919 resultados para recalcitrant compounds
A method for the simultaneous determination of intact glucosinolates and main phenolic compounds (flavonoids and sinapic acid derivatives) in Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis was proposed. A simplified sample extraction procedure and a UPLC separation were carried out to reduce the total time of analysis. Brassica oleracea samples were added with internal standards (glucotropaeolin and rutin), and extracted with boiling methanol. Crude extracts were evaporated under nitrogen, redissolved in mobile phase and analyzed by UPLC with double detection (ESI--MRM for glucosinolates and flavonoids, and DAD for main sinapic acid derivatives). The proposed method allowed a satisfactory quantification of main native sinapic acid derivatives, flavonoids and glucosinolates with a reduced time of analysis.
Ralstonia eutropha JMP134 possesses two sets of similar genes for degradation of chloroaromatic compounds, tfdCDEFB (in short: tfdI cluster) and tfdDII CII EII FII BII (tfdII cluster). The significance of two sets of tfd genes for the organism has long been elusive. Here, each of the tfd genes in the two clusters on the original plasmid pJP4 was replaced by double recombination with a gene fragment in which a kanamycin resistance gene was inserted into the respective tfd gene's reading frame. The insertion mutants were all tested for growth on 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), and 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CBA). None of the tfdDII CII EII FII BII genes appeared to be essential for growth on 2,4-D or on 3-CBA. Mutations in tfdC, tfdD and tfdF also did not abolish but only retarded growth on 2,4-D, indicating that they were redundant to some extent as well. Of all tfd genes tested, only tfdE and tfdB were absolutely essential, and interruption of those two reading frames abolished growth on 2,4-D, 3-CBA ( tfdE only), and MCPA completely. Interestingly, strains with insertion mutations in the tfdI cluster and those in tfdDII, tfdCII, tfdEII and tfdBII were severely effected in their growth on MCPA, compared to the wild-type. This indicated that not only the tfdI cluster but also the tfdII cluster has an essential function for R. eutropha during growth on MCPA. In contrast, insertion mutation of tfdDII resulted in better growth of R. eutropha JMP134 on 3-CBA, which is most likely due to the prevention of toxic metabolite production in the absence of TfdDII activity.
The application of click chemistry to develop libraries of organometallic ruthenium-arene complexes with potential anticancer properties has been investigated. A series of ruthenium-imidazole-triazole complexes, with hydrophobic tails, were prepared from a common precursor via click chemistry. The tail could be attached to the ligand prior to coordination to the ruthenium complex were screened for cytotoxicity in tumourigenic and non-tumourigenic cell lines, and while the compounds were only moderately cytotoxic, good selectivity for tumourigenic cells were abserved.
Pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-1b (IL-1b) as well as anti-inflammatory compounds, soluble TNF-Receptor p55 (sTNFRp55), sTNFRp75 and IL-1 receptor antagonist (sIL-1Ra), were investigated in 34 Brazilian cases of dengue fever (DF) originated from a study of exanthematic virosis. The presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines was detected in sera from these patients by ELISA. TNF-a and IL-6 levels were significantly higher than control subjects in 32% and 52% patients, respectively. To our knowledge this was the first time a receptor antagonist and soluble receptors for cytokines were detected in sera obtained during exanthematic DF without hemorrhagic manifestations. Both sTNFRp55 and sTNFRp75 were consistently elevated in 42% and 84% patients, respectively. Most patients had IL-1b levels not different from those of normal subjects, except for one case. Only 16% patients had altered levels of IL-1Ra. Previous studies in dengue hemorrhagic fever patients demonstrated production of these soluble factors; here we observed that they are found in absence of hemorrhagic manifestations. The possible role of these anti-inflammatory compounds in immune cell activation and in regulating cytokine-mediated pathogenesis during dengue infection is discussed.
Estimating the time since the last discharge of firearms and/or spent cartridges may be a useful piece of information in forensic firearm-related cases. The current approach consists of studying the diffusion of selected volatile organic compounds (such as naphthalene) released during the shooting using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME). However, this technique works poorly on handgun car-tridges because the extracted quantities quickly fall below the limit of detection. In order to find more effective solutions and further investigate the aging of organic gunshot residue after the discharge of handgun cartridges, an extensive study was carried out in this work using a novel approach based on high capacity headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE). By adopting this technique, for the first time 51 gunshot residue (GSR) volatile organic compounds could be simultaneously detected from fired handgun cartridge cases. Application to aged specimens showed that many of those compounds presented significant and complementary aging profiles. Compound-to-compound ratios were also tested and proved to be beneficial both in reducing the variability of the aging curves and in enlarging the time window useful in a forensic casework perspective. The obtained results were thus particularly promising for the development of a new complete forensic dating methodology.
The evaluation of new antimalarial agents using older methods of monitoring sensitivity to antimalarial drugs are laborious and poorly suited to discriminate stage-specific activity. We used flow cytometry to study the effect of established antimalarial compounds, cysteine protease inhibitors, and a quinolone against asexual stages of Plasmodium falciparum. Cultured P. falciparum parasites were treated for 48 h with different drug concentrations and the parasitemia was determined by flow cytometry methods after DNA staining with propidium iodide. P. falciparum erythrocytic life cycle stages were readily distinguished by flow cytometry. Activities of established and new antimalarial compounds measured by flow cytometry were equivalent to results obtained with microscopy and metabolite uptake assays. The antimalarial activity of all compounds was higher against P. falciparum trophozoite stages. Advantages of flow cytometry analysis over traditional assays included higher throughput for data collection, insight into the stage-specificity of antimalarial activity avoiding use of radioactive isotopes.
The molluscicidal effect of nicotinanilide was evaluated and compared with niclosamide (2',5-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylanilide, ethanolamide salt) against different stages of the freshwater snail Lymnaea luteola i.e., eggs, immature, young mature, and adults. Calculated values of lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC90 ) showed that both nicotinanilide and niclosamide as toxic against eggs, immature, and adults. The young mature stage of the snails was comparatively more tolerant to both molluscicides than the other stages. The toxicity of the intermediate compounds of nicotinanilide against the young mature stage of the snails showed them as ineffective. The mortality pattern of the snails exposed to LC90 concentration of these molluscicides showed niclosamide to kill faster (within 8 to 9 h) than nicotinanilide (26 to 28 h). In view of the above studies it may be concluded that both molluscicides are toxic against all the stages of the L. luteola snails.
Natural products have long been providing important drug leads for infectious diseases. Leishmaniasis is a protozoan parasitic disease found mainly in developing countries, and it has toxic therapies with few alternatives. Fungal infections have been the main cause of death in immunocompromised patients and new drugs are urgently needed. In this work, a total of 16 plant species belonging to 11 families, selected on an ethnopharmacological basis, were analyzed in vitro against Leishmania (L.) chagasi, Leishmania (L.) amazonensis, Candida krusei, and C. parapsilosis. Of these plant species, seven showed antifungal activity against C. krusei, five showed antileishmanial activity against L. chagasi and four against L. amazonensis, among them species of genus Plectranthus. Our findings confirm the traditional therapeutic use of these plants in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory disorders and also offer insights into the isolation of active and novel drug prototypes, especially those used against neglected diseases as Leishmaniasis.
The in vitro activity of four 2-nitropropene derivatives, 1-(3-benzothienyl)-2-nitropropene (N1), 1-(3-thienyl)-2-nitropropene (N2), 1-(5-bromo-2-thienyl)-2-nitropropene (N3) and 1-(4-bromo-2-thienyl)-2-nitropropene (N4), were tested against cultures of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Cytotoxicity studies were performed using Vero cells. The blood trypomastigotes, amastigotes and epimastigotes showed differential degrees of sensitivity towards the four tested compounds; the highest activity against the epimastigotes and blood tripomastigotes was exhibited by N1, followed by N3, N4 and finally N2. In contrast, whereas the compounds N1, N3 and N4 exerted similar magnitudes of activity against amastigotes, N2 was found to be a much less potent compound. According to our results, the compound N1 had the highest level of activity (IC50: 0.6 μM) against epimastigotes.
The purpose of the workshop "Do Peroxisome Proliferating Compounds Pose a Hepatocarcinogenic Hazard to Humans?" was to provide a review of the current state of the science on the relationship between peroxisome proliferation and hepatocarcinogenesis. There has been much debate regarding the mechanism by which peroxisome proliferators may induce liver tumors in rats and mice and whether these events occur in humans. A primary goal of the workshop was to determine where consensus might be reached regarding the interpretation of these data relative to the assessment of potential human risks. A core set of biochemical and cellular events has been identified in the rodent strains that are susceptible to the hepatocarcinogenic effects of peroxisome proliferators, including peroxisome proliferation, increases in fatty acyl-CoA oxidase levels, microsomal fatty acid oxidation, excess production of hydrogen peroxide, increases in rates of cell proliferation, and expression and activation of the alpha subtype of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-alpha). Such effects have not been identified clinically in liver biopsies from humans exposed to peroxisome proliferators or in in vitro studies with human hepatocytes, although PPAR-alpha is expressed at a very low level in human liver. Consensus was reached regarding the significant intermediary roles of cell proliferation and PPAR-alpha receptor expression and activation in tumor formation. Information considered necessary for characterizing a compound as a peroxisome proliferating hepatocarcinogen include hepatomegaly, enhanced cell proliferation, and an increase in hepatic acyl-CoA oxidase and/or palmitoyl-CoA oxidation levels. Given the lack of genotoxic potential of most peroxisome proliferating agents, and since humans appear likely to be refractive or insensitive to the tumorigenic response, risk assessments based on tumor data may not be appropriate. However, nontumor data on intermediate endpoints would provide appropriate toxicological endpoints to determine a point of departure such as the LED10 or NOAEL which would be the basis for a margin-of-exposure (MOE) risk assessment approach. Pertinent factors to be considered in the MOE evaluation would include the slope of the dose-response curve at the point of departure, the background exposure levels, and variability in the human response.
The biological in vitro effect and selectivity of aromatic dicationic compounds on Trypanosoma cruzi
Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasite that causes Chagas disease, which affects millions of individuals in endemic areas of Latin America. One hundred years after the discovery of Chagas disease, it is still considered a neglected illness because the available drugs are unsatisfactory. Aromatic compounds represent an important class of DNA minor groove-binding ligands that exhibit potent antimicrobial activity. This study focused on the in vitro activity of 10 aromatic dicationic compounds against bloodstream trypomastigotes and intracellular forms of T. cruzi. Our data demonstrated that these compounds display trypanocidal effects against both forms of the parasite and that seven out of the 10 compounds presented higher anti-parasitic activity against intracellular parasites compared with the bloodstream forms. Additional assays to determine the potential toxicity to mammalian cells showed that the majority of the dicationic compounds did not considerably decrease cellular viability. Fluorescent microscopy analysis demonstrated that although all compounds were localised to a greater extent within the kinetoplast than the nucleus, no correlation could be found between compound activity and kDNA accumulation. The present results stimulate further investigations of this class of compounds for the rational design of new chemotherapeutic agents for Chagas disease.
High postprandial levels of TAG may further induce endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in subjects with high fasting levels of TAG, an effect that seems to be related to oxidative stress. The present study investigated whether minor compounds of olive oil with antioxidant activity decrease postprandial levels of soluble isoforms of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1), as surrogate markers of vascular inflammation, after a high-fat meal. A randomized crossover and blind trial on fourteen healthy and fourteen hypertriacylglycerolaemic subjects was performed. The study involved a 1-week adaptation lead-in period on a National Cholesterol Education Program Step I diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) containing 1125 mg polyphenols/kg and 350 mg tocopherols/kg, or refined olive oil (ROO) with no polyphenols or tocopherols. After a 12 h fast, the participants ate a high-fat meal enriched in EVOO or ROO (50 g/m2 body surface area), which on average provided 3700 kJ energy with a macronutrient profile of 72% fat, 22% carbohydrate and 6% protein. Blood samples drawn hourly over the following 8 h demonstrated a similar postprandial TAG response for both EVOO and ROO meals. However, in both healthy and hypertriacylglycerolaemic subjects the net incremental area under the curve for sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 were significantly lower after the EVOO meal. In conclusion,the consumption of EVOO with a high content of minor antioxidant compounds may have postprandial anti-inflammatory protective effects.
Plant metabolic engineering has recently enabled the synthesis of a range of polyhydroxyalkanoates as well as a protein-based polymer. These novel compounds can be harvested from plants as a renewable source of environmentally friendly polymers or can be used to change the physical properties of plant products, such as fibres.
Adjuvants play an important role in vaccine formulations by increasing their immunogenicity. In this study, the phenolic compound-rich J fraction (JFR) of a Brazilian green propolis methanolic extract stimulated cellular and humoral immune responses when co-administered with an inactivated vaccine against swine herpesvirus type 1 (SuHV-1). When compared to control vaccines that used aluminium hydroxide as an adjuvant, the use of 10 mg/dose of JFR significantly increased (p < 0.05) neutralizing antibody titres against SuHV-1, as well as the percentage of protected animals following SuHV-1 challenge (p < 0.01). Furthermore, addition of phenolic compounds potentiated the performance of the control vaccine, leading to increased cellular and humoral immune responses and enhanced protection of animals after SuHV-1 challenge (p < 0.05). Prenylated compounds such as Artepillin C that are found in large quantities in JFR are likely to be the substances that are responsible for the adjuvant activity.