689 resultados para Àcars


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Henkilöautojen pakokaasut sisältävät satoja eri yhdisteitä, joista monet ovat ihmisen terveydelle haitallisia. Pysäköintihallien ilmanlaatua on tähän asti mitattu pääasiassa hiilimonoksidiantureilla, jolloin ilmanvaihtokoneita on voitu käyttää tarvepohjaisesti. Parantunut pakokaasujen puhdistustekniikka on vähentänyt perinteisesti haitallisimmaksi koettujen hiilimonoksidin ja typenoksidien määräpakokaasuissa. Tästä johtuen hiilidioksidin määrä pysäköintihallissa voi kohota haitalliselle tasolle ennen kuin hiilimonoksidianturit reagoivat tilanteeseen. Tässä diplomityössä tarkasteltiin pysäköintihallien ilmanlaatua ja hiilidioksidiantureiden edellytyksiä toimia ilmanvaihdon ohjauksessa. Hiilimonoksidi- ja hiilidioksidipitoisuuksia mitattiin Kampin ja Koskikeskuksen pysäköintihalleissa. Tuloksissa esitetään hiilimonoksidin ja hiilidioksidin riippuvuus ilmanvaihdon tehosta ja pysäköintihallin liikenteen määrästä. Johtopäätöksissä on kuvattu ehdotus hiilidioksidiantureiden käytöstä pysäköintihallien ilmanvaihdon ohjauksessa.


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Tutkielman aiheena on erilaisten kustannuslaskentamenetelmien vertailu ja niiden käytön merkitys yrityksien ajoneuvoinvestoinneissa. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, mikä osuus leasinglaskelmilla ja investointilaskelmilla on case-yrityksien ajoneuvohankintojen suunnittelussa ja päätöksenteossa. Samalla tarkastellaan case-yrityksien käytössä olevien laskentamenetelmien ominaisuuksia ja uuden IFRS -tilinpäätösmallin mahdollisia vaikutuksia ajoneuvoinvestointeihin. Tutkimus on toiminta-analyyttinen ja samalla kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimusmenettelynä on käytetty teoriaa sekä haastatteluja. Tutkimuksen tuloksien mukaan case-yrityksissä ajoneuvohankintojen yhteydessä leasingyhtiöiden tekemillä kustannuslaskelmilla on selvästi suurempi osuus kuin yrityksen itse tekemillä investointilaskelmilla. Leasingyhtiöiden laskenta-ajanjakso ei ole sama kuin yrityksien omistamien ajoneuvojen taloudellinen pitoaika. Tämä ero ohjaa yrityksiä käyttämään omia kustannuslaskentamenetelmiä ja tarjoaa mahdollisuuden myös muille perusteille päätettäessä yrityksen ajoneuvojen omistus- ja hallinnointimuodoista.


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Se han realizado 5 ensayos en manzanos para evaluar la acción de algunos acarici­das sobre la araña roja Panonychus ulmi (Koch) y sus depredadores los fitoseidos. En 4 ensayos la especie era Amblyseius andersoni (Chant) y en la otra A. californicus (McGregor). En total se han ensayado 14 materias activas. Se observa una mayor toxicidad de los productos sobre A. californicus que sobre A. andersoni, y en esta última especie la toxicidad suele ser mayor cuando el nivel de P. ulmi es más elevado. Las materias activas que son mas tóxicas para los fitoseidos son: amitraz, bifentrin y fenpropatrin. En el caso del amitraz se observa incluso una proliferación de P. ulmi. Los productos que son menos tóxicos para los fitoseidos y que dan una mayor relación depredador/presa, a pesar de su baja eficacia sobre P. ulmi, son: benzoximato, dioctil-sulfosuccinato-sodico y fenbutestan. Los acaricidas: cihexaestan, dinobuton, hexitiazox y propargita son medianamente tóxicos para los fitoseidos, pero su poca eficacia sobre P. ulmi provoca como resultado una relación depredador/ presa más baja que el testigo. Los que dan una mayor eficacia sobre P. ulmi, pero son más tóxicos para los fi­toseidos que los productos anteriores, por lo que dan como resultado unas relaciones de­ predador/presa más irregulares son: fenazaquin, fenpiroximato, piridaben y tebufenpirad. Deben realizarse más estudios sobre las dosis, mezclas y momentos de aplicación de todos estos productos para su utilización en el control integrado de la araña roja.


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Työn tavoitteena on selvittää voidaanko neuroverkkoa käyttää mallintamaan ja ennustamaan polttoaineen vaikutusta nykyaikaisen auton päästöihin. Näin pystyttäisiin vähentämään aikaa vievien ja kalliiden koeajojen tarvetta. Työ tehtiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston ja Fortum Oy:n yhteistyöprojektissa. Työssä tehtiin kolme erilaista mallia. Ensimmäisenä tehtiin autokohtainen malli, jolla pyrittiin ennustamaan autokohtaista käyttäytymistä. Toiseksi kokeiltiin mallia, jossa automalli oli yhtenä syötteenä. Kolmantena yritettiin kiertää eräitä aineiston ongelmia käyttämällä "sumeutettuja" polttoaineiden koostumuksia. Työssä käytettiin MLP-neuroverkkoa, joka opetettiin backpropagation algoritmilla. Työssä havaittiin ettei käytettävissä olleella aineistolla ja käytetyillä malleilla pystytä riittävällä tarkkuudella mallintamaan polttoaineen vaikutusta päästöihin. Aineiston ongelmia olivat mm. suuret mittausvarianssit, aineiston pieni määrä sekä aineiston soveltumattomuus neuroverkolla mallintamiseen.


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In machine design we always want to save space, save energy and produce as much power as possible. We can often reduce accelerations, inertial loads and energy consumption by changing construction. In this study the old cardan gear mechanism (hypocycloid mechanism) has been compared with the conventional slider-crank mechanism in air pumps and four-stroke engines. Comprehensive Newtonian dynamics has been derived for the both mechanisms. First the slidercrank and the cardan gear machines have been studied as lossless systems. Then the friction losses have been added to the calculations. The calculation results show that the cardan gear machines can be more efficient than the slider-crank machines. The smooth running, low mass inertia, high pressures and small frictional power losses make the cardan gear machines clearly better than the slider-crank machines. The dynamic tooth loads of the original cardan gear construction do not rise very high when the tooth clearances are kept tight. On the other hand the half-size crank length causes high bearing forces in the cardan gear machines. The friction losses of the cardan gear machines are generally quite small. The mechanical efficiencies are much higher in the cardan gear machines than in the slider-crank machines in normal use. Crankshaft torques and power needs are smaller in the cardan gear air pumps than in the equal slider-crank air pumps. The mean crankshaft torque and the mean output power are higher in the cardan gear four-stroke engines than in the slider-crank four-stroke engines in normal use. The cardan gear mechanism is at its best, when we want to build a pump or an engine with a long connecting rod (≈ 5⋅crank length) and a thin piston (≈ 1.5⋅crank length) rotating at high angular velocity and intermittently high angular acceleration. The cardan gear machines can be designed also as slide constructions without gears. Suitable applications of the cardan gear machines are three-cylinder half-radial engines for motorcycles, sixcylinder radial engines for airplanes and six-cylinder double half-radial engines for sport cars. The applied equations of Newtonian dynamics, comparative calculations, calculation results (tables, curves and surface plots) and recommendations presented in this study hold novelty value and are unpublished before. They have been made and written by the author first time in this study.


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Venäjän automarkkinoiden uskotaan kasvavan muutaman vuoden sisällä Euroopan suurimmiksi. Keskeisin syy automarkkinoiden nopeaan kasvuun on ollut venäläisten elintason ja tätä kautta ostovoiman kasvaminen. Autoluototuksen kehittyminen on myös kiihdyttänyt automarkkinoiden kehitystä. Venäjän automarkkinat jakautuvat neljään osaan: Uusiin venäläisiin merkkeihin, uusiin ulkomaisten merkkien Venäjällä valmistettuihin autoihin, uusiin tuontiautoihin sekä käytettyihin tuontiautoihin. Työssä keskitytään uusien autojen markkinoihin sekä autonvalmistajiin näiden markkinoiden toimijoina. Venäjän Neuvostoliitolta peritty autoteollisuus ei ole pystynyt täyttämään asiakkaiden kovenevia laatuvaatimuksia ja ulkomaiset automerkit ovatkin saaneet Venäjällä erittäin vahvan jalansijan. Venäjä on kaivannut ulkomaisia investointeja ja on suorastaan houkutellut ulkomaisia autonvalmistajia maahan. Ulkomaiset valmistajat ovat kuitenkin menestyksen lisäksi joutuneet kohtaamaan Venäjällä toimiessaan monenlaisia haasteita. Laatukriteerit täyttävien alihankkijoiden löytäminen on ollut vaikeaa ja joissain autoteollisuuden keskittymissä alkaa olla jo työvoimapulaa. Jatkuva inflaatio asettaa teollisuudelle palkankorotuspaineita. Venäjän automarkkinat ovat kuitenkin suuret ja houkuttelevat ja tulevat kasvamaan haasteista huolimatta vielä tulevina vuosinakin.


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Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering is the powerful method of laser spectroscopy in which significant successes are achieved. However, the non-linear nature of CARS complicates the analysis of the received spectra. The objective of this Thesis is to develop a new phase retrieval algorithm for CARS. It utilizes the maximum entropy method and the new wavelet approach for spectroscopic background correction of a phase function. The method was developed to be easily automated and used on a large number of spectra of different substances.. The algorithm was successfully tested on experimental data.


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Cette recherche porte sur les roms (vlach) qui séjournent périodiquement en Suisse italienne, en camping-cars ou en caravanes, pratiquant un semi- nomadisme lié à des motivations principalement économiques, mais également familiales et religieuses. Elle poursuit simultanément deux objectifs. Le premier est lié à un souci de médiation culturelle, qui rejoint les réflexions sur la façon de gérer au mieux les conflits entre les diverses composantes du vivre ensemble. Le second vise à approfondir la connaissance des populations roms concernées (lovara, éurara ou kalderasa, de nationalités italienne, française et espagnole). Les deux objectifs sont évidemment reliés, car comprendre les dynamiques conflictuelles exige la connaissance approfondie des acteurs en interaction. Les relations entre résidents tessinois et roms ont évolué dans le temps, avec des oscillations entre le pôle du refus et celui de l'attraction, entre rejet et reconnaissance, méfiance et confiance. Ces variations historiques renvoient à un fondement commun, à une dynamique des oppositions réciproques. L'analyse anthropologique a fait apparaître le rôle ambivalent du conflit dans la production et la reproduction de la relation d'altérité. L'exclusion des roms fournit à certaines tendances politiques locales l'occasion d'apparaître comme les protecteurs des résidents contre les étrangers ; inversement, l'opposition des roms aux gaiés leur permet de resserrer leur communauté et de prévenir l'assimilation. La médiation culturelle peut espérer gérer cette dynamique relationnelle, certainement pas la faire disparaître. Le modèle intégratif traditionnel de l'État- nation se révèle trop étroit pour accueillir la culture rom. Casser la résistance des roms envers le travail salarié et envers la scolarisation obligatoire, entraver leur semi-nomadisme (qui incite aussi leurs rencontres familiales et religieuses), refuser de reconnaître leur organe de justice interne et leur langue, tout cela ne ferait que concourir à leur disparition culturelle. Les roms sont conscients de ces possibilités, raison pour laquelle ils maintiennent une ambivalence relationnelle avec les ga£és, quitte à apparaître comme des « tsiganes indésirables ». Abstract : This research focuses on the Roma people (Vlach) who periodically stay in Italian Switzerland in caravans or camper vans, practising a semi-nomadic lifestyle - a choice based mainly on economic imperatives but also on familial and religious grounds. This study will address two objectives at the same time. The first involves cultural mediation, and considers the best way to manage the existing conflicts between the cultural components of the social environment. The second aims to increase knowledge of the Roma populations under examination - the Italian, French and Spanish Lovara, Éurara or Kalderasa. The two objectives are clearly linked, as a deeper understanding of the people involved is vital if we are to increase understanding of the dynamics of confrontation. The relationships between the residents of the Ticino area and the Roma people have evolved over time, oscillating in varying degrees between rejection and attraction, confrontation and recognition, suspicion and trust. These variations spring from a common base, a dynamic shaped by mutual opposition. The anthropological analysis highlights the ambivalent role of conflict in the production and reproduction of relations of otherness. Excluding the Roma has given some local politicians the opportunity to position themselves as protectors of residents against foreigners. Inversely, the Roma people's opposition to the Gazé strengthens links within their community and prevents assimilation. Cultural mediation may aspire to manage this relational dynamic, but not abolish it. The traditional integrative model of the nation-state has shown itself to be too restrictive to accommodate the Romani culture. Rejecting the Roma's resistance to salaried work and obligatory schooling, obstructing their semi-nomadic lifestyle (one that also involves family and religious assemblies) and refusing to recognise their traditional courts and mother tongue, all that can only contribute to the dilution of their cultural heritage. The Roma are fully aware of these possibilities, which is why they retain a relational ambivalence in their dealings with the Gazé, at the cost of appearing to be "undesirable gypsies".


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The number of digital images has been increasing exponentially in the last few years. People have problems managing their image collections and finding a specific image. An automatic image categorization system could help them to manage images and find specific images. In this thesis, an unsupervised visual object categorization system was implemented to categorize a set of unknown images. The system is unsupervised, and hence, it does not need known images to train the system which needs to be manually obtained. Therefore, the number of possible categories and images can be huge. The system implemented in the thesis extracts local features from the images. These local features are used to build a codebook. The local features and the codebook are then used to generate a feature vector for an image. Images are categorized based on the feature vectors. The system is able to categorize any given set of images based on the visual appearance of the images. Images that have similar image regions are grouped together in the same category. Thus, for example, images which contain cars are assigned to the same cluster. The unsupervised visual object categorization system can be used in many situations, e.g., in an Internet search engine. The system can categorize images for a user, and the user can then easily find a specific type of image.


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The Gulf of Finland is said to be one of the densest operated sea areas in the world. It is a shallow and economically vulnerable sea area with dense passenger and cargo traffic of which petroleum transports have a share of over 50 %. The winter conditions add to the risks of maritime traffic in the Gulf of Finland. It is widely believed that the growth of maritime transportation will continue also in the future. The Gulf of Finland is surrounded by three very different national economies with, different maritime transportation structures. Finland is a country of high GDP/per capita with a diversified economic structure. The number of ports is large and the maritime transportation consists of many types of cargoes: raw materials, industrial products, consumer goods, coal and petroleum products, and the Russian transit traffic of e.g. new cars and consumer goods. Russia is a large country with huge growth potential; in recent years, the expansion of petroleum exports has lead to a strong economic growth, which is also apparent in the growth of maritime transports. Russia has been expanding its port activities in the Gulf of Finland and it is officially aiming to transport its own imports and exports through the Russian ports in the future; now they are being transported to great extend through the Finnish, Estonian and other Baltic ports. Russia has five ports in the Gulf of Finland. Estonia has also experienced fast economic growth, but the growth has been slowing down already during the past couples of years. The size of its economy is small compared to Russia, which means the transported tonnes cannot be very massive. However, relatively large amounts of the Russian petroleum exports have been transported through the Estonian ports. The future of the Russian transit traffic in Estonia looks nevertheless uncertain and it remains to be seen how it will develop and if Estonia is able to find replacing cargoes if the Russian transit traffic will come to an end in the Estonian ports. Estonia’s own import and export consists of forestry products, metals or other raw materials and consumer goods. Estonia has many ports on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, but the port of Tallinn dominates the cargo volumes. In 2007, 263 M tonnes of cargoes were transported in the maritime traffic in the Gulf of Finland, of which the share of petroleum products was 56 %. 23 % of the cargoes were loaded or unloaded in the Finnish ports, 60 % in the Russian ports and 17 % in the Estonian ports. The largest ports were Primorsk (74.2 M tonnes) St. Petersburg (59.5 M tonnes), Tallinn (35.9 M tonnes), Sköldvik (19.8 M tonnes), Vysotsk (16.5 M tonnes) and Helsinki (13.4 M) tonnes. Approximately 53 600 ship calls were made in the ports of the Gulf of Finland. The densest traffic was found in the ports of St. Petersburg (14 651 ship calls), Helsinki (11 727 ship calls) and Tallinn (10 614 ship calls) in 2007. The transportation scenarios are usually based on the assumption that the amount of transports follows the development of the economy, although also other factors influence the development of transportation, e.g. government policy, environmental aspects, and social and behavioural trends. The relationship between the development of transportation and the economy is usually analyzed in terms of the development of GDP and trade. When the GDP grows to a certain level, especially the international transports increase because countries of high GDP produce, consume and thus transport more. An effective transportation system is also a precondition for the economic development. In this study, the following factors were taken into consideration when formulating the future scenarios: maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland 2007, economic development, development of key industries, development of infrastructure and environmental aspects in relation to maritime transportation. The basic starting points for the three alternative scenarios were: • the slow growth scenario: economic recession • the average growth scenario: economy will recover quickly from current instability • the strong growth scenario: the most optimistic views on development will realize According to the slow growth scenario, the total tonnes for the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland would be 322.4 M tonnes in 2015, which would mean a growth of 23 % compared to 2007. In the average growth scenario, the total tonnes were estimated to be 431.6 M tonnes – a growth of 64 %, and in the strong growth scenario 507.2 M tonnes – a growth of 93%. These tonnes were further divided into petroleum products and other cargoes by country, into export, import and domestic traffic by country, and between the ports. For petroleum products, the share of crude oil and oil products was estimated and the number of tanker calls in 2015 was calculated for each scenario. However, the future development of maritime transportation in the GoF is dependent on so many societal and economic variables that it is not realistic to predict one exact point estimate value for the cargo tonnes for a certain scenario. Plenty of uncertainty is related both to the degree in which the scenario will come true as well as to the cause-effect relations between the different variables. For these reasons, probability distributions for each scenario were formulated by an expert group. As a result, a range for the total tonnes of each scenario was formulated and they are as follows: the slow growth scenario: 280.8 – 363 M tonnes (expectation value 322.4 M tonnes)

  • the average growth scenario: 404.1 – 465.1 M tonnes (expectation value 431.6 M tonnes)
  • the strong growth scenario: 445.4 – 575.4 M tonnes (expectation value 507.2 M tonnes) Three alternatives scenarios were evaluated to realize most likely with the following probability distribution:
  • the slow growth scenario: 35 %
  • the average growth scenario: 50 %
  • the strong growth scenario: 15 %. In other words, expert group evaluated the average growth scenario to be the most likely to realize, second likely was the slow growth scenario, and the strong growth scenario was evaluated to be the most unlikely to realize. In sum, it can be stated that the development of maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland is dominated by the development of Russia, because Russia dominates the cargo volumes. Maritime transportation in Finland is expected to be more stable and, in any case, such a growth potential cannot be seen in Finland. The development of maritime transportation in Estonia is rather challenging to forecast at the moment but, on the other hand, the transported tonnes in the Estonian ports are relatively small. The shares of export and import of the maritime transportation are not expected to change radically in the reference period. Petroleum products will dominate the transports also in the future and the share of oil products will probably increase compared to the share of crude oil. In regard to the other cargoes, the transports of raw materials and bulk goods will probably be replaced to some extend by cargoes of high-value, which adds especially to the container transports. But in overall, substantial changes are not expected in the commodity groups transported by sea. The growth potential of the ports concentrates on the Russian ports, especially Primorsk and Ust-Luga, if investments will come true as planned. It is likely that the larger ports do better in the competition than the small ones due to the economies of scale and to the concentration of cargo flows. The average ship sizes will probably grow, but the growth potential is rather limited because of geographical conditions and of the maritime transportation structure in the Gulf of Finland. Climate change and other environmental aspects are becoming more central e.g. in transportation politics. These issues can affect the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland through, for instance, strict environmental requirements concerning the emissions from shipping, or the port investments. If environmental requirements raise costs, it can affect the demand of transportation. In the near future, the development of the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland is mainly dependent on the current economic instability. If it will lead to a longer lasting recession, the growth of the transported tonnes will slow down. But if the instability does not last long, it can be expected that the economic growth will continue and along with it also the growth of transported tonnes.

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    During the last few years, the discussion on the marginal social costs of transportation has been active. Applying the externalities as a tool to control transport would fulfil the polluter pays principle and simultaneously create a fair control method between the transport modes. This report presents the results of two calculation algorithms developed to estimate the marginal social costs based on the externalities of air pollution. The first algorithm calculates the future scenarios of sea transport traffic externalities until 2015 in the Gulf of Finland. The second algorithm calculates the externalities of Russian passenger car transit traffic via Finland by taking into account both sea and road transport. The algorithm estimates the ship-originated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), particulates (PM) and the externalities for each year from 2007 to 2015. The total NOx emissions in the Gulf of Finland from the six ship types were almost 75.7 kilotons (Table 5.2) in 2007. The ship types are: passenger (including cruisers and ROPAX vessels), tanker, general cargo, Ro-Ro, container and bulk vessels. Due to the increase of traffic, the estimation for NOx emissions for 2015 is 112 kilotons. The NOx emission estimation for the whole Baltic Sea shipping is 370 kilotons in 2006 (Stipa & al, 2007). The total marginal social costs due to ship-originated CO2, NOx, SOx and PM emissions in the GOF were calculated to almost 175 million Euros in 2007. The costs will increase to nearly 214 million Euros in 2015 due to the traffic growth. The major part of the externalities is due to CO2 emissions. If we neglect the CO2 emissions by extracting the CO2 externalities from the results, we get the total externalities of 57 million Euros in 2007. After eight years (2015), the externalities would be 28 % lower, 41 million Euros (Table 8.1). This is the result of the sulphur emissions reducing regulation of marine fuels. The majority of the new car transit goes through Finland to Russia due to the lack of port capacity in Russia. The amount of cars was 339 620 vehicles (Statistics of Finnish Customs 2008) in 2005. The externalities are calculated for the transportation of passenger vehicles as follows: by ship to a Finnish port and, after that, by trucks to the Russian border checkpoint. The externalities are between 2 – 3 million Euros (year 2000 cost level) for each route. The ports included in the calculations are Hamina, Hanko, Kotka and Turku. With the Euro-3 standard trucks, the port of Hanko would be the best choice to transport the vehicles. This is because of lower emissions by new trucks and the saved transport distance of a ship. If the trucks are more polluting Euro 1 level trucks, the port of Kotka would be the best choice. This indicates that the truck emissions have a considerable effect on the externalities and that the transportation of light cargo, such as passenger cars by ship, produces considerably high emission externalities. The emission externalities approach offers a new insight for valuing the multiple traffic modes. However, the calculation of the marginal social costs based on the air emission externalities should not be regarded as a ready-made calculation system. The system is clearly in the need of some improvement but it can already be considered as a potential tool for political decision making.


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    Tässä kandidaatintyössä on käsitelty akkuja ja vetypolttokennoja sähköauton voimanlähteenä. Työssä on esitelty sähköautojen ja niiden voimanlähteiden teknologioiden periaatteita, energiankantajia, hyötysuhteita ja päästöjä. Lisäksi on tarkasteltu polttomoottorikäyttöisiä autotekniikoita vertailukohdan saamiseksi. Työn lopuksi on analysoitu sähköautojen markkinoita ja niiden yleistymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Sähköautot mahdollistavat vaihtoehtoisten energialähteiden käytön, joka antaa tilaisuuden saasteiden ja päästöjen keskitettyyn vähentämiseen ja talteenottoon. Niiden avulla päästään myös pois öljyriippuvuudesta ja paikallisesti aiheutuneista päästöistä. Nykyisten polttoaineiden helpon käsiteltävyyden, kohtuullisien energiatiheyksien ja laajojen infrastruktuurien vuoksi käytössä olevien tekniikoiden syrjäyttäminen on vaikeaa. Uusien tekniikoiden etuja ja haittoja voidaan tarkastella yksinkertaisilla metodeilla, kuten kustannusten, hyötysuhteiden, päästöjen ja polttoaineiden elinkaarien vertailulla. Vertailua vaikeuttaa tosin hintatasojen ja verotuksen eroavaisuudet eri maissa, ja se on siksi suoritettava osin maakohtaisesti. Suurimpia esteitä uusille tekniikoille ovat tällä hetkellä niiden tuomat lisäkustannukset, infrastruktuurien puuttuminen ja nykyisten polttoaineiden korvaaminen toisella.


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    Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is rapidly developing into a unique microscopic tool in biophysics, biology and the material sciences. The nonlinear nature of CARS spectroscopy complicates the analysis of the received spectra. There were developed mathematical methods for signal processing and for calculations spectra. Fourier self-deconvolution is a special high pass FFT filter which synthetically narrows the effective trace bandwidth features. As Fourier self-deconvolution can effectively reduce the noise, which may be at a higher spatial frequency than the peaks, without losing peak resolution. The idea of the work is to experiment the possibility of using wavelet decomposition in spectroscopic for background and noise removal, and Fourier transformation for linenarrowing.


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    Russia has been one of the fastest developing economic areas in the world. Based on the GDP, the Russian economy grew evenly since the crisis in 1998 up till 2008. The growth in the gross domestic product has annually been some 5–10%. In 2007, the growth reached 8.1%, which is the highest figure after the 10% growth in 2000. Due to the growth of the economy and wage levels, purchasing power and consumption have been strongly increasing. The growing consumption has especially increased the imports of durables, such as passenger cars, domestic appliances and electronics. The Russian ports and infrastructure have not been able to satisfy the growing needs of exports and imports, which is why quite a large share of Russian foreign trade is going through third countries as transit transports. Finnish ports play a major role in transit transports to and from Russia. About 15% of the total value of Russian imports was transported through Finland in 2008. The economic recession that started in autumn 2008 and continues to date has had an impact on the economic development of Russia. The export income has decreased, mainly due to the reduced world market prices of energy products (oil and gas) and raw minerals. Investments have been postponed, getting credit is more difficult than before, and the ruble has weakened in relation to the euro and the dollar. The imports are decreasing remarkably, and are not forecast to reach the 2008 volumes even in 2012. The economic crisis is reflected in Finland's transit traffic. The volume of goods transported through Finland to and from Russia has decreased almost in the same proportion as the imports of goods to Russia. The biggest risk threatening the development of the Russian economy over long term is its dependence on export income from oil, gas, metals, minerals and forest products, as well as the trends of the world market prices of these products. Nevertheless, it is expected that the GDP of Russia will start to grow again in the forthcoming years due to the increased demand for energy products and raw minerals in the world. At the same time, it is obvious that the world market prices of these products will go up with the increasing demand. The increased income from exports will lead to a growth of imports, especially those of consumer goods, as the living standard of Russian citizens rises. The forecasts produced by the Russian Government concerning the economic development of Russia up till 2030 also indicate a shift in exported goods from raw materials to processed products, which together with energy products will become the main export goods of Russia. As a consequence, Russia may need export routes through third countries, which can be seen as an opportunity for increased transit transports through the ports of Finland. The ports competing with the ports of Finland for Russian foreign trade traffic are the Russian Baltic Sea ports and the ports of the Baltic countries. The strongest competitors are the Baltic Sea ports handling containers. On the Russian Baltic Sea, these ports include Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad and, in the near future, the ports of Ust-Luga and possibly Vyborg. There are plans to develop Ust-Luga and Vyborg as modern container ports, which would become serious competitors to the Finnish ports. Russia is aiming to redirect as large a share as possible of foreign trade traffic to its own ports. The ports of Russia and the infrastructure associated with them are under constant development. On the other hand, the logistic capacity of Russia is not able to satisfy the continually growing needs of the Russian foreign trade. The capacity problem is emphasized by a structural incompatibility between the exports and imports in the Russian foreign trade. Russian exports can only use a small part of the containers brought in with imports. Problems are also caused by the difficult ice conditions and narrow waterways leading to the ports. It is predicted that Finland will maintain its position as a transit route for the Russian foreign trade, at least in the near future. The Russian foreign trade is increasing, and Russia will not be able to develop its ports in proportion with the increasing foreign trade. With the development of port capacity, cargo flows through the ports of Russia will grow. Structural changes in transit traffic are already visible. Firms are more and more relocating their production to Russia, for example as regards the assembly of cars and warehousing services. Simultaneously, an increasing part of transit cargoes are sent directly to Russia without unloading and reloading in Finland. New product groups have nevertheless been transported through Finland (textile products and tools), replacing the lost cargos. The global recession that started in autumn 2008 has influenced the volume of Russian imports and, consequently, the transit volumes of Finland, but the recession is not expected to be of long duration, and will thus only have a short-term impact on transit volumes. The Finnish infrastructure and services offered by the logistic chain should also be ready to react to the changes in imported product groups as well as to the change in Russian export products in the future. If the development plans of the Russian economy are realized, export products will be more refined, and the share of energy and raw material products will decrease. The other notable factor to be taken into consideration is the extremely fast-changing business environment in Russia. Operators in the logistic chain should be flexible enough to adapt to all kinds of changes to capitalise on business opportunities offered by the Russian foreign trade for the companies and for the transit volumes of Finnish ports, also in the future.


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