early invasive (stage T1) tumours were: LG (n = 58) and HG (n = 26) carcinoma. Statistical analysis included Fisher and x2 tests, and mean comparisons by ANOVA and t test. Univariate and multivariate survival analyses were performed according to the Kaplan–Meier method with log rank test and Cox’s proportional hazard method. Results: Mean ki-67 LI increased from papilloma to PUNLMP, LG, and HG in stage Ta (p,0.0001) and from LG to HG in stage T1 (p = 0.013) tumours. High tumour proliferation (.13%) was related to greater tumour size (p = 0.036), recurrence (p = 0.036), progression (p = 0.035), survival (p = 0.054), and high p53 accumulation (p = 0.015). Ki-67 LI and tumour size were independent predictors of disease free survival (DFS), but only ki-67 LI was related to progression free survival (PFS). Cancer specific overall survival (OS) was related to ki-67 LI, tumour size, and p27kip1 downregulation. Ki-67 LI was the main independent predictor of DFS (p = 0.0005), PFS (p = 0.0162), and cancer specific OS (p = 00195). Conclusion: Tumour proliferation measured by Ki-67 LI is related to tumour recurrence, stage progression, and is an independent predictor of DFS, PFS, and cancer specific OS in TaT1 bladder urothelial cell carcinoma.
"Bibliothecae monasterii S. Cornelii Compend. Congr. S. Mauri, 43", XVIIe s., f. 1. Compiègne.
Ce ms. a été donné en 1734 au chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris par le chanoine Gagne de Périgny: "Ex dono Domini Gagne de Perigny canonici Parisiensis anno 1734" (f. 1). L'ex-libris "A l'église de Paris" (XIXe s.) figure au f. 1, suivi de la cote M9. Notre-Dame.
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 3.1
Er-vas frequentemente com cau!es sukados, muito raramente arbustos ou pequenasá rvores. Caulese m regra ocos ou com medulab em desenvolvida. Folhas alternas,e m regra muito divididas, ocasionalmentes implese , muito raramente, peltadas. Flores em umbelas simples ou mais frequentemente compostasr,a ramentev erticiladaso u capitadas,e m regra bissexuadams asp or vezes unissexuadapso r redu@o. Tubo do cálice unido ao ovário; limbo de 5 dentes em regra minúsculos ou ausentes. Pétalas 5, valvadas, epigínicas, brancas ou, raramente, amareladase, sverdeadaso u rosadaso u, muito raramente, azuis. Estames 5, livres, alternando com as pétalas; anteras 2-loculares, deiscentesp or fendas longitudinais. Estiletes 2, em regra divergentes, muitas vezes parcialmente unidos e frequentcmente com estilopódio bem desenvolvido. Ovario ínfero, Zlocular, com 1 óvulo pêndulo em cada lóculo. Fruto seco, em regra dividindo-se na maturacão em 2 mericarpos ligados a um carpóforo central resultante dos feixes vasculares principais do fruto. Os carpelosa presentamfr equentementec ostasb em desenvolvidase as paredes são providas em regra de canais oleíferos característicos. 0 fruto pode ser lateral- ou dorsahnentec omprimidoe ter asasla terais bem desenvolvidas ou apresentar espinhos ou ganchos. Sementes providas de endosperma oleoso abundante e com embriões muito pequenos. Familia com cerca de 418 génerose 3100e speciese, ssencialmentcea racterística dasr egiõest emperadamentqe uentesd o Globo. Facilmenter econhecível pelo hábito geralmente herbáceo, a disposicão característica das flores em umbelas e principalmente pelo fruto em regra divisivel em 2 mericarpos
Presenta información sobre la temporada de pesca del recurso anchoveta, iniciada en setiembre de 1967 y finalizada el 31 de mayo de 1968; la cual se caracterizó por ser destinada íntegramente a la producciíon de harina y aceite de pescado.
UVBY-Beta photometric data are presented for 67 stars in the region of alpha-Persei and their relationship to the cluster is analyzed. These data allowed us to confirm at least 16 new members of the alpha-Persei open cluster.
Goals: Adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in breast cancer are increasing based on the pathologist's assessment of the proliferation fraction in the tumor. Yet, how good and how reproducible are we pathologists at providing reliable Ki-67 readings on breast carcinomas. Exactly how to count and in which areas to count within a tumor remains inadequately standardized. The Swiss Working Group of Gyneco- and Breast Pathologists has tried to appreciate this dilemma and to propose ways to obtain more reproducible results.Methods: In a first phase, 5 pathologists evaluated Ki67 counts in 10 breast cancers by exact counting (500 cells) and by eyeballing. Pathologists were free to select the region in which Ki67 was evaluated. In a second phase 16 pathologists evaluated Ki-67 counts in 3 breast cancers also by exact counting and eyeballing, but in predefined fields of interest. In both phases, Ki67 was assessed in centrally immunostained slides (ZH) and on slides immunostained in the 11 participating laboratories. In a third phase, these same 16 pathologists were once again asked to read the 3 cases from phase 2, plus three new cases, and this time exact guidelines were provided as to what exactly is considered a Ki-67 positive nucleus.Results: Discordance of Ki67 assessment was due to each of the following 4 factors: (i) pathologists' divergent definitions of what counts as a positive nucleus (ii) the mode of assessment (counting vs. eyeballing), (iii) immunostaining technique/protocol/antibody, and (iv) the selection of the area in which to count.Conclusion: Providing guidelines as to where to count (representative field in the tumor periphery and omitting hot spots) and what nuclei to count (even faintly immunostained nuclei count as positive) reduces the discordance rates of Ki67 readings between pathologists. Laboratory technique is only of minor importance (even over a large antibody dilution range), and counting nuclei does not improve accuracy, but rather aggravates deviations from the group mean values.Disclosure of Interest: None Declared
A comparative study of the parts played by technetium-99m diphosphonate and gallium-67 citrate bone scanning in the early diagnosis of infectious spondylodiscitis is presented. Nineteen patients were included in the study. All patients (11 men aged 19-70 years and eight women aged 18-72 years) had a history of back pain varying in duration from one to 15 weeks. A 99mTc diphosphonate bone scan was positive in 17 patients. The two patients with negative results had less than two weeks of back pain. The 67Ga citrate bone scan showed uptake in all patients.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
A comparative study of the parts played by technetium-99m diphosphonate and gallium-67 citrate bone scanning in the early diagnosis of infectious spondylodiscitis is presented. Nineteen patients were included in the study. All patients (11 men aged 19-70 years and eight women aged 18-72 years) had a history of back pain varying in duration from one to 15 weeks. A 99mTc diphosphonate bone scan was positive in 17 patients. The two patients with negative results had less than two weeks of back pain. The 67Ga citrate bone scan showed uptake in all patients.