939 resultados para rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars


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Mutant of dwarf rice (Oryza sativa L.) were treated with three different concentrations of gibberellic acid originated from two sources (Gibberellin and Pro-Gibb) and submitted to the determination of bigger height, in relation to the soil leveI. Mensurations were realized in each seven days at greenhouse conditions under mean temperature of 25°C. lt was concluded that concentrations of 10 mg L-1 of gibberellin originated from Pro-Gibb or Gibberellin was enough to promote a differentiated performance of the test plant. For the study of leaf anatomy Pro-Gibb presented, under all tested concentration, increase of mesophyll thickness in relation to Gibberellin. In this analysis, source and interaction between source and concentration applied promoted significant variations between the mean data.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecno³gico (CNPq)


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Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] and finger millet [Eleusine coracana Gaertn] are staple cereal crops in Africa and Asia with several desirable agronomic and nutritional properties. Tef is becoming a life-style crop as it is gluten-free while finger millet has a low glycemic index which makes it an ideal food for diabetic patients. However, both tef and finger millet have extremely low grain yields mainly due to moisture scarcity and susceptibility of the plants to lodging. In this study, the effects of gibberellic acid (GA) inhibitors particularly paclobutrazol (PBZ) on diverse physiological and yield-related parameters were investigated and compared to GA mutants in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The application of PBZ to tef and finger millet significantly reduced the plant height and increased lodging tolerance. Remarkably, PBZ also enhanced the tolerance of both tef and finger millet to moisture deficit. Under moisture scarcity, tef plants treated with PBZ did not exhibit drought-related symptoms and their stomatal conductance was unaltered, leading to higher shoot biomass and grain yield. Semi-dwarf rice mutants altered in GA biosynthesis, were also shown to have improved tolerance to dehydration. The combination of traits (drought tolerance, lodging tolerance and increased yield) that we found in plants with altered GA pathway is of importance to breeders who would otherwise rely on extensive crossing to introgress each trait individually. The key role played by PBZ in the tolerance to both lodging and drought calls for further studies using mutants in the GA biosynthesis pathway in order to obtain candidate lines which can be incorporated into crop-breeding programs to create lodging tolerant and climate-smart crops.


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Photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) were examined in relation to leaf age and orientation. Two varieties (IR72 and IR65598-112-2 [BSI206]) were grown in the field in the Philippines during the dry season under highly irrigated, well-fertilized conditions. Flag leaves were examined 60 and 100 d after transplanting. Because of the upright nature of 60-d-old rice leaves, patterns of photosynthesis were determined by solar movements: light falling on the exposed surface in the morning, a low incident angle of irradiance at midday, and light striking the opposite side of the leaf blade in the afternoon. There was an early morning burst of CO2 assimilation and high levels of saturation of photosystem II electron transfer as incident irradiance reached a maximum level. However, by midday the photochemical efficiency increased again almost to maximum. Leaves that were 100 d old possessed a more horizontal orientation and were found to suffer greater levels of photoinhibition than younger leaves, and this was accompanied by increases in the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle. Older leaves had significantly lower chlorophyll content but only slightly diminished photosynthesis capacity.


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This study identified and purified specific isoamylase- and pullulanase-type starch-debranching enzymes (DBEs) present in developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. The cDNA clone Zpu1 was isolated based on its homology with a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA coding for a pullulanase-type DBE. Comparison of the protein product, ZPU1, with 18 other DBEs identified motifs common to both isoamylase- and pullulanase-type enzymes, as well as class-specific sequence blocks. Hybridization of Zpu1 to genomic DNA defined a single-copy gene, zpu1, located on chromosome 2. Zpu1 mRNA was abundant in endosperm throughout starch biosynthesis, but was not detected in the leaf or the root. Anti-ZPU1 antiserum specifically recognized the approximately 100-kD ZPU1 protein in developing endosperm, but not in leaves. Pullulanase- and isoamylase-type DBEs were purified from extracts of developing maize kernels. The pullulanase-type activity was identified as ZPU1 and the isoamylase-type activity as SU1. Mutations of the sugary1 (su1) gene are known to cause deficiencies of SU1 isoamylase and a pullulanase-type DBE. ZPU1 activity, protein level, and electrophoretic mobility were altered in su1-mutant kernels, indicating that it is the affected pullulanase-type DBE. The Zpu1 transcript levels were equivalent in nonmutant and su1-mutant kernels, suggesting that coordinated regulation of ZPU1 and SU1 occurs posttranscriptionally.


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Myo-inositol-1-phosphate (I[1]P) synthase (EC catalyzes the reaction from glucose 6-phosphate to I(1)P, the first step of myo-inositol biosynthesis. Among the metabolites of I(1)P is inositol hexakisphosphate, which forms a mixed salt called phytin or phytate, a storage form of phosphate and cations in seeds. We have isolated a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA clone, pRINO1, that is highly homologous to the I(1)P synthase from yeast and plants. Northern analysis of total RNA showed that the transcript accumulated to high levels in embryos but was undetectable in shoots, roots, and flowers. In situ hybridization of developing seeds showed that the transcript first appeared in the apical region of globular-stage embryos 2 d after anthesis (DAA). Strong signals were detected in the scutellum and aleurone layer after 4 DAA. The level of the transcript in these cells increased until 7 DAA, after which time it gradually decreased. Phytin-containing particles called globoids appeared 4 DAA in the scutellum and aleurone layer, coinciding with the localization of the RINO1 transcript. The temporal and spatial patterns of accumulation of the RINO1 transcript and globoids suggest that I(1)P synthase directs phytin biosynthesis in rice seeds.


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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) provide about two-thirds of all energy in human diets, and four major cropping systems in which these cereals are grown represent the foundation of human food supply. Yield per unit time and land has increased markedly during the past 30 years in these systems, a result of intensified crop management involving improved germplasm, greater inputs of fertilizer, production of two or more crops per year on the same piece of land, and irrigation. Meeting future food demand while minimizing expansion of cultivated area primarily will depend on continued intensification of these same four systems. The manner in which further intensification is achieved, however, will differ markedly from the past because the exploitable gap between average farm yields and genetic yield potential is closing. At present, the rate of increase in yield potential is much less than the expected increase in demand. Hence, average farm yields must reach 70–80% of the yield potential ceiling within 30 years in each of these major cereal systems. Achieving consistent production at these high levels without causing environmental damage requires improvements in soil quality and precise management of all production factors in time and space. The scope of the scientific challenge related to these objectives is discussed. It is concluded that major scientific breakthroughs must occur in basic plant physiology, ecophysiology, agroecology, and soil science to achieve the ecological intensification that is needed to meet the expected increase in food demand.


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The accumulation of soluble carbohydrates resulting from growth under elevated CO2 may potentially signal the repression of gene activity for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcS). To test this hypothesis we grew rice (Oryza sativa L.) under ambient (350 μL ˆ’1) and high (700 μL ˆ’1) CO2 in outdoor, sunlit, environment-controlled chambers and performed a cross-switching of growth CO2 concentration at the late-vegetative phase. Within 24 h, plants switched to high CO2 showed a 15% and 23% decrease in rbcS mRNA, whereas plants switched to ambient CO2 increased 27% and 11% in expanding and mature leaves, respectively. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase total activity and protein content 8 d after the switch increased up to 27% and 20%, respectively, in plants switched to ambient CO2, but changed very little in plants switched to high CO2. Plants maintained at high CO2 showed greater carbohydrate pool sizes and lower rbcS transcript levels than plants kept at ambient CO2. However, after switching growth CO2 concentration, there was not a simple correlation between carbohydrate and rbcS transcript levels. We conclude that although carbohydrates may be important in the regulation of rbcS expression, changes in total pool size alone could not predict the rapid changes in expression that we observed.


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Many plants accumulate high levels of free proline (Pro) in response to osmotic stress. This imino acid is widely believed to function as a protector or stabilizer of enzymes or membrane structures that are sensitive to dehydration or ionically induced damage. The present study provides evidence that the synthesis of Pro may have an additional effect. We found that intermediates in Pro biosynthesis and catabolism such as glutamine and Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid (P5C) can increase the expression of several osmotically regulated genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.), including salT and dhn4. One millimolar P5C or its analog, 3,4-dehydroproline, produced a greater effect on gene expression than 1 mm l-Pro or 75 mm NaCl. These chemicals did not induce hsp70, S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, or another osmotically induced gene, Em, to any significant extent. Unlike NaCl, gene induction by P5C did not depend on the normal levels of either de novo protein synthesis or respiration, and did not raise abscisic acid levels significantly. P5C- and 3,4-dehydroproline-treated plants consumed less O2, had reduced NADPH levels, had increased NADH levels, and accumulated many osmolytes associated with osmotically stressed rice. These experiments indicate that osmotically induced increases in the concentrations of one or more intermediates in Pro metabolism could be influencing some of the characteristic responses to osmotic stress.


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A deficiência de Zn no solo causa efeitos indesejáveis na produção agrícola, pois a baixa disponibilidade deste micronutriente para as plantas promove a diminuição da atividade enzimática, a©m da deficiência deste elemento na alimentação, que pode levar ao estado de subnutrição. Tendo em vista a problemática do Zn no sistema solo-planta e suas variações nos compartimentos do solo, é importante a avaliação de sua fitodisponibilidade e as frações do solo que este elemento está associado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fitodisponibilidade e a compartimentalização de Zn no solo, para as culturas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) e soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) e avaliar o efeito das doses de Zn sobre a nutrição e exportação deste nutriente pela cultura. Utilizou-se como plantas teste as culturas de arroz e soja para avaliar o efeito das doses de Zn sobre a nutrição e translocação deste nutriente até os grãos. Para tanto, uma amostra de um Latossolo Vermelho, textura argilosa da região de Piracicaba (SP) foi utilizada e ZnCl2 (marcado com 65Zn) como fonte. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em DIC, com cinco doses de Zn (0, 1, 2, 4 e 8 mg kg-1 de solo), com quatro repetições. O experimento foi conduzido até a formação de grãos e foi realizada determinação de Zn por Espectrômetria de Absorção Atômica após digestão nitroperc³rica e contagem do 65Zn nas partes da planta: parte aérea (PA) e panícula (P), para arroz e PA, vagem (V) e grão (G), para soja. Calculou-se a quantidade de Zn proveniente da fonte (Znpf) nas partes das plantas e o aproveitamento do Zn da fonte pelas culturas (Ap). Nas amostras de solo foram realizadas extrações por DTPA (ZnDTPA) e Mehlich-1 (ZnM1) em duas subamostragens (t1 e t2), antes da semeadura e florescimento, respectivamente. O fracionamento de Zn foi realizado em amostras de t2 nas frações: trocável (ZnTroc); ligado a carbonatos (ZnCarb); a matéria orgânica (ZnMO); a óxidos (ZnOxi) e residual (Znres). Adicionalmente, foi realizada análise do teor pseudo-total de Zn (ZnPST). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste-F a 95 % de probabilidade, ajuste das variáveis em função das doses por regressões e teste de média e análises de correlações entre as principais variáveis respostas. O Zn acumulado total na planta se ajustou à regressão linear em função do aumento das doses, entretanto ao analisar as partes separadamente, só houve diferença entre as doses para a variável PA em ambas as culturas. O Znpf total nas plantas apresentou incremento com a adição das doses crescentes de Zn ao solo, entretanto, eu aproveitamento foi baixo, 12 e 8,75 % para arroz e soja, respectivamente. As doses de ZnCl2 adicionadas ao solo, aumentaram a concentração de Zn presente nas frações ZnTroc > ZnMO > ZnCarb, em ordem decrescente. O Zn total acumulado nas plantas de arroz e soja apresentam correlações crescentes para os extratores DTPA e M1 nas duas subamostragens (t1 e t2), em função das doses avaliadas. O Zn extraído pelo DTPA ou M1, apresentaram correlação significativa com o Zn extraído nas frações, na ordem decrescente, ZnTroc > ZnCarb > ZnMO


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O arroz (Oryza sativa, L.), como todos os cereais, pode ser contaminado por fungos responsáveis por danos tecno³gicos, nutricionais e toxico³gicos, dentre eles a produção de micotoxinas. Diversas toxinas fúngicas produzidas pelo gênero Fusarium tem sido relatadas em arroz, no entanto a fumonisina B1 (FB1) é pouco estudada neste grão. As principais características da FB1 é a alta solubilidade em solventes polares, estabilidade a altas temperaturas a©m de efeitos neurotóxicos e carcinogênicos. Assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico e hidrotérmico nos teores de fumonisina B1 e nas características químicas de arroz comercial. Na primeira etapa do trabalho foi adaptado um método para detecção e quantificação de FB1 em arroz cru e após cocção, por HPLC-FL. O método foi avaliado quanto aos indicativos de eficiência destacando-se o LOD (30 µg.kg-1) e a recuperação ( 90% para arroz cru e 86% pra arroz cozido). Na segunda etapa realizou-se o levantamento de ocorrência de FB1 em 05 diferentes amostras comerciais de arroz integral, branco e parboilizado da cidade de Rio Grande, RS, totalizando 9 amostras. Foi detectada a presença de FB1 em 7 das 9 amostras, sendo que os maiores índices foram encontrados em amostras de arroz parboilizado e integral apresentando níveis de contaminação entre 30 e 170 µg.kg-1. A terceira etapa do trabalho consistiu no estudo do efeito de tratamentos térmicos sobre os níveis de FB1 em amostras após aplicação de calor. Foram testados tratamento hidrotérmico com evaporação, tratamento hidrotérmico com autoclavagem e tratamento térmico seco. O maior nível de redução dos teores iniciais de FB1 foi 82,8% quando se empregou tratamento térmico seco a 125 °C/3 min. Ainda foram avaliados os efeitos do t ratamento hidrotérmico com evaporação de água na composição química e na digestibilidade protéica. Esta característica proporcionou aumento de até 100% na digestibilidade in vitro das proteínas e reduziu em média 73% do teor de contaminação com FB1.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecno³gico (CNPq)