837 resultados para process performance indicators


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This study aims to use a computational model that considers the statistical characteristics of the wind and the reliability characteristics of a wind turbine, such as failure rates and repair, representing the wind farm by a Markov process to determine the estimated annual energy generated, and compare it with a real case. This model can also be used in reliability studies, and provides some performance indicators that will help in analyzing the feasibility of setting up a wind farm, once the power curve is known and the availability of wind speed measurements. To validate this model, simulations were done using the database of the wind farm of Macau PETROBRAS. The results were very close to the real, thereby confirming that the model successfully reproduced the behavior of all components involved. Finally, a comparison was made of the results presented by this model, with the result of estimated annual energy considering the modeling of the distribution wind by a statistical distribution of Weibull


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Over the years, grinding has been considered one of the most important manufacturing processes. Grinding is a high precision process, and the loss of a single workpiece in this stage of the production is unacceptable, fir the value added to the material is very high due to many processes it has already undergone prior to grinding. This study aims to contribute toward the development of an experimental methodology whereby the pressure and speed of the air layer produced by the high rotation of the grinding wheel is evaluated with and without baffles, i.e., in an optimized grinding operation and in a traditional one. Tests were also carried out with steel samples to check the difference in grinding wheel wear with and without the use of baffles.


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The purpose of this paper is to identify how real estate companies from the city of Natal measure their organizational performance. Traditionally these companies measure their performance using financial measures; however, the technological improvement, the internationalization of the economy and the change in consumer behavior all demand better products and services, and other measuring models. Those changes motivate organizations to continually improve the quality of their products and services. In this way, these companies need to associate their financial results to their global performance. Therefore, it is necessary to have organizational performance models that associate financial and non-financial measures to the strategies of the companies. The research also tries to identify which performance indicators are used by these companies, as well as to test a model who questions: a) if there is any relationship between managers´ characteristics and performance measuring systems´ characteristics; b) if there is any relationship between the company s characteristics and the characteristics of the measuring system used to evaluate its organizational performance and c) finally to verify if there is a relationship between the characteristics of the measuring system and the company s performance. The information which served as a basis for the study was obtained through an empirical research, with questionnaires, answered by 66 (sixty six) companies from the city of Natal, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results show that none of the companies investigated use any of the performance measurement models proposed in the modern literature. However, they use on an isolated way some of the measures those models, including some measures from adopted in the Balanced Scorecard, as well as the benchmarking process, making comparisons with the performance of their competitors. The research also reveals that either bigger companies, companies with more experienced managers or with better performance show better performance measurement systems


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This study presents the results of a research on the use of financial and non-financial performance indicators used by medium and large hotels. The research was conducted in Rio Grande do Norte, a Brazilian State. The objective is to identify the usage of performance measures by these companies. Hotel industry is one of the most important sectors in the Rio Grande do Norte economy. The research takes the Balanced Scorecard as a conceptual framework, since it represents an original contribution to the literature of managerial accounting, for rethinking old issues, pointing out themes that were forgotten or badly interpreted, to discuss the requirements imposed by the economy environment, dominated by competitive companies, and increasing the understanding of the relationship between strategy and operation. The objective of the research is to investigate if the hotel managers make use of a managerial information system or not, when evaluating the performance of their business unit. The research reveals the usage of performance evaluation using a large variety of measures. Among them is worth mention: the usage of accounting profit altogether with the EVA/MVA, the process cycle time, total quality management, process transformation, strategic mission, vision, strategic measures, measures related to feedback, risk, costs, productivity, incomes, customers retention, customer satisfaction and profitability, measures using time as a component, quality of the process, cost of the processes, employees capabilities, information systems, motivation, empowerment and alignment. The research leads to the conclusion that the usage of the deriving concepts of Balanced Scorecard can improve the performance measurement systems used by hotels


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A presente dissertação objetiva analisar as mediações entendidas como mecanismos e ações propostas pela SEDUC/MA, a partir da LDB - Lei nº 9.394/96, das DCNEM, dos PCNEM e das Diretrizes e Estratégias para a Política Educacional do Estado do Maranhão, que orientaram a reestruturação do ensino médio. Explicita os fundamentos e os princípios da reforma do ensino médio levando em consideração o contexto socioeconômico e político que influenciaram a definição de políticas e diretrizes educacionais desde os anos de 1990; analisa as diretrizes e estratégias definidoras da política educacional no Estado e verifica a implementação das mediações adotadas pela SEDUC/MA para concretização dessa política. É uma pesquisa documental de cunho qualitativo, fundamentada no materialismo histórico dialético, tendo como procedimentos a revisão da literatura, a análise documental e a análise dos mecanismos e ações que foram adotas pela Secretaria para a implementação de sua política de ensino médio. No percurso do estudo, ficou evidenciada a influência do contexto global de mundialização do capital e de reestruturação produtiva, bem como as políticas educacionais em nível nacional sobre a política educacional maranhense. Tais influências foram explicitadas nos diplomas legais que indicaram os princípios e as diretrizes que orientaram a organização administrativa e pedagógica dos sistemas de ensino e das escolas, com destaque para a interdisciplinaridade, a contextualização e a formação de competências. O estudo demonstrou, ainda, que as diretrizes e estratégias que nortearam a política educacional do Estado do Maranhão e os mecanismos implementados para a sua efetivação - os Referenciais Curriculares do Ensino Médio, as Diretrizes para a Avaliação da Aprendizagem e o Plano de Formação -, apresentaram fragilidades em suas concepções e em seu processo de implementação com reflexo nos indicadores de desempenho escolar. Também revelou que estas estratégias não produziram a qualificação do ensino médio no Estado.


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Nos sistemas elétricos de potência, os reatores em derivação são os equipamentos responsáveis pela redução ou mesmo anulação dos efeitos capacitivos indesejáveis na operação das linhas. Percebe-se, então, a importância desses equipamentos e a necessidade de mantê-los em perfeito funcionamento, pois uma falha grave gera um elevado custo de manutenção corretiva, queda nos indicadores de desempenho, além de multas por parte da agência reguladora - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL. O ciclo de vida de um reator em derivação envolve oito etapas - Planejamento, Especificação, Aquisição, Fabricação, Instalação, Comissionamento, Exploração e Desclassificação. Neste trabalho serão abordados apenas aspectos relativos à gestão da fase de exploração, que contempla o conjunto de processos de operação e manutenção de acordo com as perspectivas da empresa onde este estudo foi realizado. O processo de envelhecimento do reator pode ocorrer de diversas maneiras, no entanto o tempo de vida útil de um reator é condicionado essencialmente por dois fatores: a velocidade de envelhecimento e perda de robustez dos seus materiais e componentes e, as condições de funcionamento a que está sujeito ao longo do tempo. Para evitar danos aos reatores, as empresas de energia elétrica têm adotado procedimentos de manutenção preventivo e preditivo, que quando baseados em diagnósticos de diferentes métodos de avaliação tem um impacto fundamental na vida útil e confiabilidade dos reatores. Sendo a condição de degradação de um reator um processo contínuo no tempo, este pode ser classificado em cinco estágios: Novo, Normal, Anormal, Defeituoso e Falhado. Um índice de condição (IC) pode ser atribuído a cada um destes estágios de degradação, de acordo com os resultados de um conjunto de testes de diagnósticos para análise do estado de operação do reator e estimação da sua posição atual em relação ao seu ciclo de vida. Esta dissertação trata do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para sistematizar a análise com a combinação de catorze diferentes métodos de diagnósticos e mapear os resultados em um modelo de condição que oriente o ciclo de vida do reator. A metodologia foi aplicada em dez reatores de 500 kV em duas subestações da Eletrobras-Eletronorte no Sistema de Transmissão do Pará, empresa na qual foi realizado este estudo.


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In a highly competitive environment for manufacturers and retailers in the garment sector, flexible solutions for warehousing, distribution and exhibition of products directly influence the cost and responsiveness to market demands. This work refers to a Textile/Clothing, which undergoes a process of restructuring and growth, where we evaluated the need for professionalism in all its processes, so that the high demands were met in a sales perennial. Thus, this study aims to identify and analyze possible improvements in the process of transition from a logistics/manufacturing force in a Textile/Clothing in existence since 1998, located in São Paulo, a framework for a new logistics Center Distribution Logistics. The theoretical basis of the research literature addresses as Distribution Center and its basic functions, layout and performance indicators. As result it was mapped the current logistics processes, contributing directly to the development of the layout of the new Distribution Center. Have also been established KPI,s ( Key Performance Indicator) and Logistics Performance Indicators showing the actual process performance, helping professionals in make decisions


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The civil construction in Brazil has grown a lotover the last years. This has caused a greater competition between companies of the sector. A little difference in quality in service or product a company offers can determine their success in the market. There is a growing demand for tools that optimize processes and bring greater quality to each activity in these companies. Performance measurement systems make it possible to control process efficiency and effectiveness using performance indicators. Considering this need, the paper before you has the objective of creating basic guidelines to introduce performance measurement systems inbuilding installations project companies. A theoretical reference is presented to describe organizational aspects of project companies along with performance measurement systems characteristics. Using a qualitative research methodology, a study case was executed with interviews, observation and document analysis as evidence sources. In the study case, limitations where identified, such as, high degree of product and process flexibility, dependence on subjective analysis for decision making and lack of specialized information systems. Considering the theoretical reference and the study case,the proposed guidelines intend to ease and guarantee greater chances of success when implanting one of these systems