891 resultados para super duplex stainless steel


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In this study, autogenous laser welding was used to join thin plates of low carbon ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. Due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of base metals, this kind of weld exhibits a complex microstructure, which frequently leads to an overall loss of joint quality. Four welded samples were prepared by using different sets of processing parameters, with the aim of minimizing the induced residual stress field. The dissimilar austenitic-ferritic joints obtained under all welding conditions were uniform and free of defects. Variations in beam position did not influence the weld geometiy, which is a typical keyhole welding. Microstructural characterization and residual strain scanning (by neutron diffraction) were used to assess the features of the joints. By varying laser beam power density and by displacing the laser beam towards the carbon steel side, an optimum combination of processing parameters was found.


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The present investigation addresses the overall and local mechanical performance of dissimilar joints of low carbon steel (CS) and stainless Steel (SS) thin sheets achieved by laser welding in case of heat source displacement from the weld gap centreline towards CS. Welding was performed on a Nd:YAG laser DY033 (3300 W) in a continuos wave (CW), keyhole mode. The tensile behavior of the joint different zones assessed by using a video-image based system (VIC-2D) reveals that the residual stress field, together with the positive difference in yield between the weld metal and the base materials protects the joint from being plastically deformed. The tensile loadings of flat transverse specimens generate the strain localization and failure in CS, far away from the weld.


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Se ha estudiado el acero inoxidable pulvimetalúrgico AISI 430L, comparando la sinterización en dos atmósferas diferentes; en vacío, y en una atmósfera que contiene nitrógeno. Se ha desarrollado un tratamiento térmico con objeto de incrementar las propiedades mecánicas, mediante la modificación microestructural de los nitruros complejos de hierro y cromo precipitados durante la etapa de sinterización. Se han evaluado las propiedades físicas y a la vez se ha realizado un análisis microestructural con el fin de relacionar la microestructura con el incremento en las propiedades mecánicas. Influence of sintering atmosphere on the mechanical properties of steel P / M AISI 430L. It has studied the stainless steel powder metallurgy AISI 430L. It has compared the sintering in two different atmospheres; in vacuum, and in an atmosphere containing nitrogen. It has developed a heat treatment with the aim of improving the mechanical properties. This has been done through microstructural modification of complex nitrides of iron and chromium precipitates during the phase of sintering. Physical properties have been evaluated and are been performing a microstructural analysis for microstructure related to the increase in mechanical properties.


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La utilización de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable en estructuras de hormigón armado, se está mostrando como una alternativa con gran futuro en estructuras expuestas a ambientes muy agresivos o que requieran vidas en servicio muy elevadas. Estos aceros inoxidables cuentan con similares propiedades mecánicas que los aceros al carbono pero un comportamiento muy mejorado frente a la corrosión, especialmente frente a cloruros. Dentro de los aceros inoxidables, los del tipo dúplex tienen como ventaja una composición con una cantidad menor de níquel, reduciendo de esta manera el coste de estos y haciendo que su precio dependa menos de las fluctuaciones del precio del níquel. Este trabajo estudia la resistencia frente a la corrosión bajo tensión de estos aceros inoxidables del tipo dúplex (AISI 2001 y AISI 2205). The use of stainless steel reinforcing bars in concrete structures is proving to be an alternative with great future in structures exposed to aggressive environments or that are required to perform very long service lives. These steels have similar mechanical properties as carbon steels but very improved corrosion resistance, particularly against chlorides. Within stainless steels, duplex type ones have as an advantage their lower content of nickel in their composition, reducing this way their price and making it less related to nickel price fluctuations. This project will study stress corrosion cracking behavior for some of these duplex stainless steels (AISI 2001 and AISI 2205)


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Históricamente la fractura ha sido considerada siempre como un efecto indeseado entre los materiales, dado que su aparición supone un cese del material en servicio, puesto que un material fracturado carece de importancia desde el punto de vista comercial. Consecuentemente, la Mecánica de Fractura ha experimentado un desarrollo importante en las últimas décadas como no lo hizo en toda la historia de los materiales. El desarrollo de nuevos campos a nivel científico y técnico han estado de la mano con el desarrollo de nuevos materiales que satisfagan las necesidades particulares de cada sector o aplicación. Este requerimiento se ve acentuado cuando se incorpora el aspecto económico, dado que, así como se necesitan materiales con mayor resistencia a la fractura, corrosión etc, también se necesita que su precio en el mercado sea accesible y que permita una aplicación rentable. En los últimos 70 años, desde los requerimientos de nuevos materiales resistentes a la fractura con los buques Liberty hasta el boom petrolero, pasando por las aplicaciones aeroespaciales se han desarrollado diversas teorías que explican el comportamiento de los materiales, en cuando a la tenacidad a la fractura en distintas temperaturas, composiciones químicas, materiales compuestos etc. Uno de los sectores que más ha demandado un desarrollo, por su amplitud en cuanto a requerimientos y consumo global, así como su impacto en la economía mundial, es el sector de gas, petróleo y petroquímica. Muchos de los proyectos que se intentaron desarrollar hasta hace menos de 25 años eran inviables por su elevado coste de ejecución y su bajo retorno de inversión debido a la caída de los precios del petróleo. Con una demanda creciente a nivel mundial y unos precios que apuntan hacia la estabilización o alza moderada, nuevos sistemas de trasporte por tuberías han sido necesarios desarrollar, desde el punto de vista de ingeniería, con el menos coste posible y de un modo seguro. Muchas de estas aplicaciones se vieron incrementadas cuando nuevos requerimientos en cuanto a resistencia a la corrosión fueron necesarios: demanda de materiales que no se corroan, con prestaciones seguras a nivel mecánico y un bajo coste. Esta nueva etapa se conoce como Aleaciones Resistentes a la Corrosión (CRA´s por sus siglas en inglés) en las cuales uno de los factores de diseño seguro recaían indiscutiblemente en la mecánica de fractura. Por estas razones era necesario entender como influía en la resistencia a la fractura las aportaciones que podrían hacerse sobre una superficie metálica. Al realizar el presente estudio se comenzó analizando la influencia que tenían modificaciones en el rango iónico sobre aceros al carbono. Estudios previos sobre láminas de acero ferrítico usadas en reactores de fisión nuclear demostraron que aportes de iones, en este particular el Helio, influían en el comportamiento de la tenacidad a la fractura en función de la temperatura. De este modo, un primer análisis fue hecho sobre la influencia de iones de nitrógeno aportados sobre superficies de acero al carbono y como modificaban su tenacidad a la fractura. Este primer análisis sirvió para comprobar el impacto que tenían pequeñas dosis de iones de nitrógeno en la tenacidad a la fractura. Otro desarrollo con una mayor aplicación industrial fue hecho sobre superficies de acero al carbono con aporte por soldadura de los materiales más usados para evitar la corrosión. El análisis se centró fundamentalmente en la influencia que tenían distintos materiales aportados como el MONEL 400, DUPLEX 928, INCONEL 625 y STAINLESS-STEEL 316 en referencia a características de diseño como la tensión elástica y la tensión a la rotura. Este análisis permitió conocer el impacto de los materiales aportados en los ensayos de tracción en probetas de acero al carbono. Una explicación acerca del comportamiento fue soportada por el análisis macrofractográfico de los perfiles fracturados y las macro deformaciones en la superficie de las probetas. Un posterior desarrollo teórico permitió modelar matemáticamente la fractura de las probetas aportadas por soldadura en la región elástica por medio de la Ley de Hooke, así como la teoría de Plasticidad de Hill para la región de deformación plástica. ABSTRACT Fracture mechanics has been extensively studied in the last 70 years by the constant requirements of new materials with low costs. These requirements have allowed surface modified welded materials in which it is necessary to know the influence of design fundamentals with the material surface welded. Several specimens have been studied for ductile fracture in longitudinal tensile tests for carbon steel surface-modified by weld overlay MONEL 400, DUPLEX 928, INCONEL 625 and STAINLESS-STEEL 316. Similarly of macro photographic analyzes to level the fractured surfaces that explain the behavior curves obtained in Tensile – displacement charts. The contribution of weld overlay material shows a significant impact on the yield and tensile stress of the specimens which was modeled according to Hooke's law for elastic area and Hill´s theory of plasticity to the plastic one.


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"Seventh printing, 1957."


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This paper describes the sintering of an 18Ni(350) maraging steel with additions of boron, with the aim of producing high hardness rapid tooling. Reaction of the boron with the alloying elements in the maraging steel resulted in the formation of a Mo- and Ti-rich borides. The former melted at similar to1220degreesC, providing a liquid phase for enhanced sintering. Although densification could occur regardless of the boron content, especially at high temperature, 0.4% B was required to produce a near full density component. The formation of the various borides depleted the matrix of critical age hardening elements. However, by altering the starting powder composition to compensate for this, hardness close to the wrought alloy has been achieved. This hardness was comparable to a common die casting tool steel. Examples of dies produced using selective laser sintering (SLS) are also shown. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A transpassivation model was proposed for Fe–Cr–Ni stainless steels. In this model, the important steps and processes involved in transpassivation were illustrated. With some reasonable assumptions, transpassivation behaviours were predicted, such as the changes in film composition, film thickness, anodic current density and AC impedance spectrum in transpassive and secondary passive regions. It was demonstrated that these theoretical predictions were in good agreement with experimentally observed transpassivity of Fe–Cr–Ni stainless steels.


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Mechanical seals are used extensively to seal machinery such as pumps, mixers and agitators in the oil, petrochemical and chemical industries. The performance of such machinery is critically dependent on these devices. Seal failures may result in the escape of dangerous chemicals, possibly causing injury or loss of life. Seal performance is limited by the choice of face materials available. These range from cast iron and stellited stainless steel to cemented and silicon carbides. The main factors that affect seal performance are the wear and corrosion of seal faces. This research investigated the feasibility of applying surface coating/treatments to seal materials, in order to provide improved seal performance. Various surface coating/treatment methods were considered; these included electroless nickel plating, ion plating, plasma nitriding, thermal spraying and high temperature diffusion processes. The best wear resistance, as evaluated by the Pin-on-Disc wear test method, was conferred by the sprayed tungsten carbide/nickel/tungsten-chromium carbide deposit, produced by the high energy plasma spraying (Jet-Kote) process. In general, no correlation was found between hardness and wear resistance or surface finish and friction. This is due primarily to the complexity of the wear and frictional oxidation, plastic deformation, ploughing, fracture and delamination. Corrosion resistance was evaluated by Tafel extrapolation, linear polarisation and anodic potentiodynamic polarisation techniques. The best corrosion performance was exhibited by an electroless nickel/titanium nitride duplex coating due to the passivity of the titanium nitride layer in the acidified salt solution. The surface coating/treatments were ranked using a systematic method, which also considered other properties such as adhesion, internal stress and resistance to thermal cracking. The sealing behaviour of surface coated/treated seals was investigated on an industrial seal testing rig. The best sealing performances were exhibited by the Jet-Kote and electroless nickel silicon carbide composite coated seals. The failure of the electroless nickel and electroless nickel/titanium nitride duplex coated seals was due to inadequate adhesion of the deposits to the substrate. Abrasion of the seal faces was the principal wear mechanism. For operation in an environment similar to the experimental system employed (acidified salt solution) the Jet-Kote deposit appears to be the best compromise.


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A general investigation was performed, in an industrial environment, of the major types of defect specific to investment castings in steel. As a result of this work three types of metallurgical defect were selected for further study. In the first of these, defects in austenitic stainless steel castings were found to result from deoxidation by-products. As a result of metallographic investigation and the statistical analysis of experimental data, evidence was found to support the hypothesis that the other two classes of defects - in martensite stainless and low alloy steels -both resulted from internal or grain boundary oxidation of the chromium alloy constituent This was often found to be followed by reaction between the metal oxides and the ceramic mould material. On the basis of this study, proposals are made for a more fundamental investigation of the mechanisms involved and interim suggestions are given for methods of ameliorating the effect in an industrial situation.


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The formation of mono-species biofilm (Listeria monocytogenes) and multi-species biofilms (Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and L. monocytogenes) was evaluated. In addition, the effectiveness of sanitation procedures for the control of the multi-species biofilm also was evaluated. The biofilms were grown on stainless steel coupons at various incubation temperatures (7, 25 and 39°C) and contact times (0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8days). In all tests, at 7°C, the microbial counts were below 0.4 log CFU/cm(2) and not characteristic of biofilms. In mono-species biofilm, the counts of L. monocytogenes after 8days of contact were 4.1 and 2.8 log CFU/cm(2) at 25 and 39°C, respectively. In the multi-species biofilms, Enterococcus spp. were present at counts of 8 log CFU/cm(2) at 25 and 39°C after 8days of contact. However, the L. monocytogenes in multi-species biofilms was significantly affected by the presence of Enterococcus spp. and by temperature. At 25°C, the growth of L. monocytogenes biofilms was favored in multi-species cultures, with counts above 6 log CFU/cm(2) after 8days of contact. In contrast, at 39°C, a negative effect was observed for L. monocytogenes biofilm growth in mixed cultures, with a significant reduction in counts over time and values below 0.4 log CFU/cm(2) starting at day 4. Anionic tensioactive cleaning complemented with another procedure (acid cleaning, disinfection or acid cleaning+disinfection) eliminated the multi-species biofilms under all conditions tested (counts of all micro-organisms<0.4 log CFU/cm(2)). Peracetic acid was the most effective disinfectant, eliminating the multi-species biofilms under all tested conditions (counts of the all microorganisms <0.4 log CFU/cm(2)). In contrast, biguanide was the least effective disinfectant, failing to eliminate biofilms under all the test conditions.


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The biofilm formation of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from the processing of ricotta on stainless steel coupons was evaluated, and the effect of cleaning and sanitization procedures in the control of these biofilms was determined. The formation of biofilms was observed while varying the incubation temperature (7, 25 and 39°C) and time (0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8days). At 7°C, the counts of E. faecalis and E. faecium were below 2log10CFU/cm(2). For the temperatures of 25 and 39°C, after 1day, the counts of E. faecalis and E. faecium were 5.75 and 6.07log10CFU/cm(2), respectively, which is characteristic of biofilm formation. The tested sanitation procedures a) acid-anionic tensioactive cleaning, b) anionic tensioactive cleaning+sanitizer and c) acid-anionic tensioactive cleaning+sanitizer were effective in removing the biofilms, reducing the counts to levels below 0.4log10CFU/cm(2). The sanitizer biguanide was the least effective, and peracetic acid was the most effective. These studies revealed the ability of enterococci to form biofilms and the importance of the cleaning step and the type of sanitizer used in sanitation processes for the effective removal of biofilms.


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The objective of this case report was to describe the oral rehabilitation of a five-year-old boy patient diagnosed with amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) in the primary dentition. AI is a group of hereditary disorders that affects the enamel structure. The patient was brought to the dental clinic complaining of tooth hypersensitivity during meals. The medical history and clinical examination were used to arrive at the diagnosis of AI. The treatment was oral rehabilitation of the primary molars with stainless steel crowns and resin-filled celluloid forms. The main objectives of the selected treatment were to enhance the esthetics, restore masticatory function, and eliminate the teeth sensitivity. The child was monitored in the pediatric dentistry clinic at four-month intervals until the mixed dentition stage. Treatment not only restored function and esthetic, but also showed a positive psychological impact and thereby improved perceived quality of life. The preventive, psychological, and curative measures of a young child with AI were successful. This result can encourage the clinicians to seek a cost-effective technique such as stainless steel crowns, and resin-filled celluloid forms to reestablish the oral functions and improve the child's psychosocial development.


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A wild strain of Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from pasteurized milk was evaluated using an experimental model with respect to its adhesion onto stainless steel surfaces and its behaviour when submitted to cleansing and sanification. In milk, the adhesion of the microorganism on to stainless steel surfaces was studied after 6 hours of contact at 45°C with agitation, and after a cleansing process involving cleaning stages with alkaline and acid detergents followed by sanification, in order to evaluate the resistance of the adhered cells. The microorganism adhered to stainless steel surfaces producing a cell load of 10(4) CFU/cm². After alkaline cleansing, no adhered cells were detected but 6 CFU/cm² were still detected on the surfaces after acid cleansing. Cleansing, followed by sanification with sodium hypochlorite, was sufficient to reduce the load of wild S. thermophilus on the stainless steel surfaces to non-detectable levels. The experimental model proved adequate for the study indicating that the wild microorganism S. thermophilus produces biofilms on stainless steel surfaces. Alkaline cleansing remove more that 99.9% of the adhered cells. The few cells adhered on the surface are removed by acid cleansing demonstrating the need to use different steps and types of detergent for efficient cleansing. The best results for the removal of these biofilms are obtained by using alkaline cleansing followed by acid cleaning, this procedure being more efficient when complemented by sanification with sodium hypochlorite.


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OBJETIVO: verificar e comparar os tipos de complicações durante o tratamento com o aparelho de Herbst com cantiléver (CBJ) e com splint removível inferior. MÉTODOS: vinte e um pacientes tratados consecutivamente com o CBJ foram comparados a vinte e um pacientes tratados consecutivamente com o aparelho de Herbst com coroas de aço nos primeiros molares superiores e com splint de acrílico inferior removível. A idade inicial média para o grupo com CBJ foi de 12 anos e 3 meses, e para o grupo com splint foi de 11 anos e 3 meses. Ambos os grupos utilizaram o aparelho por um período de 12 meses. A partir da ficha clínica dos pacientes foi realizado um levantamento de ocorrências de complicações acontecidas durante o tratamento com os aparelhos de Herbst. RESULTADOS: o número total de ocorrências de complicações foi de 24 para o grupo com CBJ e de 53 para o grupo com splint. O teste de Mann-Whitney (p<0,05) demonstrou diferença significativa entre os dois tipos de tratamento em relação ao total de ocorrências de complicações durante o tratamento. A prevalência de pacientes que apresentaram alguma complicação durante o tratamento foi de 66,67% para os pacientes tratados com CBJ, e de 85,71% para os pacientes tratados com splint. CONCLUSÕES: o grupo com CBJ apresentou menor número de complicações durante o tratamento com o aparelho de Herbst. Em ambos os grupos, nenhum paciente apresentou individualmente um grande número de complicações. O aparelho CBJ é preferível ao modelo com splint de acrílico inferior removível, devido à economia de tempo clínico e laboratorial.