742 resultados para platelets
O risco de desenvolver doença cardiovascular aumenta com o avançar da idade, sendo exponencialmente maior em mulheres após a menopausa em relação a mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Esse aumento pode ser, em parte, explicado por uma hiperatividade plaquetária e disfunção endotelial nessas mulheres. Em plaquetas, o óxido nítrico é uma molécula essencial para a inibição da sua ativação e agregação; cuja biodisponibilidade depende de sua síntese e inativação por espécies reativas de oxigênio. Assim, o presente estudo visa determinar os efeitos da menopausa sobre a função plaquetária, biodisponibilidade de óxido nítrico e estresse oxidativo. Para tal, a amostra foi constituída por mulheres sendo elas 15 jovens entre 20 e 40 anos (grupo controle), 12 mulheres entre 45 e 60 anos pós-menopausadas há no mínimo 12 meses que não faziam uso de reposição hormonal e que não possuíam fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular. Os resultados demonstraram que mulheres pós-menopausadas apresentam uma hiperagregação plaquetária induzida por colágeno em relação a mulheres jovens. Essas mulheres também apresentaram o influxo de L-arginina aumentado em relação ao grupo controle. No entanto, a atividade da enzima óxido nítrico sintase estava diminuída nas mulheres após a menopausa, assim como os níveis plasmáticos de L-arginina. A expressão das enzimas iNOS e eNOS não diferiu significativamente entre os grupos. A expressão das subunidades 1 e 1 da enzima guanilato ciclase, e a fosfodiesterase 5 não se apresentaram diferentes entre os grupos. A expressão das enzimas glutationa peroxidase, subunidades gp91phox e p47phox da NADPH oxidase não estavam alteradas em plaquetas de mulheres pós-menopausadas, já a catalase estava mais expressa neste grupo. Em relação à atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, foi observado um aumento na superóxido dismutase em mulheres pós-menopausadas. Esse grupo apresentou ainda níveis mais elevados de grupamentos sulfidrila. Já em relação a danos proteicos não foi possível observar diferença entre os grupos. Dessa forma, esses resultados podem contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da hiperagregação plaquetária observada nas mulheres após a menopausa, o que, por sua vez, pode contribuir para a elucidação de mecanismos envolvidos na morbidade e mortalidade cardiovascular elevada nessa população.
Os transtornos psiquiátricos são um problema de saúde pública, ocupando cinco das dez principais causas de incapacitação no mundo. O transtorno bipolar (TB) é um transtorno de humor, segundo o DSM-IV (manual diagnóstico e estatístico de doenças mentais), o qual afeta cerca de 1% da população mundial. O TB do tipo I (TBI) é o mais frequente entre os TBs e é caracterizado pela presença de episódios maníacos ou mistos acompanhados por episódios depressivos. Assim como outros transtornos psiquiátricos, como a depressão, ansiedade e esquizofrenia, o TB representa um importante fator de risco cardiovascular, e pacientes com este transtorno apresentam mortalidade cardiovascular duas vezes maior que a população em geral. No entanto, os exatos mecanismos envolvidos nesta relação permanecem desconhecidos. Estudos sugerem o envolvimento da via L-arginina-óxido nitrico (NO) na patofisiologia do TB. O NO é responsável por diversas funções fisiológicas, incluindo a inibição da função plaquetária. A L-arginina, sua precursora, é transportada em plaquetas pelo carreador y+L, ativando a enzima NO sintase (NOS), a qual produz NO e e L-citrulina. Uma vez produzido, o NO ativa a enzima guanilato ciclase (GC), levando ao aumento dos níveis de guanosina monofosfato cíclica (GMPc). Adicionalmente, a L-arginina não é exclusivamente utilizada pela NOS, ela também pode ser metabolizada pela arginase e produzir L-ornitina e uréia. A biodisponibilidade do NO depende tanto de sua síntese como de sua degradação pelo estresse oxidativo ou pela inflamação. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar detalhadamente a via L-arginina-NO-GMPc em plaquetas de pacientes com TBI, a expressão da arginase e outros marcadores de estresse oxidativo e inflamação. Vinte e oito pacientes com TB e dez indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos no estudo. Nossos estudos mostraram uma redução da atividade da NOS em todos os grupos de pacientes bipolares (fases de eutimia, depressão e mania), quando comparados aos controles. Isto ocorreu na presença de concentrações normais do substrato e de seu transporte, e da expressão inalterada das isoformas eNOS e iNOS. A expressão da arginase II não diferiu entre os grupos estudados, indicando que a disponibilidade da L-arginina não está sendo desviada para o ciclo de uréia em plaquetas. A produção reduzida de GMPc foi observada mesmo com a expressão inalterada da GC. A atividade e marcadores de estresse oxidativo, avaliada através da quantificação da oxidação de proteínas e atividade da catalase, não foram modificadas em plaquetas de pacientes com TB, enquanto que a atividade da SOD estava aumentada em todas as fases. Os níveis séricos da proteína C-reativa (PCR), um marcador inflamatório, estão aumentados em pacientes maníacos, comparados aos controles. A reduzida produção de NO observada em plaquetas de pacientes bipolares pode ser um elo entre esta complexa associação entre TB e a doença cardiovascular.
Stejnulxin, a novel snake C-type lectin-like protein with potent platelet activating activity, was purified and characterized from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom. Under non-reducing conditions, it migrated on a SDS-polyacrylamide gel with an apparent molecular mass of 120 kDa. On reduction, it separated into three polypeptide subunits with apparent molecular masses of 16 kDa (alpha), 20 kDa (beta(1)) and 22 kDa (beta(2)), respectively. The complete amino acid sequences of its subunits were deduced from cloned cDNAs. The N-terminal sequencing and cDNA cloning indicated that beta(1) and beta(2) subunits of stejnulxin have identical amino acid sequences and each contains two N-glycosylation sites. Accordingly, the molecular mass difference between 1 and 2 is caused by glycosylation heterogenity. The subunit amino acid sequences of stejnulxin are similar to those of convulxin, with sequence identities of 52.6% and 66.4% for the U. and beta, respectively. Stejnulxin induced human platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner. Antibodies against UNA inhibited the aggregation response to stejnulxin, indicating that activation of alpha(IIb)beta(3) and binding of fibrinogen are involved in stejnulxin-induced platelet aggregation. Antibodies against GPIbalpha or alpha(2)beta(1) as well as echicetin or rhodocetin had no significant effect on stejnulxin-induced platelet aggregation. However, platelet activation induced by stejnulxin was blocked by anti-GPVI antibodies. In addition, stejnulxin induced a tyrosine phosphorylation profile in platelets that resembled that produced by convulxin. Biotinylated stejnulxin bound specifically to platelet membrane GPVI.
A platelet glycoprotein Ib-binding protein, termed TSV-GPIb-BP, was isolated from the venom of Trimeresurus stejnegeri. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, TSV-GPIb-BP showed a single band with an apparent molecular weight of 28,000 and two distinct bands with apparent molecular weights of 16,000 and 15,000 under non-reducing and reducing conditions, respectively. cDNA clones containing the coding sequences for both TSV-GPIb-BP subunits were isolated and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of TSV-GPIb-BP subunits were confirmed by N-terminal protein sequencing and trypsin-digested peptide mass fingerprinting. Interestingly, the a subunit of TSV-GPIb-BP is identical to that of alboaggregin-B, and the sequence identity of their beta subunits is 94.3%. TSV-GPIb-BP inhibited ristocetin-induced human platelet agglutination in platelet-rich plasma under lower dosages (<5 mug/ml). On the other hand, it directly aggregated washed human platelets in the absence of additional Ca2+ or any other cofactors under higher dosages (>5 mug/ml). This platelet aggregation activity was dose-dependently inhibited by specific GPIbalpha antibodies, but not by those antibodies against platelet GPIa, GPIIa, GPIIb and GPIIIa. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
TMVA is a C-type lectin-like protein with potent platelet activating activity from Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus venom. In the absence of von Willebrand factor (vWF), TMVA dose-dependently induced aggregation of washed platelets. Anti-GP Ib monoclonal antib
In mammals, trefoil factor family (TFF) proteins are involved in mucosal maintenance and repair, and they are also implicated in tumor suppression and cancer progression. A novel two domain TFF protein from frog Bombina maxima skin secretions (Bm-TFF2) has been purified and cloned. It activated human platelets in a dose-dependent manner and activation of integrin a(11b)beta(3) was involved. Aspirin and apyrase did not largely reduce platelet response to Bm-TFF2 (a 30% inhibition), indicating that the aggregation is not substantially dependent on ADP and thromboxane A2 autocrine feedback. Elimination of external Ca2+ with EGTA did not influence the platelet aggregation induced by Bm-TFF2, meanwhile a strong calcium signal (cytoplasmic Ca2+ release) was detected, suggesting that activation of phospholipase C (PLC) is involved. Subsequent immunoblotting revealed that, unlike in platelets activated by stejnulxin (a glycoprotein VI agonist), PLC gamma 2 was not phosphorylated in platelets activated by Bm-TFF2. FITC-labeled Bm-TFF2 bound to platelet membranes. Bm-TFF2 is the first TFF protein reported to possess human platelet activation activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mucetin (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus venom activator, TMVA) is a potent platelet activator purified from Chinese habu (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus) venom. It belongs to the snake venom heterodimeric C-type lectin family and exists in several multimeric forms. We now show that binding to platelet glycoprotein (GP) lb is involved in mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Antibodies against GPIb as well as the GPIb-blocking C-type lectin echicetin inhibited mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Binding of GPIb was confirmed by affinity chromatography and Western blotting. Antibodies against GPVI inhibited convulxin- but not mucetin-induced aggregation. Signalling by mucetin involved rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins including Syk, Src, LAT and PLCgamma2. Mucetininduced phosphorylation of the Fcgamma chain of platelet was greatly promoted by inhibition of alpha(llb)beta(3) by the peptidomimetic EMD 132338, suggesting that phosphatases downstream Of alpha(llb)beta(3) activation are involved in dephosphorylation of Fcgamma. Unlike other multimeric snake C-type lectins that act via GPIb and only agglutinate platelets, mucetin activates alpha(llb)beta(3). Inhibition Of alpha(llb)beta(3) strongly reduced the aggregation response to mucetin, indicating that activation Of alpha(llb)beta(3) and binding of fibrinogen are involved in mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Apyrase and aspirin also inhibit platelet aggregation induced by mucetin, suggesting that ADP and thromboxaneA(2) are involved in autocrine feedback. Sequence and structural comparison with closely related members of this protein family point to features that may be responsible for the functional differences.
Nacre is a technologically remarkable organic-inorganic composite biomaterial. It consists of an ordered multilayer structure of crystalline calcium carbonate platelets separated by porous organic layers. This microstructure exhibits both optical iridescence and mechanical toughness, which transcend those of its constituent components. Replication of nacre is essential for understanding this complex biomineral, and paves the way for tough coatings fabricated from cheap abundant materials. Fabricating a calcitic nacre imitation with biologically similar optical and mechanical properties will likely require following all steps taken in biogenic nacre synthesis. Here we present a route to artificial nacre that mimics the natural layer-by-layer approach to fabricate a hierarchical crystalline multilayer material. Its structure-function relationship was confirmed by nacre-like mechanical properties and striking optical iridescence. Our biomimetic route uses the interplay of polymer-mediated mineral growth, combined with layer-by-layer deposition of porous organic films. This is the first successful attempt to replicate nacre, using CaCO(3).
Deep ocean sediments off the west coast of Africa exhibit a peculiar undrained strength profile in the form of a crust, albeit of exceptionally high water content, overlying normally consolidated clay. Hot-oil pipelines are installed into these crustal sediments, so their origins and characteristics are of great interest to pipeline designers. This paper provides evidence for the presence of burrowing invertebrates in crust material, and for the way sediment properties are modified through their creation of burrows, and through the deposition of faecal pellets. A variety of imaging techniques are used to make these connections, including photography, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray computer tomography. However, the essential investigative technology is simply the wet-sieving of natural cores, which reveals that up to 60% by dry mass of the crustal material can consist of smooth, highly regular, sand-sized capsules that have been identified as the faecal pellets of invertebrates such as polychaetes. Mechanical tests reveal that these pellets are quite robust under effective stresses of the order of 10 kPa, acting like sand grains within a matrix of fines. Their abundance correlates closely with the measured strength of the crust. While this can easily be accepted in the context of a pellet fraction as high as 60%, the question arises how a smaller proportion of pellets, such as 20%, is apparently able to enhance significantly the strength of a sediment that otherwise appears to be normally consolidated. A hypothesis is suggested based on the composition of the matrix of fines around the pellets. These appear to consist of agglomerates of clay platelets, which may be the result of the breakdown of pellets by other organisms. Their continued degradation at depths in excess of 1 m is taken to explain the progressive loss of crustal strength thereafter.
The role of the collagen-platelet interaction is of crucial importance to the haemostatic response during both injury and pathogenesis of the blood vessel wall. Of particular interest is the high affinity interaction of the platelet transmembrane receptor, alpha 2 beta 1, responsible for firm attachment of platelets to collagen at and around injury sites. We employ single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) using the atomic force microscope (AFM) to study the interaction of the I-domain from integrin alpha 2 beta 1 with a synthetic collagen related triple-helical peptide containing the high-affinity integrin-binding GFOGER motif, and a control peptide lacking this sequence, referred to as GPP. By utilising synthetic peptides in this manner we are able to study at the molecular level subtleties that would otherwise be lost when considering cell-to-collagen matrix interactions using ensemble techniques. We demonstrate for the first time the complexity of this interaction as illustrated by the complex multi-peaked force spectra and confirm specificity using control blocking experiments. In addition we observe specific interaction of the GPP peptide sequence with the I-domain. We propose a model to explain these observations.
A re-examination under the phase contrast microscope of a collection made in a small lake in Xizang, China, which had been previously referred to Glenodinium gymnodinium Penard, has shown that the cell wall is composed of numerous usually hexagonal platelets, and thus the species should be a relatively common member of the genus Woloszynskia, namely W. tenuissima (Lauterborn) Thompson. Tetradinium intermedium Geitler is an immobile species collected from a small pond in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. It was attached on filaments of an Oedogonium species. Both genera are newly recorded in China.
The microstructure of silicon on defect layer, a new type of silicon-on-insulator material using proton implantation and two-step annealing to obtain a high resistivity buried layer beneath the silicon surface, has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Implantation induced a heavily damaged region containing two types of extended defects involving hydrogen: {001} platelets and {111} platelets. During the first step annealing, gas bubbles and {111} precipitates formed. After the second step annealing, {111} precipitates disappeared, while the bubble microstructure still remained and a buried layer consisting of bubbles and dislocations between the bubbles was left. This study shows that the dislocations pinning the bubbles plays an important role in stabilizing the bubbles and in the formation of the defect insulating layer. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.
The morphology of a H-shaped block copolymer (poly(ethylene glycol) backbone and polystyrene branches (PS)(2)PEG(PS)(2)) in a thin film has been investigated. A peculiar square lamella that has a phase-separated microdomain at its surface is obtained after spin coating. The experimental temperature plays a critical role in the lamellar formation. The copolymer first self-assembles into square lamellar micelles with an incomplete crystalline core due to the crystallizability of PEG.
By reducing the attraction between the platelets of octaclecylammonium chloride modified montmorillonite (OMMT-C18) via pre-intercalation of maleated polypropylene (MAPP), OMMT-C18 was exfoliated in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) matrix during melt-mixing. Wide angle X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used to investigate the microstructure of TPU nanocomposites. Three factors (including introducing sequence, the kind and the content of MAPP) showed important effects on the dispersion degree of OMMT-C18 in TPU matrix. The results confirmed that the pre-intercalation of MAPP was necessary for the exfoliation of OMMT-C18; however, the role of MAPP in TPU nanocomposites was different from that in polypropylene nanocomposites.
A simple novel method for preparing multiwalled carbon nanotubes/montmorillonite (MWNTs/MMT) hybrids has been established through mixing pristine MWNTs in MMT aqueous dispersion. The principle of this method is based on the formation of stable dispersion containing both MWNTs and MMT in water, which results from strong interaction between MWNTs and MMT platelets. Sedimentation experiments, measurements of potential, and Raman spectra have been used to confirm the presence of strong interaction between MWNTs and MMT sheets. The morphology observation for the dried MWNTs/MMT hybrids shows that the obtained hybrids are homogeneous, in which MWNTs exist as the state of single nanotubes that are absorbed on the surface and edge of MMT sheets.