973 resultados para signal transduction, two-component system


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The ability of vitamin E to modulate signal transduction and gene expression has been observed in numerous studies; however, the detailed molecular mechanisms involved are often not clear. The eight natural vitamin E analogues and synthetic derivatives affect signal transduction with different potency, possibly reflecting their different ability to interact with specific proteins. Vitamin E modulates the activity of several enzymes involved in signal transduction, such as protein kinase C, protein kinase B, protein tyrosine kinases, 5-, 12-, and 15-lipoxygenases, cyclooxygenase-2, phospholipase A2, protein phosphatase 2A, protein tyrosine phosphatase, and diacylglycerol kinase. Activation of some these enzymes after stimulation of cell surface receptors with growth factors or cytokines can be normalized by vitamin E. At the molecular level, the translocation of several of these enzymes to the plasma membrane is affected by vitamin E, suggesting that the modulation of protein-membrane interactions may be a common theme for vitamin E action. In this review the main effects of vitamin E on enzymes involved in signal transduction are summarized and the possible mechanisms leading to enzyme modulation evaluated. The elucidation of the molecular and cellular events affected by vitamin E could reveal novel strategies and molecular targets for developing similarly acting compounds.


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Echicetin, a heterodimeric snake C-type lectin from Echis carinatus, is known to bind specifically to platelet glycoprotein (GP)Ib. We now show that, in addition, it agglutinates platelets in plasma and induces platelet signal transduction. The agglutination is caused by binding to a specific protein in plasma. The protein was isolated from plasma and shown to cause platelet agglutination when added to washed platelets in the presence of echicetin. It was identified as immunoglobulin Mkappa (IgMkappa) by peptide sequencing and dot blotting with specific heavy and light chain anti-immunoglobulin reagents. Platelet agglutination by clustering echicetin with IgMkappa induced P-selectin expression and activation of GPIIb/IIIa as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of several signal transduction molecules, including p53/56(LYN), p64, p72(SYK), p70 to p90, and p120. However, neither ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid nor specific inhibition of GPIIb/IIIa affected platelet agglutination or activation by echicetin. Platelet agglutination and induction of signal transduction could also be produced by cross-linking biotinylated echicetin with avidin. These data indicate that clustering of GPIb alone is sufficient to activate platelets. In vivo, echicetin probably activates platelets rather than inhibits platelet activation, as previously proposed, accounting for the observed induction of thrombocytopenia.


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PDZ-binding motifs are found in the C-terminal tails of numerous integral membrane proteins where they mediate specific protein-protein interactions by binding to PDZ-containing proteins. Conventional yeast two-hybrid screens have been used to probe protein-protein interactions of these soluble C termini. However, to date no in vivo technology has been available to study interactions between the full-length integral membrane proteins and their cognate PDZ-interacting partners. We previously developed a split-ubiquitin membrane yeast two-hybrid (MYTH) system to test interactions between such integral membrane proteins by using a transcriptional output based on cleavage of a transcription factor from the C terminus of membrane-inserted baits. Here we modified MYTH to permit detection of C-terminal PDZ domain interactions by redirecting the transcription factor moiety from the C to the N terminus of a given integral membrane protein thus liberating their native C termini. We successfully applied this "MYTH 2.0" system to five different mammalian full-length renal transporters and identified novel PDZ domain-containing partners of the phosphate (NaPi-IIa) and sulfate (NaS1) transporters that would have otherwise not been detectable. Furthermore this assay was applied to locate the PDZ-binding domain on the NaS1 protein. We showed that the PDZ-binding domain for PDZK1 on NaS1 is upstream of its C terminus, whereas the two interacting proteins, NHERF-1 and NHERF-2, bind at a location closer to the N terminus of NaS1. Moreover NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 increased functional sulfate uptake in Xenopus oocytes when co-expressed with NaS1. Finally we used MYTH 2.0 to demonstrate that the NaPi-IIa transporter homodimerizes via protein-protein interactions within the lipid bilayer. In summary, our study establishes the MYTH 2.0 system as a novel tool for interactive proteomics studies of membrane protein complexes.


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Water stable isotope ratios and net snow accumulation in ice cores are commonly interpreted as temperature or precipitation proxies. However, only in a few cases has a direct calibration with instrumental data been attempted. In this study we took advantage of the dense network of observations in the European Alpine region to rigorously test the relationship of the annual and seasonal resolved proxy data from two highly resolved ice cores with local temperature and precipitation. We focused on the time period 1961–2001 with the highest amount and quality of meteorological data and the minimal uncertainty in ice core dating (±1 year). The two ice cores were retrieved from the Fiescherhorn glacier (northern Alps, 3900 m a.s.l.), and Grenzgletscher (southern Alps, 4200 m a.s.l.). A parallel core from the Fiescherhorn glacier allowed assessing the reproducibility of the ice core proxy data. Due to the orographic barrier, the two flanks of the Alpine chain are affected by distinct patterns of precipitation. The different location of the two glaciers therefore offers a unique opportunity to test whether such a specific setting is reflected in the proxy data. On a seasonal scale a high fraction of δ18O variability was explained by the seasonal cycle of temperature (~60% for the ice cores, ~70% for the nearby stations of the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation – GNIP). When the seasonality is removed, the correlations decrease for all sites, indicating that factors other than temperature such as changing moisture sources and/or precipitation regimes affect the isotopic signal on this timescale. Post-depositional phenomena may additionally modify the ice core data. On an annual scale, the δ18O/temperature relationship was significant at the Fiescherhorn, whereas for Grenzgletscher this was the case only when weighting the temperature with precipitation. In both cases the fraction of interannual temperature variability explained was ~20%, comparable to the values obtained from the GNIP stations data. Consistently with previous studies, we found an altitude effect for the δ18O of −0.17‰/100 m for an extended elevation range combining data of the two ice core sites and four GNIP stations. Significant correlations between net accumulation and precipitation were observed for Grenzgletscher during the entire period of investigation, whereas for Fiescherhorn this was the case only for the less recent period (1961–1977). Local phenomena, probably related to wind, seem to partly disturb the Fiescherhorn accumulation record. Spatial correlation analysis shows the two glaciers to be influenced by different precipitation regimes, with the Grenzgletscher reflecting the characteristic precipitation regime south of the Alps and the Fiescherhorn accumulation showing a pattern more closely linked to northern Alpine stations.


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The intracellular parasite Theileria parva transforms bovine T-lymphocytes, inducing uncontrolled proliferation. Upon infection, cells cease to require antigenic stimulation and exogenous growth factors to proliferate. Earlier studies have shown that pathways triggered via stimulation of the T-cell receptor are silent in transformed cells. This is reflected by a lack of phosphorylation of key signalling molecules and the fact that proliferation is not inhibited by immunosuppressants such as cyclosporin and ascomycin that target calcineurin. This suggests that the parasite bypasses the normal T-cells activation pathways to induce proliferation. Among the MAP-kinase pathways, ERK and p38 are silent, and only Jun N-terminal kinase is activated. This appears to suffice to induce constitutive activation of the transcription factor AP-1. More recently, it could be shown that the presence of the parasite in the host cell cytoplasm also induces constitutive activation of NF-kappaB, a transcription factor involved in proliferation and protection against apoptosis. Activation is effectuated by parasite-induced degradation of IkappaBs, the cytoplasmic inhibitors which sequester NF-kappaB in the cytoplasm. NF-kappaB activation is resistant to the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine and a range of other reagents, suggesting that activation might occur in an unorthodox manner. Studies using inhibitors and dominant negative mutants demonstrate that the parasite activates a NF-kappaB-dependent anti-apoptotic mechanism that protects the transformed cell form spontaneous apoptosis and is essential for maintaining the transformed state of the parasitised cell.


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CEACAM1-L is an adhesion molecule that suppress the growth of prostate, breast, colon and endometrial tumors. In this study we defined the domain involved in CEACAM1-L tumor suppression activity. DU145 prostate cancer cells were infected with recombinant adenoviruses containing various CEACAM1-L mutant genes, and the effects of the mutant proteins on the growth of DU145 cells were assessed in a nude-mice xenograft model. We found that expression of the CEACAM1-L cytoplasm domain alone led to growth suppression of DU145 cells. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain of CEACAM1-L is necessary and sufficient for its growth-suppressive function. ^ The cytoplasmic domain of CEACAM1-L is presumed to be involved in a signaling pathway resulting in the suppression of tumor cell growth. It was not clear whether post-translational modification of CEACAM1-L is required for tumor suppressor function, therefore the importance of phosphorylation in growth-inhibitory signaling pathway was investigated. Full-length CEACAM1-L was found to be phosphorylated in vivo in both tyrosine and serine residues. Mutation of tyrosine 488 to phenylalanine did not abolish the tumor-suppressive activity of CEACAM1-L while mutation of serine 503 to alanine abolished the growth-inhibitory activity. In addition, mutation of serine 503 to aspartic acid produced tumor-suppressive activity similar to that of the wild-type CEACAM1-L. These results suggested that only phosphorylation at serine 503 is essential for CEACAM1-L's growth-inhibitory function in vivo. ^ Phosphorylation of CEACAM1-L may lead to its interaction with molecules in CEACAM1-L's signaling pathway. In the last part of this study we demonstrate that CEACAM1 is able to interact with the adapter protein p66Shc. p66Shc was found to be co-immunoprecipitated with full length CEACAM1-L but not with CEACAM1-L lacking its cytoplasmic tail. Additionally this interaction occurred in the absence of the tyrosine phosphorylation of CEACAM1-L. These results suggest that p66Shc is able to interact with the cytoplasmic domain of CEACAM1-L and this interaction does not require tyrosine phosphorylation. ^ In conclusion, this study suggests that CEACAM1-L signals tumor suppression through its cytoplasmic domain by initially becoming phosphorylated on serine 503. Additionally, the interaction with p66Shc may be involved in CEACAM1-L's signaling pathway. ^


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Skeletal muscles can adapt to increased mechanical forces (or loading) by increasing the size and strength of the muscle. Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms by which muscle responds to increased loading may lead to the discovery of novel treatment strategies for muscle wasting and frailty. The objective of this research was to examine the temporal associations between the activation of specific signaling pathway intermediates and their potential upstream regulator(s) in response to increased muscle loading. Previous work has demonstrated that focal adhesion kinase (FAK) activity is increased in overloaded hypertrophying skeletal muscle. Thus FAK is a candidate for transducing the loading stimulus in skeletal muscle, potentially by activating phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family. However, it was unknown if muscle overload would result in activation of PI3K or the MAPKs. Thus, this work seeks to characterized the temporal response of (1) MAPK phosphorylation (including Erk 2, p38 MAPK and JNK), (2) PI3K activity, and (3) FAK tyrosine phosphorylation in response to 24 hours of compensatory overload in the rat soleus and plantaris muscles. In both muscles, overload resulted in transient Increases in the phosphorylation state of Erk2 and JNK, which peaked within the first hour of overload and returned to baseline thereafter. In contrast, p38 MAPK phosphorylation remained elevated throughout the entire 24-hour overload period. Moreover, overload increased PI3K activity only, in the plantaris and only at 12 hours. Moreover, 24 hours of overload induced a significant increase in total protein content in the plantaris but not the soleus. Thus an increase in total muscle protein content within the 24-hour loading period was observed only in muscle exhibiting increased PI3K activity. Surprisingly, FAK tyrosine phosphorylation was not increased during the overload period in either muscle, indicating that PI3K activation and increased MAPK phosphorylation were independent of increased FAK tyrosine phosphorylation. In summary, increased PI3K activity and sustained elevation of p38 MAPK phosphorylation were associated with muscle overload, identifying these pathways as potential mediators of the early hypertrophic response to skeletal muscle overload. This suggests that stimuli or mechanisms that activate these pathways may reduce/minimize muscle wasting and frailty. ^


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The central dogma of molecular biology dictates that DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is later translated into protein. One of the early activators in this process is the transcription factor NF-κB. We have determined that an NF-κB inducer, CARMA3, is required for proper neural tube closure, similar to other NF-κB inducers. Using a genetic knockout of CARMA3, we demonstrated that it is required for Gαq-coupled GPCR-induced NF-κB activation. This is facilitated through a MAPK and IKK phosphorylation-independent mechanism, most likely by controlling NEMO-associated ubiquitination. We have also shown that CARMA3 is required for EGF and HRG-induced NF-κB activation. This activation requires the activity of both EGFR and HER2, as well as PKC. Again, we observed no defect in IKK phosphorylation, although we determined a clear defect in IKK activation. Finally, we have begun to determine the role of CARMA3 to both EGFR and HER2-induced tumorigenicity. By overexpressing a constitutive active mutant of HER2 in our CARMA3 WT and KO MEF cells, we have shown CARMA3 is important for HER2-driven soft agar colony growth. We have also shown that knockdown of endogenous CARMA3 in the EGFR-overexpressing A431 cell line abolishes EGF-induced NF-κB activation. These same cells have a dramatically reduced capacity to form colonies in soft agar as well. Using both mouse xenografts and a transgenic model of HER2-induced breast cancer, we have initiated studies which will help to determine the role of CARMA3 to in vivo tumorigenesis. Collectively, this work reveals novel roles for the CARMA3 protein in development, GPCR and EGFR/HER2 signaling. It also suggests that CARMA3 is involved in EGFR/HER2 mediated tumorigenesis, possibly indicating a novel therapeutic target for use in treatment of cancer. ^


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Overexpression and/or amplification of HER2/neu is frequently detected in many human cancers. Activation of p185 tyrosine kinase can be achieved by point mutation, overexpression, deletion, and heterodimerization with other class I receptors. In this study I investigated the signal transduction pathways mediating the oncogenic signal of the point mutation-activated rat p185. I demonstrated that tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc and formation of Shc/Grb2 complex correlated to the transformation of NIH3T3 cells caused by the point mutation-activated rat HER2/neu. Furthermore, I observed that association with Shc was severely impaired by deletion of most of the major autophosphorylation sites of the point-mutated p185. The truncated p185 product, however, fully retained its ability to transform NIH3T3 cells, induce Shc tyrosine phosphorylation and Shc/Grb2 complex formation. These results suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc which allows formation of Shc/Grb2 complex may play an important role in cell transformation induced by the point mutation-activated p185, and that stable binding to mutant p185 may not be necessary for Shc to mediate this signaling pathway.^ Recent studies have suggested that formation of the complex containing Sos, Grb2 and Shc is important in coupling receptor tyrosine kinases to the Ras signaling pathway. To clarify the role of this trimer in the oncogenic signaling of the activated p185, I set out to interfere with the protein-protein interactions in Shc/Grb2/Sos complex by introducing Grb2 mutants with deletions in either amino- ($\Delta$N-Grb2) or carboxyl- ($\Delta$C-Grb2) terminal SH3 domains into B104-1-1 cells derived from NIH3T3 cells that express the point mutation-activated HER-2/neu. I found that the transformed phenotypes of the B104-1-1 cells were largely reversed by expression of the $\Delta$N-Grb2. The effect of the $\Delta$C-Grb2 on phenotypic reversion was much weaker. Biochemical analysis showed that the $\Delta$N-Grb2 was able to associate Shc but not the activated p185 nor Sos, while the $\Delta$C-Grb2 bound to Shc, the activated p185, and Sos. The p185-mediated Ras activation was severely inhibited by the $\Delta$N-Grb2 but not the $\Delta$C-Grb2. Taken together, these data demonstrate that interruption of the interaction between Shc and the endogenous Grb2 by the $\Delta$N-Grb2 is able to impair the oncogenic signaling of the mutation-activated p185, indicating that (i) the $\Delta$N-Grb2 functions as a strong dominant-negative mutant, (ii) Shc/Grb2/Sos pathway plays a major role in mediating the oncogenic signal of the mutation-activated p185. Unlike the $\Delta$N-Grb2, the $\Delta$C-Grb2 appears to be a relatively weak dominant-negative mutant, probably due to its ability to largely fulfill the biological functions of the wild-type Grb2. ^


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The heterotrimeric G-protein complex provides signal amplification and target specificity. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) G?-subunit of this complex (AGB1) interacts with and modulates the activity of target cytoplasmic proteins. This specificity resides in the structure of the interface between AGB1 and its targets. Important surface residues of AGB1, which were deduced from a comparative evolutionary approach, were mutated to dissect AGB1-dependent physiological functions. Analysis of the capacity of these mutants to complement well-established phenotypes of G?-null mutants revealed AGB1 residues critical for specific AGB1-mediated biological processes, including growth architecture, pathogen resistance, stomata-mediated leaf-air gas exchange, and possibly photosynthesis. These findings provide promising new avenues to direct the finely tuned engineering of crop yield and traits.


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Initiation factor eIF4G is an essential protein required for initiation of mRNA translation via the 5′ cap-dependent pathway. It interacts with eIF4E (the mRNA 5′ cap-binding protein) and serves as an anchor for the assembly of further initiation factors. With treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with rapamycin or with entry of cells into the diauxic phase, eIF4G is rapidly degraded, whereas initiation factors eIF4E and eIF4A remain stable. We propose that nutritional deprivation or interruption of the TOR signal transduction pathway induces eIF4G degradation.


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β2 integrin molecules are involved in a multitude of cellular events, including adhesion, migration, and cellular activation. Here, we studied the influence of β2 integrins on interleukin-2 (IL-2)-mediated signal transduction in human CD4+ T cell lines obtained from healthy donors and a leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) patient. We show that IL-2 induces tyrosine phosphorylation of a 125-kDa protein and homotypic adhesion in β2 integrin (CD18)-positive but not in β2-integrin-negative T cells. EDTA, an inhibitor of integrin adhesion, blocks IL-2-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the 125-kDa protein but not other proteins in β2-integrin-positive T cells. Likewise, a β2 integrin (CD18) antibody selectively inhibits induction of the 125-kDa phosphotyrosine protein, whereas cytokine-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of other proteins is largely unaffected. Immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that the IL-2-induced 125-kDa phosphotyrosine protein is the focal adhesion kinase-related protein B (fakB). Thus, IL-2 induces strong tyrosine phosphorylation of fakB in β2-integrin-positive but not in β2-integrin-negative T cells, and CD18 mAb selectively blocks IL-2-induced fakB-tyrosine phosphorylation in β2-integrin-positive T cells. In parallel experiments, IL-2 does not induce or augment tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK. In conclusion, our data indicate that IL-2 induces β2-integrin-dependent signal transduction events involving the tyrosine kinase substrate fakB.


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Two-component histidine kinases recently have been found in eukaryotic organisms including fungi, slime molds, and plants. We describe the identification of a gene, COS1, from the opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans by using a PCR-based screening strategy. The sequence of COS1 indicates that it encodes a homolog of the histidine kinase Nik-1 from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. COS1 is also identical to a gene called CaNIK1 identified in C. albicans by low stringency hybridization using CaSLN1 as a probe [Nagahashi, S., Mio, T., Yamada-Okabe, T., Arisawa, M., Bussey, H. & Yamada-Okabe, H. (1998) Microbiol. 44, 425–432]. We assess the function of COS1/CaNIK1 by constructing a diploid deletion mutant. Mutants lacking both copies of COS1 appear normal when grown as yeast cells; however, they exhibit defective hyphal formation when placed on solid agar media, either in response to nutrient deprivation or serum. In constrast to the Δnik-1 mutant, the Δcos1/Δcos1 mutant does not demonstrate deleterious effects when grown in media of high osmolarity; however both Δnik-1 and Δcos1/Δcos1 mutants show defective hyphal formation. Thus, as predicted for Nik-1, Cos1p may be involved in some aspect of hyphal morphogenesis and may play a role in virulence properties of the organism.


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Nm23 genes, which encode nucleoside diphosphate kinases, have been implicated in suppressing tumor metastasis. The motility of human breast carcinoma cells can be suppressed by transfection with wild-type nm23-H1, but not by transfections with two nm23-H1 mutants, nm23-H1S12OG and nm23-H1P96S. Here we report that nm23-H1 can transfer a phosphate from its catalytic histidine to aspartate or glutamate residues on 43-kDa membrane proteins. One of the 43-kDa membrane proteins was not phosphorylated by either nm23-H1P96S or nm23-H1S120G, and another was phosphorylated much more slowly by nm23-H1P96S and by nm23-H1S120G than by wild-type nm23-H1. Nm23-H1 also can transfer phosphate from its catalytic histidine to histidines on ATP-citrate lyase and succinic thiokinase. The rates of phosphorylation of ATP-citrate lyase by nm23-H1S120G and nm23-H1P96S were similar to that by wild-type nm23-H1. The rate of phosphorylation of succinic thiokinase by nm23-H1S120 was similar to that by wild-type nm23-H1, and the rate of phosphorylation of succinic thiokinase by nm23-H1P96S was about half that by wild-type nm23-H1. Thus, the transfer of phosphate from nm23-H1 to aspartates or glutamates on other proteins appears to correlate better with the suppression of motility than does the transfer to histidines.