894 resultados para party attachment
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Speaker(s): Prof. David Evans Organiser: Dr Tim Chown Time: 22/05/2014 10:45-11:45 Location: B53/4025 Abstract Secure multi-party computation enables two (or more) participants to reliably compute a function that depends on both of their inputs, without revealing those inputs to the other party or needing to trust any other party. It could enable two people who meet at a conference to learn who they known in common without revealing any of their other contacts, or allow a pharmaceutical company to determine the correct dosage of a medication based on a patient’s genome without compromising the privacy of the patient. A general solution to this problem has been known since Yao's pioneering work in the 1980s, but only recently has it become conceivable to use this approach in practice. Over the past few years, my research group has worked towards making secure computation practical for real applications. In this talk, I'll provide a brief introduction to secure computation protocols, describe the techniques we have developed to design scalable and efficient protocols, and share some recent results on improving efficiency and how secure computing applications are developed.
Resources created at University of Southampton for the module GIS for Health Care Management
Este estudio de caso se centra en los esfuerzos de China por reanudar los Six Party Talks o Diálogos a Seis Bandas que son considerados como la opción más viable para tratar la situación nuclear en la península coreana.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis del papel que juega la cultura en la construcción de la identidad partidista de los jóvenes pertenecientes a la organización “Nuevas Generaciones” del Partido conservador. La pertinencia de este tema radica en abordar el estudio de los partidos políticos desde una perspectiva poco desarrollada en Colombia como lo es la psicología política. Será una investigación de tipo cualitativa con un enfoque psicosocial que se desarrollará a través de un análisis teórico y trabajo de campo. Así, se hará uso de la teoría de la identidad social, desarrollada en los años 70 por Henri Tajfel y David Turner, cuyo objetivo principal ha sido el estudio de la identidad partidista. De esta manera, esta investigación permite evidenciar que la identidad partidista de los jóvenes del Partido Conservador se da a partir de un apego afectivo al Partido, por razones puramente culturales.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Es el cumpleaños de Spot y quiere jugar al escondite con sus amigos. Los niños muy pequeños pueden también jugar con Spot y ayudarle a encontrarlos, pues están ocultos bajo las solapas.
A la fiesta de Halloween estan invitados personajes cómo Ugly and Mug, el señor y la señora Beast, Sammy Skeleton, y han de seguir cada uno de ellos, y con tu ayuda, una ruta diferente para llegar allí. Incluye actividades lingüísticas muy distintas, y también, puzzles.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
This article explores how liberal politicians like Phil Burton of San Francisco joined with welfare rights lobbyists and bureaucrats to embrace late twntieth-century notions of sexual equality through a broader reconception of economic equality brought about by the expansion of the California welfare state in the early 1960s.
The book is a study of the New Party formed by Sir Oswald Mosley in 1931 following his leaving the Labour Party and prior to his forming the British Union of Fascists. It examines Mosley's transition from socialism to fascism within the wider context of British politics between the wars.
Horace's last Satire describes a disastrous dinner party hosted by the gourmet Nasidienus, which is ruined by a collapsing tapestry. The food served afterwards is presented in a dismembered state. This chapter argues that several elements of the scene recall the greedy Harpies of Apollonius' Argonautica, and that Horace's friend Virgil shows the influence of this Satire in his own Harpy-scene in Aeneid 3. It also argues that the confusion in the middle of the dinner causes the food cooking in the kitchen to be neglected and burned. This explains the state of the subsequent courses, which Nasidienus has salvaged from a separate disaster backstage.