877 resultados para user testing, usability testing, system integration, thinking aloud, card sorting
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
ARINC specification 653-2 describes the interface between application software and underlying middleware in a distributed real-time avionics system. The real-time workload in this system comprises of partitions, where each partition consists of one or more processes. Processes incur blocking and preemption overheads and can communicate with other processes in the system. In this work we develop compositional techniques for automated scheduling of such partitions and processes. At present, system designers manually schedule partitions based on interactions they have with the partition vendors. This approach is not only time consuming, but can also result in under utilization of resources. In contrast, the technique proposed in this paper is a principled approach for scheduling ARINC-653 partitions and therefore should facilitate system integration.
This paper presents a review of the design and development of the Yorick series of active stereo camera platforms and their integration into real-time closed loop active vision systems, whose applications span surveillance, navigation of autonomously guided vehicles (AGVs), and inspection tasks for teleoperation, including immersive visual telepresence. The mechatronic approach adopted for the design of the first system, including head/eye platform, local controller, vision engine, gaze controller and system integration, proved to be very successful. The design team comprised researchers with experience in parallel computing, robot control, mechanical design and machine vision. The success of the project has generated sufficient interest to sanction a number of revisions of the original head design, including the design of a lightweight compact head for use on a robot arm, and the further development of a robot head to look specifically at increasing visual resolution for visual telepresence. The controller and vision processing engines have also been upgraded, to include the control of robot heads on mobile platforms and control of vergence through tracking of an operator's eye movement. This paper details the hardware development of the different active vision/telepresence systems.
The variability of renewable energy is widely recognised as a challenge for integrating high levels of renewable generation into electricity systems. However, to explore its implications effectively, variability itself should first be clearly understood. This is particularly true for national electricity systems with high planned penetration of renewables and limited interconnection such as the UK. Variability cannot be considered as a distinct resource property with a single measurable parameter, but is a multi-faceted concept best described by a range of distinct characteristics. This paper identifies relevant characteristics of variability, and considers their implications for energy research. This is done through analysis of wind, solar and tidal current resources, with a primary focus on the Bristol Channel region in the UK. The relationship with electricity demand is considered, alongside the potential benefits of resource diversity. Analysis is presented in terms of persistence, distribution, frequency and correlation between supply and demand. Marked differences are seen between the behaviours of the individual resources, and these give rise to a range of different implications for system integration. Wind shows strong persistence and a useful seasonal pattern, but also a high spread in energy levels at timescales beyond one or two days. The solar resource is most closely correlated with electricity demand, but is undermined by night-time zero values and an even greater spread of monthly energy delivered than wind. In contrast, the tidal resource exhibits very low persistence, but also much greater consistency in energy values assessed across monthly time scales. Whilst this paper focuses primarily on the behaviour of resources, it is noted that discrete variability characteristics can be related to different system impacts. Persistence and predictability are relevant for system balancing, whereas statistical distribution is more relevant when exploring issues of asset utilisation and energy curtailment. Areas of further research are also identified, including the need to assess the value of predictability in relation to other characteristics.
A new wire mechanism called Redundant Drive Wire Mechanism (RDWM) is proposed. The purpose of this paper is to build up the theory of a RDWM with fast motion and fine motion. First, the basic concepts of the proposed mechanism is presented. Second, the vector closure condition for the proposed mechanism is developed. Next, we present the basic equations, propose the basic structure of RDWM with the Internal DOF module, Double Actuation Modules and Precision Modules together with the properties of the mechanism. Finally, we conduct the simulation to show the validity of the RDWM.
I denna studie, som bedrivits på Landstinget Dalarna, har kommunikationssystemet Microsoft Lync studerats. Lync består av kommunikationsmodulerna chatt, video- och telefonkonferens samt dela dokument. Syftet med denna rapport är att förklara hur utbildning kan påverka människors acceptans för ett kommunikationssystem samt vilka orsaker som kan finnas för att det inte används. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte användes ett kvasiexperiment som genomfördes genom två intervjuomgångar och en utbildning mellan dessa intervjuomgångar. Utifrån intervjuomgångarna kunde slutsatser dras om hur utbildningen hade påverkat acceptansen för kommunikationssystemet Lync. Modellen Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) användes för att studera de olika faktorer som påverkar acceptansen för teknik. Slutsatsen ska besvara frågorna, om utbildning påverkar människors acceptans och vad som kan vara orsaker till att ett kommunikationssystem som Lync inte används. Efter utbildningen hade en viss påverkan skett för kommunikationsmodulen chatt, inställningen hade ändrats och respondenterna såg en ökad nytta efter utbildningen. Utbildningen hade ingen påverkan när respondenterna inte såg nytta.
Generalized hyper competitiveness in the world markets has determined the need to offer better products to potential and actual clients in order to mark an advantagefrom other competitors. To ensure the production of an adequate product, enterprises need to work on the efficiency and efficacy of their business processes (BPs) by means of the construction of Interactive Information Systems (IISs, including Interactive Multimedia Documents) so that they are processed more fluidly and correctly.The construction of the correct IIS is a major task that can only be successful if the needs from every intervenient are taken into account. Their requirements must bedefined with precision, extensively analyzed and consequently the system must be accurately designed in order to minimize implementation problems so that the IIS isproduced on schedule and with the fewer mistakes as possible. The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of Goals, a software (engineering) construction process which aims at defining the tasks to be carried out in order to develop software. This process defines the stakeholders, the artifacts, and the techniques that should be applied to achieve correctness of the IIS. Complementarily, this process suggests two methodologies to be applied in the initial phases of the lifecycle of the Software Engineering process: Process Use Cases for the phase of requirements, and; MultiGoals for the phases of analysis and design. Process Use Cases is a UML-based (Unified Modeling Language), goal-driven and use case oriented methodology for the definition of functional requirements. It uses an information oriented strategy in order to identify BPs while constructing the enterprise’s information structure, and finalizes with the identification of use cases within the design of these BPs. This approach provides a useful tool for both activities of Business Process Management and Software Engineering. MultiGoals is a UML-based, use case-driven and architectural centric methodology for the analysis and design of IISs with support for Multimedia. It proposes the analysis of user tasks as the basis of the design of the: (i) user interface; (ii) the system behaviour that is modeled by means of patterns which can combine Multimedia and standard information, and; (iii) the database and media contents. This thesis makes the theoretic presentation of these approaches accompanied with examples from a real project which provide the necessary support for the understanding of the used techniques.
Comprehending social representations of users relatives of Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) from Natal-RN, about their participation in the activities of these services, was the purpose of this study. The research instrument used was a semi-structured interview, led to 28 relatives of users of East and West CAPS II, East and North CAPS-ad, involved in the Relative Therapeutic Group, in Relative Meeting, in the Assembly of Users, Technicians and Relatives, according to the therapeutic schedule of each health services, between August to November 2007. Data obtained in family and users identification were characterized with the aid of charts and boards in absolute and/or percentage values. The discursive material from the guide from interviews was submitted to the informational resource ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble of Segments of Texte), and analyzed on the basis of the Theory of Social Representations and Central Nucleus Theory. Most of the relatives were women, married, aged over 50 years, who participated for more than two years in CAPS activities, and a coexistence of more than 11 years with the user. From the classification system of ALCESTE were selected categories, identified by: Category 1, Treatment Improvements and Expectations; Category 2, Living User Before and After; Category 3, Activities Relevance, Contradictions and Suggestions; Category 4, Guidelines -- Psychopharmacology and Medicalization; Category 5, Family Participation and Activities; and Category 6, Therapeutic Conditions Thanks, Tips and Vulnerability. The social representation of the family exists in the desire for change, identifying that we need to promote change by the continuity of therapeutic activities and overcome the detected inconsistencies, targeted by strengthening and by the stability of improvements in living and health conditions of users, experienced in CAPS treatment. The central nucleus had corresponded to positive changes in health and living conditions of users, and the peripheral elements were constituted by family conducts before and during treatment, and the expectations of changes in activities, especially in workshops. Despite this family participation be considered important, it still does not meet conditions to promote the inclusion of family, under an emancipating point of view, capable of causing in subject the hope for autonomy, initiative, individual and collective growths, a closer and active involvement in therapeutic activities, in workshops and discussions
O desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SGSST) ganha um significado cada vez mais importante no desempenho das empresas, pois, por meio deles, é possível obter a promoção da saúde e satisfação dos trabalhadores e a redução dos riscos de acidentes. No entanto, para que um SGSST obtenha bons resultados, as empresas precisam estar atentas às dificuldades comumente encontradas durante o seu processo de implantação, procurando solucioná-las de maneira antecipada e estruturada. Pelo exposto, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar diretrizes, baseadas no referencial teórico e nos resultados dos estudos de caso realizados, para implantação de SGSSTs em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas. Para o seu desenvolvimento adotou-se o método de pesquisa qualitativa a partir da realização de dois estudos de caso em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas localizadas na cidade de Bauru. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise de documentos e observação in loco. Ao final do artigo, são propostas diretrizes relacionadas aos seguintes elementos: alta direção, estratégia organizacional, cultura organizacional, departamento de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho (SST), técnicos de SST, recursos humanos, treinamento, equipes multidisciplinares, comunicação interna, resistência à mudança, indicadores de desempenho, ferramentas gerenciais para solução de problemas de SST, gestão de projetos, recompensas e incentivos, e integração do sistema.
Verifies the applicability to research on indexers' reading strategies of the process observing technique known as Verbal Protocol or Thinking Aloud. This interpretative-qualitative data collecting technique allows the observation of different kinds of process during the progress of different kinds of tasks. Presents a theoretical investigation into reading and into formal methodological procedures to observe reading processes. Describes details of the methodological procedures adopted in five case studies with analysis of samples of data. The project adopted three kinds of parameters for data analysis: theoretical, normative, empirical (derived from observations made in the first case study). The results are compared, and important conclusions regarding documentary reading are drawn.
The land question has been a widely discussed topic in Brazil, regarding land tenure. Law No. 10.267/01 was a major breakthrough for the agrarian issue. Since then on all rural properties must be georeferenced to the Brazilian Geodetic System (BGS). Therefore, satellite positioning and conventional methods are extensively used. Changes have been occurring in satellite positioning systems due to the addition of new signals in GPS (Global System Positioning), restructuring of GLONASS (Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System), and the new systems like Galileo and Compass as well. To evaluate the effects of combining GPS and GLONASS data, several batches of processings were performed on different configurations. The data processing was performed to determine the coordinates of points of basic support and those materializing the neighborhood of the rural properties. As a result, it was found that the use of accurate ephemeris in transporting coordinates to support points has no significant influence, since transportation with broadcast ephemeris also meets the accuracy requirements for the Standard Technique for Georreferencing Rural Properties. On the other hand, when GPS and GLONASS data were used, such combination provides the best results. In the case of neighboring points, the use of GPS and GLONASS data is also recommended because such data meet the precision requirement and showed better results than those from where data were processed separately.
Usabilidade na web: o usuário como agente-facilitador no desenvolvimento de interfaces de home pages
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
This research aims at examining the relationship between the performance of elementary school students Cycle I in problem solving and attitudes toward mathematics. For this, a research was conducted at a state school in the city of Bauru which was selected for convenience. Participants were randomly selected consisting of 75 students, of whom 21 were third years and 57 were of three classes of fifth year. The instruments used for data collection were: a informative questionnaire to characterize the students in age, grade, favorite subjects and the least liked, among others, an attitude scale, Likert type, to examine the attitudes toward mathematics; a interviews with 11 selected students according to scores on the attitudes and mathematical problems to be solved through the method of thinking aloud. The results showed that the major difficulties encountered by students in solving problems were: to understand the problems, formalizing the reasoning, recognize in the problem the algorithms needed for its resolution, make calculations with decimal numbers, do combinatorics, using the sum of equal portions instead of multiplying, self-confidence and autonomy in what he was doing, and others; participants with positive attitudes towards mathematics showed greater confidence to solve problems as well as a greater understanding on what was required by them, but were not detected significant relation between the attitudes and performance, since it was unfavorable