992 resultados para zea-mays


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Con el propósito de evaluar la influencia del número de hileras en la mazorca de progenitores maternos (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20) sobre variables asociadas al rendimiento, estimar grados de asociación fenotípica entre rasgos y su variabilidad genética, se estableció un experimento de campo en bloques completos al azar (BCA) con cuatro réplicas, en la Finca Santa Rosa propiedad de la UNA, en época de postrera del 2014. Las variables analizadas fueron: Longitud de la mazorca (LM), diámetro de la mazorca (DM) , número de granos por hilera (NGH), peso de 100 granos (P100G), numero de hileras por mazorca ( NHM),peso de la mazorca (PM),peso en grano por mazorca (PGM), mediante los procedimientos de SAS, con estadísticos descriptivos, correlaciones de Pearson y análisis de varianza con regresión de los caracteres maternos sobre los de progenie. Los tratamientos que presentaron promedios más altos para LMp, DMp, NHMp, PMp, PGMp fueron los de 14 y 18 hileras. El tratamiento con 16 hileras mostró la más alta variación fenotípica (CV). Las correlaciones fenotípicas de progenies más destacadas fueron: PMp con PGMp y DMp; PMp con NGHp; DMp con PGMp; PMp con NGHp; NGHp con PGMp; y LMp con PMp, todas ellas positivas y altamente significativas. Las correlaciones fenotípicas entre variables de la progenie con progenitor materno más notorias fueron LM, con NHM y P100G. Del análisis de varianza, el factor NHMm fue altamente significativo para LMp y NHMp y en menor grado para DMp y P100Gp. Se estimaron niveles de variabilidad genética importante en rasgos como LMp, NHMp y NGHp, con valores de heredabilidad entre 0.36 y 0.46, los cuales son muy promisorios para programas de mejoramiento genético participativo.


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Bogotá (Colombia) : Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias


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El presente trabajo se hizo con el objeto de evaluar la disponibilidad de fósforo en un suelo bajo en dicho elemento (8 ppm), el cual está ubicado en un área de la Estación Experimental y de Prácticas de la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas. Como planta indicadora de la fertilidad natural del suelo se utilizó el maíz híbrido H-3. El diseño experimental utilizado fue un Factorial en Bloques al Azar, con los factores de variación siguientes: Niveles de fósforo y 4 secuencias de aplicación (estas se reúnen en 2 para 1976 y 1977). Se emplearon 6 niveles de fósforo: 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 y 100 Kg. De P205/ha. La fuente de fósforo utilizada fue el Superfosfato Simple (20%P205) y se hizo una aplicación general de Sulfato de Amonio (21% N). En un nivel de 100 Kg. N / Ha. Las épocas de aplicación se describe de la siguiente manera: para cada nivel de fósforo se distribuyen 4 parcelas que reciben su tratamiento respectivo de L1, L2, L3, L4. En el primer año se aplican los 4 tratamientos. En el 2º. año solo reciben fertilizante las parcelas bajo el sistema L1 y L3 (efecto acumulativo) y quedan L2 y L4 sin aplicación (efecto residual). En el 3er año parcelas con sistema L2 y L3 son fertilizados (efecto acumulativo) y L1 y L4 no reciben fertilizante. En el 4to. Año sólo L3 es fertilizado (efecto acumulativo) y el resto queda sin fertilización. En el presente estudio sólo se describen resultados de dos años. Se efectuaron dos muestreos de suelo en cada año de investigación: Uno a la siembra y el otro después de la cosecha, observándose en el análisis un aumento en el nivel de fósforo de acuerdo a las dosis aplicadas. Los datos que se tomaron fueron: Alturas de plantas y rendimiento de maíz. Las alturas mostraron una diferencia significativa a las aplicaciones de Fósforo, siendo testigo menos a los niveles del elemento fertilizante, pero no existió variabilidad significativa en entre los niveles. El efecto de los niveles en el rendimiento fue significativo, al igual que las alturas el testigo absorbió toda la variabilidad del fósforo. Sin embargo en los promedios de producción existió un ligero incremento en el rendimiento al aumentar el nivel de fósforo, pero dicho incremento no fue significativo. La secuencia de aplicación de fósforo, hizo manifiesta su significación en el efecto acumulativo y residual, siendo el primer efecto superior al segundo. La interacción Fósforo x época de aplicación no manifestó variabilidad significativa. Sólo el desglose en sus grados de libertad el testigo absorbió el efecto de la interacción. Los análisis del suelo correlacionado con los rendimientos obtenidos demostraron que los suelos bajos en fósforo responden a las aplicaciones de fertilizantes fosforados.


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The need for solutions to minimize the negative environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities Fhas increased. Sewage sludge is composed of predominantly organic matter and can be used to improve soil characteristics, such as fertility. Therefore, its application in agriculture is an adequate alternative for its final disposal. However, there is a lack of information on its long-term effects on soil changes in tropical areas. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine (i) the effect of sewage sludge application on heavy metal build-up in soil and maize grains and leaves, and (ii) the effects of soil amendment with sewage sludge on the chemical properties of a Brazilian oxisol. Besides the increasing levels of Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr, amending soil with sewage sludge also alters the distribution of these metals by increasing the mobile Phases, which correlated significantly with the increase in metal extraction with two single extractants, Mehlich 1 and DTPA (Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid). The levels of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in maize grains and leaves increased with the type and rate of sewage sludge application. Nevertheless, metal build-up in soil and plants was within the allowed limits. Significant differences were also found in soil characteristics like humic fractionation with the applied sewage doses. The data obtained does not indicate any expressive drawbacks in the use of sewage sludge as a soil amendment, as the heavy metal concentrations observed are unlikely to cause any environmental or health problems, even overestimated loadings, and are in accordance with the Brazilian regulations on farming land biosolid disposal.


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Maize ear fasciation originates from excessive or abnormal proliferation of the ear meristem and usually manifests as multiple-tipped ear, ear flatness and/or disordered kernel arrangement. Ear prolificacy expresses as multiple ears per node. Both traits can affect grain yield. In this study, the genetic control of the two traits was analyzed using two recombinant inbred lines (RIL) populations (B73 × Lo1016 and Lo964 × Lo1016) with Lo1016 and Lo964 as donors of ear fasciation and prolificacy, respectively. Four ear fasciation-related traits (ear fasciation, kernel distribution and ear ovality indexes and ratio of ear diameters), number of kernel rows, ear prolificacy and number of tillers were phenotyped in multi-year field experiments. Ear fasciation traits and number of kernel rows showed relatively high heritability (h2 > 0.5) except ratio of ear diameters, and showed correlation. Prolificacy and tillering h2 ranged 0.41 - 0.78 and did not correlate. QTL mapping identified four QTL for ear fasciation, on chr. 1 (two QTLs), 5 and 7, the latter two overlapping with QTLs for number of kernel rows. However, the strongest effect QTL for number of kernel rows mapped on chr. 2 independently from ear fasciation. Four and five non-overlapping QTLs were mapped for ear prolificacy and tillering, respectively. Two ear fasciation QTLs from this study, qFas1.2 and qFas7, overlapped with formerly known fasciation QTLs and spanned candidate genes expressed in ear meristems namely compact plant2 and ramosa1. Our study identified novel ear fasciation, ear prolificacy and tillering loci which are unexpectedly still segregating in elite maize materials, and provides foundation for genomics-assisted breeding for yield components


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A model to estimate damage caused by gray leaf spot of corn (Cercospora zea-maydis) was developed from experimental field data gathered during the summer seasons of 2000/01 and during the second crop season [January-seedtime] of 2001, in the southwest of Goiás state. Three corn hybrids were grown over two seasons and on two sites, resulting in 12 experimental plots. A disease intensity gradient (lesions per leaf) was generated through application, three times over the season, of five different doses of the fungicide propiconazol. From tasseling onward, disease intensity on the ear leaf (El), and El - 1, El - 2, El + 1, and El + 2, was evaluated weekly. A manual harvest at the physiological ripening stage was followed by grain drying and cleaning. Finally, grain yield in kg.ha-1 was estimated. Regression analysis, performed between grain yield and all combinations of the number of lesions on each leaf type, generated thirty linear equations representing the damage function. To estimate losses caused by different disease intensities at different corn growth stages, these models should first be validated. Damage coefficients may be used in determining the economic damage threshold.


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Helicoverpa zea is responsible for great losses to the corn, Zen mays L., crops final productivity, and the best way to control it is by improving genetic resistance. In collaboration with corn improvement and increasing resistance to insects through molecular marker assisted selection, this work had as an objective the selection of resistant (RP) and susceptible progenies (SP) to H. zea based on the RAPD technique. Molecular markers were Found, among the resistant progenies and it is suggested that linkage of these within the Zapalote Chico corn race, be used to extract resistance genes from this race as a donor. The progenies were selected from a population of half-sibs exhibiting a broader genetic base (FCAVJ-VF14). After DNA extraction, two sample bulks were formed; one made up of the six most resistant plants, the other of the six least resistant plants. Eighty-six primers were tested for PCR reactions with the resistant and susceptible bulks and analyzed on agarose electrophoresis for the detection of RAPD band polymorphism. The results of the banding patterns and similarity values indicated a nucleotide sequence amplified by the primer OPC-2 as a possible molecular marker for the identification of resistant progenies and a homology region between them and the Zapalote Chico corn race.


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Foram estudadas 100 progênies de meio-irmãos de uma sub-população de milho (Zea mays L.) Composto Flint com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência de genótipos à lagarta-da-espiga Helicoverpa zea (Bod.). Foram obtidos os valores de danos médios da lagarta-da-espiga de 1,14 cm de comprimento na espiga determinado pela escala de Widstrom e coeficiente de variação experimental (CVE) de 23,4%. Dos parâmetros genéticos avaliados, a estimativa de herdabilidade (h²) foi de 6%, variância genética (VG) de 0,0015 cm² e variância fenotípica (VF) de 0,025 cm² para danos de H. zea. No entanto, o comprimento da ponta da bráctea e compactação da bráctea alcançaram resultados de herdabilidade de 75% e 72% respectivamente. Essa sub-população de milho apresenta variabilidade genética suficiente para utilização em programas de melhoramento, sendo que a resistência à lagarta-da-espiga pode ser obtida através da melhoria dos caracteres morfológicos diretamente relacionados à praga, como a compactação e comprimento da bráctea.


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Neglected agricultural products (NAPs) are defined as discarded material in agricultural production. Corn cobs are a major waste of agriculture maize. Here, a methanolic extract from corn cobs (MEC) was obtained. MEC contains phenolic compounds, protein, carbohydrates (1.4:0.001:0.001). We evaluated the in vitro and in vivo antioxidant potential of MEC. Furthermore, its antiproliferative property against tumor cells was assessed through MTT assays and proteins related to apoptosis in tumor cells were examined by western blot. MEC showed no hydroxyl radical scavenger capacity, but it showed antioxidant activity in Total Antioxidant Capacity and DPPH scavenger ability assays. MEC showed higher Reducing Power than ascorbic acid and exhibited high Superoxide Scavenging activity. In tumor cell culture, MEC increased catalase, metallothionein and superoxide dismutase expression in accordance with the antioxidant tests. In vivo antioxidant test, MEC restored SOD and CAT, decreased malondialdehyde activities and showed high Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity in animals treated with CCl4. Furthermore, MEC decreased HeLa cells viability by apoptosis due an increase of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, caspase 3 active. Protein kinase C expression increased was also detected in treated tumor cells. Thus, our findings pointed out the biotechnological potential of corn cobs as a source of molecules with pharmacological activity.