946 resultados para poetry of XXth century


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Running title: Poetry of empire.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A szerző tanulmányában a 2000 és 2010 közötti gazdasági és társadalmi változásokat és a munkával kapcsolatos értékek és attitűdök alakulását állítja időbeli párhuzamba, és azokra a kérdésekre keresi a választ, hogy milyen prioritások jellemzik 2010-ben a munka egyes aspektusaihoz való viszonyulást Közép-Kelet- Európa uniós tagállamaiban, és közöttük kiemelten Magyarországon? Vajon változtak-e ezek a jellemzők az elmúlt tíz év során, s ha igen, milyen irányú az elmozdulás. Azonos tendenciájúak-e a változások a vizsgált országokban? Megállapíthatók-e jellegzetes különbségek három kiválasztott, magas életszínvonalú, régebbi uniós (EU-15) tagországhoz viszonyítva? Elemzése jelentős mértékben támaszkodik az EVSfelmérés 2010-ben közzétett adataira, melynek alapját a 2008 és 2009 során lefolytatott adatgyűjtés képezi. Tanulmányában azokra a közép-kelet-európai országokra összpontosít, amelyek az elmúlt évtized során az unió tagjai lettek, és a 2000-es felmérésben is részt vettek már. _____ The author sets into parallelism economic and social changes and the development of values and attitudes regarding labour between 2000 and 2010, and looks for answers to questions what priorities characterize in 2010 the attitude to some aspects of labour in EU member countries of CEE, and especially in Hungary. Have these features changed in the last decade and in positive case, what is the direction of the shift? Are changes of similar tendency in countries under consideration? Can considerable differences be stated as compared to three selected, earlier EU 15 member countries with high living standard? The analysis largely relies on data of EVS survey, published in 2010 whose basis is the data collection carried out in 2008-2009. The essay focuses on Central Eastern European countries which have become members of the Union during the last decade and took part already in the survey of 2000.


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This flyer promotes the event "A Conference on The 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Gertrud is Gómez de Avellaneda: A Celebration of Nineteenth-Century Cuban Literature" cosponsored by the Cuban Research Institute and the Department of Modern Languages at Florida International University.


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This flyer promotes the event "The Cuban Poetry of Alfonso Camín, Father of Afro-Cuban Poetry : Lecture by Victor Puertodan" cosponsored by the FlU Initiative for Spanish and Mediterranean Studies.


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People of the Jewish faith base their belief on the written word of the Torah. Presented in this paper are fine artists that produce work within these laws. The Torah sets guidelines for life and morality. The belief system within this domain is that visual images have an impact on the viewers, and artists are accountable for what they produce. This is in opposition with art education, where freedom of expression takes precedence over morality. The results of this study will form the basis for a curriculum for the community college. The researcher's area of inquiry is directed to painting and sculpture made by artists of the Jewish faith who follow the Torah, meaning those who are observant of their faith and practices. Their skills and perceptions will be presented to educate the viewer about their visions. The research questions were posed to rabbinical authorities and artists in order to establish a clear and defined statement of what the Jewish law is regarding the fine arts. The evidence presented was obtained by questionnaires, personal interviews, articles, and opinions from Jewish scholars. Four rabbis were selected based on their erudition on Torah law, and their strong leadership positions in Jewish educational institutions. The ten artists were selected based on recommendations from art historians, and art and gallery directors. The artists and the rabbis were mailed questionnaires, which was followed by an interview. The conclusion from this study is that fine artists are encouraged to use their talents, this is supported by the Torah text, and rabbinic explanation. The restriction for the Jewish artist is in making a replication of a realistic full-scale figure, making a visual rendition of G-d, a nude, or violent image. Art is made by the observant Jew with the intention of enhancing the world with visions inspired by their belief in the Torah. A crucial belief in Judaism is that there is but one G-d, and all man-made images should reflect the majesty of G-d's creations.


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“War Worlds” reads twentieth-century British and Anglophone literature to examine the social practices of marginal groups (pacifists, strangers, traitors, anticolonial rebels, queer soldiers) during the world wars. This dissertation shows that these diverse “enemies within” England and its colonies—those often deemed expendable for, but nonetheless threatening to, British state and imperial projects—provided writers with alternative visions of collective life in periods of escalated violence and social control. By focusing on the social and political activities of those who were not loyal citizens or productive laborers within the British Empire, “War Worlds” foregrounds the small group, a form of collectivity frequently portrayed in the literature of the war years but typically overlooked in literary critical studies. I argue that this shift of focus from grand politics to small groups not only illuminates surprising social fissures within England and its colonies but provides a new vantage from which to view twentieth-century experiments in literary form.