551 resultados para seeding


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In this work project we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media as a marketing tool. Four international cases were analyzed to provide anecdotal evidence of how social and viral marketing have been used by four firms in very different industries. We reviewed empirical evidence on the topic to discuss the main components of viral marketing. We concluded that positive (electronic) word of mouth, short response time and seeding through high network value customers are the main drivers of the success of a viral marketing campaign. We also conducted a study of the Portuguese telecommunications industry, in particular, the mobile segment. We found that the three main players operating in this market have been using social media successfully as a marketing tool in a strategic approach to the 14-25 years old segment.


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OBJECTIF: Récemment, nous avons démontré que la modification du collagène type II (Col II) par le 4-hydroxynonénal (HNE), un produit de la peroxydation lipidique, est augmentée dans le cartilage arthrosique sans qu’on sache la signification de cette augmentation dans la pathogenèse de l’arthrose. L’objectif de cette étude vise à démontrer que cette modification affecte l’interaction chondrocytes/matrice extracellulaire (MEC) et en conséquence induit des changements phénotypiques et fonctionnels de ces cellules. METHODES: Des plaques de culture ont été préalablement cotées avec du Col II puis traitées avec du HNE (0.1-2 mM) excepté le puits contrôle. Les chondrocytes ont été ensuite ensemencés puis incubés pendant 48 heures. La viabilité des cellules est évaluée par le test MTT. Le Western blot est utilisé pour mesurer l’expression des molécules d’adhésion (l’ICAM-1 et l’intégrine α1β1), de la cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), du Col II ainsi que la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 et NF-κB-p65. La RT-PCR en temps réel est utilisée pour mesurer l’expression de l’ARNm de l’ICAM-1, des intégrines α1β1, de la COX-2 et de la métalloprotéinases-13 (MMP-13). La détermination de l’expression de l’ICAM-1 à la surface des cellules est réalisée par cytométrie de flux. Des kits commerciaux ont servi pour mesurer le niveau de la MMP-13, de la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2), de l’activité de la caspase-8 et de la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 et NF-κB-p65. RESULTATS: La modification du Col II par 0.2 mM HNE induit significativement l’expression des molécules d’adhésion telles que l’ICAM-1 et l’intégrine α1β1, de la MMP-13 sans avoir un effet sur la morphologie, la survie et le phénotype cellulaires. Nos résultats montrent aussi une forte augmentation de la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK, d’ERK1/2 et de NF-κB-p65. Cependant, la modification du Col II par 2 mM HNE affecte la morphologie et la viabilité cellulaires et induit l’activité de la caspase-8. Elle inhibe fortement l’expression des integrines α1β1 et du Col II ainsi que la phosphorylation de l’ERK1/2 et de NF-κB-p65, mais par contre, induit significativement la production de la COX-2 et son produit la PGE2 ainsi que la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK. Fait intéressant, le prétraitement des complexes HNE/Col II par 0.1 mM de carnosine empêche les changements phénotypiques et fonctionnels des chondrocytes. CONCLUSION : Ces nouveaux résultats suggèrent le rôle important de la modification du Col II par le HNE dans l’arthrose, en affectant le phénotype et le fonctionnement cellulaires des chondrocytes. La carnosine, par sa capacité de neutraliser le HNE, a révélé d’être un agent promoteur dans le traitement de l’arthrose.


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La tumeur des cellules de la granulosa (GCT) représente 5% des cas de cancers ovariens chez la femme. Bien que considérées comme peu malignes, la mort survient dans 80% des cas suite à une recrudescence de la maladie. En dépit de ces statistiques sinistres, peu d’études ont été portées sur ce type de cancer. Le premier objectif de cette étude consistait à élucider les mécanismes moléculaires causant les GCT en démontrant l’implication de la voie de signalisation PI3K/AKT dans leur étiologie. Pour ce faire, nous avons employé la technologie Cre-Lox afin de cibler le gène Pten (antagoniste de cette voie) spécifiquement dans les cellules de la granulosa chez la souris. Ces souris (Ptenflox/flox;Amhr2cre/+) ont occasionnellement développé des GCT, soutenant notre hypothèse de l’importance de la voie PI3K/AKT dans leur étiologie. La voie WNT/CTNNB1 est une autre voie de signalisation qui a récemment été impliquée dans le développement des GCT. Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous avons également testé l’existence possible d’une synergie fonctionnelle entre les voies WNT/CTNNB1 et PI3K/AKT dans le développement de la maladie. Pour ce faire, nous avons créé le modèle transgénique Ptenflox/flox;Ctnnb1flox(ex3)/+;Amhr2cre/+, chez lequel les cellules de la granulosa présentant non seulement une désinhibition de la voie PI3K/AKT, mais aussi une suractivation de la voie WNT/CTNNB1. Tel que prédit, les souris Ptenflox/flox;Ctnnb1flox(ex3)/+;Amhr2cre/+ ont développé une forme de GCT beaucoup plus agressive que celle observée chez les femelles Ptenflox/flox;Amhr2cre/+. Spécifiquement, le développement des tumeurs se déclenchait plus tôt, leur croissance était beaucoup plus rapide, nous avons pu observer des métastases pulmonaires et la dissémination des cellules tumorales dans la cavité péritonéale, et la maladie était invariablement fatale avant l’âge de 8 semaines. Le modèle Ptenflox/flox;Ctnnb1flox (ex3)/+;Amhr2cre/+ a donc servi à démontrer l'existence d'une synergie entre les voies WNT/CTNNB1 et PI3K/AKT dans le développement de la GCT. De façon inattendue, les souris Ptenflox/flox;Amhr2cre/+ ont aussi présenté un phénotype de sous-fertilité qui n’était pas d’origine ovarienne. Il a récemment été démontré que la souche Amhr2cre dirige l’expression de Cre non seulement aux cellules de la granulosa, mais aussi au stroma utérin et au myomètre. Le second objectif de ce travail était donc de démontrer si et comment le phénotype d’infertilité chez les souris Ptenflox/flox;Amhr2cre/+ pouvait découler d’un défaut utérin. Lors de l'implantation, les cellules du stroma utérin se différencient en cellules déciduelles pour former la décidua maternelle (DM), qui se régresse ensuite par apoptose afin de faciliter l’invasion des cellules trophoblastiques. De plus, la DM, en collaboration avec le tissu foetal, recrute des uNKs dont le rôle est de remodeler les artères spiralées pour augmenter l’apport sanguin maternel vers le foetus en développement. Nous avons pu démontrer que l'utérus des femelles gestantes Ptenflox/flox;Amhr2cre/+ présentait une DM anormalement résistante à l'apoptose, moins de uNKs et des artères spiralées non-remodelées. Par conséquent, l’invasion des cellules du trophoblaste était restreinte, compromettant le développement et la survie de l'embryon. Nous avons donc établi pour la première fois l’importance de Pten lors de la décidualisation et de l’invasion du trophoblaste.


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Les plantes envahissantes menacent la biodiversité ainsi que les activités humaines. Afin de les maîtriser, la pulvérisation d'herbicides est une méthode fréquemment employée en Amérique du Nord. Cette approche ne fait pas toujours consensus et est même parfois interdite ou restreinte, ce qui justifie le recours à d'autres options. Les alternatives peuvent toutefois s'avérer rares, comporter d'importantes limitations ou sont peu documentées. Cette étude vise à tester l’efficacité de méthodes permettant de maîtriser et de prévenir les invasions de roseau commun (Phragmites australis), l'une des plantes envahissantes les plus problématiques sur le continent nord-américain, tout en limitant au minimum l'utilisation d'herbicides. Le potentiel de quatre méthodes de lutte aux petites populations de roseau bien établies a d'abord été évalué : l’excavation avec enfouissement sur place, le bâchage, l’excavation avec enfouissement sur place combinée au bâchage, et la fauche répétée. Les résultats ont montré que l'excavation avec enfouissement sur place, avec ou sans bâchage, a entraîné une élimination presque totale des populations visées, ce qui est comparable ou supérieur à l'effet généralement obtenu avec la pulvérisation d'herbicide. Le bâchage avec des toiles opaques, maintenues pendant un an, a pour sa part entraîné une maîtrise partielle du roseau, suggérant qu'une application prolongée serait nécessaire pour l'éradication de la plante. La fauche répétée, exécutée à raison de cinq fauches par été pendant deux ans, a fourni une efficacité mitigée. Les résultats suggèrent néanmoins que la fauche pendant plusieurs années contribue à affaiblir la plante, ce qui pourrait aider à son confinement. Une méthode additionnelle a été expérimentée afin de traiter les tiges éparses de roseau tout en limitant les risques d'effets hors cibles, soit le badigeonnage manuel d’herbicide. Suite à ces tests, les résultats ont montré une diminution importante de la densité des tiges, ce qui suggère que la méthode est efficace afin d'éliminer les repousses après un traitement initial, et pourrait également être employée sur de jeunes populations clairsemées. L'effet d'un ensemencement préventif de plantes herbacées sur l'établissement de semis de roseau a également été étudié, suite à des traitements sur de vastes parcelles de sol nu. Les résultats suggèrent que la méthode est efficace afin de limiter la propagation du roseau par semences et qu'un suivi périodique suite à l'intervention serait suffisant afin de maintenir l'effet préventif.


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In forestry, availability of healthy seeds is an important factor in raising planting stock. Initial seed health and storage conditions are the major factors governing the germinability of seeds. Like seeds of agricultural and horticultural crops, forest tree seeds are also liable to be affected by micro-organisms during storage, which affects the germination, and reduces the viability. Further introduction of seed-borne diseases into newly sown crops/areas on account of using unhealthy seeds is also not ruled out. Availability of healthy stock of seedlings is intrinsic for raising plantations and to meet this requirement elimination of nursery diseases by appropriate chemicals is of prime imortance. As exotic tree species may become susceptible to various native pathogens, it is generally considered better to select indigenous tree species for large scale plantations as they are well adapted to local environment. However, before taking up large scale afforestation progranme involving any indigenous tree species, it is essential to have knowledge about seed disorders and seedling diseases and their management. with a View to select appropriate tree species with fewer seed disorders and seedling disease problems for use in further plantation programme, four indigenous tree species such as Albizia odoratissima (L.f) Benth., Lagerstroemia microcazpa Wt., Pterocazpus marsupiwn Roxb. and Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. were evaluated to meet the above parameters


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It is well known that the parasitic weed Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze can be suppressed by Striga-tolerant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivars, Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. (greanleaf desmodium), and by fertilization with nitrogen. The study objective was the assessment of Striga control provided by integration of Desmodium density, timing of sorghum-Desmodium intercrop establishment, and nitrogen fertilization. Growth responses and yield of three sorghum cultivars were measured in three pot experiments. A soil naturally infested with Striga was used, and that part of the soil which served as uninfested control was chemically sterilised. Striga numbers and growth were affected significantly by sorghum cultivars, sorghum-Desmodium intercrop ratios, timing of the sorghum-Desmodium association, as well as by their interactions. Desmodium caused 100% suppression of Striga emergence when Desmodium was established in the 1:3 sorghum-Desmodium ratio at seeding of sorghum. Total control of Striga was also achieved with the 1:1 sorghum-Desmodium ratio when Desmodium was transplanted 30 days before sorghum seeding. However, these two treatments also caused significant reductions in sorghum yield. In contrast, 100% Striga control and a dramatic increase in sorghum yield were achieved with 100 kg N ha^{-1} in the 1:1 sorghum-Desmodium intercrop. Compatibility of sorghum and Desmodium was evident at the 1:1 sorghum-Desmodium intercrop established at sorghum seeding. Overall, the Ethiopian cultivars Meko and Abshir showed better agronomic performance and higher tolerance to Striga than the South African cultivar PAN 8564. It is recommended that the N × Desmodium × sorghum interaction be investigated under field conditions.


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En este texto se presenta un espacio de intercambio de conocimientos desde una perspectiva científica, técnica y jurídica, para contribuir a la protección de los recursos naturales. Debido a la importancia de establecer mecanismos para proteger la biodiversidad y posibilitar la preservación de los conocimientos asociados especialmente al uso de la flora medicinal, la Línea de Investigación en Política y Legislación, del Grupo de Estudios en Sistemas Tradicionales de Salud de la Facultad de Medicina, y la Línea de Derecho Ambiental y Grupos Étnicos, del Grupo de Derechos Humanos de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario, desarrollaron este libro a través del cual la Universidad se propone profundizar en el panorama actual de la reglamentación y política –Internacional, nacional y local—respecto a la flora medicinal y al patrimonio cultural inmaterial asociado a esta.


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Wednesday 19th March 2014 Speaker(s): Kirk Martinez, Dr Jonathon S Hare and Dr Enrico Costanza Organiser: Dr Tim Chown Time: 19/03/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B32/3077 File size: 676 Mb Abstract The new WAIS seminar series features classic seminars, research discussions, tutorial-style presentations, and research debates. This seminar takes the form of a research discussion which will focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) research being undertaken in WAIS and other research groups in ECS. IoT is a significant emerging research area, with funding for research available from many channels including new H2020 programmes and the TSB. We have seen examples of IoT devices being built in WAIS and other ECS groups, e.g. in sensor networking, energy monitoring via Zigbee devices, and of course Erica the Rhino (a Big Thing!). The goal of the session is to briefly present such examples of existing Things in our lab with the intent of seeding discussion on open research questions, and therefore future work we could do towards new Things being deployed for experimentation in Building 32 or its environs. The session will discuss what 'things' we have, how they work, what new 'things' might we want to create and deploy, what components we might need to enable this, and how we might interact with these objects.


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.


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The recovery of vegetation in Mediterranean ecosystems after wildfire is mostly a result of direct regeneration, since the same species existing before the fire regenerate on-site by seeding or resprouting. However, the possibility of plant colonization by dispersal of seeds from unburned areas remains poorly studied. We addressed the role of the frugivorous, bird-dependent seed dispersal (seed rain) of fleshy-fruited plants in a burned and managed forest in the second winter after a fire, before on-site fruit production had begun. We also assessed the effect on seed rain of different microhabitats resulting from salvage logging (erosion barriers, standing snags, open areas), as well as the microhabitats of unlogged patches and an unburned control forest, taking account of the importance of perches as seed rain sites. We found considerable seed rain by birds in the burned area. Seeds, mostly from Olive trees Olea europaea and Evergreen pistaches Pistacia lentiscus, belonged to plants fruiting only in surrounding unburned areas. Seed rain was heterogeneous, and depended on microhabitat, with the highest seed density in the unburned control forest but closely followed by the wood piles of erosion barriers. In contrast, very low densities were found under perches of standing snags. Furthermore, frugivorous bird richness seemed to be higher in the erosion barriers than elsewhere. Our results highlight the importance of this specific post-fire management in bird-dependent seed rain and also may suggest a consequent heterogeneous distribution of fleshy-fruited plants in burned and managed areas. However, there needs to be more study of the establishment success of dispersed seeds before an accurate assessment can be made of the role of bird-mediated seed dispersal in post-fire regeneration


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Mechanical operations such as mowing, tilling, seeding, and harvesting are well-known sources of direct avian mortality in agricultural fields. However, there are currently no mortality rate estimates available for any species group or larger jurisdiction. Even reviews of sources of mortality in birds have failed to address mechanical disturbance in farm fields. To overcome this information gap we provide estimates of total mortality rates by mechanical operations for five selected species across Canada. In our step-by-step modeling approach we (i) quantified the amount of various types of agricultural land in each Bird Conservation Region (BCR) in Canada, (ii) estimated population densities by region and agricultural habitat type for each selected species, (iii) estimated the average timing of mechanical agricultural activities, egg laying, and fledging, (iv) and used these values and additional demographical parameters to derive estimates of total mortality by species within each BCR. Based on our calculations the total annual estimated incidental take of young ranged from ~138,000 for Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris) to as much as ~941,000 for Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). Net losses to the fall flight of birds, i.e., those birds that would have fledged successfully in the absence of mechanical disturbance, were, for example ~321,000 for Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) and ~483,000 for Savannah Sparrow. Although our estimates are subject to an unknown degree of uncertainty, this assessment is a very important first step because it provides a broad estimate of incidental take for a set of species that may be particularly vulnerable to mechanical operations and a starting point for future refinements of model parameters if and when they become available.


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Soils represent a large carbon pool, approximately 1500 Gt, which is equivalent to almost three times the quantity stored in terrestrial biomass and twice the amount stored in the atmosphere. Any modification of land use or land management can induce variations in soil carbon stocks, even in agricultural systems that are perceived to be in a steady state. Tillage practices often induce soil aerobic conditions that are favourable to microbial activity and may lead to a degradation of soil structure. As a result, mineralisation of soil organic matter increases in the long term. The adoption of no-tillage systems and the maintenance of a permanent vegetation cover using Direct seeding Mulch-based Cropping system or DMC, may increase carbon levels in the topsoil. In Brazil, no-tillage practices (mainly DMC), were introduced approximately 30 years ago in the south in the Parana state, primarily as a means of reducing erosion. Subsequently, research has begun to study the management of the crop waste products and their effects on soil fertility, either in terms of phosphorus management, as a means of controlling soil acidity, or determining how manures can be applied in a more localised manner. The spread of no-till in Brazil has involved a large amount of extension work. The area under no-tillage is still increasing in the centre and north of the country and currently occupies ca. 20 million hectares, covering a diversity of environmental conditions, cropping systems and management practices. Most studies of Brazilian soils give rates of carbon storage in the top 40 cm of the soil of 0.4 to 1.7 t C ha(-1) per year, with the highest rates in the Cerrado region. However, caution must be taken when analysing DMC systems in terms of carbon sequestration. Comparisons should include changes in trace gas fluxes and should not be limited to a consideration of carbon storage in the soil alone if the full implications for global warming are to be assessed.


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Transient and continuous recombinant protein expression by HEK cells was evaluated in a perfused monolithic bioreactor. Highly porous synthetic cryogel scaffolds (10ml bed volume) were characterised by scanning electron microscopy and tested as cell substrates. Efficient seeding was achieved (94% inoculum retained, with 91-95% viability). Metabolite monitoring indicated continuous cell growth, and endpoint cell density was estimated by genomic DNA quantification to be 5.2x108, 1.1x109 and 3.5x1010 at day 10, 14 and 18. Culture of stably transfected cells allowed continuous production of the Drosophila cytokine Spätzle by the bioreactor at the same rate as in monolayer culture (total 1.2 mg at d18) and this protein was active. In transient transfection experiments more protein was produced per cell compared with monolayer culture. Confocal microscopy confirmed homogenous GFP expression after transient transfection within the bioreactor. Monolithic bioreactors are thus shown to be a flexible and powerful tool for manufacturing recombinant proteins.


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Species rich semi-natural grasslands are an important but threatened habitat throughout Europe and much of the former area has been lost since the 1950s. However, in some countries large areas have been preserved and the demand for meadow recreation by sowing seed mixtures is increasing. In the White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic) the use of commercial seed mixtures is undesirable and the use of regional mixtures has been investigated. The costs for seeding large areas are high and lower cost techniques are needed. In 1999 a field experiment was set up to investigate the establishment of hay meadow vegetation comparing sowing a regional mixture all over a plot with sowing narrow 2.5 In strips of regional seed mixtures into a matrix of a commercial grass mixture or into natural regeneration. The results after five seasons showed good establishment of the sown species in the meadow treatment. Spread of sown species from the sown strips into the surrounding matrix occurred but the cover of species was lower in the commercial grass matrix compared with the natural regeneration matrix. Colonisation of some plots by unsown desirable grassland species from adjacent grassland habitats also occurred, but more species colonised the natural regeneration matrix than the commercial grasses or the sown meadow matrix itself. Overall, the results indicate that, in appropriate situations, sown strips can provide a lower cost but slower and longer-term alternative to field scale sowing of regional seed mixtures for recreation of hay meadow vegetation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Amyloid fibrils are typically rigid, unbrariched structures with diameters of similar to 10 nm and lengths up to several micrometres, and are associated with more than 20 diseases including Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes. Insulin is a small, predominantly alpha-helical protein consisting of 51 residues in two disulfide-linked polypeptide chains that readily assembles into amyloid fibrils under conditions of low PH and elevated temperature. We demonstrate here that both the A-chain and the B-chain of insulin are capable of forming amyloid fibrils in isolation under similar conditions, with fibrillar morphologies that differ from those composed of intact insulin. Both the A-chain and B-chain fibrils were found to be able to cross-seed the fibrillization of the parent protein, although these reactions were substantially less efficient than self-seeding with fibrils composed of full-length insulin. In both cases, the cross-seeded fibrils were morphologically distinct from the seeding, material, but shared common characteristics with typical insulin fibrils, including a very similar helical repeat. The broader distribution of heights of the cross-seeded fibrils compared to typical insulin fibrils, however, indicates that their underling protofilament hierarchy may be subtly different. In addition, and remarkably in view of this seeding behavior, the soluble forms of the A-chain and B-chain peptides were found to be capable of inhibiting insulin fibril formation. Studies using mass spectrometry suggest that this behavior might be attributable to complex formation between insulin and the A-chain and B-chain peptides. The finding that the same chemical form of a polypeptide chain in different physical states can either stimulate or inhibit the conversion of a protein into amyloid fibrils sheds new light on the mechanisms underlying fibril formation, fibril strain propagation and amyloid disease initiation and progression. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.