680 resultados para sulfated phenols
Recent reports showing a decrease in sperm count in men have brought new concerns about male infertility. Animal models have been widely used to provide some relevant information about the human male gamete, and extrapolations are made to men and to the clinical context. The present study assesses one of the methods used for separation of germ cells of the adult rat testis, namely centrifugal elutriation followed by density gradients (Percoll®). This method was chosen since it presents the best results for cell purity in separating germ cells from the rat testis. A comparison between continuous and discontinuous Percoll® gradients was performed in order to identify the best type of gradient to separate the cells. Maximal cell purity was obtained for spermatocytes (81 ± 8.2%, mean ± SEM) and spermatids (84 ± 2.6%) using centrifugal elutriation followed by continuous Percoll® gradients. A significant difference in purity was observed between elongating spermatids harvested from continuous Percoll® gradients and from discontinuous gradients. Molecular analysis was used to assess cell contamination by employing specific probes, namely transition protein 2 (TP2), mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase II (COX II), and sulfated glycoprotein 1 (SGP1). Molecular analysis of the samples demonstrated that morphological criteria are efficient in characterizing the main composition of the cell suspension, but are not reliable for identifying minimal contamination from other cells. Reliable cell purity data should be established using molecular analysis
Fucans, a family of sulfated polysaccharides present in brown seaweed, have several biological activities. Their use as drugs would offer the advantage of no potential risk of contamination with viruses or particles such as prions. A fucan prepared from Spatoglossum schröederi was tested as a possible inhibitor of cell-matrix interactions using wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) and the mutant type deficient in xylosyltransferase (CHO-745). The effect of this polymer on adhesion properties with specific extracellular matrix components was studied using several matrix proteins as substrates for cell attachment. Treatment with the polymer inhibited the adhesion of fibronectin to both CHO-K1 (2 x 10(5))()and CHO-745 (2 x 10(5) and 5 x 10(5)) cells. No effect was detected with laminin, using the two cell types. On the other hand, adhesion to vitronectin was inhibited in CHO-K1 cells and adhesion to type I collagen was inhibited in CHO-745 cells. In spite of this inhibition, the fucan did not affect either cell proliferation or cell cycle. These results demonstrate that this polymer is a new anti-adhesive compound with potential pharmacological applications.
Proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycan content was analyzed in a model of rat mammary carcinoma to study the roles of these compounds in tumorigenesis. Hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans bearing chondroitin and/or dermatan sulfate chains were detected in solid tumors obtained after subcutaneous inoculation of Walker 256 rat carcinoma cells. About 10% of sulfated glycosaminoglycan chains corresponded to heparan sulfate. The small leucine-rich proteoglycan, decorin, was identified as one of the proteoglycans, in addition to others of higher molecular weight, by cross-reaction with an antiserum raised against pig laryngeal decorin and by N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Decorin was separated from other proteoglycans by hydrophobic chromatography and its complete structure was determined. It has a molecular weight of about 85 kDa and a dermatan chain of 45 kDa with 4-sulfated disaccharides. After degradation of the glycosaminoglycan chain, three core proteins of different molecular weight (36, 46 and 56 kDa) were identified. The presence of hyaluronic acid and decorin has been reported in a variety of tumors and tumor cells. In the Walker 256 mammary carcinoma model, hyaluronic acid may play an important role in tumor progression, since it provides a more hydrated extracellular matrix. On the other hand, decorin, which is expressed by stromal cells, represents a host defense response to tumor growth.
Fucan is a term used to denote a family of sulfated L-fucose-rich polysaccharides which are present in the extracellular matrix of brown seaweed and in the egg jelly coat of sea urchins. Plant fucans have several biological activities, including anticoagulant and antithrombotic, related to the structural and chemical composition of polysaccharides. We have extracted sulfated polysaccharides from the brown seaweed Dictyota menstrualis by proteolytic digestion, followed by separation into 5 fractions by sequential acetone precipitation. Gel electrophoresis using 0.05 M 1,3-diaminopropane-acetate buffer, pH 9.0, stained with 0.1% toluidine blue, showed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides in all fractions. The chemical analyses demonstrated that all fractions are composed mainly of fucose, xylose, galactose, uronic acid, and sulfate. The anticoagulant activity of these heterofucans was determined by activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) using citrate normal human plasma. Only the fucans F1.0v and F1.5v showed anticoagulant activity. To prolong the coagulation time to double the baseline value in the APTT, the required concentration of fucan F1.0v (20 µg/ml) was only 4.88-fold higher than that of the low molecular weight heparin Clexane® (4.1 µg/ml), whereas 80 µg/ml fucan 1.5 was needed to obtain the same effect. For both fucans this effect was abolished by desulfation. These polymers are composed of fucose, xylose, uronic acid, galactose, and sulfate at molar ratios of 1.0:0.8:0.7:0.8:0.4 and 1.0:0.3:0.4:1.5:1.3, respectively. This is the fist report indicating the presence of a heterofucan with higher anticoagulant activity from brown seaweed.
The deficiency of the A isoenzyme of ß-hexosaminidase (Hex) produced by different mutations of the gene that codes for the alpha subunit (Tay-Sachs disease) has two variants with enzymological differences: the B variant consists of the absence of Hex A isoenzyme and the B1 variant produces an inactive Hex A isoenzyme for the hydrolysis of the GM2 ganglioside and synthetic substrates with negative charge. In contrast to the early childhood form of the B variant, the B1 variant appears at a later clinical stage (3 to 7 years of age) with neurodegenerative symptoms leading to the death of the patient in the second decade of life. The most frequent mutation responsible for the GM2 gangliosidosis B1 variant is R178H, which has a widespread geographic and ethnic distribution. The highest incidence has been described in Portugal, which has been suggested as the point of origin of this mutation. Biochemical characterization of this lysosomal disease is carried out using negatively charged synthetic alpha subunit-specific sulfated substrates, since Hex A isoenzyme heat-inactivation assays are not applicable. However, the determination of the apparent activation energy of Hex using the neutral substrate 3,3'-dichlorophenolsulfonphthaleinyl N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminide, may offer a valid alternative. The presence of an alpha subunit in the alphaß heterodimer Hex A means that its activation energy (41.8 kJ/mol) is significantly lower than that of the ßß homodimer Hex B (75.1 kJ/mol); however, as mutation inactivates the alpha subunit, the Hex A of the B1 variant presents an activation energy that is similar to that of the Hex B isoenzyme.
In the present review, we describe a systematic study of the sulfated polysaccharides from marine invertebrates, which led to the discovery of a carbohydrate-based mechanism of sperm-egg recognition during sea urchin fertilization. We have described unique polymers present in these organisms, especially sulfated fucose-rich compounds found in the egg jelly coat of sea urchins. The polysaccharides have simple, linear structures consisting of repeating units of oligosaccharides. They differ among the various species of sea urchins in specific patterns of sulfation and/or position of the glycosidic linkage within their repeating units. These polysaccharides show species specificity in inducing the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm, providing a clear-cut example of a signal transduction event regulated by sulfated polysaccharides. This distinct carbohydrate-mediated mechanism of sperm-egg recognition coexists with the bindin-protein system. Possibly, the genes involved in the biosynthesis of these sulfated fucans did not evolve in concordance with evolutionary distance but underwent a dramatic change near the tip of the Strongylocentrotid tree. Overall, we established a direct causal link between the molecular structure of a sulfated polysaccharide and a cellular physiological event - the induction of the sperm acrosome reaction in sea urchins. Small structural changes modulate an entire system of sperm-egg recognition and species-specific fertilization in sea urchins. We demonstrated that sulfated polysaccharides - in addition to their known function in cell proliferation, development, coagulation, and viral infection - mediate fertilization, and respond to evolutionary mechanisms that lead to species diversity.
SRY-related high-mobility-group box 9 (Sox9) gene is a cartilage-specific transcription factor that plays essential roles in chondrocyte differentiation and cartilage formation. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of genetic delivery of Sox9 to enhance chondrogenic differentiation of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs). After they were isolated from human umbilical cord blood within 24 h after delivery of neonates, hUC-MSCs were untreated or transfected with a human Sox9-expressing plasmid or an empty vector. The cells were assessed for morphology and chondrogenic differentiation. The isolated cells with a fibroblast-like morphology in monolayer culture were positive for the MSC markers CD44, CD105, CD73, and CD90, but negative for the differentiation markers CD34, CD45, CD19, CD14, or major histocompatibility complex class II. Sox9 overexpression induced accumulation of sulfated proteoglycans, without altering the cellular morphology. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that genetic delivery of Sox9 markedly enhanced the expression of aggrecan and type II collagen in hUC-MSCs compared with empty vector-transfected counterparts. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis further confirmed the elevation of aggrecan and type II collagen at the mRNA level in Sox9-transfected cells. Taken together, short-term Sox9 overexpression facilitates chondrogenesis of hUC-MSCs and may thus have potential implications in cartilage tissue engineering.
It has been previously shown that dextran sulfate administered to diabetic rats accumulates in the liver and kidney, and this could be due to a malfunction of the lysosomal digestive pathway. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression and activities of lysosomal enzymes that act upon proteins and sulfated polysaccharides in the livers of diabetic rats. Diabetes mellitus was induced by streptozotocin in 26 male Wistar rats (12 weeks old), while 26 age-matched controls received only vehicle. The livers were removed on either the 10th or the 30th day of the disease, weighed, and used to evaluate the activity, expression, and localization of lysosomal enzymes. A 50-60% decrease in the specific activities of cysteine proteases, especially cathepsin B, was observed in streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. Expression (mRNA) of cathepsins B and L was also decreased on the 10th, but not on the 30th day. Sulfatase decreased 30% on the 30th day, while glycosidases did not vary (or presented a transitory and slight decrease). There were no apparent changes in liver morphology, and immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of cathepsin B in hepatocyte granules. The decrease in sulfatase could be responsible for the dextran sulfate build-up in the diabetic liver, since the action of sulfatase precedes glycosidases in the digestive pathway of sulfated polysaccharides. Our findings suggest that the decreased activities of cathepsins resulted from decreased expression of their genes, and not from general lysosomal failure, because the levels of glycosidases were normal in the diabetic liver.
Annona crassiflora (araticum), Eugenia dysenterica (cagaita), and Caryocar brasiliense (pequi) are tropical fruits of the second biggest Brazilian biome: the cerrado. Nowadays, the cerrado faces two different realities: 1) the great possibility of food production since it is considered as the biggest storehouse of the world; and 2) the rich biodiversity that has been newly discovered and known. Previous studies showed that certain cerrado fruits demonstrate high content of total phenols and excellent antioxidant activity in in vitro models. Moreover, using fingerprinting analysis, important bioactive molecules were identified as probably responsible for their antioxidant activity. In this study, the cytotoxicity and phototocixity of ethanolic extracts from cerrado fruits were evaluated using the in vitro Neutral Red Uptake (NRU). Regarding cytotoxicity, the extracts of araticum peel and cagaita seed did not shown any cytotoxic potential up to 300 µg.mL-1. Ethanolic extracts of araticum seed and pequi peel presented low cytotoxic potential and, according to linear regressions, the estimated LD50 were de 831.6 and 2840.7 mg.kg-1, respectively. In the evaluated conditions, only the araticum peel extract presented a phototoxic potential. This is the first attempt to screen the toxicity of cerrado fruits with high antioxidant activity.
Frequent nut intake is associated with protective effects against cardiovascular diseases. In addition to the generally high contents of unsaturated fatty acids, polyphenol compounds seem to be also implicated in health promoting effects of nuts due to their antioxidant properties. In this way, eleven different kinds of nuts, including pinhao seeds (Araucaria angustifolia) and Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), typical of Brazil, were analyzed for the content of phenol compounds, including the potent anti-mutagenic and anti-cancer ellagic acid, and antioxidant capacity of methanolic extracts. The antioxidant capacity varied a hundred times among the different nuts, from 1.2 to 120 mg of Trolox equivalents.100 g-1 (FW). Total ellagic acid was determined after acid hydrolysis of ellagitannins and ellagic acid glycosides, and it was detected in only 3 of the 11 samples. The content of free and total ellagic acid in nuts varied from 0.37 to 41 and from 149 (chestnuts) to 823 (walnuts) mg.100 g-1 (FW), respectively. Among nuts, samples with the highest contents of ellagic acid (walnuts and pecans) also presented the highest total phenol contents and DPPH radical scavenging capacities. Pinhao seeds and Brazil nuts did not present significant amounts of phenols nor antioxidant capacity.
The physiological state of a fruit is closely related to ripening and climatic conditions during the growing period when the fruit undergo changes in color, texture, and flavor. The ripening of the fruit can involve a complex series of biochemical reactions with alteration in enzymes activities, phenols, tannins, and ascorbic acid. The activity of enzymes (carboximethylcellulase, polygalacturonase, and pectinlyase), the total concentration of phenolic compounds, condensed tannins, and vitamin C in five stages of maturation were studied. Significant changes were observed between the maturity stages. The phenolic compounds were higher at green stage (705.01 ± 7.41); tannins were higher at green/purple stage (699.45 ± 0.22). The results showed that the ascorbic acid levels of the pulp varied significantly from 50.81 ± 1.43 to 6.61 ± 1.04 mg.100 g-1 during maturation. The specific activity of pectin lyase was higher at green stage (1531.90 ± 5.83). The specific activity of polygalacturonase was higher at mature stage (1.83 ± 0.0018). The specific activity of carboximetilcelulose was higher at ripe mature stage (4.61 ± 0.0024). The low ascorbic acid content found in jambolan fruit indicates that this fruit is not a rich source of this nutrient; however, other characteristics can make jambolan products fit for human consumption.
Simultaneous Distillation-Extraction (SDE) and headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with GC-FID and GC-MS were used to analyze volatile compounds from plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin) and to estimate the most odor-active compounds by application of the Odor Activity Values (OAV). The analyses led to the identification of 148 components, including 58 esters, 23 terpenoids, 14 aldehydes, 11 alcohols, 10 ketones, 9 alkanes, 7 acids, 4 lactones, 3 phenols, and other 9 compounds of different structures. According to the results of SDE-GC-MS, SPME-GC-MS and OAV, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, hexyl acetate, (E)-2-nonenal, ethyl butanoate, (E)-2-decenal, ethyl hexanoate, nonanal, decanal, (E)-β-ionone, Γ-dodecalactone, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, pentyl acetate, linalool, Γ-decalactone, butyl acetate, limonene, propyl acetate, Δ-decalactone, diethyl sulfide, (E)-2-hexenyl acetate, ethyl heptanoate, (Z)-3-hexenol, (Z)-3-hexenyl hexanoate, eugenol, (E)-2-hexenal, ethyl pentanoate, hexyl 2-methylbutanoate, isopentyl hexanoate, 1-hexanol, Γ-nonalactone, myrcene, octyl acetate, phenylacetaldehyde, 1-butanol, isobutyl acetate, (E)-2-heptenal, octadecanal, and nerol are characteristic odor active compounds in fresh plums since they showed concentrations far above their odor thresholds.
Brazilian peach production is insufficient for domestic supply. Aiming to increase production in the state of Minas Gerais, 16 new peach tree varieties were introduced in the Serra da Mantiqueira region and their fruit were analyzed for sugar, total phenol and total carotenoid contents by colorimetric methods, and for organic acid content by high-performance liquid chromatography. In addition, we examined the effect of fruit bagging on the levels of such constituents. To do so, the fruit of half the trees of each variety were bagged. The levels of sugars, phenols, carotenoids and organic acids are genotypic characteristics and significantly differed among varieties. Despite being a good form of fruit protection, providing better aspect and reducing the need for pesticides, bagging leads to lower contents of components such as sugars, phenols and organic acids in most varieties. However, it cannot be stated that this practice interferes with sensory characteristics. Knowledge of the chemical constituents of these new varieties allows determining those ideal for fresh consumption (e.g., "Maciel", "Diamante", "T. Beauty", "Ouromel 2" and "C.1056", among others) and those more suitable for industrial processing (e.g., "A. Gold", "C.1122" and "C.1050"), as well as those which serve both purposes.
Pequi peel comprises 76% of the whole fruit and it is discarded during consumption. Thus, pequi peel has been considered a solid residue, although it has potential for use in various applications. Limitations in the use of this material are mainly due to the lack of information of its nutritional composition, especially about the toxic or antinutritional factors. Soaking is often used to prepare complementary foods and has been reported to be beneficial for enhancing nutritive value. The effect of soaking on the nutritional quality of pequi peel flour was determined by measuring changes in chemical composition, antinutritional factors, total phenols and in vitro protein and starch digestibility. The results showed that 24 h of maceration increases the content of lipids (200%), protein (28.3%) and dietary fibber (31%), while carbohydrate and ash content decreases. There were no haemagglutination activity or α-amylase inhibitors, but it was detected the presence of phytic acid (0.4 g 100 g-1). The soaking reduced 8.5% phenols and 19.0% tannins, 6.2% protein digestibility, and was also effective to eliminate trypsin inhibitors, and increase starch digestibility (24.2%). Soaking was efficient to improve nutritional characteristics of the pequi peel flour, opening up possibilities for its use in food formulations.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pressurization on the concentration of some antioxidant compounds and the antiradical efficiency during the ripening process of 'Ataulfo' mango. The fruits at physiological maturity stage were pressurized at 15, 30, or 60 MPa for 10 or 20 min. Control fruits were not pressurized. The fruits were stored at 25 °C and changes in the concentration of ascorbic acid, total phenols, total flavonoids, total carotenoids, and antiradical efficiency were evaluated. It was demonstrated that in 'Ataulfo' mango high hydrostatic pressure treatments at 60 and 30 MPa for 20 minutes induced the synthesis of ascorbic acid during storage maybe as a consequence of physiological changes and possible structural modification of the cells, while the fruits pressurized at 15 MPa showed no effect on this parameter. On the other hand, the use of 15 MPa for 10 minutes increased the synthesis of phenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and antiradical efficiency in 'Ataulfo' mango compared to that of the control fruit. In conclusion, this behavior seemed to be due to the low hydrostatic pressure treatments (15 Mpa), which stimulated the synthesis of antioxidants in the mango fruit and ripening was not inhibited.