948 resultados para technology-based
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho volta-se a área de inovação e a tecnologia como fator de diferenciação e geração de negócios de base tecnológica a partir de projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento do Centro de Excelência em Eficiência Energética na Amazônia – CEAMAZON, visando identificar e classificar o potencial de empreendimentos oriundos dos projetos dos laboratórios de P&D em energia deste centro. Utilizou-se a metodologia do Radar de negócios em tecnologia e inovação (RANTI) para levantar e gerar um portifólio de negócios em energia, e o potencial de inovação do CEAMAZON para que a sociedade faça uso do conhecimento gerado a partir desse centro de pesquisa para a criação de empresas e negócios por empreendedores, investidores e/ou empresários, a fim de gerar empregos, mais tecnologia e multiplicar a capacidade do CEAMAZON de criar mais projetos de P&D com interface com o mercado.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
This article analyzes the results of three different field research, carried out simultaneously in small technology-based sectors, metal-mechanical industry and hotel in the city of São Carlos - SP, with goals, concepts and methods of similar research. The studies were classified as quantitative and descriptive and conducted through a survey of opinion with the main leader of the company. It were considered valid for analyses, the responses of 57 leaders, it were 33 technology-based sector, 13 of the metal-mechanic industry and 11 in the hospitality sector. The main results: the formalization of planning has not led to better performance, considering the indicator growth in sales in the three sectors studied and that the degree of formalization of the planning of the companies in the technologybased sector was higher, while the hospitality sector had a percentage smaller. The dynamic aspect of technology-based sector and stability in the hotel sector in the region studied, leads to assume that the turbulence of the environment is a predominant factor, contradicting the proposal of some authors, in which the formal planning is inappropriate for small companies that operate in environments that change quickly.
Technology-Based Firms (TBFs) are companies with intensive innovation dynamics based on technical competences, and for which high growth rates are expected. Nevertheless, even in developed countries, the evidence suggests that significantly high growth rates are more the exception than the rule. In Brazil, most studies on TBFs focus on factors that limit their success, such as managerial experience and capital availability. Based on extensive field research and on a reliable enterprise growth rate indicator, this article aims to evaluate the expansion of those firms, analyzing its relation to key elements such as degree of consolidation, market insertion, and public policy support. We found a growth rate which, although widely varied amongst firms, was significant and was not directly related to the amount of public policy support.
Teletandem is a virtual autonomous VoIP2 technology-based context (webcam images, voice and text). Within this context, two students help each other learn their native (or other) language through intercultural and linguistic collaboration. Performative Theory can shed light on the constitution of these students' national identities, as they engage in linguistic performances of marking and discussing differences between their countries during teletandem. Based on critical approaches to discourse and intercultural communication, my analysis shows that this online intercultural contact opens innovative possibilities for foreign language teachers to promote intercultural contact with the different. However, without teacher mediation, teletandem interactions may fall into shallow performances of sedimented and pre-given representations of self and other. Subsequently, this article concludes with a discussion of relevant pedagogical points for foreign language teachers.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
In the context of the product development process (PDP), portfolio management plays an important role by determing the set of products that a company uses to compete. Due to its characteristics, performing continuous technological forecasting activities for developing and transferring technologies to their products through the PDP, this tends to make portfolio management a complex activity for products at these companies. This paper’s objective was to identify practices for product portfolio management in a medium-sized technology-based firm located in São Carlos, SP. Qualitative research was used and it was operationalized through a case study. Among the main results, it was noted that decisions on product portfolio depend mainly on the perception of senior management and the financial analyzes constitute the main method used for supporting the decision.
The product portfólio management is considered relevant activity to the proper performance of the product development process. This paper aims to present the main methods of management that technology-based small businesses adopt for decision-making in product portfolio. This survey, which collected data on 31 companies was conducted. It was observed that although firms adopt market research and mapping methods and financial methods and for this decision-making, most of them based on the informal deliberations of senior management. Unable to understand the business relationships between the presence of ISO 9001 certification with greater formalization for decision making in product portfolio.
Low liquid-solid ratio (LSR) can be used to obtain high-content xylo-oligosaccharide (XOS) spend liquor by hot water pretreatment. Developing a technology based on low LSR results in more efficient water usage in the system and thus in lower capital and operating costs. Xylans from xylan rich agro-industrial waste are abundant hemicellulosic polymers with enormous potential for industrial applications. Currently, freeze-dried xylo-oligosaccharides are used as bio-based polymers and hydrolysates containing high xylose contents are converted to several chemical products. In this study, sugarcane bagasse was treated with water at low LSRs and mild temperatures in order to assess the effects of varying the pretreatment conditions on the xylo-oligosaccharide and xylose concentrations, and use a central composite experimental design to optimize the process parameters. The pretreatments were performed in the ranges temperature: 143.3-176.7 degrees C, time: 20-70 min and LSR: 1 : 1 to 11 : 1 (g g(-1)). The maximum concentrations of xylose and xylan were 13.76 and 36.18 g L-1 (equivalent to 48.29 g L-1 of xylan), respectively, which were achieved by treating bagasse at 170 degrees C for 60 min, with LSR of 3 g g(-1). The amount of xylan removed under these conditions was almost 57%. The soluble xylan consisted mainly of xylo-oligosaccharides (74 wt% of the identified compound in the spent liquor).
O objetivo do trabalho foi o de estudar o processo estratégico, testar algumas hipóteses acerca desse processo e propor modelos explicativos para a criação de estratégia em pequenas empresas de base tecnológica. A estratégia empresarial é uma área de significativa importância para os estudos administrativos, tendo em vista o impacto das decisões e ações estratégicas para o sucesso das empresas. Além disso, a teoria sobre estratégia está fortemente fundamentada em estudos realizados em empresas de grande porte, maduras, podendo, portanto, apresentar viés quando considerada a sua aplicação em empresas de pequeno porte e empresas em fase de desenvolvimento. Este estudo analisou os processos de criação de estratégias e propôs um conjunto de modelos representativos desses processos para pequenas empresas de base tecnológica criadas sem a formalização de planos de negócios, o que foi muito comum no início dos polos tecnológicos brasileiros na década de 80. Foi realizado um trabalho de campo cuja natureza foi a de pesquisa aplicada. O procedimento técnico utilizado foi o estudo multicasos, sendo investigadas cinco empresas de pequeno e uma de médio porte, conforme classificação pelo número de empregados, todas de base tecnológica e localizadas no Polo Tecnológico de São Carlos, em São Carlos, SP. O resultado da pesquisa evidenciou que as estratégias são criadas por etapas distintas, o que permitiu a construção de um conjunto de modelos representativos do processo de criação de estratégias, além de confirmar algumas hipóteses formuladas, podendo destacar que a ausência de formalização de planos de negócios não impediu o sucesso das empresas estudadas.
A pressão por inovação em empresas de base tecnológica, em ciclos cada vez mais curtos e demandando competências complexas, tem levado as empresas à busca de uma estruturação sob a forma de redes de cooperação empresarial, a fim de mitigar riscos e reduzir custos enquanto acelera o time to market. Entretanto, apesar de todas as vantagens e oportunidades reais, há grandes barreiras a serem transpostas. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é compreender o processo de estruturação de uma rede de cooperação no contexto de empresas de base tecnológica. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi a pesquisa-ação desenvolvida em 30 empresas do setor eletroeletrônico. Os resultados apontam o temor ao comportamento oportunista como o item mais crítico à formação da rede de cooperação empresarial.