974 resultados para robotics manipulators


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A methodology for the numerical solution of the forward kinematics problem of 6-RRCRR parallel manipulators with orthogonal non-intersecting RR-joint configuration is presented in this article. The inverse and forward kinematics solutions of such robots compared with that of parallel robots with orthogonal intersecting RR-joint or universal joint configurations are much more complicated due to the existence of dependent joint variables. The constraints of RR-joints are analysed and the numerical algorithm for the forward kinematics solution is assessed. Numerical results for the solution of the forward kinematics of 6-RRCRR parallel robot under study are provided to confirm the accuracy and efficiency of the procedure.


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This paper presents a solution to the inverse kinematics of 6-RRCRR parallel manipulators with orthogonal non-intersecting RR-joint configuration. The inverse kinematics solution of such parallel robots compared with that of parallel robots with orthogonal intersecting RR-joint or universal joint configuration is more complex due to the existence of RR-joint variables. A novel methodology is established to define 6 independent variables of the actuators and 12 dependent RR-joint variables using the pose of the mobile platform with respect to the base frame. The constraint of RR-joints are analysed and the numerical algorithm to obtain joint variables is assessed. The forward kinematics of a 6- RRCRR parallel manipulator is modelled and computational analysis is performed in order to numerically verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed methodology for the inverse kinematics analysis. Numerical results of a trajectory tracking simulation are provided. The results verify high accuracy for the proposed inverse kinematics solution of this special family of parallel micromanipulators.


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Despite recent advances in artificial intelligence and autonomous robotics, teleoperation can provide distinct benefits in applications requiring real-time human judgement and intuition. However, as robotic systems are increasingly becoming sophisticated and are performing more complex tasks, realizing these benefits requires new approaches to teleoperation. This paper introduces a novel haptic mediator interface for teleoperating mobile robotic platforms that have a variety of manipulators and functions. Identical master-slave bilateral teleoperation of the robotic manipulators is achieved by representing them in virtual reality and by allowing the operator to interact with them using a multipoint haptic device. The operator is also able to command motions to the mobile platform by using a novel haptic interaction metaphor rather than a separate dedicated input device. The presented interaction techniques enable the operator to perform a wide range of control functions and achieve functionality similar to that of conventional teleoperation schemes that use a single haptic interface. The mediator interface is presented, and important considerations such as workspace mapping and scaling are discussed. © 2015 IEEE.


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The control of a swarm of underwater robots requires more than just a control algorithm, it requires a communications system. Underwater communications is difficult at the best of times and so large time delays and minimal information is a concern. The control system must be able to work on minimal and out of date information. The control system must also be able to control a large number of robots without a master control, a decentralized control approach. This paper describes one such control method.


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The past 40 years have seen industrial robots establish their superiority over humans in most areas of manufacturing requiring endurance or repeatability. One important application domain, however, has so far lagged behind the industry’s expectations: mechanical assembly. As fast, precise and dependable as they are, traditional industrial robots just don’t seem able to perform certain assembly operations as well as a skilled human worker. A task as simple as screwing a light bulb into a lamp socket shows why. Applying the right amount of force and turning the bulb at just the right time, at exactly the right angle, is something a human does intuitively. How can a robot be programmed to do this? For robots to successfully emulate humans on an assembly line, they need to have force-sensing capability and exhibit compliance. They must be able to direct forces and moments in a controlled way, and react to contact information. New robot force control technology from ABB shows how.


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This paper investigates axis-symmetric parallel manipulators, composed of a central base column and an arm system able to rotate around this column. The arm system includes several actuated upper arms, each connected to a manipulated platform by one or more lower arm linkages. Such manipulators feature an extensive positional workspace in relation to the manipulator footprint and equal manipulator properties in all radial half-planes defined by the common rotation-axis of the upper arms. The similarities between planar manipulators exclusively employing 2-degrees-of-freedom (2-DOF) lower arm linkages and lower mobility spatial manipulators only utilising 5-DOF lower arm linkages are analysed. The 2-DOF linkages are composed of a link with a 1-DOF hinge on both ends whilst the 5-DOF linkages utilise 3-DOF spherical joints and 2-DOF universal joints. By employing a proposed linkage substitution scheme, it is shown how a wide range of spatial axis-symmetric parallel manipulators can be derived from a limited range of planar manipulators of the same type.


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Although parallel manipulators possess the benefits of high acceleration and accuracy, they typically suffer from a limited workspace to footprint ratio. This paper presents a workspace analysis of two recently proposed axis-symmetric parallel manipulators designed to overcome this problem. The studied manipulators are parametrized, their inverse kinematic models are derived and an in-depth singularity analysis is performed. Next, the architectural parameters are generated for one of the manipulators, using a meta-heuristic algorithm to produce the maximum singularity-free workspace. Thereafter, a second parameter calculation is performed to examine the relationship between maximizing the global conditioning index (GCI) and the resultant achievable workspace for the manipulators.


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 Determining an analytical solution to the inverse kinematics problem for a parallel manipulator is typically a straightforward problem. However, lower mobility parallel manipulators with 2-5 degrees of freedom (DOFs) often suffer from an unwanted parasitic motion in one or more DOFs. For such manipulators, the inverse kinematics problem can be significantly more difficult. This paper contains an analysis of the inverse kinematics problem for a class of 3-DOF parallel manipulators with axis-symmetric arm systems. All manipulators in the studied class exhibit parasitic motion in one DOF. For manipulators in the studied class, the general solution to the inverse kinematics problem is reduced to solving a univariate equation, while analytical solutions are presented for several important special cases.


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The equations corresponding to Newton-Euler iterative method for the determination of forces and moments acting on the rigid links of a robotic manipulator are given a new treatment using composed vectors for the representation of both kinematical and dynamical quantities. It is shown that Lagrange equations for the motion of a holonomic system are easily found from the composed vectors defined in this note. Application to a simple model of an industrial robot shows that the method developed in these notes is efficient in solving the dynamics of a robotic manipulator. An example is developed, where it is seen that with the application of appropriate control moments applied to each arm of the robot, starting from a given initial position, it is possible to reach equilibrium in a final pre-assigned position.


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This paper aims at describing an educational system for teaching and learning robotic systems. Multimedia resources were used to construct a virtual laboratory where users are able to use functionalities of a virtual robotic arm, by moving and clicking the mouse without caring about the detailed internal robot operation. Moreover through the multimedia system the user can interact with a real robot arm. The engineering students are the target public of the developed system. With its contents and interactive capabilities, it has been used as a support to the traditional face-to-face classes on the subject of robotics.. In the paper it is first introduced the metaphor of Virtual Laboratory used in the system. Next, it is described the Graphical and Multimedia Environment approach: an interactive graphic user interface with a 3D environment for simulation. Design and implementation issues of the real-time interactive multimedia learning system, which supports the W3C SMIL standard for presenting the real-time multimedia teaching material, are described. Finally, some preliminary conclusions and possible future works from this research are presented.


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This paper describes the development of a multimedia educational system to teach and learn robotic systems. Multimedia resources have been used to build a virtual laboratory where users are able to utilize functions of a robotic arm, by moving and clicking the mouse without worrying about the detailed robot internal operation. The multimedia system is integrated with a real robotic arm, which was also developed at the university. Through robotic topic presentations and interactive capabilities provided by this system and its tools, students can devote themselves on the learning process just as they do in the traditional face-to-face classes. and the target public of this system are the engineering students themselves.


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This work describes a ludic proposal for programming learning of industrial robots to be developed by groups of engineering students. Two projects are presented: Tic-tac-toe Opponent Robot and Environmentalist Robot. The first project use competitive search techniques of the Artificial Intelligence, computational vision, electronic and pneumatic concepts for ability decision making for a robotic agent on the tic-tae-toe game. The second project consists of a game that contains a questions and answers database about environmental themes. An algorithm selects the group of questions to be answered by the player, analyses the answers and sends the result to a industrial robot through serial port. According with the player performance, the robot makes congratulation movements and giving a gift to the winner player. Otherwise, the robot makes movements, disapproving the player performance.


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Severe disabled children have little chance of environmental and social exploration and discovery, and due this lack of interaction and independency, it may lead to an idea that they are unable to do anything by themselves. This idea is called learned helplessness and is very negative for the child cognitive development and social development as well. With this entire situation it is very likely that the self-steam and mood of this child. Trying to help these children on this situation, educational robotics can offer and aid, once it can give them a certain degree of independency in exploration of environment. The system developed in this work allows the child to transmit the commands to a robot. Sensors placed on the child's body can obtain information from head movement or muscle pulses to command the robot to carry the tasks. Also, this system can be used with a variety of robots, being necessary just a previous configuration. It is expected that, with the usage of this system, the disabled children have a better cognitive development and social interaction, balancing in a certain way, the negative effects of their disabilities. © 2011 IEEE.