849 resultados para restorative justice, facilitator, setting, field group, structural elements


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The seismic behaviour of one-storey asymmetric structures has been studied since 1970s by a number of researches studies which identified the coupled nature of the translational-to-torsional response of those class of systems leading to severe displacement magnifications at the perimeter frames and therefore to significant increase of local peak seismic demand to the structural elements with respect to those of equivalent not-eccentric systems (Kan and Chopra 1987). These studies identified the fundamental parameters (such as the fundamental period TL normalized eccentricity e and the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio Ωϑ) governing the torsional behavior of in-plan asymmetric structures and trends of behavior. It has been clearly recognized that asymmetric structures characterized by Ωϑ >1, referred to as torsionally-stiff systems, behave quite different form structures with Ωϑ <1, referred to as torsionally-flexible systems. Previous research works by some of the authors proposed a simple closed-form estimation of the maximum torsional response of one-storey elastic systems (Trombetti et al. 2005 and Palermo et al. 2010) leading to the so called “Alpha-method” for the evaluation of the displacement magnification factors at the corner sides. The present paper provides an upgrade of the “Alpha Method” removing the assumption of linear elastic response of the system. The main objective is to evaluate how the excursion of the structural elements in the inelastic field (due to the reaching of yield strength) affects the displacement demand of one-storey in-plan asymmetric structures. The system proposed by Chopra and Goel in 2007, which is claimed to be able to capture the main features of the non-linear response of in-plan asymmetric system, is used to perform a large parametric analysis varying all the fundamental parameters of the system, including the inelastic demand by varying the force reduction factor from 2 to 5. Magnification factors for different force reduction factor are proposed and comparisons with the results obtained from linear analysis are provided.


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As lightweight and slender structural elements are more frequently used in the design, large scale structures become more flexible and susceptible to excessive vibrations. To ensure the functionality of the structure, dynamic properties of the occupied structure need to be estimated during the design phase. Traditional analysis method models occupants simply as an additional mass; however, research has shown that human occupants could be better modeled as an additional degree-of- freedom. In the United Kingdom, active and passive crowd models are proposed by the Joint Working Group as a result of a series of analytical and experimental research. It is expected that the crowd models would yield a more accurate estimation to the dynamic response of the occupied structure. However, experimental testing recently conducted through a graduate student project at Bucknell University indicated that the proposed passive crowd model might be inaccurate in representing the impact on the structure from the occupants. The objective of this study is to provide an assessment of the validity of the crowd models proposed by JWG through comparing the dynamic properties obtained from experimental testing data and analytical modeling results. The experimental data used in this study was collected by Firman in 2010. The analytical results were obtained by performing a time-history analysis on a finite element model of the occupied structure. The crowd models were created based on the recommendations from the JWG combined with the physical properties of the occupants during the experimental study. During this study, SAP2000 was used to create the finite element models and to implement the analysis; Matlab and ME¿scope were used to obtain the dynamic properties of the structure through processing the time-history analysis results from SAP2000. The result of this study indicates that the active crowd model could quite accurately represent the impact on the structure from occupants standing with bent knees while the passive crowd model could not properly simulate the dynamic response of the structure when occupants were standing straight or sitting on the structure. Future work related to this study involves improving the passive crowd model and evaluating the crowd models with full-scale structure models and operating data.


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BACKGROUND: In the UK, population screening for unmet need has failed to improve the health of older people. Attention is turning to interventions targeted at 'at-risk' groups. Living alone in later life is seen as a potential health risk, and older people living alone are thought to be an at-risk group worthy of further intervention. AIM: To explore the clinical significance of living alone and the epidemiology of lone status as an at-risk category, by investigating associations between lone status and health behaviours, health status, and service use, in non-disabled older people. Design of study: Secondary analysis of baseline data from a randomised controlled trial of health risk appraisal in older people. SETTING: Four group practices in suburban London. METHOD: Sixty per cent of 2641 community-dwelling non-disabled people aged 65 years and over registered at a practice agreed to participate in the study; 84% of these returned completed questionnaires. A third of this group, (n = 860, 33.1%) lived alone and two-thirds (n = 1741, 66.9%) lived with someone else. RESULTS: Those living alone were more likely to report fair or poor health, poor vision, difficulties in instrumental and basic activities of daily living, worse memory and mood, lower physical activity, poorer diet, worsening function, risk of social isolation, hazardous alcohol use, having no emergency carer, and multiple falls in the previous 12 months. After adjustment for age, sex, income, and educational attainment, living alone remained associated with multiple falls, functional impairment, poor diet, smoking status, risk of social isolation, and three self-reported chronic conditions: arthritis and/or rheumatism, glaucoma, and cataracts. CONCLUSION: Clinicians working with independently-living older people living alone should anticipate higher levels of disease and disability in these patients, and higher health and social risks, much of which will be due to older age, lower educational status, and female sex. Living alone itself appears to be associated with higher risks of falling, and constellations of pathologies, including visual loss and joint disorders. Targeted population screening using lone status may be useful in identifying older individuals at high risk of falling.


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Steel tubular cast-in-place pilings are used throughout the country for many different project types. These piles are a closed-end pipe with varying wall thicknesses and outer diameters, that are driven to depth and then the core is filled with concrete. These piles are typically used for smaller bridges, or secondary structures. Mostly the piling is designed based on a resistance based method which is a function of the soil properties of which the pile is driven through, however there is a structural capacity of these members that is considered to be the upper bound on the loading of the member. This structural capacity is given by the AASHTO LRFD (2010), with two methods. These two methods are based on a composite or non-composite section. Many state agencies and corporations use the non-composite equation because it is requires much less computation and is known to be conservative. However with the trends of the time, more and more structural elements are being investigated to determine ways to better understand the mechanics of the members, which could lead to more efficient and safer designs. In this project, a set of these piling are investigated. The way the cross section reacts to several different loading conditions, along with a more detailed observation of the material properties is considered as part of this research. The evaluation consisted of testing stub sections of pile with varying sizes (10-¾”, 12-¾”), wall thicknesses (0.375”, 0.5”), and testing methods (whole compression, composite compression, push through, core sampling). These stub sections were chosen as they would represent a similar bracing length to many different soils. In addition, a finite element model was developed using ANSYS to predict the strains from the testing of the pile cross sections. This model was able to simulate the strains from most of the loading conditions and sizes that were tested. The bond between the steel shell and the concrete core, along with the concrete strength through the depth of the cross section were some of the material properties of these sections that were investigated.


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Coral reef ecosystems develop best in high-flow environments but their fragile frameworks are also vulnerable to high wave energy. Wave-resistant algal rims, predominantly made up of the crustose coralline algae (CCA) Porolithon onkodes and P. pachydermum, are therefore critical structural elements for the survival of many shallow coral reefs. Concerns are growing about the susceptibility of CCA to ocean acidification because CCA Mg-calcite skeletons are more susceptible to dissolution under low pH conditions than coral aragonite skeletons. However, the recent discovery of dolomite (Mg0.5Ca0.5(CO3)), a stable carbonate, in P. onkodes cells necessitates a reappraisal of the impacts of ocean acidification on these CCA. Here we show, using a dissolution experiment, that dried dolomite-rich CCA have 6-10 times lower rates of dissolution than predominantly Mg-calcite CCA in both high-CO2 (~ 700 ppm) and control (~ 380 ppm) environments, respectively. We reveal this stabilizing mechanism to be a combination of reduced porosity due to dolomite infilling and selective dissolution of other carbonate minerals. Physical break-up proceeds by dissolution of Mg-calcite walls until the dolomitized cell eventually drops out intact. Dolomite-rich CCA frameworks are common in shallow coral reefs globally and our results suggest that it is likely that they will continue to provide protection and stability for coral reef frameworks as CO2 rises.


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The threat of impact or explosive loads is regrettably a scenario to be taken into account in the design of lifeline or critical civilian buildings. These are often made of concrete and not specifically designed for military threats. Numerical simulation of such cases may be undertaken with the aid of state of the art explicit dynamic codes, however several difficult challenges are inherent to such models: the material modeling for the concrete anisotropic failure, consideration of reinforcement bars and important structural details, adequate modeling of pressure waves from explosions in complex geometries, and efficient solution to models of complete buildings which can realistically assess failure modes. In this work we employ LS-Dyna for calculation, with Lagrangian finite elements and explicit time integration. Reinforced concrete may be represented in a fairly accurate fashion with recent models such as CSCM model [1] and segregated rebars constrained within the continuum mesh. However, such models cannot be realistically employed for complete models of large buildings, due to limitations of time and computer resources. The use of structural beam and shell elements for this purpose would be the obvious solution, with much lower computational cost. However, this modeling requires careful calibration in order to reproduce adequately the highly nonlinear response of structural concrete members, including bending with and without compression, cracking or plastic crushing, plastic deformation of reinforcement, erosion of vanished elements etc. The main objective of this work is to provide a strategy for modeling such scenarios based on structural elements, using available material models for structural elements [2] and techniques to include the reinforcement in a realistic way. These models are calibrated against fully three-dimensional models and shown to be accurate enough. At the same time they provide the basis for realistic simulation of impact and explosion on full-scale buildings


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La cuantificación de la reducción de las propiedades resistentes y de la sección de un elemento estructural en situación de incendio es fundamental de cara a garantizar la estabilidad estructural en situación de incendio. Existen investigaciones que tratan de determinar la variación de las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas de la madera sometida a cargas térmicas, y la reducción de sección transversal de un elemento estructural de madera. La normativa europea en materia de construcción con madera, el Eurocódigo 5, propone unas simplificaciones para determinar la sección residual de un elemento estructural de madera en situación de incendio. Los objetivos de este trabajo comprenden una revisión de algunos trabajos realizados en el campo de la variación en función de la temperatura de las propiedades térmicas de la madera (calor específico, densidad y conductividad térmica), y la construcción con los distintos valores propuestos de varios modelos de elementos finitos que se someterán a cargas térmicas definidas por la curva ISO 834-1. Los resultados se compararán con un modelo construido con los valores que el Eurocódigo propone y con un ensayo experimental. Como resultado final, se propone finalmente un modelo de elementos finitos que emule el comportamiento del ensayo experimental. The quantification of the decrease of strength properties and section of a structural element in a fire situation is critical in order to guarantee the structural stability in such a fire event. There are some researches in literature trying to find the variation of thermal and mechanical properties of wood subjected to thermal loads, and the decrease of cross section of a wooden structural element. The European legislation on timber construction, Eurocode 5, proposes a simplification to determine the residual section of a wooden structural element in a fire situation. This paper objectives consist in a review of some researches in the field of variations, depending on the temperature, of the thermal properties of wood (specific heat, density and thermal conductivity); and in the construction of a few finite element models of timber structural elements affected by thermal loads according to ISO 834-1. The results were compared with a model based in Eurocode 5 and with an experimental test. As final result, at last, we propose a finite element model that simulates the behavior of the experimental tested element.


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One of the common pathologies of brickwork masonry structural elements and walls is the cracking associated with the differential settlements and/or excessive deflections of the slabs along the life of the structure. The scarce capacity of the masonry in order to accompany the structural elements that surround it, such as floors, beams or foundations, in their movements makes the brickwork masonry to be an element that frequently presents this kind of problem. This problem is a fracture problem, where the wall is cracked under mixed mode fracture: tensile and shear stresses combination, under static loading. Consequently, it is necessary to advance in the simulation and prediction of brickwork masonry mechanical behaviour under tensile and shear loading. The quasi-brittle behaviour of the brickwork masonry can be studied using the cohesive crack model whose application to other quasibrittle materials like concrete has traditionally provided very satisfactory results.


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This work deals with quality level prediction in concrete structures through the helpful assistance of an expert system wich is able to apply reasoning to this field of structural engineering. Evidences, hypotheses and factors related to this human knowledge field have been codified into a Knowledge Base in terms of probabilities for the presence of either hypotheses or evidences,and conditional presence of both. Human experts in structural engineering and safety of structures gave their invaluable knowledge and assistance necessary when constructing the "computer knowledge body".


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La Aeroelasticidad fue definida por Arthur Collar en 1947 como "el estudio de la interacción mutua entre fuerzas inerciales, elásticas y aerodinámicas actuando sobre elementos estructurales expuestos a una corriente de aire". Actualmente, esta definición se ha extendido hasta abarcar la influencia del control („Aeroservoelasticidad‟) e, incluso, de la temperatura („Aerotermoelasticidad‟). En el ámbito de la Ingeniería Aeronáutica, los fenómenos aeroelásticos, tanto estáticos (divergencia, inversión de mando) como dinámicos (flameo, bataneo) son bien conocidos desde los inicios de la Aviación. Las lecciones aprendidas a lo largo de la Historia Aeronáutica han permitido establecer criterios de diseño destinados a mitigar la probabilidad de sufrir fenómenos aeroelásticos adversos durante la vida operativa de una aeronave. Adicionalmente, el gran avance experimentado durante esta última década en el campo de la Aerodinámica Computacional y en la modelización aeroelástica ha permitido mejorar la fiabilidad en el cálculo de las condiciones de flameo de una aeronave en su fase de diseño. Sin embargo, aún hoy, los ensayos en vuelo siguen siendo necesarios para validar modelos aeroelásticos, verificar que la aeronave está libre de inestabilidades aeroelásticas y certificar sus distintas envolventes. En particular, durante el proceso de expansión de la envolvente de una aeronave en altitud/velocidad, se requiere predecir en tiempo real las condiciones de flameo y, en consecuencia, evitarlas. A tal efecto, en el ámbito de los ensayos en vuelo, se han desarrollado diversas metodologías que predicen, en tiempo real, las condiciones de flameo en función de condiciones de vuelo ya verificadas como libres de inestabilidades aeroelásticas. De entre todas ellas, aquella que relaciona el amortiguamiento y la velocidad con un parámetro específico definido como „Margen de Flameo‟ (Flutter Margin), permanece como la técnica más común para proceder con la expansión de Envolventes en altitud/velocidad. No obstante, a pesar de su popularidad y facilidad de aplicación, dicha técnica no es adecuada cuando en la aeronave a ensayar se hallan presentes no-linealidades mecánicas como, por ejemplo, holguras. En particular, en vuelos de ensayo dedicados específicamente a expandir la envolvente en altitud/velocidad, las condiciones de „Oscilaciones de Ciclo Límite‟ (Limit Cycle Oscillations, LCOs) no pueden ser diferenciadas de manera precisa de las condiciones de flameo, llevando a una determinación excesivamente conservativa de la misma. La presente Tesis desarrolla una metodología novedosa, basada en el concepto de „Margen de Flameo‟, que permite predecir en tiempo real las condiciones de „Ciclo Límite‟, siempre que existan, distinguiéndolas de las de flameo. En una primera parte, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura acerca de los diversos métodos de ensayo existentes para efectuar la expansión de la envolvente de una aeronave en altitud/velocidad, el efecto de las no-linealidades mecánicas en el comportamiento aeroelástico de dicha aeronave, así como una revisión de las Normas de Certificación civiles y militares respecto a este tema. En una segunda parte, se propone una metodología de expansión de envolvente en tiempo real, basada en el concepto de „Margen de Flameo‟, que tiene en cuenta la presencia de no-linealidades del tipo holgura en el sistema aeroelástico objeto de estudio. Adicionalmente, la metodología propuesta se valida contra un modelo aeroelástico bidimensional paramétrico e interactivo programado en Matlab. Para ello, se plantean las ecuaciones aeroelásticas no-estacionarias de un perfil bidimensional en la formulación espacio-estado y se incorpora la metodología anterior a través de un módulo de análisis de señal y otro módulo de predicción. En una tercera parte, se comparan las conclusiones obtenidas con las expuestas en la literatura actual y se aplica la metodología propuesta a resultados experimentales de ensayos en vuelo reales. En resumen, los principales resultados de esta Tesis son: 1. Resumen del estado del arte en los métodos de ensayo aplicados a la expansión de envolvente en altitud/velocidad y la influencia de no-linealidades mecánicas en la determinación de la misma. 2. Revisión de la normas de Certificación Civiles y las normas Militares en relación a la verificación aeroelástica de aeronaves y los límites permitidos en presencia de no-linealidades. 3. Desarrollo de una metodología de expansión de envolvente basada en el Margen de Flameo. 4. Validación de la metodología anterior contra un modelo aeroelástico bidimensional paramétrico e interactivo programado en Matlab/Simulink. 5. Análisis de los resultados obtenidos y comparación con resultados experimentales. ABSTRACT Aeroelasticity was defined by Arthur Collar in 1947 as “the study of the mutual interaction among inertia, elastic and aerodynamic forces when acting on structural elements surrounded by airflow”. Today, this definition has been updated to take into account the Controls („Aeroservoelasticity‟) and even the temperature („Aerothermoelasticity‟). Within the Aeronautical Engineering, aeroelastic phenomena, either static (divergence, aileron reversal) or dynamic (flutter, buzz), are well known since the early beginning of the Aviation. Lessons learned along the History of the Aeronautics have provided several design criteria in order to mitigate the probability of encountering adverse aeroelastic phenomena along the operational life of an aircraft. Additionally, last decade improvements experienced by the Computational Aerodynamics and aeroelastic modelization have refined the flutter onset speed calculations during the design phase of an aircraft. However, still today, flight test remains as a key tool to validate aeroelastic models, to verify flutter-free conditions and to certify the different envelopes of an aircraft. Specifically, during the envelope expansion in altitude/speed, real time prediction of flutter conditions is required in order to avoid them in flight. In that sense, within the flight test community, several methodologies have been developed to predict in real time flutter conditions based on free-flutter flight conditions. Among them, the damping versus velocity technique combined with a Flutter Margin implementation remains as the most common technique used to proceed with the envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed. However, although its popularity and „easy to implement‟ characteristics, several shortcomings can adversely affect to the identification of unstable conditions when mechanical non-linearties, as freeplay, are present. Specially, during test flights devoted to envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed, Limits Cycle Oscillations (LCOs) conditions can not be accurately distinguished from those of flutter and, in consequence, it leads to an excessively conservative envelope determination. The present Thesis develops a new methodology, based on the Flutter Margin concept, that enables in real time the prediction of the „Limit Cycle‟ conditions, whenever they exist, without degrading the capability of predicting the flutter onset speed. The first part of this Thesis presents a review of the state of the art regarding the test methods available to proceed with the envelope expansion of an aircraft in altitude/airspeed and the effect of mechanical non-linearities on the aeroelastic behavior. Also, both civil and military regulations are reviewed with respect aeroelastic investigation of air vehicles. The second part of this Thesis proposes a new methodology to perform envelope expansion in real time based on the Flutter Margin concept when non-linearities, as freeplay, are present. Additionally, this methodology is validated against a Matlab/Slimulink bidimensional aeroelastic model. This model, parametric and interactive, is formulated within the state-space field and it implements the proposed methodology through two main real time modules: A signal processing module and a prediction module. The third part of this Thesis compares the final conclusions derived from the proposed methodology with those stated by the flight test community and experimental results. In summary, the main results provided by this Thesis are: 1. State of the Art review of the test methods applied to envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed and the influence of mechanical non-linearities in its identification. 2. Review of the main civil and military regulations regarding the aeroelastic verification of air vehicles and the limits set when non-linearities are present. 3. Development of a methodology for envelope expansion based on the Flutter Margin concept. 4. A Matlab/Simulink 2D-[aeroelastic model], parametric and interactive, used as a tool to validate the proposed methodology. 5. Conclusions driven from the present Thesis and comparison with experimental results.


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El fenómeno de fatiga es uno de los condicionantes más importantes en el diseño de puentes metálicos y mixtos bajo la acción cíclica de fuertes sobrecargas reales. Hoy en día, ha tomado mayor relevancia en el ámbito de puentes de carretera debido al aumento sustancial de la intensidad de tráfico y el peso de los vehículos. La evolución de las normativas actuales, que recogen su cálculo a partir del ELU de seguridad a fatiga, debe ir dirigida, hacia una mayor simplicidad de aplicación y un mayor rigor técnico. A partir del análisis de seis puentes mixtos de carretera proyectados recientemente (2007-2011) se pretende establecer una comparación, tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, entre los métodos simplificados de la normativa española (antigua RPM/RPX 95 y actual EAE) y el Eurocódigo frente al Método del Daño Acumulado, caracterizado por ser más complicado de aplicar pero más riguroso. A través del análisis efectuado, se obtienen reglas prácticas sencillas y fiables para el dimensionamiento o verificación de elementos estructurales a fatiga según características principales como la tipología de la sección o la longitud de vano, entre otros. En conclusión, el trabajo que se propone desarrollar combina el análisis crítico de la base teórica con el estudio aplicado de casos reales y pretende sentar las bases para profundizar en esta área de gran interés para proyectistas. Fatigue is one of the most determining factors in the design of steel and composite bridges with dynamic loads subject to cyclic live loads. Nowadays, it has taken relevance in the field of roadway bridges due to considerable increase in the intensity of traffic and the weight of vehicles. The evolution of the current design codes, which include an analysis of the ultimate limit state of fatigue, should aim for greater ease of application and technical rigour. Based on the analysis of six composite road bridges designed recently (2007-2011), a comparison has been made, both qualitative and quantitative, between the simplified methods of the Spanish codes (current EAE and old RPM/RPX95) and Eurocode with regard to the Cumulative Damage Method, characterised for being more difficult to apply but more rigorous. Through an exhaustive analysis, a set of practical and reliable rules have been obtained for the sizing or verification of structural elements according to main characteristics such as the tipology of the cross section or the length of span, among others. In conclusion, the work developed combines the critical analysis of the theory with the applied study of real cases and sets out to lay the foundations for deepening into this area of great interest to designers.


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El hormigón autocompactante (HAC) es una nueva tipología de hormigón o material compuesto base cemento que se caracteriza por ser capaz de fluir en el interior del encofrado o molde, llenándolo de forma natural, pasando entre las barras de armadura y consolidándose únicamente bajo la acción de su peso propio, sin ayuda de medios de compactación externos, y sin que se produzca segregación de sus componentes. Debido a sus propiedades frescas (capacidad de relleno, capacidad de paso, y resistencia a la segregación), el HAC contribuye de forma significativa a mejorar la calidad de las estructuras así como a abrir nuevos campos de aplicación del hormigón. Por otra parte, la utilidad del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero (HRFA) es hoy en día incuestionable debido a la mejora significativa de sus propiedades mecánicas tales como resistencia a tracción, tenacidad, resistencia al impacto o su capacidad para absorber energía. Comparado con el HRFA, el hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero (HACRFA) presenta como ventaja una mayor fluidez y cohesión ofreciendo, además de unas buenas propiedades mecánicas, importantes ventajas en relación con su puesta en obra. El objetivo global de esta tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones estructurales utilizando materiales compuestos base cemento autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de acero. La tesis presenta una nueva forma de resolver el problema basándose en el concepto de los materiales gradiente funcionales (MGF) o materiales con función gradiente (MFG) con el fin de distribuir de forma eficiente las fibras en la sección estructural. Para ello, parte del HAC se sustituye por HACRFA formando capas que presentan una transición gradual entre las mismas con el fin de obtener secciones robustas y exentas de tensiones entre capas con el fin de aplicar el concepto “MGF-laminados” a elementos estructurales tales como vigas, columnas, losas, etc. El proceso incluye asimismo el propio método de fabricación que, basado en la tecnología HAC, permite el desarrollo de interfases delgadas y robustas entre capas (1-3 mm) gracias a las propiedades reológicas del material. Para alcanzar dichos objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un amplio programa experimental cuyas etapas principales son las siguientes: • Definir y desarrollar un método de diseño que permita caracterizar de forma adecuada las propiedades mecánicas de la “interfase”. Esta primera fase experimental incluye: o las consideraciones generales del propio método de fabricación basado en el concepto de fabricación de materiales gradiente funcionales denominado “reología y gravedad”, o las consideraciones específicas del método de caracterización, o la caracterización de la “interfase”. • Estudiar el comportamiento mecánico sobre elementos estructurales, utilizando distintas configuraciones de MGF-laminado frente a acciones tanto estáticas como dinámicas con el fin de comprobar la viabilidad del material para ser usado en elementos estructurales tales como vigas, placas, pilares, etc. Los resultados indican la viabilidad de la metodología de fabricación adoptada, así como, las ventajas tanto estructurales como en reducción de costes de las soluciones laminadas propuestas. Es importante destacar la mejora en términos de resistencia a flexión, compresión o impacto del hormigón autocompactante gradiente funcional en comparación con soluciones de HACRFA monolíticos inclusos con un volumen neto de fibras (Vf) doble o superior. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an important advance in the concrete technology in the last decades. It is a new type of high performance concrete with the ability of flowing under its own weight and without the need of vibrations. Due to its specific fresh or rheological properties, such as filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance, SCC may contribute to a significant improvement of the quality of concrete structures and open up new field for the application of concrete. On the other hand, the usefulness of steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) in civil engineering applications is unquestionable. SFRC can improve significantly the hardened mechanical properties such as tensile strength, impact resistance, toughness and energy absorption capacity. Compared to SFRC, self-compacting steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SCSFRC) is a relatively new type of concrete with high flowability and good cohesiveness. SCSFRC offers very attractive economical and technical benefits thanks to SCC rheological properties, which can be further extended, when combined with SFRC for improving their mechanical characteristics. However, for the different concrete structural elements, a single concrete mix is selected without an attempt to adapt the diverse fibre-reinforced concretes to the stress-strain sectional properly. This thesis focused on the development of high performance cement-based structural composites made of SCC with and without steel fibres, and their applications for enhanced mechanical properties in front of different types of load and pattern configurations. It presents a new direction for tackling the mechanical problem. The approach adopted is based on the concept of functionally graded cementitious composite (FGCC) where part of the plain SCC is strategically replaced by SCSFRC in order to obtain laminated functionally graded self-compacting cementitious composites, laminated-FGSCC, in single structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The approach also involves a most suitable casting method, which uses SCC technology to eliminate the potential sharp interlayer while easily forming a robust and regular reproducible graded interlayer of 1-3 mm by controlling the rheology of the mixes and using gravity at the same time to encourage the use of the powerful concept for designing more performance suitable and cost-efficient structural systems. To reach the challenging aim, a wide experimental programme has been carried out involving two main steps: • The definition and development of a novel methodology designed for the characterization of the main parameter associated to the interface- or laminated-FGSCC solutions: the graded interlayer. Work of this first part includes: o the design considerations of the innovative (in the field of concrete) production method based on “rheology and gravity” for producing FG-SCSFRC or as named in the thesis FGSCC, casting process and elements, o the design of a specific testing methodology, o the characterization of the interface-FGSCC by using the so designed testing methodology. • The characterization of the different medium size FGSCC samples under different static and dynamic loads patterns for exploring their possibilities to be used for structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The results revealed the efficiency of the manufacturing methodology, which allow creating robust structural sections, as well as the feasibility and cost effectiveness of the proposed FGSCC solutions for different structural uses. It is noticeable to say the improvement in terms of flexural, compressive or impact loads’ responses of the different FGSCC in front of equal strength class SCSFRC bulk elements with at least the double of overall net fibre volume fraction (Vf).