848 resultados para photoelectrocatalytic reduction


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Au cours des deux dernières décennies, la technique d'imagerie arthro-scanner a bénéficié de nombreux progrès technologiques et représente aujourd'hui une excellente alternative à l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et / ou arthro-IRM dans l'évaluation des pathologies de la hanche. Cependant, elle reste limitée par l'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants importante. Les techniques de reconstruction itérative (IR) ont récemment été mis en oeuvre avec succès en imagerie ; la littérature montre que l'utilisation ces dernières contribue à réduire la dose d'environ 40 à 55%, comparativement aux protocoles courants utilisant la rétroprojection filtrée (FBP), en scanner de rachis. A notre connaissance, l'utilisation de techniques IR en arthro-scanner de hanche n'a pas été évaluée jusqu'à présent. Le but de notre étude était d'évaluer l'impact de la technique ASIR (GE Healthcare) sur la qualité de l'image objective et subjective en arthro-scanner de hanche, et d'évaluer son potentiel en terme de réduction de dose. Pour cela, trente sept patients examinés par arthro-scanner de hanche ont été randomisés en trois groupes : dose standard (CTDIvol = 38,4 mGy) et deux groupes de dose réduite (CTDIvol = 24,6 ou 15,4 mGy). Les images ont été reconstruites en rétroprojection filtrée (FBP) puis en appliquant différents pourcentages croissants d'ASIR (30, 50, 70 et 90%). Le bruit et le rapport contraste sur bruit (CNR) ont été mesurés. Deux radiologues spécialisés en imagerie musculo-squelettique ont évalué de manière indépendante la qualité de l'image au niveau de plusieurs structures anatomiques en utilisant une échelle de quatre grades. Ils ont également évalué les lésions labrales et du cartilage articulaire. Les résultats révèlent que le bruit augmente (p = 0,0009) et le CNR diminue (p = 0,001) de manière significative lorsque la dose diminue. A l'inverse, le bruit diminue (p = 0,0001) et le contraste sur bruit augmente (p < 0,003) de manière significative lorsque le pourcentage d'ASIR augmente ; on trouve également une augmentation significative des scores de la qualité de l'image pour le labrum, le cartilage, l'os sous-chondral, la qualité de l'image globale (au delà de ASIR 50%), ainsi que le bruit (p < 0,04), et une réduction significative pour l'os trabuculaire et les muscles (p < 0,03). Indépendamment du niveau de dose, il n'y a pas de différence significative pour la détection et la caractérisation des lésions labrales (n=24, p = 1) et des lésions cartilagineuses (n=40, p > 0,89) en fonction du pourcentage d'ASIR. Notre travail a permis de montrer que l'utilisation de plus de 50% d'ASIR permet de reduire de manière significative la dose d'irradiation reçue par le patient lors d'un arthro-scanner de hanche tout en maintenant une qualité d'image diagnostique comparable par rapport à un protocole de dose standard utilisant la rétroprojection filtrée.


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Although platelet cytosolic calcium has been shown to decrease during pharmacological treatment of hypertension, there is no evidence that cytosolic calcium also falls during a nonpharmacological reduction in blood pressure. To provide such evidence, we examined prospectively the relation between platelet cytosolic calcium and ambulatory blood pressure during weight reduction in moderately overweight (body mass index [BMI] greater than 25), mildly hypertensive individuals. The experimental group (responders: BMI reduction greater than 5%) consisted of 19 patients who lost 8.5 +/- 2.9 kg (mean +/- SD, p less than 0.05) during a 10-week hypocaloric diet, whereas the control group (nonresponders: BMI reduction less than 5%) consisted of 12 patients who showed no relevant change in body weight (-2.0 +/- 1.3 kg) during the same period of time. The moderate weight loss of the responders decreased blood pressure by 14/5 mm Hg (p less than 0.05), as measured by ambulatory monitoring, which renders a placebo effect unlikely. This nonpharmacological reduction in blood pressure was accompanied by a proportional 11% decrease (p less than 0.05) in platelet cytosolic calcium and also by significant (p less than 0.05) decreases in plasma catecholamines and serum cholesterol. These findings establish the concept of a nonpharmacological reduction in free cytosolic platelet calcium in humans and add further evidence suggesting a link between intracellular calcium homeostasis and blood pressure regulation.


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Background & Aims: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with IL28B influence the outcome of peginterferon-alpha/ribavirin therapy of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. We analyzed the kinetics of HCV RNA during therapy as a function of IL28B SNPs.Methods: IL28B SNPs rs8099917, rs12979860, and rs12980275 were genotyped in 242 HCV treatment-naive Caucasian patients (67% genotype 1, 28% genotype 2 or 3) receiving peginterferon-alpha 2a (180 mu g weekly) and ribavirin (1000-1200 mg daily) with serial HCV-RNA quantifications. Associations between IL28B polymorphisms and early viral kinetics were assessed, accounting for relevant covariates.Results: In the multivariate analyses for genotype 1 patients, the T allele of rs12979860 (T(rs12979860)) was an independent risk factor for a less pronounced first phase HCV RNA decline (log(10) 0.89 IU/ml among T carriers vs. 2.06 among others, adjusted p <0.001) and lower rapid (15% vs. 38%, adjusted p = 0.007) and sustained viral response rates (48% vs. 66%, adjusted p <0.001). In univariate analyses, Trs12979860 was also associated with a reduced second phase decline (p = 0.002), but this association was no longer significant after adjustment for the first phase decline (adjusted p = 0.8). In genotype 2/3 patients, Trs12979860 was associated with a reduced first phase decline (adjusted p = 0.04), but not with a second phase decline.Conclusions: Polymorphisms in IL28B are strongly associated with the first phase viral decline during peginterferon-alpha/ribavirin therapy of chronic HCV infection, irrespective of HCV genotype. (C) 2011 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 9 drug-resistant patients with partial seizures treated with vigabatrin, gamma-vinyl GABA (VGB), alanine aminotransaminase (ALAT) activity in plasma was significantly reduced. Comparison of in vitro with in vivo measurements led us to conclude that this reduction is mainly an in vivo phenomenon, perhaps due to cross-enzyme inhibition. The assessment of two biological variables linked with ALAT, glucose and alanine levels under fasting conditions, failed to show any significant metabolic alterations. VGB is an effective drug for partial epilepsy. Our observations do not suggest that reduced ALAT activity is of clinical concern.


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Pathogen inactivation of blood products represents a global and major paradigm shift in transfusion medicine. In the next near future, it is likely that most blood products will be inactivated by various physicochemical approaches. The concept of blood safety will be challenged as well as transfusion medicine practice, notably for donor selection or biological qualification. In this context, it seems mandatory to develop analytical economic approaches by assessing costs-benefits ratio of blood transfusion as well as to set up cohorts of patients based on hemovigilance networks allowing rigorous scientific analysis of the benefits and the risks of blood transfusion at short- and long-term.


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PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of antibiotic drops placed in the conjunctival cul-de-sac to antibiotic ointment applied to the lid margin in reduction of bacterial colonization on the lid margin. METHODS: A randomized, prospective, single-masked study was conducted on 19 patients with culture-proven colonization of bacteria on the lid margins. Ophthalmic eligibility criteria included the presence of > or =50 colony-forming units/mL (CFU/mL) of bacteria on both right and left lids. Each patient received one drop of ofloxacin in one eye every night for one week, followed by one drop once a week for one month. In the same manner, each patient received bacitracin ointment (erythromycin or gentamicin ointment if lid margin bacteria were resistant to bacitracin) to the lid margin of the fellow eye. Quantitative lid cultures were taken at initial visit, one week, one month, and two months. Fifteen volunteers (30 lids) served as controls. Lid cultures were taken at initial visit, one week, and one month. RESULTS: Both antibiotic drop and ointment reduced average bacterial CFU/mL at one week and one month. Average bacterial CFU/mL reestablished to baseline values at two months. There was no statistically significant difference between antibiotic drop and ointment in reducing bacterial colonization on the lid margin. CONCLUSION: Antibiotic drops placed in the conjunctival cul-de-sac appear to be as effective as ointment applied to the lid margins in reducing bacterial colonization in patients with > or =50 CFU/mL of bacteria on the lid margins.


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The goal of this interdisciplinary study is to better understand the land use factors that increase vulnerability of mountain areas in northern Pakistan. The study will identify and analyse the damages and losses caused by the October 2005 earthquake in two areas of the same valley: one "low-risk" watershed with sound natural resources management, the other, "high-risk" in an ecologically degraded watershed. Secondly, the study will examine natural and man-made causes of secondary hazards in the study area, especially landslides; and third it will evaluate the cost of the earthquake damage in the study areas on the livelihoods of local communities and the sub-regional economy. There are few interdisciplinary studies to have correlated community land use practices, resources management, and disaster risk reduction in high-risk mountain areas. By better understanding these linkages, development- humanitarian- and donor agencies focused on disaster reduction can improve their risk reduction programs for mountainous regions.


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Today, cocaine use is a public health issue. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug which use is increasing among some part of the population. After a brief description of the physical and psychological effects of cocaine use, the article presents a motivational way for general practitioners to deal with risk-reduction issues. Based on the Transtheoretical Model of human behavior change and providing clinical examples, the article focuses particularly on the two earliest stages of change: "pre-contemplation" and "contemplation".


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of the product Ultracote® (a polymer based additive produced by Ultrapave, a division of Goodyear) as an aggregate pre-treatment for the reduction of asphalt binder absorption in hot mix asphalt (HMA). The product was tested with a paving project in Louisa county, Iowa with aggregate that had historically shown very high asphalt binder absorption. Results of the testing did not provide any evidence of reduction in binder absorption.


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A systolic array to implement lattice-reduction-aided lineardetection is proposed for a MIMO receiver. The lattice reductionalgorithm and the ensuing linear detections are operated in the same array, which can be hardware-efficient. All-swap lattice reduction algorithm (ASLR) is considered for the systolic design.ASLR is a variant of the LLL algorithm, which processes all lattice basis vectors within one iteration. Lattice-reduction-aided linear detection based on ASLR and LLL algorithms have very similarbit-error-rate performance, while ASLR is more time efficient inthe systolic array, especially for systems with a large number ofantennas.


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A national survey showed that Swiss people eat high quantity of salt (9.1 g per day on average). The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has launched a strategy to reduce salt intake in the population in order to decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, mainly via blood pressure reduction. The most effective public health measures are to reduce the salt content of processed food rich in salt because they do not need to change consumers' eating behaviours. The FOPH has chosen to collaborate with the food industry on a voluntary basis. Regular population-based surveys will be needed to monitor the impact of current measures on salt consumption, hypertension prevalence as well as cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the years to come.


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OBJECTIVES: To preliminarily evaluate prospectively the accuracy and reliability of a specific ad hoc reduction-compression forceps in intraoral open reduction of transverse and displaced mandibular angle fractures. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed the clinical and radiologic data of 7 patients with 7 single transverse and displaced angle fractures. An intraoral approach was performed in all of the patients without using perioperative intermaxillary fixation. A single Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthese (AO) unilock reconstruction plate was fixed to each stable fragment with 3 locking screws (2.0 mm in 5 patients and 2.4 mm in 2 patients) at the basilar border of the mandible, according to AO/American Society of Internal Fixation (ASIF) principles. Follow-up was at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, and we noted the status of healing and complications, if any. RESULTS: All of the patients had satisfactory fracture reduction as well as a successful treatment outcome without complications. CONCLUSION: This preliminary study demonstrated that the intraoral reduction of transverse and displaced angle fractures using a specific ad hoc reduction-forceps results in a high rate of success.


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Highway noise is one of the most pressing of the surface characteristics issues facing the concrete paving industry. This is particularly true in urban areas, where not only is there a higher population density near major thoroughfares, but also a greater volume of commuter traffic (Sandberg and Ejsmont 2002; van Keulen 2004). To help address this issue, the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) at Iowa State University (ISU), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), and other organizations have partnered to conduct a multi-part, seven-year Concrete Pavement Surface Characteristics Project. This document contains the results of Part 1, Task 2, of the ISU-FHWA project, addressing the noise issue by evaluating conventional and innovative concrete pavement noise reduction methods. The first objective of this task was to determine what if any concrete surface textures currently constructed in the United States or Europe were considered quiet, had long-term friction characteristics, could be consistently built, and were cost effective. Any specifications of such concrete textures would be included in this report. The second objective was to determine whether any promising new concrete pavement surfaces to control tire-pavement noise and friction were in the development stage and, if so, what further research was necessary. The final objective was to identify measurement techniques used in the evaluation.