990 resultados para simultaneous multicomponent analysis
Bovine meat and bone meal (MBM) was widely used in animal diets until outbreaks of Bovine Spongiform Encefalopathy (BSE) occurred in some countries. It has not been confirmed yet whether or not BSE may be transmitted to man through chicken meat originated from poultry that had been fed diets containing MBM. Therefore, consumers nowadays express preference for meat originated from birds fed exclusively vegetable diets. This study analyzed samples of major breast muscle (Pectoralis major) using mass spectrometry of stable isotopes (carbon and nitrogen) as a means to assess the presence of MBM in broiler diets, a technique that might be used in the certification of poultry quality. A total of 150 day-old chicks were reared in five randomized treatments with increasing MBM dietary inclusion levels (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8%). on day 42, breast muscle samples were collected from three birds per treatment and used in the determination of 13C/12C and 15N/14N isotope ratios. The breast muscle isotope values were expressed as delta in parts per thousand (delta ). The following carbon isotope values (13C) were found: 18.74 ±0.11, 18.51 ±0.19, 18.24 ±0.10, -17.79 ±0.12, and -17.15 ±0.15 for 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8% MBM dietary levels, respectively. Nitrogen isotope values (15N) were 1.65 ±0.14, 1.65 ±0.28, 1.72 ±0.08, 1.95 ±0.16, and 2.52 ± 0.09 for 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8% MBM dietary levels, respectively. This study showed important differences in delta13C and delta15N values in breast meat, evidencing a simultaneous enrichment of this isotopic pair, which allowed tracing MBM in bird diets. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes may be used to ensure feeding with exclusively vegetable diets, and might also be used as a reliable evaluation tool in broiler meat certification. The diet with 1% inclusion level of MBM and the exclusively vegetable diet showed similar results.
In this study we explored the stochastic population dynamics of three exotic blowfly species, Chrysomya albiceps, Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya putoria, and two native species, Cochliomyia macellaria and Lucilia eximia, by combining a density-dependent growth model with a two-patch metapopulation model. Stochastic fecundity, survival and migration were investigated by permitting random variations between predetermined demographic boundary values based on experimental data. Lucilia eximia and Chrysomya albiceps were the species most susceptible to the risk of local extinction. Cochliomyia macellaria, C. megacephala and C. putoria exhibited lower risks of extinction when compared to the other species. The simultaneous analysis of stochastic fecundity and survival revealed an increase in the extinction risk for all species. When stochastic fecundity, survival and migration were simulated together, the coupled populations were synchronized in the five species. These results are discussed, emphasizing biological invasion and interspecific interaction dynamics.
Propõe-se metodologia analítica para a determinação da demanda química de oxigênio(DQO) em águas e efluentes pouco poluídos, pela espectrofotometria simultânea dos íons crômio(III) e dicromato, após a clássica oxidação sulfocrômica das amostras, à quente e catalisada por íons Ag+. Demonstra-se que a inter-relação entre as concentrações de DQO, de crômio(III) formado e de dicromato residual permite simplificar a resolução numérica do sistema - de multicomponente, envolvendo as concentrações desses dois íons, e medidas de absorbância em pelo menos dois comprimentos de onda para monocomponente, envolvendo diretamente a concentração em DQO, e medida de absorbância num único comprimento de onda.
A reversed phase liquid chromatographic method was developed for the simultaneous determination of carboxylic acids and phenolics in white wines. The samples, diluted, were injected onto a Spherisorb ODS-2 column with a gradient of sulfuric acid (pH 2.5)/methanol as mobile phase. A diode array detector was used which was set at 210nm for carboxylic acids and altered to 278nm, during the run, far phenolics and sorbic acid. The identification of compounds was based on retention time, co-chromatography and UV spectrum. Some clean-up methods (sep-pak C-18 and an ion exchange column) mere tested and did not improve the results.The analysis was simple, with no sample preparation. Application of this method was illustrated by analyses of Brazilian Welchriesling wines.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O peso do peito possui grande importância econômica na indústria de frangos, podendo estar associado a outras variáveis passíveis de seleção. Estimaram-se correlações fenotípicas entre características de desempenho (peso vivo aos 7, 28 dias e ao abate e profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia), carcaça (peso eviscerado e de pernas) e composição corporal (peso do coração, do fígado e da gordura abdominal), em uma linhagem de frangos, e quantificou-se a influência direta e indireta destas variáveis sobre o peso do peito. Para tanto, utilizou-se a análise de trilha, desdobrando-se a matriz de correlações parciais em coeficientes que forneceram a influência direta de uma variável sobre a outra, independentemente das demais. A manutenção das variáveis peso vivo ao abate e peso eviscerado na matriz de correlações pode ser prejudicial à análise estatística que envolve os sistemas de equações normais, como a análise de trilha, devido à multicolinearidade observada. O peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade do músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia apresentaram efeitos diretos importantes sobre o peso de peito e foram identificadas como as principais responsáveis pela magnitude dos coeficientes de correlação obtidos. Assim, uma pré-seleção individual para estas características pode favorecer um aumento no peso de peito nesta linhagem, se mantidas as condições ambientais de criação dos frangos, uma vez que o peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia afetam fenotipicamente e diretamente o peso de peito.
A new, versatile, and simple method for quantitative analysis of zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium in fuel ethanol by anodic stripping voltammetry is described. These metals can be quantified by direct dissolution of fuel ethanol in water and subsequent voltammetric measurement after the accumulation step. A maximum limit of 20% (v/v) ethanol in water solution was obtained for voltammetric measurements without loss of sensitivity for metal species. Chemical and operational optimum conditions were analyzed in this study; the values obtained were pH 2.9, a 4.7-mum thickness mercury film, a 1,000-rpm rotation frequency of the working electrode, and a 600-s pre-concentration time. Voltammetric measurements were obtained using linear scan (LSV), differential pulse (DPV), and square wave (SWV) modes and detection limits were in the range 10(-9)-10(-8) mol L-1 for these metal species. The proposed method was compared with a traditional analytical technique, flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), for quantification of these metal species in commercial fuel ethanol samples.
Iridium-, Ru-, and W-coated platforms were prepared by thermal treatment of the transversely heated graphite atomizer and investigated for the simultaneous determination of As, Bi, Pb, Sb, and Se in tap water by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The maximum pyrolysis temperature for As and Bi increased in a modifier sequence W < Ru < Ir. For Pb, Sb, and Se, this sequence was W < Ru, It. Calculated characteristic masses in the presence of It, Ru, and W were 35, 33, and 35 pg for As; 63, 51, and 52 pg for Bi; 50, 32, and 34 pg for Pb; 40, 35, and 31 pg for Sb; and 39, 39, and 93 pg for Se, respectively. Ruthenium was elected as the optimum modifier.Repeatability of the measurements was typically < 6%. Recoveries of As, Bi, Pb, Sb, and Se added to tap water samples varied from 79 to 109%. Accuracy was also checked by analysis of five certified reference materials (CRMs) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST1640 - Trace Elements in Natural Water; NIST 1643d Trace Elements in Water) and High Purity Standards (Trace Metals in Drinking Water Standards, lots #812708, #591107, and #710710). A paired t-test showed that the results for the CRMs were in agreement at the 95% confidence level with the certified values. The graphite tube lifetime was about 650 firings. multi-element determination is particularly challenging due to the necessity of carefully optimizing compromise conditions.Based on the considerations listed above, the aim of this paper was to evaluate the behavior of Ir, Ru, and W as permanent modifiers for the simultaneous determination of As, Bi, Pb, Sb, and Se. The performance of the proposed procedure was also verified after the ETAAS analysis of tap waters and reference materials.
A method has been developed for the direct simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb in white and red wine by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ET-AAS) using a transversely heated graphite tube atomizer (THGA) with longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction. The thermal behavior of both analytes during pyrolysis and atomization stages were investigated in 0.028 mol l(-1) HNO3 and in 1 + 1 v/v diluted wine using mixtures of Pd(NO3)(2) + Mg(NO3)(2) and NH4H2PO4 + Mg(NO3)(2) as chemical modifiers. With 5 mug Pd + 3 mug Mg as the modifiers and a two-step pyrolysis (10 s at 400 degreesC and 10 s at 600 degreesC), the formation of carbonaceous residues inside the atomizer was avoided. For 20 mul of sample (wine + 0.056 mol l(-1) HNO3, 1 + 1, v/v) dispensed into the graphite tube, analytical curves in the 0.10-1.0 mug l(-1) Cd and 5.0-50 mug l(-1) Pb ranges were established. The characteristic mass was approximately 0.6 pg for Cd and 33 pg for Pb, and the lifetime of the tube was approximately 400 firings. The limits of detection (LOD) based on integrated absorbance (0.03 mug l(-1) for Cd, 0.8 mug l(-1) for Pb) exceeded the requirements of Brazilian Food Regulations (decree #55871 from Health Department), which establish the maximum permissible level for Cd at 200 mug l(-1) and for Pb at 500 mug l(-1). The relative standard deviations (n = 12) were typically < 8% for Cd and < 6% for Pb. The recoveries of Cd and Pb added to wine samples varied from 88 to 107% and 93 to 103%, respectively. The accuracy of the direct determination of Cd and Ph was checked for 10 table wines by comparing the results with those obtained for digested wine using single-element ET-AAS, which were in agreement at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The use of furanocoumarins, which are photosensitizing compounds, combined with exposure to UV-A radiation is a common treatment for vitiligo, psoriasis, and a number of other skin diseases. Although furanocoumarins plus UV-A treatment is highly effective, several studies have shown that exposure to high doses increases the risk to development of cutaneus carcinoma. Several Dorstenia species are used in folk medicine, mainly against skin diseases, because of the presence of biologically active compounds. We present here analysis of the chemical composition of furanocoumarins from infusion and decoction of Carapia (Dorstenia species), which is used in Brazil against several diseases. We have employed high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedures for the quantitative determination of psoralen, bergapten, and isopimpinellin. The contents of furanocoumarins revealed an insignificant difference between infusion and decoction. Dorstenia tubicina and D. asaroides contained psoralen and bergapten only in the rhizomes, whereas D. vitifolia shows solely isopimpinellin in both rhizomes and aerial parts.
The 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is one of the most applied herbicides around the world to control broad leave herbs in many crops: In this study, a method was developed for simultaneous extraction and determination of 2,4D and its major transformation product, i.e., the 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP), in soil samples. The herbicide and its degradation product were extracted twice from soil samples, after acidification, by dichloromethane on ultrasound system for 1 h. Both extracts were combined and filtrated in qualitative filter paper and Celitee. The total extract was concentrated in rotatory evaporator, dried under N-2 and finally dissolved in 1 ml of methanol. High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection at 230 nm was used for analysis. Recoveries were obtained from soil samples fortified at 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mg kg(-1) levels and the results varied from 85 to 111% (for 2,4-D) and from 95 to 98% (for 2,4-DCP). For both compounds, the limits of quantification were 0.1 mg kg(-1), which were the loss level at which the accuracy and the precision were studied. Nevertheless, the limits of detection, calculated by considering the blank standard deviation and the minimum concentration level, were 0.03 and 0.02 mg kg for 2,4-D and 2,4-DCP, respectively. This proposed method was applied to soil samples of eucalyptus crops, which was previously treated with the herbicide. Despite that, neither 2,4-D nor its degradation product were detected 30 days after the herbicide application. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports on a study of the: effect of replacing CoO by MnO2 on the sintering and electrical propel-ties of the 98.95% SnO2 + (1 - x)% CoO + x% MnO2 + 0.05% Ta2O5 system. All the samples were compacted into pellets and sintered at 1300 degrees C for 1 h, when they reached densities of about 98% of the theoretical density. An X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed no other detectable phases other than SnO2. Current-voltage characterization indicated varistor behavior in the systems. The non-linear coefficient (alpha) and breakdown electric field (Eb) increased as the amount of MnO2 was increased. The results are explained in terms of an electric barrier modification, due to the presence of adsorbed negative oxygen species at the grain boundary inter face. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.