980 resultados para . neutron radiation field


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Experimental study of the reverse annealing of the effective concentration of ionized space charges (N-eff, also called effective doping or impurity concentration) of neutron irradiated high resistivity silicon detectors fabricated on wafers with various thermal oxides has been conducted at room temperature (RT) and elevated temperature (ET). Various thermal oxidations with temperatures ranging from 975 degrees C to 1200 degrees C with and without trichlorethane (TCA), which result in different concentrations of oxygen and carbon impurities, have been used. It has been found that, the RT annealing of the N-eff is hindered initially (t < 42 days after the radiation) for detectors made on the oxides with high carbon concentrations, and there was no carbon effect on the long term (t > 42 days after the radiation) N-eff reverse annealing. No apparent effect of oxygen on the stability of N-eff has been observed at RT. At elevated temperature (80 degrees C), no significant difference in annealing behavior has been found for detectors fabricated on silicon wafers with various thermal oxides. It is apparent that for the initial stages (first and/or second) of N-eff reverse annealing, there may tie no dependence on the oxygen and carbon concentrations in the ranges studied.


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A process for fabricating n channel JFET/SOS (junction field-effect transistors on silicon-on-sapphire) has been researched. The gate p(+)n junction was obtained by diffusion, and the conductive channel was gotten by a double ion implantation. Both enhancement and depletion mode transistors were fabricated in different processing conditions. From the results of the Co-50 gamma ray irradiation experimental we found that the devices had a good total dose radiation-hardness. When the tot;ll dose was 5Mrad(Si), their threshold voltages shift was less than 0.1V. The variation of transconductance and the channel leakage current were also little.


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Test strip detectors of 125 mu m, 500 mu m, and 1 mm pitches with about 1 cm(2) areas have been made on medium-resistivity silicon wafers (1.3 and 2.7 k Ohm cm). Detectors of 500 mu m pitch have been tested for charge collection and position precision before and after neutron irradiation (up to 2 x 10(14) n/cm(2)) using 820 and 1030 nm laser lights with different beam-spot sizes. It has been found that for a bias of 250 V a strip detector made of 1.3 k Ohm cm (300 mu m thick) can be fully depleted before and after an irradiation of 2 x 10(14) n/cm(2). For a 500 mu m pitch strip detector made of 2.7 k Ohm cm tested with an 1030 nm laser light with 200 mu m spot size, the position reconstruction error is about 14 mu m before irradiation, and 17 mu m after about 1.7 x 10(13) n/cm(2) irradiation. We demonstrated in this work that medium resistivity silicon strip detectors can work just as well as the traditional high-resistivity ones, but with higher radiation tolerance. We also tested charge sharing and position reconstruction using a 1030 nm wavelength (300 mu m absorption length in Si at RT) laser, which provides a simulation of MIP particles in high-physics experiments in terms of charge collection and position reconstruction, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The newly developed multi-quasiparticle triaxial projected shell model approach is employed to study the high-spin band structures in neutron-deficient even-even Ce- and Nd-isotopes. It is observed that gamma-bands are built on each intrinsic configuration of the triaxial mean-field deformation. Due to the fact that a triaxial configuration is a superposition of several K-states, the projection from these states results in several low-lying bands originating from the same intrinsic configuration. This generalizes the well-known concept of the surface gamma-oscillation in deformed nuclei based on the ground-state to gamma-bands built on multi-quasiparticle configurations. This new feature provides an alternative explanation on the observation of two I = 10 aligning states in Ce-134 and both exhibiting a neutron character. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study of the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in heavy-ion collisions with the same neutron/proton ratio but different masses can help single out effects of the nuclear mean field on pion production. Based on simulations using the IBUU04 transport model, it is found that the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in head-on collisions of Ca-48 + Ca-48, Sn-124 + Sn-124, and Au-197 + Au-197 at beam energies from 0.25 to 0.6 GeV/nucleon increases with increasing the system size or decreasing the beam energies. A comprehensive analysis of the dynamical isospin fractionation and the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio as well as their time evolution and spatial distributions demonstrates clearly that the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio is an effective probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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The properties of hadronic matter at beta equilibrium in a wide range of densities are described by appropriate equations of state in the framework of the relativistic mean field model. Strange meson fields, namely the scalar meson field sigma*(975) and the vector meson field sigma*(1020), are included in the present work. We discuss and compare the results of the equation of state, nucleon effective mass, and strangeness fraction obtained by adopting the TM1, TMA, and GL parameter sets for nuclear sector and three different choices for the hyperon couplings. We find that the parameter set TM1 favours the onset of hyperons most, while at high densities the GL parameter set leads to the most hyperon-rich matter. For a certain parameter set (e.g. TM1), the most hyperon-rich matter is obtained for the hyperon potential model. The influence of the hyperon couplings on the effective mass of nucleon, is much weaker than that on the nucleon parameter set. The nonstrange mesons dominate essentially the global properties of dense hyperon matter. The hyperon potential model predicts the lowest value of the neutron star maximum mass of about 1.45 M-sun to be 0.4-0.5 M-sun lower than the prediction by using the other choices for hyperon couplings.


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By using the new experimental data of Lambda Lambda potential, this paper has performed a full calculation for strange hadronic matter with different strangeness contents as well as its consequences on the global properties of neutron star matter in relativistic mean field model. It finds that the new weak hyperon - hyperon interaction makes the equations of state much stiffer than the result of the previous strong hyperon-hyperon interaction, and even stiffer than the result without consideration of hyperon -hyperon interaction. This new hyperon -hyperon interaction results in a maximum mass of 1.75M(circle dot) ( where M-circle dot stands for the mass of the Sun), about 0.2-0.5M(circle dot) larger than the previous prediction with the presence of hyperons. After examining carefully the onset densities of kaon condensation it finds that this new weak version of hyperon -hyperon interaction favours the occurrence of kaons in comparison with the strong one.


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A density-dependent delta interaction (DDDI) is proposed in the formalism of BCS-type pairing correlations for exotic nuclei whose Fermi surfaces are close to the threshold of the unbound state. It provides the possibility to pick up those states whose wave functions are concentrated in the nuclear region by making the pairing matrix elements state dependent. On this basis, the energy level distributions, occupations, and ground-state properties are self-consistently studied in the RMF theory with deformation. Calculations are performed for the Sr isotopic chain. A good description of the total energy per nucleon, deformations, two-neutron separation energies and isotope shift from the proton drip line to the neutron drip line is found. Especially, by comparing the single-particle structure from the DDDI pairing interaction with that from the constant pairing interaction for a very neutron-rich nucleus it is demonstrated that the DDDI pairing method improves the treatment of the pairing in the continuum.


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The ground state properties of the Pb isotopic are studied by using the axially deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) calculation with the parameter set TM1. The pairing correlation is treated by the BCS method and the isospin dependent pairing force is used. The 'blocking' method is used to deal with unpaired nucleons. The theoretical results show that the relativistic mean field theory with non-linear self-interactions of mesons provides a good description of the binding energy and neutron separation energy. The present paper focus on the physical mechanism of the Pb isotope shifts.


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Antikaon condensation and deconfinement phase transition in neutron stars are investigated in a chiral hadronic model (also referred as to the FST model) for the hadronic phase and in the MIT bag model for the deconfined quark matter phase. It is shown that the existence of quark matter phase makes antikaon condensation impossible in neutron stars. The properties of neutron stars are sensitive to the bag constant. For the small values of the bag constant, the pure quark matter core appears and hyperons are strongly suppressed in neutron stars, whereas for the large bag constant, the hadron-quark mixed phase exists in the center of neutron stars. The maximum masses of neutron stars with the quark matter phase are lower than those without the quark matter phase; meanwhile, the maximum masses of neutron stars with the quark matter phase increase with the bag constant.


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The axially deformed relativistic mean field theory with the force NLSH has been performed in the blocked BCS approximation to investigate the proper-ties and structure of N=Z nuclei from Z=20 to Z=48. Some ground state quantities such as binding energies, quadrupole deformations, one/two-nucleon separation energies, root-mean-squaxe (rms) radii of charge and neutron, and shell gaps have been calculated. The results suggest that large deformations can be found in medium-heavy nuclei with N=Z=38-42. The charge and neutron rms radii increase rapidly beyond the magic number N=Z=28 until Z=42 with increasing nucleon number, which is similar to isotope shift, yet beyond Z=42, they decrease dramatically as the structure changes greatly from Z=42 to Z=43. The evolution of shell gaps with proton number Z can be clearly observed. Besides the appearance of possible new shell closures, some conventional shell closures have been found to disappear in some region. In addition, we found that the Coulomb interaction is not strong enough to breakdown the shell structure of protons in the current region.


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Correlations between the behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy, the neutron skins, and the percentage of energy-weighted sum rule (EWSR) exhausted by the pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) in Ni-68 and Sn-132 are investigated by using different random phase approximation (RPA) models for the dipole response, based on a representative set of Skyrme effective forces plus meson-exchange effective Lagrangians. A comparison with the experimental data has allowed us to constrain the value of the derivative of the symmetry energy at saturation. The neutron skin radius is deduced under this constraint.


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This review presents the latest advances in the application of microwave energy to analytical chemistry. The fundamental principles of microwave field interaction with the matter are presented and their significance for the chemist is discussed, followed by the basic principles of microwave equipment construction and operation. Examples of the techniques that utilized microwave energy for digestion, extraction, chemical reaction, preconcentration, and desorption of the analytical sample are presented. A separate section describes the examples of usage of microwave technology in catalysis, environmental, and nuclear chemistry and engineering.