995 resultados para tropical semideciduous forest


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A spatial autocorrelation study of enzyme loci detected by starch gel electrophoresis was performed to verify the occurrence of spatial genetic structure within two natural populations of Machaerium villosum Vog. The sampled populations were termed "Antropic Model (MA)" and "Natural Model (MN)" and they are situated in Campininha Farm areas, at Moji-Guaçu municipality, 22°10'43''-22°18'19'' S and 47°8'5"-47°11'34" W, in the state of São Paulo. Ten polymorphic loci in the MA population and nine polymorphic loci in the MN population were assessed by Moran's I autocorrelation statistic. No spatial autocorrelation was detected among individuals within sampled populations. Results are in line with other studies in woody species from tropical rain forest.


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O estudo fitossociológico, se realizado em diferentes estratos verticais da floresta, fornece dados de grande valia para a compreensão da dinâmica da comunidade. Efetuou-se levantamento das espécies arbóreas presentes em diferentes estratos, em área de 6.000 m² de floresta madura, na Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus, Gália, SP. Foram utilizadas 60 parcelas de 10 x 10 m, para indivíduos com diâmetro do caule a 1,30 m acima do nível do solo (DAP) a partir de 5 cm (estrato superior); 10 x 2 m, para indivíduos com DAP entre 1 e 5 cm (estrato intermediário) e 60 sub-parcelas de 2 x 2 m, para indivíduos menores que 1 cm de DAP (estrato inferior). Verificou-se que a diversidade, a composição florística e a densidade relativa das espécies variam entre estratos. No estrato superior, com 1.080 indivíduos.ha-1 e área basal de 31,2 m².ha-1, encontraram-se 62 espécies (28 famílias), tendo sido as mais importantes, em ordem decrescente de IVI: Metrodorea nigra, Savia dictyocarpa, Ocotea indecora, Aspidosperma polyneuron e Trichilia catigua. O estrato intermediário apresentou-se com densidade de 3.525 indivíduos.ha-1, pertencentes a 30 espécies (17 famílias), sendo as mais importantes em ordem decrescente de IVI: Metrodorea nigra, Actinostemon concolor, Trichilia catigua, Aspidosperma polyneuron e Trichilia clausenii. No estrato inferior a densidade foi de 28.875 indivíduos.ha-1, pertencentes a 37 espécies (19 famílias), sendo as mais abundantes, em ordem decrescente de densidade relativa: Metrodorea nigra, Actinostemon concolor, Trichilia catigua, Aspidosperma polyneuron e Eugenia blastantha. Constatou-se que há espécies do estrato superior da floresta que não foram observadas em regeneração, especialmente heliófitas de estádios sucessionais iniciais (p. ex. Croton floribundus). Outras ocorreram com densidade relativa decrescente nos estratos inferiores (p. ex. Savia dictyocarpa e Ocotea indecora). Para outras espécies, as sementes germinaram, mas não se desenvolveram à sombra, estando ausentes no estrato intermediário (p. ex. Cariniana estrellensis). Observou-se, ainda, um grupo de espécies, de estádios sucessionais mais avançados, que apresentaram a mesma densidade relativa em todos os estratos (p. ex. Metrodorea nigra e Aspidosperma polyneuron).


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Neste trabalho, foram estudadas a composição florística e a estrutura fitossociológica da vegetação em um fragmento de floresta ribeirinha, ao longo do rio Passa Cinco, Ipeúna, SP. Foram amostradas 157 parcelas contínuas de 5 x 10 m, em uma área de 0,785 ha. Foram feitas medidas de diâmetro e mapeados todos os indivíduos com DAP maior ou igual a 5 cm, em 1989 e 1998. Constatou-se a presença de um mosaico vegetacional e discutiram-se os possíveis fatores definidores deste mosaico. Foram, também, verificadas as alterações florísticas e fitossociológicas na área após nove anos. As análises multivariadas da vegetação mostraram a presença de três grupos vegetacionais com grande sobreposição aos três tipos de solo identificados na área. As análises quantitativas da estrutura da comunidade mostraram diferenças em cada um destes grupos, que se mantiveram ao longo do tempo, indicando associações florísticas próprias com grande correlação à cada tipo de solo. O grupo vegetacional sobre solo aluvial, na faixa imediatamente paralela ao curso d’água, apresentou diferenças florísticas mais pronunciadas, e maior diversidade de espécies, área basal e densidade de indivíduos. Em nove anos, poucas alterações na estrutura fitossociológica foram observadas para as espécies de maior valor de importância na área, com um aumento de 2,01% do número total de indivíduos e 2,80% na área basal total.


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Foram estudados três trechos de uma floresta semidecídua na Estação Ecológica do Tripuí com o objetivo de verificar a ocorrência de diferenças na produção de serapilheira de acordo com o grau de perturbação. A serapilheira foi coletada entre julho de 1997 e agosto de 1998, usando-se dez coletores de 0,36 m², em cada trecho. A produção anual nos trechos A1 (6,78 ± 0,65 t.ha-1) e A2 (6,58 ± 0,49 t.ha-1) foi significativamente superior à estimada no trecho A3 (5,09 ± 0,58 t.ha-1) (ANOVA, p < 0,01). Os três trechos apresentaram padrão semelhante de produção da serapilheira, com o pico máximo ocorrendo em setembro (teste Tukey, p < 0,0001). A abundância de espécies pioneiras foi menos importante que a estatura do dossel na determinação da produção de serapilheira nas três áreas.


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A análise da dinâmica do dossel tem grande importância para se avaliar o efeito da urbanização nos fragmentos florestais, uma vez que alterações nas copas resultam em modificações abióticas e bióticas abaixo destas. Para a analise da dinâmica do dossel, avaliou-se a produção de serapilheira e o índice de área foliar (IAF), obtido por três diferentes metodologias, durante dois anos, em um fragmento de mata semidecídua, do perímetro urbano de Belo Horizonte, MG. A produção de serapilheira média anual foi de aproximadamente 6,47 t. ha-1. ano-1, com grande variação sazonal. Os valores médios de IAF obtidos a partir de fotografias hemisféricas (IAF-foto) e utilizando o LAI-2000 (LI-COR) (IAF-LAI2000), no final da estação chuvosa, foram respectivamente, 2,3 e 4,9 e 0,78 e 1,3, na estação seca. Esses valores foram superiores aos valores de IAF obtidos a partir da área foliar específica das folhas da serapilheira (IAF-serapilheira). Os métodos utilizando imagens hemisféricas (IAF-foto e IAF-LAI2000) mostraram, apesar de valores distintos, a dinâmica do dossel de maneira similar. O IAF-serrapilheira mostra essa dinâmica de maneira inversa, com uma boa relação linear negativa entre os valores de IAF, obtidos através das imagens hemisféricas, e os valores de IAF obtidos através das folhas da serapilheira. Esses resultados sugerem que as três metodologias igualmente podem ser utilizadas para registrar a dinâmica do dossel.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a florística, estrutura e fisionomia de três florestas em distintas situações fisiográficas da planície litorânea. Foram amostradas uma floresta sobre turfeira pouco profunda (floresta turfosa rasa), uma floresta sobre turfeira profunda (floresta turfosa profunda) e uma floresta em solo firme e seco (floresta sobre morrote), todas situadas na área de floresta contínua do Parque Estadual da Campina do Encantado, Pariquera-Açu SP. Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociológico através de blocos de parcelas contíguas de 10 × 10 m -- totalizando 1,04 ha -- e amostradas todas as árvores com DAP > ou = 4,8 cm. Foram encontradas ao todo 144 espécies, sendo 112 na floresta sobre morrote, 46 na floresta turfosa rasa e cinco na floresta turfosa profunda. A similaridade entre as três florestas foi baixa, com poucas espécies em comum, principalmente em relação às florestas turfosas e a floresta sobre morrote. A floresta sobre morrote apresentou alta diversidade, típica de ambientes florestais tropicais (H' = 4,06 nat.ind.-1). A floresta turfosa rasa apresentou o valor de diversidade dentro do esperado para formações alagáveis das planícies litorâneas (H' = 2,98 nat.ind.-1). A diversidade na floresta turfosa profunda foi muito baixa (H' = 0,82 nat.ind.-1), sendo a menor já registrada para florestas sem perturbação antrópica das regiões sul e sudeste brasileira. A heterogeneidade vegetacional em áreas de floresta contínua, condicionada aos fatores fisiográficos das planícies litorâneas, indica a necessidade de se proteger o maior número de situações ambientais possíveis, objetivando a conservação da biodiversidade in situ.


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Objetivou-se caracterizar a topografia da área estudada e avaliar sua relação com a distribuição das 20 principais espécies arbóreas amostradas em um gradiente florestal (galeria, mesófila semidecídua de encosta e cerradão), na Estação Ecológica do Panga, município de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Utilizando-se mangueira de nível, foram medidos os desníveis entre pontos de 211 parcelas distribuídas em oito transectos. O gradiente florestal situa-se sobre uma vertente predominantemente convexa, voltada para Nordeste, com inclinação de cerca de 4% no topo até mais de 40% sobre rochas na base da formação. A sobreposição de mapas (distribuição das espécies e topográfico) mostrou que algumas das espécies são influenciadas positiva ou negativamente às variações de umidade do solo ocasionadas pela topografia ocorrentes na mata de galeria, enquanto que outras mostram relação com outros fatores edáficos e/ou condições de luminosidade de bordas e clareiras.


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Alien plants are known to occur in Brazil since the 18th century when African grasses started to be recorded in pastures near Rio de Janeiro. In the beginning of the 19th century two royal decrees (July, 1809 and July, 1810) offered grants and tax exemption to everyone who would introduce plants of economic value. Nowadays, there are 117 plant species recognized as invasive or established and with invasive potential in Brazil and an unknown number of introduced plant species. Some of the most pervasive invasive species are Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. and Hedychium coronarium König in tropical ombrophilous forest, Hovenia dulcis Thunb. in subtropical ombrophilous forest and subtropical semi-deciduous forest, Pinus taeda L. and Pinus elliottii Engelm. in subtropical ombrophilous forest and steppe, Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. in stepic-savanna, Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth in tropical and subtropical semi-deciduous forest, Melinis minutiflora P. Beauv. in the Brazilian savannas, and Eragrostis plana Nees in the steppe. The purpose of this article is to fill a knowledge gap on alien species that are invasive in Brazil and where they are invading by summarizing data obtained by joint efforts of the Hórus Institute for Environmental Conservation and Development, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) invasive species thematic network (I3N), and the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) in the last six years.


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This thesis Entitled studies on the macrobenthic community of cochin backwaters with special reference to culture of eriopisa chilkensis (Gammaridae- amphipoda).Benthic organisms are usually studied for environmental impact assessment, pollution control and resource conservation. The benthic monitoring component has three major objectives: 1) characterize the benthic communities to assess the estuarine health, 2) determine seasonal and spatial variability in benthic communities, and 3) detect changes in the estuarine community through examination of changes in abundances of specific indicator taxa and other standard benthic indices.Cochin backwaters situated at the tip of the northern Vembanad lake is a tropical positive estuarine system. The backwaters of Kerala support as much biological productivity and diversity as tropical rain forest and are responsible for the rich fishery potential of Kerala. Backwaters also act as nursery grounds for commercially important prawns and fishes.The thesis has been subdivided into seven chapters. The first chapter gives a general introduction about the topic and also highlights the scope and purpose of the study. The second chapter covers the methodology adopted for the collection and analysis of water quality parameters, sediment and the macrobenthic fauna.Chapter 3 deals with hydrographic features, sediment characteristics and the spatial variation and abundance of macrobenthic fauna in the Cochin estuary.Chapter 4 explains the impact of organic enrichment on macrobenthic popUlation in the Cochin estuary and includes the comparison of the present data with the earlier work in this region.Chapter 5 deals with seasonal variability in abundance of macrobenthic species in the estuary. The study was conducted from 9 stations during three seasons (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon) in 2003.Chapter 6 deals with Life history and Population Dynamics of Eriopisa chilkensis Chilton (Gammaridae-Amphipoda). The life cycle of the gammarid amphipod Eriopisa chilkensis from the Cochin estuary, south west coast of India was studied for the first time under laboratory conditions.


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Pollen data from China for 6000 and 18,000 14C yr bp were compiled and used to reconstruct palaeovegetation patterns, using complete taxon lists where possible and a biomization procedure that entailed the assignment of 645 pollen taxa to plant functional types. A set of 658 modern pollen samples spanning all biomes and regions provided a comprehensive test for this procedure and showed convincing agreement between reconstructed biomes and present natural vegetation types, both geographically and in terms of the elevation gradients in mountain regions of north-eastern and south-western China. The 6000 14C yr bp map confirms earlier studies in showing that the forest biomes in eastern China were systematically shifted northwards and extended westwards during the mid-Holocene. Tropical rain forest occurred on mainland China at sites characterized today by either tropical seasonal or broadleaved evergreen/warm mixed forest. Broadleaved evergreen/warm mixed forest occurred further north than today, and at higher elevation sites within the modern latitudinal range of this biome. The northern limit of temperate deciduous forest was shifted c. 800 km north relative to today. The 18,000 14C yr bp map shows that steppe and even desert vegetation extended to the modern coast of eastern China at the last glacial maximum, replacing today’s temperate deciduous forest. Tropical forests were excluded from China and broadleaved evergreen/warm mixed forest had retreated to tropical latitudes, while taiga extended southwards to c. 43°N.


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BIOME 6000 is an international project to map vegetation globally at mid-Holocene (6000 14C yr bp) and last glacial maximum (LGM, 18,000 14C yr bp), with a view to evaluating coupled climate-biosphere model results. Primary palaeoecological data are assigned to biomes using an explicit algorithm based on plant functional types. This paper introduces the second Special Feature on BIOME 6000. Site-based global biome maps are shown with data from North America, Eurasia (except South and Southeast Asia) and Africa at both time periods. A map based on surface samples shows the method’s skill in reconstructing present-day biomes. Cold and dry conditions at LGM favoured extensive tundra and steppe. These biomes intergraded in northern Eurasia. Northern hemisphere forest biomes were displaced southward. Boreal evergreen forests (taiga) and temperate deciduous forests were fragmented, while European and East Asian steppes were greatly extended. Tropical moist forests (i.e. tropical rain forest and tropical seasonal forest) in Africa were reduced. In south-western North America, desert and steppe were replaced by open conifer woodland, opposite to the general arid trend but consistent with modelled southward displacement of the jet stream. The Arctic forest limit was shifted slighly north at 6000 14C yr bp in some sectors, but not in all. Northern temperate forest zones were generally shifted greater distances north. Warmer winters as well as summers in several regions are required to explain these shifts. Temperate deciduous forests in Europe were greatly extended, into the Mediterranean region as well as to the north. Steppe encroached on forest biomes in interior North America, but not in central Asia. Enhanced monsoons extended forest biomes in China inland and Sahelian vegetation into the Sahara while the African tropical rain forest was also reduced, consistent with a modelled northward shift of the ITCZ and a more seasonal climate in the equatorial zone. Palaeobiome maps show the outcome of separate, independent migrations of plant taxa in response to climate change. The average composition of biomes at LGM was often markedly different from today. Refugia for the temperate deciduous and tropical rain forest biomes may have existed offshore at LGM, but their characteristic taxa also persisted as components of other biomes. Examples include temperate deciduous trees that survived in cool mixed forest in eastern Europe, and tropical evergreen trees that survived in tropical seasonal forest in Africa. The sequence of biome shifts during a glacial-interglacial cycle may help account for some disjunct distributions of plant taxa. For example, the now-arid Saharan mountains may have linked Mediterranean and African tropical montane floras during enhanced monsoon regimes. Major changes in physical land-surface conditions, shown by the palaeobiome data, have implications for the global climate. The data can be used directly to evaluate the output of coupled atmosphere-biosphere models. The data could also be objectively generalized to yield realistic gridded land-surface maps, for use in sensitivity experiments with atmospheric models. Recent analyses of vegetation-climate feedbacks have focused on the hypothesized positive feedback effects of climate-induced vegetation changes in the Sahara/Sahel region and the Arctic during the mid-Holocene. However, a far wider spectrum of interactions potentially exists and could be investigated, using these data, both for 6000 14C yr bp and for the LGM.


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The response of ten atmospheric general circulation models to orbital forcing at 6 kyr BP has been investigated using the BIOME model, which predicts equilibrium vegetation distribution, as a diagnostic. Several common features emerge: (a) reduced tropical rain forest as a consequence of increased aridity in the equatorial zone, (b) expansion of moisture-demanding vegetation in the Old World subtropics as a consequence of the expansion of the Afro–Asian monsoon, (c) an increase in warm grass/shrub in the Northern Hemisphere continental interiors in response to warming and enhanced aridity, and (d) a northward shift in the tundra–forest boundary in response to a warmer growing season at high northern latitudes. These broadscale features are consistent from model to model, but there are differences in their expression at a regional scale. Vegetation changes associated with monsoon enhancement and high-latitude summer warming are consistent with palaeoenvironmental observations, but the simulated shifts in vegetation belts are too small in both cases. Vegetation changes due to warmer and more arid conditions in the midcontinents of the Northern Hemisphere are consistent with palaeoenvironmental data from North America, but data from Eurasia suggests conditions were wetter at 6 kyr BP than today. The models show quantitatively similar vegetation changes in the intertropical zone, and in the northern and southern extratropics. The small differences among models in the magnitude of the global vegetation response are not related to differences in global or zonal climate averages, but reflect differences in simulated regional features. Regional-scale analyses will therefore be necessary to identify the underlying causes of such differences among models.


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New compilations of African pollen and lake data are compared with climate (CCM1, NCAR, Boulder) and vegetation (BIOME 1.2, GSG, Lund) simulations for the last glacial maximum (LGM) and early to mid-Holocene (EMH). The simulated LGM climate was ca 4°C colder and drier than present, with maximum reduction in precipitation in semi-arid regions. Biome simulations show lowering of montane vegetation belts and expansion of southern xerophytic associations, but no change in the distribution of deserts and tropical rain forests. The lakes show LGM conditions similar or drier than present throughout northern and tropical Africa. Pollen data indicate lowering of montane vegetation belts, the stability of the Sahara, and a reduction of rain forest. The paleoenvironmental data are consistent with the simulated changes in temperature and moisture budgets, although they suggest the climate model underestimates equatorial aridity. EMH simulations show temperatures slightly less than present and increased monsoonal precipitation in the eastern Sahara and East Africa. Biome simulations show an upward shift of montane vegetation belts, fragmentation of xerophytic vegetation in southern Africa, and a major northward shift of the southern margin of the eastern Sahara. The lakes indicate conditions wetter than present across northern Africa. Pollen data show an upward shift of the montane forests, the northward shift of the southern margin of the Sahara, and a major extension of tropical rain forest. The lake and pollen data confirm monsoon expansion in eastern Africa, but the climate model fails to simulate the wet conditions in western Africa.


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Large changes in the extent of northern subtropical arid regions during the Holocene are attributed to orbitally forced variations in monsoon strength and have been implicated in the regulation of atmospheric trace gas concentrations on millenial timescales. Models that omit biogeophysical feedback, however, are unable to account for the full magnitude of African monsoon amplification and extension during the early to middle Holocene (˜9500–5000 years B.P.). A data set describing land-surface conditions 6000 years B.P. on a 1° × 1° grid across northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula has been prepared from published maps and other sources of palaeoenvironmental data, with the primary aim of providing a realistic lower boundary condition for atmospheric general circulation model experiments similar to those performed in the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project. The data set includes information on the percentage of each grid cell occupied by specific vegetation types (steppe, savanna, xerophytic woods/scrub, tropical deciduous forest, and tropical montane evergreen forest), open water (lakes), and wetlands, plus information on the flow direction of major drainage channels for use in large-scale palaeohydrological modeling.


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In southern Bahia, Brazil, large land areas are used for the production of cocoa (Theobroma cacao), which is predominantly grown under the shade of native trees in an agroforestry system locally known as cabruca. As a dominant forest-like landscape element of the cocoa region, the cabrucas play an important role in the conservation of the region`s biodiversity. The purpose of this review is to provide the scientific basis for an action plan to reconcile cocoa production and biodiversity conservation in southern Bahia. The available research collectively highlights the diversity of responses of different species and biological groups to both the habitat quality of the cabrucas themselves and to the general characteristics of the landscape, such as the relative extent and spatial configuration of different vegetation types within the landscape mosaic. We identify factors that influence directly or indirectly the occurrence of native species in the cabrucas and the wider landscape of the cocoa region and develop recommendations for their conservation management. We show that the current scientific knowledge already provides a good basis for a biodiversity friendly management of the cocoa region of southern Bahia, although more work is needed to refine some management recommendations, especially on shade canopy composition and density, and verify their economic viability. The implementation of our recommendations should be accompanied by appropriate biological and socioeconomic monitoring and the findings should inform a broad program of adaptive management of the cabrucas and the wider cocoa landscape.