916 resultados para stimulated emission depletion
Les maladies cardiovasculaires restent la cause de mortalité la plus élevée dans le monde occidental. Il s'agit d'un processus long et complexe, dont l'infarctus du myocarde et la mort cardiaque ne sont que la fin d'un spectrum. La perfusion myocardique joue un rôle central dans l'évolution de la maladie et survient chronologiquement en amont de la dysfonction diastolique et systolique, ainsi que de l'infarctus du myocarde. Une meilleure compréhension de la Physiopathologie sous-jacente est cruciale dans le diagnostique et la prise en charge du patient. Dans ce sens, ce travail tente d'évaluer l'apport de l'évaluation de la perfusion myocardique évaluée par la tomographic à émission de positron (PET/CT) quant à la prédiction d'événements cardiovasculaires. De plus, l'apport de l'évaluation quantitative par rapport à l'évaluation qualitative a été démontré dans ce travail. Nous avons utilisé un radiotraceur unique au regard de ses caractéristiques. En effet, Le Rubidium-82 est un traceur qui ne nécessite pas d'un cyclotron pour sa fabrication, dès lors qu'il est produit par un générateur, rendant ainsi sa disponibilité un atout et un avantage potentiel lors de futurs implémentations à plus grande échelle. Ce travail démontre la supériorité de l'analyse de perfusion myocardique quantitative par rapport à l'analyse traditionnelle qualitative, ce qui n'était pas encore confirmé avec le Rubidium-82. Les résultats montrent une démarcation significative entre les différentes valeurs de perfusion quantitative/absolue, permettant de distinguer différentes populations plus ou moins à risque en terme de prédiction d'événements cardiaques futurs. Il est intéressant de noter que dans un modèle combinant l'analyse qualitative et quantitative proposé dans ce travail, l'inclusion des résultats les plus ischémiques obtenus par l'analyse qualitative avec les résultats de perfusion les plus bas en terme de flux myocardique absolu (analyse quantitative) démarque une population à très bas risque d'événements cardiovasculaires majeurs, une prédiction pouvant être observée surplus de 1'000 jours. Ces résultats forment un ajout significatif quant à l'évaluation de la perfusion myocardique par la médecine nucléaire, notamment par ce model intégratif proposé, lequel permet une prédiction précise et contributive dans le cadre de futurs événements cardiovasculaires majeurs.
Modern dietary habits are characterized by high-sodium and low-potassium intakes, each of which was correlated with a higher risk for hypertension. In this study, we examined whether long-term variations in the intake of sodium and potassium induce lasting changes in the plasma concentration of circulating steroids by developing a mathematical model of steroidogenesis in mice. One finding of this model was that mice increase their plasma progesterone levels specifically in response to potassium depletion. This prediction was confirmed by measurements in both male mice and men. Further investigation showed that progesterone regulates renal potassium handling both in males and females under potassium restriction, independent of its role in reproduction. The increase in progesterone production by male mice was time dependent and correlated with decreased urinary potassium content. The progesterone-dependent ability to efficiently retain potassium was because of an RU486 (a progesterone receptor antagonist)-sensitive stimulation of the colonic hydrogen, potassium-ATPase (known as the non-gastric or hydrogen, potassium-ATPase type 2) in the kidney. Thus, in males, a specific progesterone concentration profile induced by chronic potassium restriction regulates potassium balance.
The classical description of Si oxidation given by Deal and Grove has well-known limitations for thin oxides (below 200 Ã). Among the large number of alternative models published so far, the interfacial emission model has shown the greatest ability to fit the experimental oxidation curves. It relies on the assumption that during oxidation Si interstitials are emitted to the oxide to release strain and that the accumulation of these interstitials near the interface reduces the reaction rate there. The resulting set of differential equations makes it possible to model diverse oxidation experiments. In this paper, we have compared its predictions with two sets of experiments: (1) the pressure dependence for subatmospheric oxygen pressure and (2) the enhancement of the oxidation rate after annealing in inert atmosphere. The result is not satisfactory and raises serious doubts about the model’s correctness
The reason why EBV-specific cellular immune responses are abnormal in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients is still missing. In this exploratory pilot study, we assessed IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, IFN-gamma, TGF-beta1 and FOXP3 mRNA expression in EBV-stimulated highly differentiated T cells (T(HD)) of MS patients and healthy controls (HC). We found increased levels of IFN-gamma and IL-4 mRNA in CD8+ T(HD) cells of MS patients. All the other tested molecules were expressed similarly in MS patients and HC. Interestingly, increased IFN-gamma and IL-4 suggest that the control of EBV replication may be insufficient in MS patients.
Controlling the extracellular volume in hemodialysis patients is a difficult task. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capacity of different methods of stimulated sweating to reduce mean interdialytic weight gain (IWG), to improve blood pressure regulation, and potassium/urea balance. Two center, crossover pilot study. In Lausanne, hemodialysis patients took four hot-water baths a week, 30 minutes each, on nondialysis days during 1 month. In Sfax, patients visited the local Hammam Center four times a week. Hemodynamic parameters were recorded, and weekly laboratory analysis was performed. Results were compared with a preceding 1-month control period. In Lausanne, five patients (all men, median age 55 years) participated. Bathing temperature was (mean ± standard deviation) 41.2 ± 3°C and sweating-induced weight loss 600 ± 500 g. Mean IWG (control vs. intervention period) decreased from 2.3 ± 0.9 to 1.8 ± 1 kg (P = 0.004), Systolic blood pressure from 139 ± 21 to 136 ± 22 mmHg (P = 0.4), and diastolic blood pressure form 79 ± 12 to 75 ± 13 mmHg (P = 0.08); antihypertensive therapy could be reduced from 2.8 ± 0.4 to 1.9 ± 0.5 antihypertensive drugs per patient (P = 0.01). In Sfax (n = 9, median age 46 years), weight loss per Hammam session was 420 ± 100 g. No differences were found in IWG or BP, but predialysis serum potassium level decreased from 5.9 ± 0.8 to 5.5 ± 0.9 mmol/L (P = 0.04) and urea from 26.9 ± 6 to 23.1 ± 6 mmol/L (P = 0.02). Hot-water baths appear to be a safe way to reduce IWG in selected hemodialysis patients. Hammam visits reduce serum potassium and urea levels, but not IWG. More data in larger patient groups are necessary before definite conclusion can be drawn.
We diagnosed a non-small cell lung carcinoma in a 49-year-old female patient with the histopathological diagnosis of stage IIIB mixed bronchioloalveolar and papillary adenocarcinoma with extensive micropapillary feature, which was not visualized on the preoperative multimodality imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT). The micropapillary component characterized by a unique growth pattern with particular morphological features can be observed in all subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma. Micropapillary component is increasingly recognized as a distinct entity associated with higher aggressiveness. Even the most modern multimodality PET/CT imaging technology may fail to adequately visualize this important component with highly relevant prognostic implications. Thus, the pathologist needs to consciously look for a micropapillary component in the surgical specimen or in preoperative biopsies or cytology. This may have potential future treatment implications, as adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy may be of relevance, even in the early stages of the disease.
PURPOSE: F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and MRI are used for detecting liver metastases from uveal melanoma. The introduction of new treatment options in clinical trials might benefit from early response assessment. Here, we determine the value of FDG-PET/CT with respect to MRI at diagnosis and its potential for monitoring therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten patients with biopsy-proven liver metastases of uveal melanoma enrolled in a randomized phase III trial (NCT00110123) underwent both FDG-PET coupled with unenhanced CT and gadolinium-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid-enhanced liver MRI within 4 weeks. FDG-PET and MRI were evaluated blindly and then compared using the ratio of lesion to normal liver parenchyma PET-derived standardized uptake value (SUV). The influence of lesion size and response to chemotherapy were studied. RESULTS: Overall, 108 liver lesions were seen: 34 (31%) on both modalities (1-18 lesions/patient), four (4%) by PET/CT only, and 70 (65%) by MRI only. SUV correlated with MRI lesion size (r=0.81, P<0.0001). PET/CT detected 26 of 33 (79%) MRI lesions of more than or equal to 1.2 cm, whereas it detected only eight of 71 (11%) lesions of less than 1.2 cm (P<0.0001). MRI lesions without PET correspondence were small (0.6±0.2 vs. 2.1±1.1 cm, P<0.0001). During follow-up (six patients, 30 lesions), the ratio lesion-to-normal-liver SUV diminished in size-stable lesions (1.90±0.64-1.46±0.50, P<0.0001), whereas it increased in enlarging lesions (1.56±0.40-1.99±0.56, P=0.032). CONCLUSION: MRI outweighs PET/CT for detecting small liver metastases. However, PET/CT detected at least one liver metastasis per patient and changes in FDG uptake not related to size change, suggesting a role in assessing early therapy response.
OBJECTIVES: Renal tubular sodium handling was measured in healthy subjects submitted to acute and chronic salt-repletion/salt-depletion protocols. The goal was to compare the changes in proximal and distal sodium handling induced by the two procedures using the lithium clearance technique. METHODS: In nine subjects, acute salt loading was obtained with a 2 h infusion of isotonic saline, and salt depletion was induced with a low-salt diet and furosemide. In the chronic protocol, 15 subjects randomly received a low-, a regular- and a high-sodium diet for 1 week. In both protocols, renal and systemic haemodynamics and urinary electrolyte excretion were measured after an acute water load. In the chronic study, sodium handling was also determined, based on 12 h day- and night-time urine collections. RESULTS: The acute and chronic protocols induced comparable changes in sodium excretion, renal haemodynamics and hormonal responses. Yet, the relative contribution of the proximal and distal nephrons to sodium excretion in response to salt loading and depletion differed in the two protocols. Acutely, subjects appeared to regulate sodium balance mainly by the distal nephron, with little contribution of the proximal tubule. In contrast, in the chronic protocol, changes in sodium reabsorption could be measured both in the proximal and distal nephrons. Acute water loading was an important confounding factor which increased sodium excretion by reducing proximal sodium reabsorption. This interference of water was particularly marked in salt-depleted subjects. CONCLUSION: Acute and chronic salt loading/salt depletion protocols investigate different renal mechanisms of control of sodium balance. The endogenous lithium clearance technique is a reliable method to assess proximal sodium reabsorption in humans. However, to investigate sodium handling in diseases such as hypertension, lithium should be measured preferably on 24 h or overnight urine collections to avoid the confounding influence of water.
Rapport de synthèse : Les tumeurs de la paroi thoracique sont des pathologies graves dont le traitement principal consiste en une résection chirurgicale. L'enjeu majeur de cette intervention ontologique est de réséquer la totalité de la tumeur, ce qui nécessite une planification préopératoire minutieuse. Classiquement, l'identification et la localisation de la tumeur se fait à l'aide de la tomodensitométrie (computed tomography, CT) ou de l'imagerie par résonnance magnétique (1RM). Actuellement, l'imagerie nucléaire fonctionnelle par tomographie par émission de positons (positron emission tomography, PET) qui peut être couplée au CT (PET/CT) est de plus en plus appliquée aux patients présentant une tumeur maligne. Son efficacité a fréquemment été démontrée. Le but de la présente étude est d'évaluer la valeur du PET dans la planification de la résection des tumeurs de la paroi thoracique. Une analyse rétrospective de dix-huit patients opérés entre 2004 et 2006 a été réalisée; Dans ce groupe de patient, la taille de la tumeur mesurée sur la pièce opératoire réséquée a été comparée à la taille de la tumeur mesurée sur le CT et le PET. Les résultats démontrent que le CT surestimait de manière consistante la taille réelle de la tumeur par rapport au PET (+64% par rapport à +1%, P<0.001). De plus, le PET s'est avéré particulièrement performant pour prédire la taille des tumeurs de plus de 5.5 cm de diamètre par rapport au CT (valeur prédictive positive 80% par rapport à 44% et spécificité 93% par apport à 64%, respectivement). Cette étude démontre que le PET permettrait de mesurer la taille des tumeurs de la paroi thoracique de manière plus précise que le CT. Cette nouvelle modalité diagnostique s'avèrerait donc utile pour planifier les résections chirurgicales de telles tumeurs. A notre connaissance, aucune publication ne décrit la valeur du PET dans ce domaine. Les performances accrues du PET permettraient une meilleure délimitation des tumeurs ce qui améliorerait la précision de la résection chirurgicale. En conclusion, cette étude préliminaire rétrospective démontre la faisabilité du PET pour les tumeurs de la paroi thoracique. Ces résultats devraient être confirmés par une étude prospective incluant un plus grand nombre de patients avec la perspective de juger l'impact clinique réel du PET sur la prise en charge thérapeutique des patients.
PURPOSE: 3'-deoxy-3'-[(18)F]fluorothymidine ([(18)F]FLT), a cell proliferation positron emission tomography (PET) tracer, has been shown in numerous tumors to be more specific than 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose ([(18)F]FDG) but less sensitive. We studied the capacity of a nontoxic concentration of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd), a thymidine synthesis inhibitor, to increase uptake of [(18)F]FLT in tumor xenografts. METHODS: The duration of the FdUrd effect in vivo on tumor cell cycling and thymidine analogue uptake was studied by varying FdUrd pretreatment timing and holding constant the timing of subsequent flow cytometry and 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine biodistribution measurements. In [(18)F]FLT studies, FdUrd pretreatment was generally performed 1 h before radiotracer injection. [(18)F]FLT biodistributions were measured 1 to 3 h after radiotracer injection of mice grafted with five different human tumors and pretreated or not with FdUrd and compared with [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake. Using microPET, the dynamic distribution of [(18)F]FLT was followed for 1.5 h in FdUrd pretreated mice. High-field T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology were used comparatively in assessing tumor viability and proliferation. RESULTS: FdUrd induced an immediate increase in tumor uptake of 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, that vanished after 6 h, as also confirmed by flow cytometry. Biodistribution measurements showed that FdUrd pretreatment increased [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors by factors of 3.2 to 7.8 compared with controls, while [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake was about fourfold and sixfold lower in breast cancers and lymphoma. Dynamic PET in FdUrd pretreated mice showed that [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors increased steadily up to 1.5 h. MRI showed a well-vascularized homogenous lymphoma with high [(18)F]FLT uptake, while in breast cancer, a central necrosis shown by MRI was inactive in PET, consistent with the histomorphological analysis. CONCLUSION: We showed a reliable and significant uptake increase of [(18)F]FLT in different tumor xenografts after low-dose FdUrd pretreatment. These results show promise for a clinical application of FdUrd aimed at increasing the sensitivity of [(18)F]FLT PET.
PURPOSE: Quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) with generator-produced (82)Rb is an attractive alternative for centres without an on-site cyclotron. Our aim was to validate (82)Rb-measured MBF in relation to that measured using (15)O-water, as a tracer 100% of which can be extracted from the circulation even at high flow rates, in healthy control subject and patients with mild coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: MBF was measured at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperaemia with (82)Rb and (15)O-water PET in 33 participants (22 control subjects, aged 30 ± 13 years; 11 CAD patients without transmural infarction, aged 60 ± 13 years). A one-tissue compartment (82)Rb model with ventricular spillover correction was used. The (82)Rb flow-dependent extraction rate was derived from (15)O-water measurements in a subset of 11 control subjects. Myocardial flow reserve (MFR) was defined as the hyperaemic/rest MBF. Pearson's correlation r, Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement (LoA), and Lin's concordance correlation ρ (c) (measuring both precision and accuracy) were used. RESULTS: Over the entire MBF range (0.66-4.7 ml/min/g), concordance was excellent for MBF (r = 0.90, [(82)Rb-(15)O-water] mean difference ± SD = 0.04 ± 0.66 ml/min/g, LoA = -1.26 to 1.33 ml/min/g, ρ(c) = 0.88) and MFR (range 1.79-5.81, r = 0.83, mean difference = 0.14 ± 0.58, LoA = -0.99 to 1.28, ρ(c) = 0.82). Hyperaemic MBF was reduced in CAD patients compared with the subset of 11 control subjects (2.53 ± 0.74 vs. 3.62 ± 0.68 ml/min/g, p = 0.002, for (15)O-water; 2.53 ± 1.01 vs. 3.82 ± 1.21 ml/min/g, p = 0.013, for (82)Rb) and this was paralleled by a lower MFR (2.65 ± 0.62 vs. 3.79 ± 0.98, p = 0.004, for (15)O-water; 2.85 ± 0.91 vs. 3.88 ± 0.91, p = 0.012, for (82)Rb). Myocardial perfusion was homogeneous in 1,114 of 1,122 segments (99.3%) and there were no differences in MBF among the coronary artery territories (p > 0.31). CONCLUSION: Quantification of MBF with (82)Rb with a newly derived correction for the nonlinear extraction function was validated against MBF measured using (15)O-water in control subjects and patients with mild CAD, where it was found to be accurate at high flow rates. (82)Rb-derived MBF estimates seem robust for clinical research, advancing a step further towards its implementation in clinical routine.
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of sodium intake on renal tissue oxygenation in humans. To this purpose, we measured renal hemodynamics, renal sodium handling, and renal oxygenation in normotensive (NT) and hypertensive (HT) subjects after 1 week of a high-sodium and 1 week of a low-sodium diet. Renal oxygenation was measured using blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance. Tissue oxygenation was determined by the measurement of R2* maps on 4 coronal slices covering both kidneys. The mean R2* values in the medulla and cortex were calculated, with a low R2* indicating a high tissue oxygenation. Ten male NT (mean age: 26.5+/-7.4 years) and 8 matched HT subjects (mean age: 28.8+/-5.7 years) were studied. Cortical R2* was not different under the 2 conditions of salt intake. Medullary R2* was significantly lower under low sodium than high sodium in both NT and HT subjects (28.1+/-0.8 versus 31.3+/-0.6 s(-1); P<0.05 in NT; and 27.9+/-1.5 versus 30.3+/-0.8 s(-1); P<0.05, in HT), indicating higher medullary oxygenation under low-sodium conditions. In NT subjects, medullary oxygenation was positively correlated with proximal reabsorption of sodium and negatively with absolute distal sodium reabsorption, but not with renal plasma flow. In HT subjects, medullary oxygenation correlated with the 24-hour sodium excretion but not with proximal or with the distal handling of sodium. These data demonstrate that dietary sodium intake influences renal tissue oxygenation, low sodium intake leading to an increased renal medullary oxygenation both in normotensive and young hypertensive subjects.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and perform a meta-analysis on the diagnostic performances of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) for giant cell arteritis (GCA), with or without polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). METHODS: MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library were searched for articles in English that evaluated FDG PET in GCA or PMR. All complete studies were reviewed and qualitatively analysed. Studies that fulfilled the three following criteria were included in a meta-analysis: (1) FDG PET used as a diagnostic tool for GCA and PMR; (2) American College of Rheumatology and Healey criteria used as the reference standard for the diagnosis of GCA and PMR, respectively; and (3) the use of a control group. RESULTS: We found 14 complete articles. A smooth linear or long segmental pattern of FDG uptake in the aorta and its main branches seems to be a characteristic pattern of GCA. Vessel uptake that was superior to liver uptake was considered an efficient marker for vasculitis. The meta-analysis of six selected studies (101 vasculitis and 182 controls) provided the following results: sensitivity 0.80 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.63-0.91], specificity 0.89 (95% CI 0.78-0.94), positive predictive value 0.85 (95% CI 0.62-0.95), negative predictive value 0.88 (95% CI 0.72-0.95), positive likelihood ratio 6.73 (95% CI 3.55-12.77), negative likelihood ratio 0.25 (95% CI 0.13-0.46) and accuracy 0.84 (95% CI 0.76-0.90). CONCLUSION: We found overall valuable diagnostic performances for FDG PET against reference criteria. Standardized FDG uptake criteria are needed to optimize these diagnostic performances.