926 resultados para twist of sawn timber


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Forests are a store of carbon and an eco-system that continually removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. If they are sustainably managed, the carbon store can be maintained at a constant level, while the trees removed and converted to timber products can form an additional long term carbon store. The total carbon store in the forest and associated ‘wood chain’ therefore increases over time, given appropriate management. This increasing carbon store can be further enhanced with afforestation. The UK’s forest area has increased continually since the early 1900s, although the rate of increase has declined since its peak in the late 1980s, and it is a similar picture in the rest of Europe. The increased sustainable use of timber in construction is a key market incentive for afforestation, which can make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions. The case study presented in this paper demonstrates the carbon benefits of a Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) solution for a multi-storey residential building in comparison with a more conventional reinforced concrete solution. The embodied carbon of the building up to completion of construction is considered, together with the stored carbon during the life of the building and the impact of different end of life scenarios. The results of the study show that the total stored carbon in the CLT structural frame is 1215tCO2 (30tCO2 per housing unit). The choice of treatment at end of life has a significant effect on the whole life embodied carbon of the CLT frame, which ranges from -1017 tCO2e for re-use to +153tCO2e for incinerate without energy recovery. All end of life scenarios considered result in lower total CO2e emissions for the CLT frame building compared with the reinforced concrete frame solution.


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This paper summarises the results of using image processing technique to get information about the load of timber trucks before their arrival using digital images or geo tagged images. Once the images are captured and sent to sawmill by drivers from forest, we can predict their arrival time using geo tagged coordinates, count the number of (timber) logs piled up in a truck, identify their type and calculate their diameter. With this information we can schedule and prioritise the inflow and unloading of trucks in the light of production schedules and raw material stocks available at the sawmill yard. It is important to keep all the actors in a supply chain integrated coordinated, so that optimal working routines can be reached in the sawmill yard.   


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The Nailed Box Beam structural efficiency is directly dependent of the flange-web joint behavior, which determines the partial composition of the section, as the displacement between elements reduces the effective rigidity of the section and changes the stress distribution and the total displacement of the section. This work discusses the use of Nailed Plywood Box Beams in small span timber bridges, focusing on the reliability of the beam element. It is presented the results of tests carried out in 21 full scale Nailed Plywood Box Beams. The analysis of maximum load tests results shows that it presents a normal distribution, permitting the characteristic values calculation as the normal distribution theory specifies. The reliability of those elements was analyzed focusing on a timber bridge design, to estimate the failure probability in function of the load level.


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The common point between the two forms of production of the wood-based sector in Brazil, one practically manufacturing and the other high technology, is in the qualification of the of the labor. In both cases, the professionals are being formed directly in the productive line and rarely with qualification in the academic area. There is not a public political education for the qualification of the labor, and the work market that does not demand qualified professionals, contributes for the sector stagnation. So, in order to excel the socio-cultural barriers in relation to the use of wood in the buildings, new attitudes are necessary in the teaching of the contents of the curricular programs, mainly, in formation of the architect and civil engineering.


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This study evaluated whether processing non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and establishing trade partnerships between forest communities and companies enhance the outcomes of NTFP commercialization. In particular, we evaluated whether product processing, partnerships, or their combination was associated with a number of outcomes related to the well-being of forest inhabitants and forest conservation. We based our analyses on ethnographic and quantitative data (i.e., survey and systematic observations) gathered at seven communities from five societies of the Brazilian and Bolivian Amazon. Our results indicated that product processing and partnerships do not represent a silver bullet able to improve the results of NTFP commercialization in terms of well-being and conservation indicators. Compared with cases without interventions, households adopting partnerships but not product processing were most often associated with improved economic proxies of well-being (total income, NTFP income, food consumption and gender equality in income). In comparison, the combination of product processing and partnerships was associated with similar outcomes. Unexpectedly, product processing alone was associated with negative outcomes in the economic indicators of well-being. All of the investigated strategies were associated with less time spent in social and cultural activities. With respect to forest conservation, the strategies that included a partnership with or without processing produced similar results: while household deforestation tended to decrease, the hunting impact increased. Processing alone was also associated with higher levels of hunting, though it did not reduce deforestation. Our results indicate that establishing partnerships may enhance the outcomes of NTFP trade in terms of the financial outcomes of local communities, but practitioners need to use caution when adopting the processing strategy and they need to evaluate potential negative results for indicators of social and cultural activities. With respect to conservation, the three strategies are promising for reducing deforestation, but more pervasive impacts, such as hunting, might increase.


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Trade in non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has been touted as promoting forest conservation and enhancing the well-being of local residents through increased cash income, which is considered a positive outcome. However, research on cooperation has demonstrated that increased market access and income may strengthen or weaken cooperation. Because cooperation is essential for community resilience in small-scale societies, negative effects on people's well-being can be expected if increased NTFP trade reduces cooperation. To evaluate whether NTFP trade affected cooperation, we used household data (survey and systematic observations) to compare the frequency of cooperation in two communities of Brazilian Amazon Caboclos, one of which engaged in NTFP trade, while the other did not. Cooperation was less frequent in the community trading NTFPs, but neither household cash income nor household participation in NTFP exploitation was associated with cooperative behavior. Decreased frequency most likely derived from indirect effects of NTFP trade, such as less time to fish or socialize, or other outcomes observable only at the community level, such as income inequality, the influx of new residents and consequent population growth. Our results indicate that conservation and development projects based on NTFP trade may negatively impact social and economic well-being of local communities.


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Anemia associated with cancer and cancer therapy is a common and important issue in the treatment of patients with malignant disease. Conventionally, blood transfusions are used to treat severe cancer-related anemia. Short- and long-acting preparations of recombinant human erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) offer an alternative treatment option. Multiple studies and subsequent meta-analyses have demonstrated that ESA treatment increases hemoglobin levels and reduces the likelihood of transfusion for a proportion of treated patients. However, studies that attempted to evaluate whether ESAs improve tumor response and survival have generated conflicting evidence. Results of smaller trials reporting improved survival outcomes were contradicted by large randomized controlled trials that reported more deaths in patients receiving ESAs. In addition, there is strong evidence that cancer patients receiving ESAs have an increased risk of thromboembolic and cardiovascular events. We herein review the main meta-analyses published in the field, their strengths and weaknesses, their contribution to patient management and future perspectives for systematic reviews.


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Theileria parasites infect and transform cells of the ruminant immune system. Continuous proliferation and survival of Theileria-transformed cells involves the well-orchestrated activation of several host-cell signalling pathways. Constitutive NF-kappa B (nuclear factor kappa B) activation is accomplished by recruiting the IKK (I kappa B kinase) complex, a central regulator of NF-kappa B pathways, to the surface of the transforming schizont, where it becomes permanently activated. Constitutive activation of the PI-3K-PKB [phosphoinositide 3-kinase-(Akt) protein kinase B] pathway is likely to be indirect and is essential for continuous proliferation. Theileria-transformed T cells express a range of anti-apoptotic proteins that can be expected to provide protection against apoptosis induced by death receptors, as well as cellular control mechanisms that are mobilised to eliminate cells that entered a cycle of uncontrolled proliferation.


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Quality of life (QL) is an important consideration when comparing adjuvant therapies for early breast cancer, especially if they differ substantially in toxicity. We evaluated QL and Q-TWiST among patients randomised to adjuvant dose-intensive epirubicin and cyclophosphamide administered with filgrastim and progenitor cell support (DI-EC) or standard-dose anthracycline-based chemotherapy (SD-CT). We estimated the duration of chemotherapy toxicity (TOX), time without disease symptoms and toxicity (TWiST), and time following relapse (REL). Patients scored QL indicators. Mean durations for the three transition times were weighted with patient reported utilities to obtain mean Q-TWiST. Patients receiving DI-EC reported worse QL during TOX, especially treatment burden (month 3: P<0.01), but a faster recovery 3 months following chemotherapy than patients receiving SD-CT, for example, less coping effort (P<0.01). Average Q-TWiST was 1.8 months longer for patients receiving DI-EC (95% CI, -2.5 to 6.1). Q-TWiST favoured DI-EC for most values of utilities attached to TOX and REL. Despite greater initial toxicity, quality-adjusted survival was similar or better with dose-intensive treatment as compared to standard treatment. Thus, QL considerations should not be prohibitive if future intensive therapies show superior efficacy.


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The research presented in this thesis was conducted to further the development of the stress wave method of nondestructively assessing the quality of wood in standing trees. The specific objective of this research was to examine, in the field, use of two stress wave nondestructive assessment techniques. The first technique examined utilizes a laboratory-built measurement system consisting of commercially available accelerometers and a digital storage oscilloscope. The second technique uses a commercially available tool that incorporates several technologies to determine speed of stress wave propagation in standing trees. Field measurements using both techniques were conducted on sixty red pine trees in south-central Wisconsin and 115 ponderosa pine trees in western Idaho. After in-situ measurements were taken, thirty tested red pine trees were felled and a 15-foot-long butt log was obtained from each tree, while all tested ponderosa pine trees were felled and an 8 1/2 -foot-long butt log was obtained, respectively. The butt logs were sent to the USDA Forest Products Laboratory and nondestructively tested using a resonance stress wave technique. Strong correlative relationships were observed between stress wave values obtained from both field measurement techniques. Excellent relationships were also observed between standing tree and log speed-of-sound values.


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Small-scale village woodlots of less than 0.5ha are the preferred use of land for local farmers with extra land in the village of Isangati, a small community located in the southern highlands of Tanzania. Farmers view woodlots as lucrative investments that do not involve intensive labor or time. The climate is ideal for the types of trees grown and the risks are minimal with no serious threats from insects, fires, thieves, or grazing livestock. It was hypothesized that small-scale village woodlot owners were not maximizing timber outputs with their current timber stand management and harvesting techniques. Personal interviews were conducted over a five month period and field data was collected at each farmer’s woodlots over a seven month period. Woodlot field data included woodlot size, number of trees, tree species, tree height, dbh, age, and spacing. The results indicated that the lack of proper woodlot management techniques results in failure to fully capitalize on the investment of woodlots. While farmers should continue with their current harvesting rotations, some of the reasons for not maximizing tree growth include close spacing (2m x 2m), no tree thinning, extreme pruning (60% of tree), and little to no weeding. Through education and hands-on woodlot management workshops, the farmers could increase their timber output and value of woodlots.