939 resultados para path analysis


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The present study—employing psychometric meta-analysis of 92 independent studies with sample sizes ranging from 26 to 322 leaders—examined the relationship between EI and leadership effectiveness. Overall, the results supported a linkage between leader EI and effectiveness that was moderate in nature (ρ = .25). In addition, the positive manifold of the effect sizes presented in this study, ranging from .10 to .44, indicate that emotional intelligence has meaningful relations with myriad leadership outcomes including effectiveness, transformational leadership, LMX, follower job satisfaction, and others. Furthermore, this paper examined potential process mechanisms that may account for the EI-leadership effectiveness relationship and showed that both transformational leadership and LMX partially mediate this relationship. However, while the predictive validities of EI were moderate in nature, path analysis and hierarchical regression suggests that EI contributes less than or equal to 1% of explained variance in leadership effectiveness once personality and intelligence are accounted for. ^


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In the United States 1.2 million persons are HIV infected. Among men, HIV rates in Blacks are seven times higher than Whites. More Black men progress to AIDS because of treatment failure and adherence problems. Antiretroviral therapy (ART), the only treatment effective for long term HIV suppression, requires near perfect adherence. Illicit drug use and homelessness pose further challenges. Suboptimal ART adherence leads to HIV mutations that can render entire classes of medication ineffective and transmission of mutated HIV to others in the community. The purpose of this study was to investigate ART adherence behaviors of Black men living with HIV who use illicit drugs. A sample of 160 Black men living with HIV who use illicit drugs was recruited using flyers and snowball sampling. These men completed study questionnaires that included: demographics, the K-10, PSOM and Social Capital Integrated Questionnaire, among others. One-way ANOVAs, multiple regression, and path analysis were used to address the study's research questions. Most of the Black men in this sample were high school graduates and single, with high rates of being marginally housed and homeless. Unemployment and disability were common, and personal and household income was low. The men reported high numbers of sexual partners both over the past year and during their lifetimes, suggesting continued engagement in high risk behaviors. The majority of the men attributed their HIV to heterosexual sex, with sexual commoditization being common. About half of the 105 men currently taking ART reported the current regimen was their first. Patient-provider relationship was positively associated with tolerability of ART. ART adherence was greater with less psychological distress, lower frequency of current illicit drug use, and greater tolerability of ART. Partner status negatively influenced ART adherence. This study of Black men's ART adherence behaviors has implications for public health. It identified social context factors that influence ART adherence among the men and provides evidence to refine existing, or develop new, ART adherence interventions.


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The study examines the effects of cultural distance on student retention at an urban, Hispanic-serving university. A Cultural Distance Model based on retention research in higher education and organizational socialization theory is posed and the first half of the model is tested using path analysis with results supporting most model assumptions.


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The purpose of the current study was to attempt to model various cognitive and social processes that are believed to lead to false confessions. More specifically, this study manipulated the variables of experimenter expectancy, guilt-innocence of the suspect, and interrogation techniques using the Russano et al. (2005) paradigm. The primary measure of interest was the likelihood of the participant signing the confession statement. By manipulating experimenter expectancy, the current study sought to further explore the social interactions that may occur in the interrogation room. In addition, in past experiments, the interrogator has typically been restricted to the use of one or two interrogation techniques. In the present study, interrogators were permitted to select from 15 different interrogation techniques when attempting to solicit a confession from participants. ^ Consistent with Rusanno et al. (2005), guilty participants (94%) were more likely to confess to the act of cheating than innocent participants (31%). The variable of experimenter expectancy did not effect confessions rates, length of interrogation, or the type of interrogation techniques used. Path analysis revealed feelings of pressure and the weighing of consequences on the part of the participant were associated with the signing of the confession statement. The findings suggest the guilt/innocence of the participant, the participant's perceptions of the interrogation situation, and length of interrogation play a pivotal role in the signing of the confession statement. Further examination of these variables may provide researchers with a better understanding of the relationship between interrogations and confessions. ^


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Purpose: Early onset of sexual activity has been linked to later substance abuse. Our study aimed to further describe the associations between Latina mothers’ and daughters’ early sexual activity and adult substance abuse. Methods: A survey was conducted with 92 Latina mother–daughter dyads whose members never experienced sexual abuse. Childhood sexual experience was defined as the occurrence of a consensual sexual encounter at the age of 15 years or younger. Substance abusers were identified by the extent of substance use during the 12 months prior to the interview. Path analysis was used to fit our conceptual models to the data. Main findings: Daughters’ current, adult substance abuse was associated independently with: their own childhood sexual experience (odds ratio [OR] = 6.0) and mothers’ current, adult substance abuse (OR = 2.0). Compared with daughters who first experienced sex after the age of 19, the odds of using substances were 17.7 times higher among daughters who had childhood sexual experience and 3.8 times higher among daughters who first experienced sex between the age of 16–19 years. Explicitly, sexual experiences between the ages of 16–19 years were also risk factors for later adult substance abuse. Mothers’ childhood sexual experience (OR = 7.3) was a strong predictor for daughters’ childhood sexual experience. Conclusions: Our study supported a link between mother and daughter childhood sexual experience among Latinas, and indicated it is a correlate of adult substance abuse. Family based substance abuse prevention efforts and future longitudinal studies should consider maternal childhood sexual experience as a potential indication of risk for Latina daughters.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that motivate nursing faculty to use service learning. The study was based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), which implies that the target behavior of intention to use service learning in higher education is influenced by the predictor variables of behavior beliefs (attitude), normative beliefs (peer influence), and control beliefs (confidence and resources). External variables were also considered (years of teaching experience, tenure status, and the type of curriculum). Group interviews and a pilot test were conducted to create the instrument for the study, and Cronbach alpha were calculated for survey item reliability. The participants were full time undergraduate nursing faculty members (n=-160) in the Southeastern United States who taught in universities with accredited nurse education programs. Demographic data as well as scores on scaled survey responses were used to evaluate the intention of nursing faculty to use service learning in their classes. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and path analysis were applied to the data. The correlation findings indicated that there were statistically significant relationships between behavior beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs and nursing faculty intention to use service learning. The path analysis also indicated that behavior beliefs and normative beliefs were significant, while control beliefs were not a strong influence on intention to use service learning. Normative beliefs showed the strongest direct influence. The use of a community based curriculum also had a positive influence on intention, and faculty with tenure status were more likely to have positive behavior beliefs (attitude) towards service learning. Finally, as teaching experience increased, positive attitudes towards the intention to use service learning decreased. Seventy-nine percent of the variation in the intention to use service learning was explained by the theory of planned behavior, the type of curriculum, teaching experience, and tenure status. These results will assist nursing administration and faculty to design strategies to facilitate the implementation of service learning pedagogy, as well as a community based curriculum which will help meet the 21st century goals set forth from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.


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The present study – employing psychometric meta-analysis of 92 independent studies with sample sizes ranging from 26 to 322 leaders – examined the relationship between EI and leadership effectiveness. Overall, the results supported a linkage between leader EI and effectiveness that was moderate in nature (ρ = .25). In addition, the positive manifold of the effect sizes presented in this study, ranging from .10 to .44, indicate that emotional intelligence has meaningful relations with myriad leadership outcomes including effectiveness, transformational leadership, LMX, follower job satisfaction, and others. Furthermore, this paper examined potential process mechanisms that may account for the EI-leadership effectiveness relationship and showed that both transformational leadership and LMX partially mediate this relationship. However, while the predictive validities of EI were moderate in nature, path analysis and hierarchical regression suggests that EI contributes less than or equal to 1% of explained variance in leadership effectiveness once personality and intelligence are accounted for.


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Parce qu’il est notamment lié à des facteurs de réussite scolaire et d’adaptation sociale (Eccles & Roeser, 2009; Finn, 1989; Janosz, Georges, & Parent, 1998), le sentiment d’appartenance des élèves est considéré comme étant un élément de première instance qui doit d’être développé et maintenu par les professionnels de l’éducation (MELS, 2012). L'objectif général visait à approfondir notre compréhension du sentiment d’appartenance à l’école. Pour répondre à cet objectif général, trois articles de recherche distincts ont été élaborés. Le premier article présente une analyse conceptuelle visant à clarifier la compréhension du concept de sentiment d’appartenance à l’école. La méthode conceptuelle privilégiée dans cet article est celle de Walker et Avant (2011). La recension des écrits et les référents empiriques répertoriés indiquent que ce concept est de nature multidimensionnelle. L’analyse des données indique quatre attributs définitionnels. L’élève doit : (1) ressentir une émotion positive à l’égard du milieu scolaire; (2) entretenir des relations sociales de qualité avec les membres du milieu scolaire; (3) s’impliquer activement dans les activités de la classe ou celles de l’école; (4) percevoir une certaine synergie (harmonisation), voir même une similarité, avec les membres de son groupe. À la suite de cette étude permettant de mieux comprendre le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école, le deuxième article visait à examiner la structure factorielle et l'invariance de l’instrument de mesure du sentiment d’appartenance Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) au regard du sexe des élèves. Cette étude a été menée chez un échantillon composé de 766 filles et de 391 garçons de troisième secondaire. Les analyses factorielles confirmatoires ont indiqué une structure à trois facteurs : (1) la qualité des relations entre les élèves; (2) la qualité des relations entre les élèves et l’enseignant; ainsi que (3) le sentiment d’acceptation par le milieu. Les analyses factorielles multigroupes ont indiqué pour leur part que le PSSM est un instrument invariant chez les filles et les garçons de troisième secondaire. Finalement, le troisième article a été mené chez un échantillon de 4166 élèves de niveau secondaire afin d’examiner les processus psychologiques complexes s’opérant entre le sentiment d’appartenance et le rendement scolaire (Anderman & Freeman, 2004; Connell & et al., 1994; Roeser et al., 1996). Afin d’examiner ces processus psychologiques, quatre hypothèses issues du modèle de Freeman-Anderman ont été validées par le biais d’analyses acheminatoires : H1 Les affects positifs médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur l’engagement comportemental; H2 Les affects positifs médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur l’engagement affectif; H3 Les affects positifs médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur l’engagement cognitif; H4 Les engagements affectif, cognitif et comportemental médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur le rendement scolaire. Nos résultats appuient partiellement la première hypothèse de recherche tout en soutenant les hypothèses deux, trois et quatre. Spécifiquement, la relation entre le sentiment d’appartenance et l’engagement émotionnel montre davantage un effet direct qu’un effet indirect (H2). L’étude a produit des résultats similaires pour l’engagement cognitif (H3). Finalement, la relation entre le sentiment d’appartenance et le rendement scolaire indique un effet indirect plus grand qu’un effet direct (H4). À la lumière de ces résultats, des recommandations à l’intention des professionnels de l’éducation sont offertes en guise de conclusion.


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Individuals often pursue activities for which they are passionate about, and this passion is operationalized as being harmonious (an autonomous desireto engage in the activity) or obsessive (a controlled desire to engage in the activity) in nature (Vallerand et al., 2003). With regard to harmonious passion, Vallerand et al. (2003) suggests that it is fostered in environments that nurture innate needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The purpose of the present study was to explore the nature of the passion-basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy, relatedness) relationship. Kinesiology students (N = 917; Mage = 18.54 SD = 1.66) completed the Passion Scale (Vallerand et al., 2003) and the Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale (Wilson et al., 2006). Results from the SEM path analysis indicated that harmonious passion was positively related to competence (SPE = .43) and relatedness (SPE = .43) and obsessive passion was negatively related to autonomy (SPE = -.18)(CFI = .90, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .07). Implications for exercise participation/enjoyment are discussed.


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Background: Shiftwork is associated with increased sleep disturbance and cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk. This thesis will focus on shiftwork-related sleep disturbance and the potential mediating role of reduced sleep duration in the relationship between a current rotational shiftwork schedule and the metabolic syndrome among female hospital employees. Objectives: 1) To describe sleep patterns in relation to different shiftwork exposure metrics (current status, cumulative exposure, number of consecutive night shifts); 2) To assess the association between shiftwork metrics and sleep duration; 3) To determine whether sleep duration on work shifts mediates the relationship between a current rotational shiftwork pattern and the metabolic syndrome; and 4) To assess whether cumulative shiftwork exposure and the number of consecutive night shifts are associated with the metabolic syndrome. Methods: 294 female hospital employees (142 rotating shiftworkers, 152 dayworkers) participated in a cross-sectional study. Shiftwork parameters were determined through self-report. Sleep was measured for one week with the ActiGraph GT3X+, a tri-axial accelerometer. The metabolic syndrome was defined according to the Joint Interim Studies Consensus Statement. Sleep was described by shiftwork exposure parameters, and multivariable linear regression was used to determine associations between shiftwork variables and sleep duration. Regression path analysis was used to assess whether sleep duration was a mediator between a current shiftwork schedule and the metabolic syndrome, and the significance of the indirect (mediating) effect was tested with bootstrap confidence intervals. Logistic regression was used to determine associations between cumulative shiftwork exposure, number of consecutive night shifts, and the metabolic syndrome. Results: Current shiftworkers slept less on work shifts, more on free days, and were more likely to nap compared to dayworkers. Sleep duration on work shifts was a strong intermediate in the relationship between a current shiftwork pattern and the metabolic syndrome. Cumulative shiftwork exposure and the number of consecutive night shifts did not affect sleep or the metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: A current shiftwork pattern disrupts sleep, and reduced sleep duration is an important intermediate between shiftwork and the metabolic syndrome among female hospital employees.


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Here, we sought to replicate previous work showing a relationship between connectedness to nature and body appreciation, and extend it by examining associations between exposure to natural environments and other body image-related variables. An online sample of 399 U.S. women and men (Mage = 34.55 years) completed measures of body appreciation, connectedness to nature, nature exposure, appearance investment, sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, and self-esteem. Path analysis showed that nature exposure and connectedness to nature, respectively, were associated with body appreciation in women and men, both directly and indirectly via self-esteem. Connectedness to nature also mediated the link between nature exposure and body appreciation. In men, but not women, the link between connectedness to nature and body appreciation was also mediated by appearance investment and internalisation of a muscular ideal. These results may point to novel methods for promoting more positive body image in adults through engagement with nature.


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Objectives: Elevated shame and dissociation are common in dissociative identity disorder (DID) and chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and are part of the constellation of symptoms defined as complex PTSD. Previous work examined the relationship between shame, dissociation, and complex PTSD and whether they are associated with intimate relationship anxiety, relationship depression, and fear of relationships. This study investigated these variables in traumatized clinical samples and a nonclinical community group.

Method: Participants were drawn from the DID (n = 20), conflict-related chronic PTSD (n = 65), and nonclinical (n = 125) populations and completed questionnaires assessing the variables of interest. A model examining the direct impact of shame and dissociation on relationship functioning, and their indirect effect via complex PTSD symptoms, was tested through path analysis.

Results: The DID sample reported significantly higher dissociation, shame, complex PTSD symptom severity, relationship anxiety, relationship depression, and fear of relationships than the other two samples. Support was found for the proposed model, with shame directly affecting relationship anxiety and fear of relationships, and pathological dissociation directly affecting relationship anxiety and relationship depression. The indirect effect of shame and dissociation via complex PTSD symptom severity was evident on all relationship variables.

Conclusion: Shame and pathological dissociation are important for not only the effect they have on the development of other complex PTSD symptoms, but also their direct and indirect effects on distress associated with relationships.


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Ce mémoire doctoral s’intéresse aux pratiques parentales en littéracie comme prédicteurs des différences précoces en lecture. Les études antérieures ont rapporté des liens préférentiels entre deux types de pratiques parentales en littéracie, deux habiletés préalables à la lecture et le développement de la lecture au primaire. D’une part, l’enseignement des lettres par le parent, une pratique formelle, contribuait à la connaissance des lettres, laquelle était un prédicteur des habiletés de lecture de l’enfant. D’autre part, la lecture parent-enfant ainsi que l’exposition aux livres, des pratiques informelles, prédisaient le développement langagier de l’enfant, lequel contribuerait plus spécifiquement à la compréhension en lecture. L’hypothèse selon laquelle des processus de médiation sont impliqués a été proposé par plusieurs chercheurs mais, aucun n’avait testé formellement cette hypothèse. De plus, la contribution des pratiques parentales en littéracie était évaluée une seule fois, en maternelle ou au début de la première année du primaire, ce qui ne permettait pas d’identifier l’âge vers lequel il devient pertinent d’introduire l’enfant au monde littéraire. L’objectif du mémoire était donc d’évaluer formellement un modèle de double médiation à l’aide d’analyses acheminatoires tout en considérant l’exposition à la littéracie tout au long de la petite enfance. En accord avec les liens préférentiels suggérés dans la littérature, on a constaté que l’enseignement des lettres par les parents à 4 et 5 ans prédisent indirectement les habiletés en lecture (8 ans; décodage et compréhension en lecture) via leur contribution à la connaissance des lettres (5 ans). Également, le vocabulaire réceptif de l’enfant (5 ans) était un médiateur des contributions de la lecture parent-enfant à 2.5, 4 et 5 ans, à la compréhension en lecture (8 ans). Ce mémoire souligne l’importance d’initier les enfants à la littéracie en bas âge afin de supporter leur acquisition subséquente de la lecture.


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Tese de doutoramento em Psicologia, na especialidade de Psicologia das Organizações, do Trabalho e dos Recursos Humanos


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Cette recherche porte sur l'analyse causale de la réaction des travailleurs âgés aux nouveaux modes de gestion. Plus précisément, cette étude cherche à identifier certains facteurs personnels qui expliqueraient pourquoi les travailleurs âgés auraient une réaction moins favorable que les jeunes envers ces modes de gestion. A cet effet, la revue de littérature présentée au chapitre 2 ainsi que le cadre théorique décrit au chapitre 3 nous ont permis d'identifier trois variables qui semblent expliquer ladite réaction des travailleurs âgés. Pour tester l'existence des relations causales prédites (hypothèses de recherche), nous avons choisi l'approche de recherche connue sous le nom d'analyse des chemins de causalité (path analysis). Bien que nous ayons démontré statistiquement que l'âge a un impact négatif sur la réaction des travailleurs aux nouveaux modes de gestion, les trois variables sélectionnées (i.e. scolarité, motivation intrinsèque et engagement d'adhésion aux objectifs) ne sont vraisemblablement pas les variables qui expliquent cette relation négative. Il semblerait, selon nos résultats, que le principal facteur à la source de cette relation soit plutôt le besoin de sécurité et de stabilité qui augmente avec l'âge des individus.