994 resultados para operação de Ross
This paper presents the development and the main results for an interleaved boost rectifier operating as a special input power stage for a trolleybus type vehicle, allowing its feeding by alternate current (AC) or direct current (DC) distribution power systems. When feeding with two wires (single phase) alternate current distribution system, the converter accomplish active power factor correction, providing a relatively sinusoidal current with low total harmonic distortion (THD) and fully complying with IEC 61000-3-4 standards. In addition, a management control system promotes the required automatic operation changes for the proposed rectifier when the vehicle is changing from the DC distribution power system to the AC distribution power system and vice-versa, keeping its original electrical DC system characteristics for the adjustable speed driver sub-system. The main experimental results for a prototype rated at 150kW are presented, considering its application for a trolleybus with DC adjustable speed driver, demonstrating the proposed converter benefits and the possibility of AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle.
The study is intended to portray the experiment of mechanical engineering course academicians’ that work on health and labor security field, at the project “Primary Training of Operation and Operational Security of Agricultural Machines”, by practical and theoretical content for workers of a rural community, aiming operational security orientation on their work activities.
Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
The current paper had as its objective to analyze the precision planter's operational performance according to five different displacement velocities and two types of jumpers for planting no-tillage corn. The utilized experimental delineation consisted of blocks at random with parcels subdivided in factorial scheme 2x5, two types of jumpers (4 and 5 staples) and five different displacement velocities (3.0; 4.5; 5.0; 7.0 e 9.0 km h-1) with four repetitions and by applying the average comparation test, as for the jumpers effects as for the displacement velocities effects, to the significance level of 5%. It was evaluated the data concerned to the longitudinal distribution of plants, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, initial and final stand of plants, survival indices, mechanical harm on seeds, germination tests and grain production. It was also observed the planter displacement velocity effect of on variables as: longitudinal distribution of plants, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, initial and final stand of plants, mechanical harm and yield. The survival indice of plants were high for all the studied velocities and jumpers. Among the studied velocities, the one of 5.0 km h-1 presented the highest yield to both types of jumpers.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Com o objetivo de preservar e disseminar o acervo da Universidade de São Paulo, foi criada a Biblioteca de Obras Raras e Especiais. Contamos atualmente com cerca de 2500 obras digitalizadas em parceria com a Brasiliana USP e apoio da FAPESP. Estas obras estão disponibilizadas online, para consulta aberta pelo amplo público, promovendo assim acesso ao conhecimento. Utilizamos para isto o Corisco, uma plataforma desenvolvida por pesquisadores da Brasiliana USP baseada em DSpace, software de código aberto e com recursos que promovem a interoperabilidade com outras bases. O DSpace é atualmente o aplicativo de Repositório Digital de código aberto mais utilizado nas Universidades ao redor do mundo. As capturas originais em alta resolução das obras são armazenadas e indexadas para fins de preservação. Em outra frente, realiza-se o tratamento, compactação e reconhecimento ótico de caracteres nas imagens, para que então as obras possam ser disponibilizadas na internet com o recurso de busca no conteúdo. A consulta é livre e gratuita, garantindo assim, além da preservação, o acesso ao conhecimento pela comunidade acadêmica e público em geral.
In dieser Arbeit geht es um die Schätzung von Parametern in zeitdiskreten ergodischen Markov-Prozessen im allgemeinen und im CIR-Modell im besonderen. Beim CIR-Modell handelt es sich um eine stochastische Differentialgleichung, die von Cox, Ingersoll und Ross (1985) zur Beschreibung der Dynamik von Zinsraten vorgeschlagen wurde. Problemstellung ist die Schätzung der Parameter des Drift- und des Diffusionskoeffizienten aufgrund von äquidistanten diskreten Beobachtungen des CIR-Prozesses. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in das CIR-Modell verwenden wir die insbesondere von Bibby und Sørensen untersuchte Methode der Martingal-Schätzfunktionen und -Schätzgleichungen, um das Problem der Parameterschätzung in ergodischen Markov-Prozessen zunächst ganz allgemein zu untersuchen. Im Anschluss an Untersuchungen von Sørensen (1999) werden hinreichende Bedingungen (im Sinne von Regularitätsvoraussetzungen an die Schätzfunktion) für die Existenz, starke Konsistenz und asymptotische Normalität von Lösungen einer Martingal-Schätzgleichung angegeben. Angewandt auf den Spezialfall der Likelihood-Schätzung stellen diese Bedingungen zugleich lokal-asymptotische Normalität des Modells sicher. Ferner wird ein einfaches Kriterium für Godambe-Heyde-Optimalität von Schätzfunktionen angegeben und skizziert, wie dies in wichtigen Spezialfällen zur expliziten Konstruktion optimaler Schätzfunktionen verwendet werden kann. Die allgemeinen Resultate werden anschließend auf das diskretisierte CIR-Modell angewendet. Wir analysieren einige von Overbeck und Rydén (1997) vorgeschlagene Schätzer für den Drift- und den Diffusionskoeffizienten, welche als Lösungen quadratischer Martingal-Schätzfunktionen definiert sind, und berechnen das optimale Element in dieser Klasse. Abschließend verallgemeinern wir Ergebnisse von Overbeck und Rydén (1997), indem wir die Existenz einer stark konsistenten und asymptotisch normalen Lösung der Likelihood-Gleichung zeigen und lokal-asymptotische Normalität für das CIR-Modell ohne Einschränkungen an den Parameterraum beweisen.
The most ocean - atmosphere exchanges take place in polar environments due to the low temperatures which favor the absorption processes of atmospheric gases, in particular CO2. For this reason, the alterations of biogeochemical cycles in these areas can have a strong impact on the global climate. With the aim of contributing to the definition of the mechanisms regulating the biogeochemical fluxes we have analyzed the particles collected in the Ross Sea in different years (ROSSMIZE, BIOSESO 1 and 2, ROAVERRS and ABIOCLEAR projects) in two sites (mooring A and B). So it has been developed a more efficient method to prepare sediment trap samples for the analyses. We have also processed satellite data of sea ice, chlorophyll a and diatoms concentration. At both sites, in each year considered, there was a high seasonal and inter-annual variability of biogeochemical fluxes closely correlated with sea ice cover and primary productivity. The comparison between the samples collected at mooring A and B in 2008 highlighted the main differences between these two sites. Particle fluxes at Mooring A, located in a polynia area, are higher than mooring B ones and they happen about a month before. In the mooring B area it has been possible to correlate the particles fluxes to the ice concentration anomalies and with the atmospheric changes in response to El Niño Southern Oscillations. In 1996 and 1999, years subjected to La Niña, the concentrations of sea ice in this area have been less than in 1998, year subjected to El Niño. Inverse correlation was found for 2005 and 2008. In the mooring A area significant differences in mass and biogenic fluxes during 2005 and 2008 has been recorded. This allowed to underline the high variability of lateral advection processes and to connect them to the physical forcing.
OBJECTIVE: The Ross operation remains a controversially discussed procedure, because concern exists regarding late dilatation of the neoaortic root and progressive regurgitation of the autograft valve. We present our early experience with an external reinforcement of the autograft, which is inserted into a prosthetic Dacron graft with an artificial aortic root configuration. This detail should help to prevent neoaortic root dilatation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 2006 and 2007, 12 patients (mean age 16 +/- 38 years; range 15-38 years) underwent a Ross procedure by this technique. Indications were aortic regurgitation (n = 2), aortic stenosis (n = 5), and combined aortic stenosis and insufficiency (n = 5). A bicuspid aortic valve was present in 9 patients. Balloon valvuloplasty had been performed in 7 patients. Follow-up was performed by clinical and echocardiographic examinations. RESULTS: No early or late deaths occurred in this small series, and freedom from reoperation is 100%. Echocardiographic follow-up confirmed absence of aortic insufficiency in 11 patients after a mean of 11 months (range 2-30 months). In 1 patient, a small asymmetric regurgitation jet was already observed at discharge echocardiography. As expected, no neoaortic root dilatation was observed during follow-up. All patients are in New York Heart Association class I. CONCLUSIONS: The present technique is a simple and reproducible technical step that does not require significant additional time. Inclusion of the autograft within a root prosthesis may be especially indicated in situations known for late autograft dilatation, namely, bicuspid aortic valve, predominant aortic insufficiency, and ascending aortic enlargement.
BACKGROUND: This study reviews our experience with the Ross procedure in infants and young children. METHODS: From September 1993 to September 2004, 52 children less than 15 years of age underwent a Ross procedure. The patients ranged in age from 4 days to 15 years old (median, 5 years). Fifteen patients (29%) were less than 2 years of age. The predominant indication for the Ross procedure was aortic stenosis. Sixteen patients underwent a Ross-Konno procedure for severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Thirty-four patients had 48 previous interventions. Preoperatively, 6 patients showed severe left ventricular dysfunction, and 2 of the patients required ventilation and inotropic support. Concomitant procedures were performed in 8 patients. Three patients had a mitral valve replacement, 2 patients had a ventricular septal defect closure and an aortic arch reconstruction, 2 patients had aortic arch reconstructions, and 1 patient had resection of a coarctation and a ventricular septal defect closure. RESULTS: Patients were followed up for a median of 43 months (range, 1 to 130). Overall survival was 85% +/- 5% at 1 and 82% +/- 5% at 2, 5, and 10 years. Hospital mortality was 5 of 52 patients (9.6%). All deaths occurred in neonates or infants less than 2 months of age, who needed urgent surgery. Three patients died late of noncardiac causes. At last follow-up, all patients were classified in New York Heart Association functional class I or II. No patient had endocarditis of the autograft or the right ventricular outflow tract replacement. During the follow-up, no event of thrombembolism was observed. No patient required the insertion of a permanent pacemaker. Overall freedom from reoperation is 57% +/- 15% at 10 years. One patient required the replacement of the autograft at 6 months postoperatively. The development of mild aortic insufficiency was observed in 24 patients, and moderate aortic insufficiency in 1 patient during follow-up. Freedom from reoperation for the right ventricular outflow tract replacement is 60% +/- 15% at 10 years. CONCLUSIONS: The Ross procedure represents an attractive approach to aortic valve disease in young children. However, a high early mortality rate has to be considered when performing this procedure in neonates or infants who present in critical preoperative condition.