929 resultados para private security military company


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Armed separatist movements in Papua, East Timor and Aceh have been a serious problem for Indonesia's central government. This book examines the policies of successive Indonesian governments to contain secessionist forces, focusing in particular on Jakarta's response towards the armed separatist movement in Aceh. Unlike other studies of separatism in Indonesia, this book concentrates on the responses of the central government rather than looking only at the separatist forces. It shows how successive governments have tried a wide range of approaches, including military repression, offers of autonomy, peace talks and a combination of these. It discusses the lessons that have been learned from these different approaches and analyzes the impact of the tsunami, including the successful accommodation of former rebels within an Indonesian devolved state structure and the expanding implementation of Islamic law.


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This chapter raises the following main points:
• The study of security has experienced a series of debates around the nature of the threats to security.
• The early security scholars, as distinct from those who studied strategy and warfare, took a broad approach and argued that military and non-military means could achieve security.
• During the Cold War the study of security focused on the most pressing security issue of the day – the nuclear standoff between the two superpowers.
• In the post-Cold War era the broader approach to the study of security returned to the fore and included non-state actors and non-traditional sources of insecurity.


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This chapter raises the following main points:
• Regions are groupings of states that share either geographic proximity or have sufficient cultural/historic ties that bind them together.
• Regionalization occurs within a region as interdependence is developed among the regional states.
• The development of regionalism is dependent on the support of the regional great power(s), the extent of reciprocity that exists in the relations of the states in the region, and the level of strategic reassurance that exists among these states.
• Regionalization is not a lineal process, that is, it can increase or decrease.
• The pace of regionalism is different in each region but a basic pattern exists where economic integration precedes political and security integration.
• Regional threats to security can be divided into four categories. The first two comprise traditional military threats such as balance of power contests between regional powers and ‘grass fire’ conflicts between smaller powers or over more localized issues. The
third category includes, for example, intra-state conflicts for ethnic, religious, nationalist or ideological, issues. Finally, transnational threats such as environmental degradation or resource scarcity can also cause regional instability and conflict.


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Research has shown that data security has always been an important aspect of quality of service for data service providers; but cloud computing poses new and challenging security threats. The most common security concerns for users of cloud storage are data confidentiality, integrity and availability. Microsoft has considered these concerns and responded with the Azure virtual private storage based on Searchable Encryption. Amazon has also responded to these security issues with its Amazon Web Services. In this paper, we investigate and compare in depth the features of Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services deemed to provide security with a particular focus on confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.


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This paper addresses the paucity of research surrounding the mandatory auditing of for-profit private and not-for-profit companies in Australia. We document the various mandatory auditing provisions under the Corporations Act and identify over 22 000 companies that lodge audited accounts with the regulator under federal law. In 2011, 6339 large proprietary companies, 186 small proprietary companies, 2797 foreign-owned companies, 3985 unlisted public companies and 8404 public companies limited by guarantee had an obligation under the Corporations Act to lodge audited accounts. While large proprietary and foreign-owned companies have an option to apply to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission for audit relief, we estimate that less than 10% are granted audit exemption. We document that since 1995 an additional 1500 large proprietary companies that should have lodged under the size provisions of the Corporations Act have been granted exemption from doing so (i.e., grandfathered), although these firms appear to be subject to an annual audit even though they do not lodge accounts. We estimate the costs and discuss the potential public interest and firm-level benefits associated with the mandatory auditing of for-profit private and not-for-profit companies in Australia.


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 This article draws on fourth generation strategic culture debates to show the gap between the rhetoric of Australian defence and the more modest reality. Our analysis shows that these limits derive from tensions between national strategic culture and organizational strategic subcultures. There are serious debates in the nation regarding the preferred course of the Australian military and security policy. This article frames these debates by examining the ‘keepers’ of Australia's national strategic culture, the existence of several competing strategic subcultures, and the importance of norm entrepreneurs in changing defence and national security thinking. Strategic subcultures foster compartmentalization, constraints, and bureaucratic silos that narrow national conceptions of security threats and opportunities, and impinge on the formation of coherent foreign and defence policy in relation to the Asia-Pacific region. This analysis shows that a distinct national strategic culture and organizational strategic subcultures endure beyond individual governments, placing potential limits on Australia's interface with other Asia-Pacific strategic cultures in the future.


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Android is a new generation of an open operating system directed at mobile devices that are carried every day. The openness of this architecture is leading to new applications and opportunities including a host of multimedia services, new interfaces and browsers, multitasking including support for wireless local, personal and wide area networking services. Security with mobility and wireless connectivity thus becomes even more important with all these exciting developments. Vital security issues such as leakage of private information, file stealing and spambots abound in networks in practice and Android networks continue to be subject to these same families of vulnerabilities. This paper provides a demonstration of such vulnerabilities in spite of the best efforts of designers and implementers. In particular it describes examples of data leakage and file stealing (address books, contact lists, SMS messages, pictures) as well as demonstrating how Android devices can create spambots. © 2013 IEEE.


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In 2004, the discourse of ‘legacy’ was woven into the constitutional fabric of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Bidding for Olympic events is now premised on procuring post-event legacies that will resonate through local communities and host countries long after the flame is extinguished. Given vast expenditures in security, policing, and emergency management operations at major sporting events, it is notable that the IOC and its official partners have disproportionately under-represented security and policing legacies. This paper addresses research into security and policing legacies of major events by turning much needed empirical attention towards institutional level geographies of security and policing – particularly on legacies of policing and militarisation in Olympic host cities. Accordingly, the paper traces the institutional trajectory of the Military Liaison Unit (MLU) in the Vancouver Police Department who were heavily involved in coordinating the joint civilian–military effort throughout the lifecycle of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games. Theoretically, the paper furthers Stephen Graham’s (2010) New Military Urbanism that considers the circulation of military expertise between neo-colonial frontiers of military intervention with Western urban spaces. In doing so, this paper unpacks an empirically guided temporal approach that discerns key drivers of militarisation as localised, empirical-based ‘trajectories’ of development of security and policing institutions, which are linked to, and circumscribed by, critical juncture episodes in the context of mega event security. The paper traces processes of the MLU to explain how conditions underpinning the civil–military divide in urban policing, as a series of jurisdictional, institutional, and by extension, geographical configurations have continued, changed or been abandoned in the context of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. As such, this paper contributes to much needed debate on the controversies and opportunities inherent in security legacies and major events, which implicate the wider securitisation and militarisation of Western cities.


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 Mobile platform security solution has become especially important for mobile computing paradigms, due to the fact that increasing amounts of private and sensitive information are being stored on the smartphones' on-device memory or MicroSD/SD cards. This paper aims to consider a comparative approach to the security aspects of the current smartphone systems, including: iOS, Android, BlackBerry (QNX), and Windows Phone.


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Chinas economic and politico-military development is placing considerable strain on the established framework of the trilateral relationship between itself, the United States, and Australia. Specifically, Chinas rise is generating security concerns that are politicizing economic relations between the three states. A more guarded approach to economic collaboration will transform trilateralism, which up to now has been characterized by the scope allowed for the discrete pursuit of security and economic relations. This will force political authorities to carefully consider their policy priorities and further strain relations between the states, as well as supporting a more cautious approach to China on the part of the United States and Australia.


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Security networks are organisational forms involving public, private and hybrid actors or nodes that work together to pursue security-related objectives. While we know that security networks are central to the governance of security, and that security networks exist at multiple levels across the security field, we still do not know enough about how these networks form and function. Based on a detailed qualitative study of networks in the field of ‘high’ policing in Australia, this article aims to advance our knowledge of the relational properties of security networks. Following the organisational culture literature, the article uses the concept of a ‘group’ as the basis with which to analyse and understand culture. A group can apply to networks (‘network culture’), organisations (‘organisational culture’) and sections within and between organisations (‘occupational subcultures’). Using interviews with senior members of security, police and intelligence agencies, the article proceeds to analyse how cultures form and function within such groups. In developing a network perspective on occupational culture, the article challenges much of the police culture(s) literature for concentrating too heavily on police organisations as independent units of analysis. The article moves beyond debates between integrated or differentiated organisational cultures and questions concerning the extent to which culture shapes particular outcomes, to analyse the ways in which security nodes relate to one another in security networks. If there is one thing that should be clear it is that security nodes experience cultural change as they work together in and through networks.


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The objective of this dissertation is to discover and to analyze the way how the consumer uses his/her perception to decide contracting a health plan, to supply elements that can serve to subsidize the State, the market and the consumers, in relation to the knowledge on the process of choice of the consumer and the decisions of purchase and contracting services of private health. The estimated one is to evidence that the brand of health plan is an important variable and decisive to the consumer contracting the service of a company that operates in these sector, because mean for the consumer security about the product, through the symbolism that the same one represents, despite the consumer not knowing to the certainty what is contracting in quality and amount. The theoretical construction is carried through using literature of anthropology of the consumption, theory of modernity, theory of the regulation, economic utilitarism, and marketing. Moreover, referential specific theoretician on the regulation of the market of health plans in Brazil. The health plan market in Brazil is anti-symmetrical and the consumer doesn¿t have knowledge technician who makes possible it to form judgment and to carry through rationality choices. Than the consumer uses to his/her decision symbolic elements that are available to his/her and supply to his/her the security that is look likes in the consumption of this kind of good. These symbolic elements related the confidence and security and are into the strong brands of the companies and are transmitted to the consumer through the mass media. In this dissertation are used as sources of data some information of the regulatory agency of the sector ¿ ANS -, a research of public opinion with health plans users and the results of the application of proper questionnaires for this research.


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O tema desta dissertação é a reforma do setor público brasileiro, com foco na reforma administrativa de inspiração gerencial, implantada em 2005 na principal empresa pública da capital pernambucana, a URB - Recife. O objetivo final do estudo foi o entendimento dos impactos na gestão da empresa, advindos de tal reestruturação, recorrendo-se parcialmente às percepções que dela tiveram seus funcionários e o corpo de gerentes, conforme reveladas por pesquisa ad hoc aplicada. O estudo foi contextualizado num histórico sumário da administração burocrática no Brasil; destacando-se as iniciativas de reforma na. era Vargas, com o surgimento do DASP, quando se tentou a implantação da burocracia clássica de inspiração weberiana, fazendo-se igualmente referência à segunda grande reforma do Estado brasileiro, realizada no regime militar, regulada pelo Decreto-lei n° 200/67 e considerada a primeira tentativa de reforma de cunho gerencial. No governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso, foi tentada a terceira grande reforma, influenciada pelas idéias econômicas e políticas dos anos oitenta e noventa do século passado em países industrializados, cujos governos apostavam então nos valores e estratégias do mercado, . como a solução mais adequada para os problemas econômicos e sociais, e nas técnicas de gestão do setor priva~o, para tomar mais eficiente a administração pública. Ao lado da concepção administrativa de· vertente gerencial, no Brasil das duas últimas décadas, prosperaram idéias de administração societal, inspiradas em experiências de orçamento participativo, iniciadas na Prefeitura de Porto Alegre em 1989 e hoje espalhadas por centenas de municípios. A reforma da URB - Recife em 2005, também foi analisada quanto à evolução de sua estrutura desde sua instituição em 1973 e as diversas alterações de atribui'4ões e de modelos de gestão ocorridos no período. Concluiu-se, tanto com base na avaliação das respostas à pesquisa referenciada, como pelas próprias observações do autor do estudo, que a reforma focada teve resultados predominantemente desfavoráveis ao desempenho desejável da instituição.