996 resultados para plant fractions


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This report provides a qualitative evaluation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and on-board sensor technology for use in plant biosecurity in the Australian context. The more general term UAS describes both the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and all supporting components required to operate it. This may include a ground station, operator or pilot, and a launch and recovery device for example. The focus is to identify how and under what circumstances UAS may be useful for plant biosecurity. This can be used to help guide future decisions regarding investment in UAS for plant biosecurity.


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Chronic wounds, often associated with venous and arterial ulcers, diabetes and pressure sores, is an area of great concern. In Australia, the cost of treating chronic wounds is conservatively estimated at $285 million/annum for the treatment of pressure ulcers and $654 million annually for the treatment and management of leg ulcers. Current figures indicate that more than seven million people suffer from chronic wounds worldwide with Australians accounting for approximately 600,000 of this number. Bacterial infection of the wound site is a major issue as contamination of a chronic wound with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) significantly delays wound healing. Further, once systemic, current antibiotic therapies capable of treating the infection are limited. Aboriginal bush medicine has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of wounds and sores. Hence, we selected a native Australian plant to evaluate its bactericidal activity against MRSA.


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The discovery of peptides encoded by what were thought to be non-coding – or 'junk' – regions of precursors to microRNA sequences reveals a new layer of gene regulation. These sequences may not be junk, after all.


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This paper considers the relationship between patent law and plant breeders' rights in light of modern developments in biotechnology. It examines how a number of superior courts have sought to manage the tensions and conflicts between these competing schemes of intellectual property protection. Part 1 considers the High Court of Australia case of Grain Pool of Western Australia v the Commonwealth dealing with Franklin barley. Part 2 examines the significance of the Supreme Court of the United States decision in JEM Ag Supply Inc v Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc with respect to utility patents and hybrid seed. Part 3 considers the Supreme Court of Canada case of Harvard College v the Commissioner of Patents dealing with the transgenic animal, oncomouse, and discusses its implications for the forthcoming appeal from the Federal Court case of Percy Schmeiser v Monsanto.


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Exotic species dominate many communities; however the functional significance of species’ biogeographic origin remains highly contentious. This debate is fuelled in part by the lack of globally replicated, systematic data assessing the relationship between species provenance, function and response to perturbations. We examined the abundance of native and exotic plant species at 64 grasslands in 13 countries, and at a subset of the sites we experimentally tested native and exotic species responses to two fundamental drivers of invasion, mineral nutrient supplies and vertebrate herbivory. Exotic species are six times more likely to dominate communities than native species. Furthermore, while experimental nutrient addition increases the cover and richness of exotic species, nutrients decrease native diversity and cover. Native and exotic species also differ in their response to vertebrate consumer exclusion. These results suggest that species origin has functional significance, and that eutrophication will lead to increased exotic dominance in grasslands.


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The aim of this manual is to provide a practical guide to the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cth). It is a resource of information about the legislation, its administration, and its operation. This commentary is intended to assist plant breeders, scientific researchers, and business managers who want to make a more effective use of the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cth) in the management and commercialisation of their intellectual property rights. It is also designed to enhance the understanding of the legislation among lawyers, patent attorneys, qualified persons, and policy-makers.


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Background Nicotiana benthamiana is an allo-tetraploid plant, which can be challenging for de novo transcriptome assemblies due to homeologous and duplicated gene copies. Transcripts generated from such genes can be distinct yet highly similar in sequence, with markedly differing expression levels. This can lead to unassembled, partially assembled or mis-assembled contigs. Due to the different properties of de novo assemblers, no one assembler with any one given parameter space can re-assemble all possible transcripts from a transcriptome. Results In an effort to maximise the diversity and completeness of de novo assembled transcripts, we utilised four de novo transcriptome assemblers, TransAbyss, Trinity, SOAPdenovo-Trans, and Oases, using a range of k-mer sizes and different input RNA-seq read counts. We complemented the parameter space biologically by using RNA from 10 plant tissues. We then combined the output of all assemblies into a large super-set of sequences. Using a method from the EvidentialGene pipeline, the combined assembly was reduced from 9.9 million de novo assembled transcripts to about 235,000 of which about 50,000 were classified as primary. Metrics such as average bit-scores, feature response curves and the ability to distinguish paralogous or homeologous transcripts, indicated that the EvidentialGene processed assembly was of high quality. Of 35 RNA silencing gene transcripts, 34 were identified as assembled to full length, whereas in a previous assembly using only one assembler, 9 of these were partially assembled. Conclusions To achieve a high quality transcriptome, it is advantageous to implement and combine the output from as many different de novo assemblers as possible. We have in essence taking the ‘best’ output from each assembler while minimising sequence redundancy. We have also shown that simultaneous assessment of a variety of metrics, not just focused on contig length, is necessary to gauge the quality of assemblies.


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This report describes a proof of concept for multi-rotor localised surveillance using a multi-spectral sensor for plant biosecurity applications. A literature review was conducted on previous applications using airborne multispectral imaging for plant biosecurity purposes. A ready built platform was purchased and modified in order to fit and provide suitable clearance for a Tetracam Mini-MCA multispectral camera. The appropriate risk management documents were developed allowing the platform and the multi-spectral camera to be tested extensively. However, due to technical difficulties with the platform the Mini- MCA was not mounted to the platform. Once a suitable platform is developed, future extensions can be conducted into the suitability of the Mini-MCA for airborne surveillance of Australian crops.


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The uses of genetic sequences to inform, enable or create products or services for human biomedicine are substantially different from their uses in crop-based agriculture. Here, we explore what similarities and differences may emerge in patent use and strategies, and map patent-disclosed sequences onto three important plant genomes: maize (corn), rice and soybean. We focus on those referenced in the granted patent claims to compare their uses to the approach used in human gene patenting.


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The restructuring of the crop agriculture industry over the past two decades has enabled patent holders to exclude, prevent and deter others from using certain research tools and delay or block further follow-on inventions


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Cellular materials that are often observed in biological systems exhibit excellent mechanical properties at remarkably low densities. Luffa sponge is one of such materials with a complex interconnecting porous structure. In this paper, we studied the relationship between its structural and mechanical properties at different levels of its hierarchical organization from a single fiber to a segment of whole sponge. The tensile mechanical behaviors of three single fibers were examined by an Instron testing machine and the ultrastructure of a fractured single fiber was observed in a scanning electronic microscope. Moreover, the compressive mechanical behaviors of the foam-like blocks from different locations of the sponge were examined. The difference of the compressive stress-strain responses of four sets of segmental samples were also compared. The result shows that the single fiber is a porous composite material mainly consisting of cellulose fibrils and lignin/hemicellulose matrix, and its Young's modulus and strength are comparable to wood. The mechanical behavior of the block samples from the hoop wall is superior to that from the core part. Furthermore, it shows that the influence of the inner surface on the mechanical property of the segmental sample is stronger than that of the core part; in particular, the former's Young's modulus, strength and strain energy absorbed are about 1.6 times higher. The present work can improve our understanding of the structure-function relationship of the natural material, which may inspire fabrication of new biomimetic foams with desirable mechanical efficiency for further applications in anti-crushing devices and super-light sandwich panels.


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The genomic sequences of several RNA plant viruses including cucumber mosaic virus, brome mosaic virus, alfalfa mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus have become available recently. The former two viruses are icosahedral while the latter two are bullet and rod shaped, respectively in particle morphology. The non-structural 3a proteins of cucumber mosaic virus and brome mosaic virus have an amino acid sequence homology of 35% and hence are evolutionarily related. In contrast, the coat proteins exhibit little homology, although the circular dichroism spectrum of these viruses are similar. The non-coding regions of the genome also exhibit variable but extensive homology. Comparison of the brome mosaic virus and alfalfa mosaic virus sequences reveals that they are probably related although with a much larger evolutionary distance. The polypeptide folds of the coat protein of three biologically distinct isometric plant viruses, tomato bushy stunt virus, southern bean mosaic virus and satellite tobacco necrosis virus have been shown to display a striking resemblance. All of them consist of a topologically similar 8-standard β-barrel. The implications of these studies to the understanding of the evolution of plant viruses will be discussed.


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Effects of plant height on Fusarium crown rot (FCR) disease severity were investigated using 12 pairs of near-isogenic lines (NILs) for six different reduced height (Rht) genes in wheat. The dwarf isolines all gave better FCR resistance when compared with their respective tall counterparts, although the Rht genes involved in these NILs are located on several different chromosomes. Treating plants with exogenous gibberellin increased FCR severity as well as seedling lengths in all of the isolines tested. Analysis of the expression of several defense genes with known correlation with resistance to FCR pathogens between the Rht isolines following FCR inoculation indicated that the better resistance of the dwarf isolines was not due to enhanced defense gene induction. These results suggested that the difference in FCR severity between the tall and dwarf isolines is likely due to their height difference per se or to some physiological and structural consequences of reduced height. Thus, caution should be taken when considering to exploit any FCR locus located near a height gene.


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Oksidatiivisen stressin eli liiallisen reaktiivisten happiyhdisteiden määrän soluissa on jo pitkään arveltu olevan tärkeä Alzheimerin taudin kehittymiseen ja etenemiseen vaikuttava tekijä. Tämän vuoksi kiinnostus erilaisten antioksidanttien (yhdisteitä, jotka neutraloivat näitä happiradikaaleja soluissa) mahdollisia terapeuttisia ominaisuuksia Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu laajalti. Tähän mennessä ei kuitenkaan ole vielä onnistuttu löytämään antioksidanttia, joka olisi hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää pyrkiä löytämään uusia antioksidanttien lähteitä sekä tutkia niistä löytyviä aktiivisia yhdisteitä. Kiinnostus luonnon antioksidantteja kohtaan on kasvanut voimakkaasti viime aikoina. Huomio on kiinnittynyt erityisesti aromaattisista sekä lääkekasveista löytyviin antioksidantteihin. Lamiaceae- perheeseen kuuluvia tuoksuampiaisyrttiä (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) ja sitruunamelissaa (Melissa officinalis L.) on käytetty Iranissa pitkään sekä ruoanlaitossa että lääkinnässä, minkä vuoksi näiden kasvien uutteiden antioksidanttisisältöä päätettiin analysoida käyttäen useaa erilaista in vitro- menetelmää. Näissä kokeissa ilmeni, että uutteilla oli useita antioksidanttisia vaikutuksia. Näistä antioksidanttisista vaikutuksista vastaavia yhdisteitä pyrittiin tunnistamaan käyttäen HPLC-PDA- tekniikkaa, minkä seurauksena niiden havaittiin sisältävän erilaisia polyfenoleita, kuten hydroksyloituneita bentsoeeni- ja cinnamamidihapon johdannaisia sekä flavonoideja. Kummankin kasvin uutteissa runsaimmin esiintynyt yhdiste oli rosmariinihappo. Sitruunamelissaa (M. officinalis) on käytetty antiikin ajoista alkaen kognitiivisten toimintojen häiriöiden hoidossa. Perustuen tietoon kasvin käytöstä perinteisessä lääkinnässä, sen tehoa Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu viime aikoina kliinisin kokein. Sitruunamelissan todettiinkin olevan hyödyksi lievää ja keskivaikeaa Alzheimeimerin tautia sairastavien potilaiden hoidossa. Väitöskirjan osanan olevasta kooste-artikkelista käy ilmi, että tutkimalla lääkekasvien ominaisuuksia voidaan saada arvokkaita suuntaa-antavia vihjeitä Alzheimerin taudin lääkehoidon kehittämiseen. Tämän perusteella päätettiinkin testatata myös sitruunamelissauutteen kykyä estää asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AChE) toimintaa, koska tämän entsyymin toiminna estämisen tiedetään olevan hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Uute kykeni estämään AChE:n toimintaa, minkä vuoksi uutteen sisältämiä komponentteja päätettiin tutkia terkemmin. Uute jaettiin erilaisiin fraktioihin käyttäen HPLC-menetelmää, minkä jälkeen testattiin jokaisen fraktion kykyä inhiboida AchE. Suurin osa fraktioista kykeni inhiboimaan AChE:n toimintaa selkeästi tehokkaammin, kuin raakauute. Kaikista tehokkainta fraktiota analysoitiin tarkemmin sen aktiivisten yhdisteiden tunnistamiseksi, minkä seurauksena sen sisältämät yhdisteet tunnistettiin cis ja trans-rosmariinihapoiksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tunnistettujen yhdisteiden hyödyllisyyttä Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa tulisi seuraavaksi tutkia erilaisissa in vivo-malleissa. Lisäksi jäljellä olevien fraktioiden kemiallinen koostumus tulisi selvittää sekä antioksidanttiaktiivisuuden ja AChE:n toiminnan inhiboinnin välistä mahdollista yhteyttä tulisi tutkia tarkemmin. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa tuoksuampiasyrtin (D. moldavica) sekä sitruunamelissan (M. officinalis) sisältävän monenlaisia aktiivisia antioksidantteja. Lisäksi sitruunamelissan sisältämät yhdisteet kykenivät estämään asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AchE) toimintaa. Nämä tulokset tukevat osaltaan väitöskirjan osana olevan kooste-artikkelin johtopäätöksiä, joiden mukaan etnofarmakologinen kasvitutkimus voi osoittautua erittäin hyödylliseksi kehitettäessä uutta lääkehoitoa Alzheimerin tautiin. Lisäksi tässä väitöskirjassa kuvattu tutkimus osoittaakin, että perinteisesti lääkekasvina käytettyä sitruunamelissaa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää uusien Alzheimerin taudin hoitoon käytettävien lääkkeiden kehityksessä.


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