807 resultados para person perception
AbstractOBJECTIVEUnderstanding the perception of women living in a rural area about the actions and services of Primary Health Care (PHC) in a municipality of southern Brazil, which is the only one regarded as predominantly rural.METHODA descriptive study of qualitative approach, carried out with women who lived in the countryside and required health services in the 15 days prior to collection.RESULTSThe results registered low fidelity to PHC attributes, focusing its functional axis on sickness, transforming the unit into small points of emergency care and a bureaucratic place where patients are referred to other types of services. The quality of service offered is compromised to offering quick, fragmented and unequal treatment in the rural context.CONCLUSIONThe findings of this study highlight the need for greater efforts in order to adequate the new care model in the development of appropriate actions as designated by PHC in the rural context studied.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify, in the perception of nurses, the factors that affect the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in adult inpatient units, and investigate the influence of both work shifts and professional experience length of time in the perception of these factors. METHOD A descriptive, exploratory study conducted at a hospital specialized in cardiology and pneumology with the application of a questionnaire to 49 nurses working in inpatient units. RESULTS The majority of nurses reported that the high number of professionals in the scenario (75.5%), the lack of harmony (77.6%) or stress of any member of staff (67.3%), lack of material and/or equipment failure (57.1%), lack of familiarity with the emergency trolleys (98.0%) and presence of family members at the beginning of the cardiopulmonary arrest assistance (57.1%) are factors that adversely affect the quality of care provided during CPR. Professional experience length of time and the shift of nurses did not influence the perception of these factors. CONCLUSION The identification of factors that affect the quality of CPR in the perception of nurses serves as parameter to implement improvements and training of the staff working in inpatient units.
Although research has documented the importance of emotion in risk perception, little is knownabout its prevalence in everyday life. Using the Experience Sampling Method, 94 part-timestudents were prompted at random via cellular telephones to report on mood state and threeemotions and to assess risk on thirty occasions during their working hours. The emotions valence, arousal, and dominance were measured using self-assessment manikins (Bradley &Lang, 1994). Hierarchical linear models (HLM) revealed that mood state and emotions explainedsignificant variance in risk perception. In addition, valence and arousal accounted for varianceover and above reason (measured by severity and possibility of risks). Six risks were reassessedin a post-experimental session and found to be lower than their real-time counterparts.The study demonstrates the feasibility and value of collecting representative samples of data withsimple technology. Evidence for the statistical consistency of the HLM estimates is provided inan Appendix.
We suggest that cultivating an individual's connectedness to others promotes sociallyresponsible behavior both directly and indirectly through increased perceived abilityto make a difference. Individuals whose interdependent self is more prominent feel theyhave more of an impact on larger scale societal outcomes and, therefore, engage more insocially responsible behaviors than do individuals whose independent self is moreprominent. We test these hypotheses in two experiments in which participants makefinancial contributions or exert an effort for a social cause. In a survey, we find thatperceived effectiveness mediates the effect of self-construal on socially responsibleconsumption.
Objectifs¦? Connaître le vécu des médecins face à des patients ayant une faible littératie en¦santé (FLS)¦? Savoir de quelle façon les médecins s'y prennent pour détecter ces patients¦? Comprendre quels sont les problèmes rencontrés avec de tels patients¦? Connaître les stratégies utilisées pour faire face à cette situation¦? Découvrir ce qui pourrait aider les médecins à mieux détecter cette problématique¦chez leurs patients et à surmonter plus aisément les problèmes qui en découlent¦Méthode¦Enquête auprès de 47 médecins de famille de Suisse romande au travers d'un¦questionnaire élaboré à partir d'entretiens avec cinq médecins de la région et validé par¦ceux-ci ; analyse mixte quantitative et qualitative.¦Résultats¦? Les médecins de famille sont conscients de cette problématique (58% y sont¦confrontés quotidiennement).¦? La FLS représente une certaine charge dans leur pratique quotidienne (pour 68%¦des médecins).¦? La majorité (70%) des praticiens pense avoir les outils et compétences nécessaires¦pour gérer la situation.¦? Un grand nombre aimerait cependant en acquérir de nouveaux (entre 38% et 75%¦selon les outils).¦? Les médecins ont tendance à sous-estimer la prévalence des patients avec une¦FLS.¦? 60% des praticiens seraient intéressés par des outils de dépistage.¦Discussion et conclusion¦La FLS est une problématique importante au cabinet du médecin de famille, ayant de¦nombreuses conséquences sur la santé du patient. Nos résultats montrent, en¦concordance avec la littérature, qu'il est essentiel de dépister la FLS chez les patients et¦d'apporter de nouveaux outils aux praticiens afin de les aider dans la gestion de cette¦situation. Diverses interventions pourraient être mises en place afin d'améliorer la prise en¦charge de ces patients:¦? une introduction à la littératie en santé durant le parcours universitaire¦? un enseignement pratique lors de la formation post-graduée¦? un manuel d'information pour le praticien visant à l'aider dans cette problématique¦et à lui proposer des questions de dépistage¦? des brochures d'explications simples et illustrées à l'intention des patients
The Person Trade-Off (PTO) is a methodology aimed at measuring thesocial value of health states. The rest of methodologies would measure individualutility and would be less appropriate for taking resource allocation decisions.However few studies have been conducted to test the validity of the method.We present a pilot study with this objective. The study is based on theresult of interviews to 30 undergraduate students in Economics. We judgethe validity of PTO answers by their adequacy to three hypothesis of rationality.First, we show that, given certain rationality assumptions, PTO answersshould be predicted from answers to Standard Gamble questions. This firsthypothesis is not verified. The second hypothesis is that PTO answersshould not vary with different frames of equivalent PTO questions. Thissecond hypothesis is also not verified. Our third hypothesis is that PTOvalues should predict social preferences for allocating resources betweenpatients. This hypothesis is verified. The evidence on the validity of themethod is then conflicting.
We examine the effect of unilateral and mutual partner selection in the context of prisoner's dilemmas experimentally. Subjects play simultaneously several finitely repeated two-person prisoner's dilemma games. We find that unilateral choice is the best system. It leads to low defection and fewer singles than with mutual choice. Furthermore, with the unilateral choice setup we are able to show that intendingdefectors are more likely to try to avoid a match than intending cooperators. We compare our results of multiple games with single game PD-experiments and find no difference in aggregate behavior. Hence the multiple game technique is robust and might therefore be an important tool in the future for testing the use of mixed strategies.
The objective of this study was to find out the relationship between students’ perception of Social Studies and their academic performance in the subject in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State. The respondents of the study comprised NCE 2 and NCE 3 students of Social Studies at the Federal College of Education in Zaria and the Kaduna State College of Education in Gidan Waya. The data for the study was collected using a questionnaire with reliability coefficient of 0.87. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance with df = 232. The findings were as follows: 1. The Social Studies students in colleges of education in Kaduna State do not record high academic performance in the subject. 2. Students’ perception of the Social Studies curriculum does affect their academic performance in the subject 3. Students’ perception of relevance of Social Studies education has no bearing on their academic performance in the subject. 4. Students’ perception of public attitude towards Social Studies has no impact on their academic performance in the subject. 5. Students’ general perception of Social Studies does not affect their academic performance in the subject. Based on these findings the following recommendations were proffered for Social Studies researchers and policy makers. a. There is need for further research in order to determine the actual cause of students’ failure to display high performance in Social Studies. b. The NCE Social Studies curriculum should be reviewed in terms of volume and difficulty.
An increasing number of articles are published on the differences about pain in men and women. These differences seem to be due to the sex, the biological dimension of the person, and to the gender, which is the role given to that person in a given social and culture environment. The pain prevalence is higher in women, its threshold and tolerance are lower. The pain interpretation, its perception and the coping is also different in men and women. Finally doctors translate and treat pain differently. This article proposes some explanations on these differences which should help us to treat this frequent and noxious symptom for the quality of life in a better way.
An open prospective study was conducted among the patients visiting an urban medical policlinic for the first time without an appointment to assess whether the immigrants (who represent more than half of our patients) are aware of the health effects of smoking, whether the level of acculturation influences knowledge, and whether doctors give similar advice to Swiss and foreign smokers. 226 smokers, 105 Swiss (46.5%), and 121 foreign-born (53.5%), participated in the study. 32.2% (95% CI [24.4%; 41.1%]) of migrants and 9.6% [5.3%; 16.8%] of Swiss patients were not aware of negative effects of smoking. After adjustment for age, the multivariate model showed that the estimated odds of "ignorance of health effects of smoking" was higher for people lacking mastery of the local language compared with those mastering it (odds ratio (OR) = 7.5 [3.6; 15.8], p < 0.001), and higher for men (OR = 4.3 [1.9; 10.0], p < 0.001). Advice to stop smoking was given with similar frequency to immigrants (31.9% [24.2%; 40.8%] and Swiss patients (29.0% [21.0%; 38.5%]). Nonintegrated patients did not appear to receive less counselling than integrated patients (OR = 1.1 [0.6; 2.1], p = 0.812). We conclude that the level of knowledge among male immigrants not integrated or unable to speak the local language is lower than among integrated foreign-born and Swiss patients. Smoking cessation counselling by a doctor was only given to a minority of patients, but such counselling seemed irrespective of nationality.
O objectivo do estudo foi o de verificar o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa em jovens, adultos, idosos e jovens negros. Pretendia-se verificar se o sorriso contribui para os traços diferenciais entre os grupos humanos em estudo e se o mesmo era descritor de género. O estudo envolveu um delineamento transversal analítico ou estudo não-experimental, também classificado por estudo pós-facto, estudo de observação passiva ou estudo correlacional e de observação, de comparação entre grupos, mediante o juízo ou julgamento psicológico da face neutra e do tipo de sorriso contrastados, de matriz factorial 4 x 2 x 2 (face neutra, sorriso fechado, sorriso superior, sorriso largo; género dos estímulos; género dos respondentes) e a sua finalidade foi descrever a percepção psicológica do sorriso em função das variáveis género do estímulo, género do respondente e grupo étnico, na Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS), em formato diferenciador semântico, com 19 itens bipolares opostos, tendo a avaliação sido feita numa escala ordinal de 1 a 7 pontos, nas dimensões Avaliação (12 itens) e Movimento Expressivo (7 itens) resultante dos estudos preliminares sobre a atractividade facial (estudo preliminar 1) e a escolha de dípolos de adjectivos preditores para percepção psicológica da face neutra (estudo preliminar 2). Nos estudos principais 1, 2 e 3 foram utilizados 24 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (12 do estímulo mulher e 12 do estímulo homem) referentes aos três grupos etários (18-25 anos, 40-50 anos e 60-70 anos) e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 480 participantes portugueses de ambos os géneros (240 mulheres e 240 homens) distribuídos por grupos etários de jovens (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 22.2 anos), adultos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 43.1 anos) e idosos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 65.0 anos) No estudo principal 4, foram utilizados 8 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (4 do estímulo mulher e 4 do estímulo homem) de universitários de Cabo Verde, a estudar em Portugal, e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 160 participantes de ambos os géneros (80 mulheres e 80 homens) e estudantes universitários portugueses (média: 21.8 anos). Os resultados revelam e confirmam o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa, à semelhança de outros estudos, isto é, sorrir torna a percepção psicológica mais positiva ou negativa e verifica-se que tal sucede em função do género do estímulo e do género do respondente. As diferenças significativas na percepção da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados são justificadas pela pertença de género de quem os percepciona e pela pertença do género de quem é percepcionado. Tal apenas não sucede no factor Avaliação do grupo dos adultos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, quer no factor Avaliação quer no factor Movimento Expressivo, os tipos de sorriso largo e superior são os que registam médias ponderadas mais elevadas. Pelo contrário, a face neutra e o sorriso fechado registam valores menos elevados na percepção. A análise da percepção da pessoa em função da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados revelou uma correspondência entre a expressão facial, o género do estímulo e o género do respondente. No factor Avaliação, a mulher é percepcionada mais positivamente que o homem, verificando-se o inverso no factor Movimento Expressivo no grupo dos adultos e dos idosos. Verificou-se efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica dos estímulos de cor negra. No grupo dos jovens que percepcionaram estímulos de cor negra, o homem é considerado mais positivo que a mulher em ambos os factores. O efeito significativo do género revela que a sua percepção é condicionada pelo seu próprio género. Os resultados apontam ainda para a configuração pronunciada de uma hierarquização ascendente da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados em dois conjuntos bem delimitados e distinguindo diferentes formas topográficas de sorrir: a face neutra e o sorriso fechado e o sorriso superior e o sorriso largo.