972 resultados para "Toll-like receptors"
Cytokines have a fundamental role in orchestrating innate immune responses to bacterial infections. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is now shown to protect from sepsis by promoting neutrophil influx into the focus of infection
Activation of dendritic cells (DC) by microbial products via Toll-like receptors (TLR) is instrumental in the induction of immunity. In particular, TLR signaling plays a major role in the instruction of Th1 responses. The development of Th2 responses has been proposed to be independent of the adapter molecule myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) involved in signal transduction by TLRs. In this study we show that flagellin, the bacterial stimulus for TLR5, drives MyD88-dependent Th2-type immunity in mice. Flagellin promotes the secretion of IL-4 and IL-13 by Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells as well as IgG1 responses. The Th2-biased responses are associated with the maturation of DCs, which are shown to express TLR5. Flagellin-mediated DC activation requires MyD88 and induces NF-kappaB-dependent transcription and the production of low levels of proinflammatory cytokines. In addition, the flagellin-specific response is characterized by the lack of secretion of the Th1-promoting cytokine IL-12 p70. In conclusion, this study suggests that flagellin and, more generally, TLR ligands can control Th2 responses in a MyD88-dependent manner.
In vitro, Toll-like receptors (TLR)2, 4 and 9 as well as NOD-like receptor 2 critically determine macrophage responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. However, in low-dose experimental murine tuberculosis, single or multiple deficiencies in TLRs 2, 4, 9 or NOD2 have little, if any, impact on early mycobacterial growth containment, granuloma formation and survival. Here, we analyzed the relevance of NALP3, one component of the danger-signaling inflammasome, for (i) Mtb-induced cytokine secretion in vitro and in vivo, (ii) restriction of Mtb replication in infected organs and (iii) granuloma formation. In the absence of functional NALP3, there was no IL-1beta and IL-18 production in Mtb-infected dendritic cells and macrophages in vitro, whereas secretion of IL-1alpha, IL-12p40 and TNF remained unaffected. After three weeks of infection, NALP3-deficient as well as IL-18-deficient mice were as capable as wildtype mice of restricting Mtb loads at a plateau level within well-differentiated granulomas. In conclusion, despite its involvement in cytokine processing, NALP3 is not essential for induction of protective immunity to Mtb.
The recognition of microbial pathogens based on their molecular patterns is essential for host defense. Recently, Toll-like receptors have been shown not only to recognize viruses as well as bacteria and fungi, but also to trigger an efficient immune response. A recent publication proposed that the retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus exploits the pattern-recognition receptor Toll-like receptor 4 to achieve more efficient infection.
Sepsis is among the leading causes of death worldwide and its incidence is increasing. Defined as the host response to infection, sepsis is a clinical syndrome considered to be the expression of a dysregulated immune reaction induced by danger signals that may lead to organ failure and death. Remarkable progresses have been made in our understanding of the molecular basis of host defenses in recent years. The host defense response is initiated by innate immune sensors of danger signals designated under the collective name of pattern-recognition receptors. Members of the family of microbial sensors include the complement system, the Toll-like receptors, the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domainlike receptors, the RIG-I-like helicases and the C-type lectin receptors. Ligand-activated pattern-recognition receptors kick off a cascade of intracellular events resulting in the expression of co-stimulatory molecules and release of effector molecules playing a fundamental role in the initiation of the innate and adaptive immune responses. Fine tuning of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory reactions is critical for keeping the innate immune response in check. Overwhelming or dysregulated responses induced by infectious stimuli may have dramatic consequences for the host as shown by the profound derangements observed in sepsis. Unfortunately, translational research approaches aimed at the development of therapies targeting newly identified innate immune pathways have not held their promises. Indeed, all recent clinical investigations of adjunctive anti-sepsis treatments had little, if any, impact on morbidity and all-cause mortality of sepsis. Dissecting the mechanisms underlying the transition from infection to sepsis is essential for solving the sepsis enigma. Important components of the puzzle have already been identified, but the hunt must go on in the laboratory and at the bedside.
The discovery of innate immune genes, such as those encoding Toll-like receptors (TLRs), nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain-like receptors (NLRs), and related signal-transducing molecules, has led to a substantial improvement of our understanding of innate immunity. Recent immunogenetic studies have associated polymorphisms of the genes encoding TLRs, NLRs, and key signal-transducing molecules, such as interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4), with increased susceptibility to, or outcome of, infectious diseases. With the availability of high-throughput genotyping techniques, it is becoming increasingly evident that analyses of genetic polymorphisms of innate immune genes will further improve our knowledge of the host antimicrobial defence response and help in identifying individuals who are at increased risk of life-threatening infections. This is likely to open new perspectives for the development of diagnostic, predictive, and preventive management strategies to combat infectious diseases.
Résumé : Les vertébrés ont recours au système immunitaire inné et adaptatif pour combattre les pathogènes. La découverte des récepteurs Toll, il y a dix ans, a fortement augmenté l'intérêt porté à l'immunité innée. Depuis lors, des récepteurs intracellulaires tels que les membres de la famille RIG-like helicase (RLHs) et NOD-like receptor (NLRs) ont été décrits pour leur rôle dans la détection des pathogènes. L'interleukine-1 beta (IL-1β) est une cytokine pro-inflammatoire qui est synthétisée sous forme de précurseur, la proIL-1β. La proIL-1β requiert d'être clivée par la caspase-1 pour devenir active. La caspase-1 est elle-même activée par un complexe appelé inflammasome qui peut être formé par divers membres de la famille NLR. Plusieurs inflammasomes ont été décrits tels que le NALP3 inflammasome ou l'IPAF inflammasome. Dans cette étude nous avons identifié la co-chaperone SGT1 et la chaperone HSP90 comme partenaires d'interaction de NALP3. Ces deux protéines sont bien connues chez les plantes pour leurs rôles dans la régulation des gènes de résistance (gène R) qui sont structurellement apparentés à la famille NLR. Nous avons pu montrer que SGT1 et HSP90 jouent un rôle similaire dans la régulation de NALP3 et des protéines R. En effet, nous avons démontré que les deux protéines sont nécessaires pour l'activité du NALP3 inflammasome. De plus, la HSP90 est également requise pour la stabilité de NALP3. En se basant sur ces observations, nous avons proposé un modèle dans lequel SGT1 et HSP90 maintiennent NALP3 inactif mais prêt à percevoir un ligand activateur qui initierait la cascade inflammatoire. Nous avons également montré une interaction entre SGT1 et HSP90 avec plusieurs NLRs. Cette observation suggère qu'un mécanisme similaire pourrait être impliqué dans la régulation des membres de la famille des NLRs. Ces dernières années, plusieurs PAMPs mais également des DAMPs ont été identifiés comme activateurs du NALP3 inflammasome. Dans la seconde partie de cette étude, nous avons identifié la réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) comme nouvel activateur du NALP3 inflammasome. Cette réponse est initiée lors de l'accumulation dans le réticulum endoplasmique de protéines ayant une mauvaise conformation ce qui conduit, en autre, à l'arrêt de la synthèse de nouvelles protéines ainsi qu'une augmentation de la dégradation des protéines. Les mécanismes par lesquels la réponse du réticulum endoplasmique induit l'activation du NALP3 inflammasome doivent encore être déterminés. Summary : Vertebrates rely on the adaptive and the innate immune systems to fight pathogens. Awarness of the importance of the innate system increased with the identification of Toll-like receptors a decade ago. Since then, intracellular receptors such as the RIG-like helicase (RLH) and the NOD-like receptor (NLR) families have been described for their role in the recognition of microbes. Interleukin- 1ß (IL-1ß) is a key mediator of inflammation. This proinflammatory cytokine is synthesised as an inactive precursor that requires processing by caspase-1 to become active. Caspase-1 is, itself, activated in a complex termed the inflammasome that can be formed by members of the NLR family. Various inflammasome complexes have been described such as the IPAF and the NALP3 inflammasome. In this study, we have identified the co-chaperone SGT1 and the chaperone HSP90 as interacting partners of NALP3. SGT1 and HSP90 are both known for their role in the activity of plant resistance proteins (R proteins) which are structurally related to the NLR family. We have shown that HSP90 and SGT1 play a similar role in the regulation of NALP3 and in the regulation of plant R proteins. Indeed, we demonstrated that both HSP90 and SGT1 are essential for the activity of the NALP3 inflammasome complex. In addition, HSP90 is required for the stability of NALP3. Based on these observations, we have proposed a model in which SGT1 and HSP90 maintain NALP3 in an inactive but signaling-competent state, ready to receive an activating ligand that induces the inflammatory cascade. An interaction between several NLR members, SGTI and HSP90 was also shown, suggesting that similar mechanisms could be involved in the regulation of other NLRs. Several pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) but also danger associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) have been identified as NALP3 activators. In the second part of this study, we have identified the ER stress response as a new NALP3 activator. The ER stress response is activated upon the accumulation of unfolded protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and results in a block in protein synthesis and increased protein degradation. The mechanisms of ER stress-mediated NALP3 activation remain to be determined.
Résumé Les agents pathogènes responsables d'infection entraînent chez l'hôte deux types de réponses immunes, la première, non spécifique, dite immunité innée, la seconde, spécifique à l'agent concerné, dite immunité adaptative. L'immunité innée, qui représente la première ligne de défense contre les pathogènes, est liée à la reconnaissance par les cellules de l'hôte de structures moléculaires propres aux micro-organismes (« Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns », PAMPs), grâce à des récepteurs membranaires et cytoplasmiques (« Pattern Recognition Receptors », PRRs) identifiant de manière spécifique ces motifs moléculaires. Les récepteurs membranaires impliqués dans ce processus sont dénommés toll-like récepteurs, ou TLRS. Lorsqu'ils sont activés par leur ligand spécifique, ces récepteurs activent des voies de signalisation intracellulaires initiant la réponse inflammatoire non spécifique et visant à éradiquer l'agent pathogène. Les deux voies de signalisation impliquées dans ce processus sont la voie des « Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases » (MAPKs) et celle du « Nuclear Factor kappaB » (NF-κB), dont l'activation entraîne in fine l'expression de protéines de l'inflammation dénommées cytokines, ainsi que certaines enzymes produisant divers autres médiateurs inflammatoires. Dans certaines situations, cette réponse immune peut être amplifiée de manière inadéquate, entraînant chez l'hôte une réaction inflammatoire systémique exagérée, appelée sepsis. Le sepsis peut se compliquer de dysfonctions d'organes multiples (sepsis sévère), et dans sa forme la plus grave, d'un collapsus cardiovasculaire, définissant le choc septique. La défaillance circulatoire du choc septique touche les vaisseaux sanguins d'une part, le coeur d'autre part, réalisant un tableau de «dysfonction cardiaque septique », dont on connaît mal les mécanismes pathogéniques. Les bactéries à Gram négatif peuvent déclencher de tels phénomènes, notamment en libérant de l'endotoxine, qui active les voies de l'immunité innée par son interaction avec un toll récepteur, le TLR4. Outre l'endotoxine, la plupart des bactéries à Gram négatif relâchent également dans leur environnement une protéine, la flagelline, qui est le constituant majeur du flagelle bactérien, organelle assurant la mobilité de ces micro-organismes. Des données récentes ont indiqué que la flagelline active, dans certaines cellules, les voies de l'immunité innée en se liant au récepteur TLRS. On ne connaît toutefois pas les conséquences de l'interaction flagelline-TLRS sur le développement de l'inflammation et des dysfonctions d'organes au cours du sepsis. Nous avons par conséquent élaboré le présent travail en formulant l'hypothèse que la flagelline pourrait déclencher une telle inflammation et représenter ainsi un médiateur potentiel de la dysfonction d'organes au cours du sepsis à Gram négatif, en nous intéressant plus particulièrement àl'inflammation et à la dysfonction cardiaque. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié les effets de la flagelline sur l'activation du NF-κB et des MAPKs, et sur l'expression de cytokines inflammatoires au niveau du myocarde in vitro (cardiomyocytes en culture) et in vivo (injection de flagelline recombinante à des souris). Nous avons observé tout d'abord que le récepteur TLRS est fortement exprimé au niveau du myocarde. Nous avons ensuite démontré que la flagelline active la voie du NF-κB et des MAP kinases (p38 et JNK), stimule la production de cytokines et de chemokines inflammatoires in vitro et in vivo, et entraîne l'activation de polynucléaires neutrophiles dans le tissu cardiaque in vivo. Finalement, au plan fonctionnel, nous avons pu montrer que la flagelline entraîne une dilatation et une réduction aiguë de la contractilité du ventricule gauche chez la souris, reproduisant les caractéristiques de la dysfonction cardiaque septique. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons déterminé la distribution du récepteur TLRS dans les autres organes majeurs de la souris (poumon, foie, intestin et rein}, et avons caractérisé dans ces organes l'effet de la flagelline sur l'activation du NF-κB et des MAPKs, l'expression de cytokines, et l'induction de l'apoptose. Nous avons démontré que le TLRS est exprimé de façon constitutive dans ces organes, et que l'injection de flagelline y déclenche les cascades de l'immunité innée et de processus apoptotiques. Finalement, nous avons également déterminé que la flagelline entraîne une augmentation significative de multiples cytokines dans le plasma une à six heures après son injection. En résumé, nos données démontrent que la flagelline bactérienne (a) entraîne une inflammation et une dysfonction importantes du myocarde et (b) active de manière très significative les mécanismes d'immunité innée dans les principaux organes et entraîne une réponse inflammatoire systémique. Par conséquent, la flagelline peut représenter un médiateur puissant de l'inflammation et de la dysfonction d'organes, notamment du coeur, au cours du choc septique déclenché par les bactéries à Gram négatif. Summary Pathogenic microorganisms trigger two kinds of immune responses in the host. The first one is immediate and non-specific and is termed innate immunity, whereas the second one, specifically targeted at the invading agent, is termed adaptative immunity. Innate immunity, which represents the first line of defense against invading pathogens, confers the host the ability to recognize molecular structures common to many microbial pathogens, ("Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns", PAMPs), through cytosolic or membrane-associated receptors ("Pattern Recognition Receptors", PRRs), the latter being represented by a family of receptors termed "toll-like receptors or TLRs". Once activated by the binding of their specific ligand, these receptors activate intracellular signaling pathways, which initiate the non-specific inflammatory response aimed at eradicating the pathogens. The two pathways implicated in this process are the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signaling pathways, whose activation elicit in fine the expression of inflammatory proteins termed cytokines, as well as various enzymes producing a wealth of additional inflammatory mediators. In some circumstances, the innate immune response can become amplified and dysregulated, triggering an overwhelming systemic inflammatory response in the host, identified as sepsis. Sepsis can be associated with multiple organ dysfunction (severe sepsis), and in its most severe form, with cardiovascular collapse, defming septic shock. The cardiovascular failure associated with septic shock affects blood vessels as well as the heart, resulting in a particular form of acute heart failure termed "septic cardiac dysfunction ", whose pathogenic mechanisms remain partly undefined. Gram-negative bacteria can initiate such phenomena, notably by releasing lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which activates innate immune signaling by interacting with its specific toll receptor, the TLR4. Besides LPS, most Gram-negative bacteria also release flagellin into their environment, which is the main structural protein of the bacterial flagellum, an appendage extending from the outer bacterial membrane, responsible for the motility of the microorganism. Recent data indicated that flagellin activate immune responses upon binding to its receptor, TLRS, in various cell types. However, the role of flagellin/TLRS interaction in the development of inflammation and organ dysfunction during sepsis is not known. Therefore, we designed the present work to address the hypothesis that flagellin might trigger such inflammatory responses and thus represent a potential mediator of organ dysfunction during Gram-negative sepsis, with a particular emphasis on cardiac inflammation and contractile dysfunction. In the first part of this work, we investigated the effects of flagellin on NF-κB and MAPK activation and the generation of pro-inflammatory mediators within the heart in vitro (cultured cardiomyocytes) and in vivo (injection of recombinant flagellin into mice). We first observed that TLRS protein is strongly expressed by the myocardium. We then demonstrated that flagellin activates NF-κB and MAP kinases (p38 and JNK), upregulates the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in vitro and in vivo, and stimulates the activation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils within the heart in vivo. Finally, we demonstrated that flagellin triggers acute cardiac dilation, and a significant reduction of left ventricular contractility, mimicking characteristics of clinical septic cardiac dysfunction. In the second part, we determined the TLRS distribution in other mice major organs (lung, liver, gut and kidney) and we characterized in these organs the effects of flagellin on NF-κB and MAPK activation, on the expression of pro-inflammatory çytokines, and on the induction of apoptosis. We demonstrated that TLRS protein is constitutively expressed and that flagellin activates prototypical innate immune responses and pro-apoptotic pathways in all these organs. Finally, we also observed that flagellin induces a significant increase of multiple cytokines in the plasma from 1 to 6 hours after its intravenous administration. Altogether, these data provide evidence that bacterial flagellin (a) triggers an important inflammatory response and an acute dysfunction of the myocardium, and (b) significantly activates the mechanisms of innate immunity in most major organs and elicits a systemic inflammatory response. In consequence, flagellin may represent a potent mediator of inflammation and multiple organ failure, notably cardiac dysfunction, during Gram-negative septic shock.
Autophagy is a key regulator of cellular homeostasis that can be activated by pathogen-associated molecules and recently has been shown to influence IL-1β secretion by macrophages. However, the mechanisms behind this are unclear. Here, we describe a novel role for autophagy in regulating the production of IL-1β in antigen-presenting cells. After treatment of macrophages with Toll-like receptor ligands, pro-IL-1β was specifically sequestered into autophagosomes, whereas further activation of autophagy with rapamycin induced the degradation of pro-IL-1β and blocked secretion of the mature cytokine. Inhibition of autophagy promoted the processing and secretion of IL-1β by antigen-presenting cells in an NLRP3- and TRIF-dependent manner. This effect was reduced by inhibition of reactive oxygen species but was independent of NOX2. Induction of autophagy in mice in vivo with rapamycin reduced serum levels of IL-1β in response to challenge with LPS. These data demonstrate that autophagy controls the production of IL-1β through at least two separate mechanisms: by targeting pro-IL-1β for lysosomal degradation and by regulating activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
INTRODUCTION: The objective was to investigate the potential implication of the IL18 gene promoter polymorphisms in the susceptibility to giant-cell arteritis GCA). METHODS: In total, 212 patients diagnosed with biopsy-proven GCA were included in this study. DNA from patients and matched controls was obtained from peripheral blood. Samples were genotyped for the IL18-137 G>C (rs187238), the IL18-607 C>A (rs1946518), and the IL18-1297 T>C (rs360719) gene polymorphisms with polymerase chain reaction, by using a predesigned TaqMan allele discrimination assay. RESULTS: No significant association between the IL18-137 G>C polymorphism and GCA was found. However, the IL18 -607 allele A was significantly increased in GCA patients compared with controls (47.8% versus 40.9% in patients and controls respectively; P = 0.02; OR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.69). It was due to an increased frequency of homozygosity for the IL18 -607 A/A genotype in patients with GCA (20.4%) compared with controls (13.4%) (IL18 -607 A/A versus IL18 -607 A/C plus IL18 -607 C/C genotypes: P = 0.04; OR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.46). Also, the IL18-1297 allele C was significantly increased in GCA patients (30.7%) compared with controls (23.0%) (P = 0.003; OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.13 to 1.95). In this regard, an increased susceptibility to GCA was observed in individuals carrying the IL18-1297 C/C or the IL18-1297 C/T genotypes compared with those carrying the IL18-1297 T/T genotype (IL18-1297 C/C plus IL18-1297 T/C versus IL18-1297 T/T genotype in GCA patients compared with controls: P = 0.005; OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.25). We also found an additive effect of the IL18 -1297 and -607 polymorphisms with TLR4 Asp299Gly polymorphism. The OR for GCA was 1.95 for combinations of genotypes with one or two risk alleles, whereas carriers of three or more risk alleles have an OR of 3.7. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show for the first time an implication of IL18 gene-promoter polymorphisms in the susceptibility to biopsy-proven GCA. In addition, an additive effect between the associated IL18 and TLR4 genetic variants was observed.
The aims of this study were to check whether different biomarkers of inflammatory, apoptotic, immunological or lipid pathways had altered their expression in the occluded popliteal artery (OPA) compared with the internal mammary artery (IMA) and femoral vein (FV) and to examine whether glycemic control influenced the expression of these genes. The study included 20 patients with advanced atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus, 15 of whom had peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD), from whom samples of OPA and FV were collected. PAOD patients were classified based on their HbA1c as well (HbA1c ≤ 6.5) or poorly (HbA1c > 6.5) controlled patients. Controls for arteries without atherosclerosis comprised 5 IMA from patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM). mRNA, protein expression and histological studies were analyzed in IMA, OPA and FV. After analyzing 46 genes, OPA showed higher expression levels than IMA or FV for genes involved in thrombosis (F3), apoptosis (MMP2, MMP9, TIMP1 and TIM3), lipid metabolism (LRP1 and NDUFA), immune response (TLR2) and monocytes adhesion (CD83). Remarkably, MMP-9 expression was lower in OPA from well-controlled patients. In FV from diabetic patients with HbA1c ≤6.5, gene expression levels of BCL2, CDKN1A, COX2, NDUFA and SREBP2 were higher than in FV from those with HbA1c >6.5. The atherosclerotic process in OPA from diabetic patients was associated with high expression levels of inflammatory, lipid metabolism and apoptotic biomarkers. The degree of glycemic control was associated with gene expression markers of apoptosis, lipid metabolism and antioxidants in FV. However, the effect of glycemic control on pro-atherosclerotic gene expression was very low in arteries with established atherosclerosis.
SUMMARY The effective development of an immune response depends on the careful interplay and the regulation between innate and adaptive immunity. As the dendritic cells (DCs) are equipped with many receptors, such as Toll-like receptors, which can detect the presence of infection by recognizing different component of bacteria, fungi and even viruses, they are the among the first cells to respond to the infection. Upon pathogen challenge, the DCs interpret the innate system activation as a maturation signal, resulting in the migration of the DCS to a draining lymph node site. There, activated DCs present efficiently antigens to naïve T cells, which are in turn activated and initiate adaptive immunity. Therefore, DCs are the main connectors between innate and adaptive immune systems. In addition to be the most efficient antigen- presenting cells, DCs play a central role in the regulation of immune responses and immune tolerance. Despite extensive research, many aspects related to DC biology are still unsolved and/or controversial. The low frequency of DCs in vivo often hamper study of DC biology and in vitro-derived DCs are not suited to address certain questions, such as the development of DC. We sought of transforming in vivo the DCs through the specific expression of an oncogene, in order to obtain unlimited numbers of these cells. To achieve this goal, transgenic mouse lines expressing the SV40 Large T oncogene under the control of the CD1 1 c promoter were generated. These transgenic mice are healthy until the age of three to four months without alterations in the DC biology. Thereafter transgenic mice develop a fatal disease that shows features of a human pathology, named histiocytosis, involving DCs. We demonstrate that the disease development in the transgenic mice correlates with a massive accumulation of transformed DCs in the affected organs. Importantly, transformed DCs are immature and fully conserve their capacity to mature in antigen presenting cells. We observe hyperproliferation of transformed DCs only in the sick transgenic mice. Surprisingly, transformed DCs do not proliferate in vitro, but transfer of the transformed DCs into immunodeficient or tolerant host leads to tumor formation. Altoghether, the transgenic mouse lines we have generated represent a valuable tumor model for human histiocytosis, and provide excellent tools to study DC biology. RESUME Le développement d'une réponse immunitaire efficace dépend d'une minutieuse interaction et régulation entre l'immunité innée et adaptative. Comme les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont équipées de nombreux récepteurs, tels que les récepteurs Toll-like, qui peuvent détecter la présence d'une infection en reconnaissant différents composants bactériens, issus de champignons ou même viraux, elles sont parmi les premières cellules à répondre à l'infection. Suite à la stimulation induite par le pathogène, les DCs interprètent l'activation du système immunitaire inné comme un signal de maturation, résultant dans la migration des DCs vers le ganglion drainant le site d'infection. Là, les DCs actives présentent efficacement des antigènes aux cellules T, qui sont à leur tour activées et initient les systèmes d'immunité adaptative. Ainsi, les DCs forment le lien principal entre les réponses immunitaires innées et adaptatives. En plus d'être les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes les plus efficaces, les DCs jouent un rôle central dans la régulation du système immunitaire et dans le phénomène de tolérance. Malgré des recherches intensives, de nombreux aspects liés à la biologie des DCs sont encore irrésolus et/ou controversés. La faible fréquence des DCs in vivo gêne souvent l'étude de la biologie de ces cellules et les DCs dérivées in vitro ne sont pas adéquates pour adresser certaines questions, telles que le développement des DCs. Afin d'obtenir des quantités illimitées de DCs, nous avons songé à transformer in vivo les DC grâce à l'expression spécifique d'un oncogène. Afin d'atteindre ce but, nous avons généré des lignées de souris transgéniques qui expriment l'oncogène SV40 Large T sous le contrôle du promoter CD1 le. Ces souris transgéniques sont saines jusqu'à l'âge de trois à quatre mois et ne présentent pas d'altération dans la biologie des DCs. Ensuite, les souris transgéniques développent une maladie présentant les traits caractéristiques d'une pathologie humaine nommée histiocytose, qui implique les DCs. Nous montrons que le développement de cette maladie corrèle avec une accumulation massive des DCs transformées dans les organes touchés. De plus, les DCs transformées sont immatures et conservent leur capacité à différencier en cellules présentatrices d'antigène. Nous observons une hyper-prolifération des DCs transformées seulement dans les souris transgéniques malades. Etonnament, les DC transformées ne prolifèrent pas in vitro, par contre, le transfert des DCs transformées dans des hôtes immuno-déficients ou tolérant conduit à la formation de tumeurs. Globalement, les lignées de souris transgéniques que nous avons générées représentent un modèle valide pour l'histiocytose humaine, et de plus, offrent d'excellents outils pour étudier la biologie des DCs.
Type-1 (T1R) and Type-2 (T2R) leprosy reactions (LR), which affect up to 50% of leprosy patients, are aggressive inflammatory episodes of sudden onset and highly variable incidence across populations. LR are often diagnosed concurrently with leprosy, but more frequently occur several months after treatment onset. It is not uncommon for leprosy patients to develop recurring reactional episodes; however, they rarely undergo both types of LR. Today, LR are the main cause of permanent disabilities associated with leprosy and represent a major challenge in the clinical management of leprosy patients. Although progress has been made in understanding the immunopathology of LR, the factors that cause a leprosy patient to suffer from LR are largely unknown. Given the impact that ethnic background has on the risk of developing LR, host genetic factors have long been suspected of contributing to LR. Indeed, polymorphisms in seven genes [Toll-like receptors (TLR)1, TLR2, nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain containing 2, vitamin D receptor, natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1, C4B and interleukin-6] have been found to be associated with one or more LR outcomes. The identification of host genetic markers with predictive value for LR would have a major impact on nerve damage control in leprosy. In this review, we present the recent advances achieved through genetic studies of LR.
Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) regulate immune and inflammatory responses. Here we show that the TNFR1-associated death domain protein (TRADD) is critical in TNFR1, TLR3 and TLR4 signaling. TRADD deficiency abrogated TNF-induced apoptosis, prevented recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase TRAF2 and ubiquitination of the adaptor RIP1 in the TNFR1 signaling complex, and considerably inhibited but did not completely abolish activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinases 'downstream' of TNFR1. TRIF-dependent cytokine production induced by the synthetic double-stranded RNA poly(I:C) and lipopolysaccharide was lower in TRADD-deficient mice than in wild-type mice. Moreover, TRADD deficiency inhibited poly(I:C)-mediated RIP1 ubiquitination and activation of NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in fibroblasts but not in bone marrow macrophages. Thus, TRADD is an essential component of TNFR1 signaling and has a critical but apparently cell type-specific function in TRIF-dependent TLR responses.
Over the past two decades, inflammation has emerged as a key pathophysiological process during myocardial infarction. It develops consecutively to the activation of innate immune defense mechanisms, in response to the release of endogenous molecules by necrotic cells and the extracellular matrix. These danger signals are sensed by cellular receptors normally involved in antimicrobial defenses, including toll-like receptors and a subset of NOD-like receptors, which promote intracellular signaling dependent on nuclear factor kappaB and on the formation of the inflammasome. These mechanisms stimulate the expression of multiple inflammatory mediators and growth factors, sequentially inducing the recruitment of inflammatory cells, the clearance of injured tissue, angiogenesis, and the proliferation of fibroblasts, eventually resulting in scar formation and infarct healing. Dysregulation of these responses may result in continued cardiomyocyte loss, fibrosis beyond the limits of the infarcted area, reactive hypertrophy and chamber dilatation, a process termed adverse cardiac remodeling, leading to functional compromise and heart failure. This review presents the current state of knowledge on the process of immune activation within the infarcted myocardium and its consequences.