895 resultados para verb doubling
Lexical Resources are a critical component for Natural Language Processing applications. However, the high cost of comparing and merging different resources has been a bottleneck to obtain richer resources and a broader range of potential uses for a significant number of languages. With the objective of reducing cost by eliminating human intervention, we present a new method towards the automatic merging of resources. This method includes both, the automatic mapping of resources involved to a common format and merging them, once in this format. This paper presents how we have addressed the merging of two verb subcategorization frame lexica for Spanish, but our method will be extended to cover other types of Lexical Resources. The achieved results, that almost replicate human work, demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.
Els pronoms clítics representen una de les idiosincràsies més singulars de la llengua catalana, tant pel seu polimorfisme com per les funcions sintàctiques i discursives que poden exercir en una oració. L’interès principal del nostre estudi és que, tot i les semblances dels sistemes pronominals inherents a les llengües romàniques, unes diferències fonamentals les separen tenint en compte els pronoms clítics: és el cas del català i del portuguès. Per aquest motiu, ens hem proposat d’observar l’adquisició dels pronoms clítics catalans per part d’alumnes que tenen com a primera llengua el portuguès i el català com a segona. Els pronoms objecte d’estudi han estat, d’una banda, els d’acusatiu i de datiu: tot i que són semblants en català i en portuguès pel que fa a la forma, ocupen posicions respecte del verb oposades. D’altra banda, els pronoms catalans en i hi no tenen equivalents en portuguès i, per tant, és rellevant observar-ne l’ús en lusoparlants, sobretot en contextos en què apareixen com a pronom de represa d’un element dislocat.
Aquest treball descriu una metodologia per classificar els verbs en català segons el seu comportament sintàctic. L’objectiu és adquirir un nombre reduït de classes bàsiques amb una precisió alta fent servir pocs recursos. Obtenir informació sobre classe sintàctica és un procés llarg i costós, però útil per a moltes tasques de PLN. Presentem com obtenir aquesta informació fent servir només un corpus amb anotació de categoria morfològica. Hem explorat tant tècniques supervisades com no supervisades. Primer presentem els experiments que fan servir un mètode supervisat per distingir automàticament entre verbs transitius i intransitius. El nostre sistema té una taxa d’error del 4,65%. Pel que fa als mètodes no supervisats (clustering), presentem dos experiments. El primer pretén classificar els verbs en transitius, intransitius i verbs que alternen amb la partícula se. El segon experiment té per objectiu fer una subclassificació entre intransitius purs i preposicional. Els resultats són uns coeficients-F de 0.84 i 0.88, respectivament.
This work investigates the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties of nominal Split Topicalization (ST) constructions in Standard and non-Standard German. The topic phrase denotes a property, and the MF phrase either modifies this property or picks out a specific entity. Semantically, the topic phrase will be analysed as a property-denoting expression which restricts the denotation of the verbal predicate, while the MF phrase is composed either via specify or restrict (cf. Chung and Ladusaw, 2003). Syntactically, the base position of the topic phrase is the (incorporating) verb, and the MF phrase is generated independently as the complement of the verb containing an empty pronoun. Since predicates introduce abstract discourse referents, the topic phrase can be resumed via "pro" in the MF phrase.
This dissertation concerns two types of wh-constructions – interrogative and relative clauses – of Cape Verdean Creole (CVC), a Portuguese-based Creole language spoken on the archipelago of Cape Verde, specifically the variety spoken on Santiago Island, in the coast of West Africa. Chapter 2 focus on some aspects of the syntax of CVC, claiming that the possibilities of S-V inversion are very limited and that verbs stay in Vº, except for the Present tense form of the copula verb e ‘to be’, which is the spell out of the formal feature [Present] of T. It is proposed that CVC exhibits a clause functional structure that is similar to English: [CP [TP [NegP [AspP [VP … ]]]]]. In this chapter, it is also suggested that a non Split-CP, based on the formal features [±D, ±V, ±Q, ±Wh, ±T], correctly accounts for the distribution of the complementizers in CVC. Chapter 3 presents the wh-question formation strategies exhibited by CVC, showing that some of them involve Move, while others do not. Considering CVC data, it is said that the language has two clausal typing processes: an ambiguous complementizer ki ([±Q, ±Wh]), whose checking domain is strictly local; and an unambiguous complementizer Ø ([+Q, +Wh]), whose checking domain is not strictly local. The first one derives fronted wh-questions and the second one accounts for wh-in- -situ. Chapter 4 describes the relativization strategies displayed by CVC, focusing on the fact that PP pied-piping is ruled out and that resumption is possible both inside and outside syntactic islands. It is suggested a revision of Bianchi’s (2002a) head raising analysis for the structure of relative clauses. Chapter 5 discusses the properties of the defective copy strategy ([wh[+PL] … el]) and presents evidence in favor of a distinction between this type of wh-strategy and resumption ([wh[+PL] … es]). It is argued that the language requires an overt pronominal form (3SG) to occur in the complement position of the preposition because CVC types the clause with a complementizer ki [uCat +D] and does not allow for preposition incorporation. The set of formal features of the lower copy is ‘shrinked’, i.e. the features are deleted but not erased, being accessible to PF. This analysis of the defective copy xiv strategy predicts that it only applies to PPs and that it is an autonomous process involving wh-movement, which is distinct from resumption.
Colorectal cancer is the second most frequent cancer at death and third most common neoplasm in Switzerland, with about 1600 deaths and 4000 new cases per year, respectively. This study describes the recent trends in colorectal polyps and cancers in the canton of Vaud where a rare population-based series on polyps has been available since 1983. The most salient results are the exponential increase in the detection rates of polyps since the late 19805, associated with a doubling in the proportion of right-sided polyps, whereas colorectal cancer incidence remained constant over the last 25 years. The apparent paradox between the strong increase in detection and resection of polyps, largely due to screening activity, and the absence of reduction in colorectal cancer incidence in the Vaud population is discussed.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between inflammation and heart failure (HF) risk in older adults. BACKGROUND: Inflammation is associated with HF risk factors and also directly affects myocardial function. METHODS: The association of baseline serum concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and C-reactive protein (CRP) with incident HF was assessed with Cox models among 2,610 older persons without prevalent HF enrolled in the Health ABC (Health, Aging, and Body Composition) study (age 73.6 +/- 2.9 years; 48.3% men; 59.6% white). RESULTS: During follow-up (median 9.4 years), HF developed in 311 (11.9%) participants. In models controlling for clinical characteristics, ankle-arm index, and incident coronary heart disease, doubling of IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and CRP concentrations was associated with 29% (95% confidence interval: 13% to 47%; p < 0.001), 46% (95% confidence interval: 17% to 84%; p = 0.001), and 9% (95% confidence interval: -1% to 24%; p = 0.087) increase in HF risk, respectively. In models including all 3 markers, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, but not CRP, remained significant. These associations were similar across sex and race and persisted in models accounting for death as a competing event. Post-HF ejection fraction was available in 239 (76.8%) cases; inflammatory markers had stronger association with HF with preserved ejection fraction. Repeat IL-6 and CRP determinations at 1-year follow-up did not provide incremental information. Addition of IL-6 to the clinical Health ABC HF model improved model discrimination (C index from 0.717 to 0.734; p = 0.001) and fit (decreased Bayes information criterion by 17.8; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Inflammatory markers are associated with HF risk among older adults and may improve HF risk stratification.
A new culture model was developed to study the role of proliferation and apoptosis in the etiology of keloids. Fibroblasts were isolated from the superficial, central, and basal regions of six different keloid lesions by using Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium containing 10% fetal calf serum as a culture medium. The growth behavior of each fibroblast fraction was examined in short-term and long-term cultures, and the percentage of apoptotic cells was assessed by in situ end labeling of fragmented DNA. The fibroblasts obtained from the superficial and basal regions of keloid tissue showed population doubling times and saturation densities that were similar to those of age-matched normal fibroblasts. In contrast, the fibroblasts from the center of the keloid lesions showed significantly reduced doubling times (25.9 +/- 6.3 hours versus 43.5 +/- 6.3 hours for normal fibroblasts) and reached higher cell densities. In long-term culture, central keloid fibroblasts formed a stratified three-dimensional structure, contracted the self-produced extracellular matrix, and gave rise to nodular cell aggregates, mimicking the formation of keloid tissue. Apoptotic cells were detected in both normal and keloid-derived fibroblasts, but their numbers were twofold higher in normal cells compared with all keloid fibroblasts. To examine whether apoptosis mediates the therapeutic effect of ionizing radiation on keloids, the cells were exposed to gamma rays at a dose of 8 Gy. Under these conditions, a twofold increase in the population of apoptotic cells was detected. These results indicate that the balance between proliferation and apoptosis is impaired in keloid fibroblasts, which could be responsible for the formation of keloid tumors. The results also suggest that keloids contain at least two different fibroblast fractions that vary in growth behavior and extracellular matrix metabolism.
Temperature is a key abiotic factor influencing the development and reproduction of aphids. The effect of temperature on the reproduction of three aphid species Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) and Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas) (Aphididae, Macrosiphini) has been investigated and fertility life tables were determined. Nymphs were reared in climatic chambers at temperatures of 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28 ± 1ºC, RH 70 ± 10% and 12 h photophase. Female adult aphids developed at these temperatures were then used in experiments in which pre-reproductive and reproductive periods were evaluated every 24 h. In addition, the number of nymphs produced and longevity were determined at each temperature. The reproduction period of A. solani and M. euphorbiae decreased with increasing temperature, whereas that of U. ambrosiae was maintained between 19 and 25ºC. The total number of nymphs produced by the aphids decreased as the temperature increased. The longevities of A. solani and M. euphorbiae decreased with increasing temperature but remained stable for U. ambrosiae between 19 and 25ºC. The largest survival rate (l x) and specific fertility (m x) values were found at 16 and 22ºC for all three species. The most favourable temperature for reproduction of A. solani, M. euphorbiae and U. ambrosiae was 22ºC, as demonstrated by the l x and m x profiles, the high values of net reproductive rates and intrinsic rates of increase, and the short intervals between generation and doubling times.
In absence of comparable macroeconomic indicators for most of the Latin American economiesbeyond the 1930s, this paper presents an estimate of the apparent consumption per head of coal and petroleum for 25 countries of Latin American and the Caribbean for the year 1925, doubling the number of countries for which energy consumption estimates were previously available. Energy consumption is then used as an indicator of economic modernisation. As a result, the paper provides the basis for a quantitative comparative analysis of modernisation performance beyond the few countries for which historical national accounts are available in Latin America.
Climate science indicates that climate stabilization requires low GHG emissions. Is thisconsistent with nondecreasing human welfare?Our welfare or utility index emphasizes education, knowledge, and the environment. Weconstruct and calibrate a multigenerational model with intertemporal links provided by education,physical capital, knowledge and the environment.We reject discounted utilitarianism and adopt, first, the Pure Sustainability Optimization (orIntergenerational Maximin) criterion, and, second, the Sustainable Growth Optimization criterion,that maximizes the utility of the first generation subject to a given future rate of growth. We applythese criteria to our calibrated model via a novel algorithm inspired by the turnpike property.The computed paths yield levels of utility higher than the level at reference year 2000 for allgenerations. They require the doubling of the fraction of labor resources devoted to the creation ofknowledge relative to the reference level, whereas the fractions of labor allocated to consumptionand leisure are similar to the reference ones. On the other hand, higher growth rates requiresubstantial increases in the fraction of labor devoted to education, together with moderate increasesin the fractions of labor devoted to knowledge and the investment in physical capital.
Summary: Comparison of the use of verb derivatives with the suffixes -u- and -ne- in Finnish and Estonian
It is shown that spatially selective inversion and saturation can be achieved by concatenation of RF pulses with lower flip angles. A concatenation rule which enables global doubling of the flip angle of any given excitation pulse applied to initial z magnetization is proposed. In this fashion, the selectivity of the single pulse is preserved, making the high selectivity achievable in the low flip-angle regime available for inversion and large flip-angle saturation purposes. The profile quality achievable with exemplary concatenated pulses is investigated in comparison with adiabatic inversion. It is verified that by using concatenated inversion in the transfer insensitive labeling technique (TILT), the MT artifact is suppressed. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.
betaTC-tet cells are conditionally immortalized pancreatic beta cells which can confer long-term correction of hyperglycemia when transplanted in syngeneic streptozocin diabetic mice. The use of these cells for control of type I diabetes in humans will require their encapsulation and transplantation in non-native sites where relative hypoxia and cytokines may threaten their survival. In this study we genetically engineered betaTC-tet cells with the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 using new lentiviral vectors and showed that it protected this cell line against apoptosis induced by hypoxia, staurosporine and a mixture of cytokines (IL-1beta, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha). We further demonstrated that Bcl-2 expression permitted growth at higher cell density and with shorter doubling time. Expression of Bcl-2, however, did not inter- fere either with the intrinsic mechanism of growth arrest present in the betaTC-tet cells or with their normal glucose dose-dependent insulin secretory activity. Furthermore, Bcl-2 expressing betaTC-tet cells retained their capacity to secrete insulin under mild hypoxia. Finally, transplantation of these cells under the kidney capsule of streptozocin diabetic C3H mice corrected hyperglycemia for several months. These results demonstrate that the murine betaTC-tet cell line can be genetically modified to improve its resistance against different stress-induced apoptosis while preserving its normal physiological function. These modified cells represent an improved source for cell transplantation therapy of type I diabetes.