940 resultados para one-day rain disaggregation


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est de dresser un portrait de l’évolution du recours à la détention provisoire au Québec depuis 2002 jusqu’à 2012, pour ensuite préciser les caractéristiques des personnes prévenues en comparaison à celles détenues tel qu’elles se dessinent en 2012, pour la population générale en détention dans les institutions carcérales de juridiction provinciale au Québec, et pour les populations spécifiques que forment les femmes et les personnes autochtones en regard de leur proportion dans la population générale. Pour ce faire, les tendances actuelles en matière de recours à la détention provisoire sont établies et comparées à celle de 2002. Aussi, un portrait des personnes en détention provisoire au Québec en 2011-2012 est dressé à partir de certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques et criminelles liées à la détention provisoire selon les écrits précédents sur la question. Ce portrait est comparé à celui des personnes incarcérées dans les mêmes institutions suite à une condamnation à une peine de prison de deux ans moins un jour ou moins. Par la suite, des analyses bivariées sont effectuées dans le but de comprendre la relation entre la détention provisoire et l’issue du processus pénal, qui consiste, dans la présente étude, à la condamnation à une sentence de détention ou une sentence autre des personnes admises en détention provisoire dans un premier temps. Des analyses de régression logistiques viennent préciser quelles variables permettent le plus clairement de prédire l’imposition d’une sentence de détention aux personnes prévenues dans les institutions carcérales provinciales, au Québec en 2012. Les résultats de nos analyses indiquent qu’il y a une surreprésentation des hommes et des Autochtones en détention provisoire au Québec. De plus, certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques et criminelles se révèlent significativement liées à la condamnation à la détention comme le fait d’être un prévenu d’origine autochtone, de posséder des antécédents judiciaires, d’avoir commis un ou des délits de système et de faire partie d’un groupe criminel. Il s’agit du même coup de bons prédicteurs de l’imposition d’une sentence de prison suivant la détention provisoire. Lorsqu’un individu cumule ces caractéristiques, il fera face à une sentence d’incarcération dans le trois quarts des cas. Finalement, il apparaît que malgré la volonté exprimée de longue date et reprise à l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi C-25 de faire de la détention provisoire une mesure de dernier recours, le recours à cette mesure ne cesse de croître, alors même que la détention découlant d’une condamnation paraît diminuer, ce qui se traduit par un rapport de plus en plus disproportionné entre personnes prévenues et personnes condamnées au sein des prisons du Québec, le ratio jouant en défaveur des personnes prévenues.


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Oceans play a vital role in the global climate system. They absorb the incoming solar energy and redistribute the energy through horizontal and vertical transports. In this context it is important to investigate the variation of heat budget components during the formation of a low-pressure system. In 2007, the monsoon onset was on 28th May. A well- marked low-pressure area was formed in the eastern Arabian Sea after the onset and it further developed into a cyclone. We have analysed the heat budget components during different stages of the cyclone. The data used for the computation of heat budget components is Objectively Analyzed air-sea flux data obtained from WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) project. Its horizontal resolution is 1° × 1°. Over the low-pressure area, the latent heat flux was 180 Wm−2. It increased to a maximum value of 210 Wm−2 on 1st June 2007, on which the system was intensified into a cyclone (Gonu) with latent heat flux values ranging from 200 to 250 Wm−2. It sharply decreased after the passage of cyclone. The high value of latent heat flux is attributed to the latent heat release due to the cyclone by the formation of clouds. Long wave radiation flux is decreased sharply from 100 Wm−2 to 30 Wm−2 when the low-pressure system intensified into a cyclone. The decrease in long wave radiation flux is due to the presence of clouds. Net heat flux also decreases sharply to −200 Wm−2 on 1st June 2007. After the passage, the flux value increased to normal value (150 Wm−2) within one day. A sharp increase in the sensible heat flux value (20 Wm−2) is observed on 1st June 2007 and it decreased there- after. Short wave radiation flux decreased from 300 Wm−2 to 90 Wm−2 during the intensification on 1st June 2007. Over this region, short wave radiation flux sharply increased to higher value soon after the passage of the cyclone.


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A distinct cold tongue has recently been noticed in the South China Sea during the winter monsoon, with the cold tongue temperature minimum occurring in the January or February. This cold tongue shows signi¯cant links with the Maritime Continent's rainfall during the winter period. The cold tongue and its interaction with the Maritime Continent's weather were studied using Reynolds SST data, wind ¯elds from the NCEP{NCAR reanalysis dataset and the quikSCAT dataset. In addition, rainfall from the GOES Precipitation Index (GPI) for the periods 2000 to 2008 was also used. The propagation of the cold tongue towards the south is explained using wind dynamics and the western boundary current. During the period of strong cold tongue, the surface wind is strong and the western boundary current advects the cold tongue to the south. During the period of strong winds the zonal gradient of SST is high [0.5±C (25 km)¡1]. The cold tongue plays an important role in regulating the climate over the Maritime Continent. It creates a zonal/meridional SST gradient and this gradient ultimately leads in the formation of convection. Hence, two maximum precipitation zones are found in the Maritime Continent, with a zone of relatively lower precipitation between, which coincides with the cold tongue's regions. It was found that the precipitation zones have strong links with the intensity of the cold tongue. During stronger cold tongue periods the precipitation on either side of the cold tongue is considerably greater than during weaker cold tongue periods. The features of convection on the eastern and western sides of the cold tongue behave di®erently. On the eastern side convection is preceded by one day with SST gradient, while on the western side it is four days.


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Phenol is an aromatic hydrocarbon which exists as a colorless or white solid in its pure state. Over the past several decades, there is growing concern about wide spread contamination of surface and ground water by phenol, due to rapid development of chemical and petrochemical industries. Phenol affects aquatic life even at relatively low concentration (5-25mg/L). Treatment for removal of phenol includes chemical as well as biological processes. Studies show that ligninases such as Lignin Peroxidase and Laccase, produced by Pleurotus sp., can degrade phenol. Spent substrate of Pleurotus mushrooms consists of ligninases. Present work was to investigate the potential of spent substrate of edible mushroom P. ostreatus for biodegradation of phenol. P. ostreatus was cultivated on paddy straw. After harvest, spent substrate was utilized for phenol degradation. According to the enzyme profile of two ligninases present in the spent substrate of P. ostreatus, maximum specific activity for Laccase was observed in 35 day old spent substrate and LiP activity was maximum in 56 day old spent substrate, which together contributed significantly for removal of phenol. Spent substrate of 35th and 56th day were each incubated with phenol sample (1:1w/v) for one day, which resulted in degradation of phenol by 48% and 45% respectively. From these results it appears that, spent substrate of P. ostreatus can be used effectively to remove phenol from industrial effluents


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Die Aminosäure-Sequenzierung an dem als "28 kDa-Thioredoxin f" beschriebenen Protein aus der Grünalge Scenedesmus obliquus hat gezeigt, dass dieses Protein mit dem als OEE bekannten Protein 1 aus dem Photosystem II identisch ist. Die früher postulierte Möglichkeit einer Fusion eines Thioredoxins mit einem Protein unbekannter Natur oder Insertion eines Thioredoxinfragments mit der typischen -Trp-Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys-Sequenz in ein solches Protein hat sich nicht bestätigt. Durch Anwendung einer auf das 33 kDa OEE-Protein ausgerichteten Präparationsmethode konnte gezeigt werden, dass das "28 kDa-Trx f" tatsächlich in den Thylakoidmembranen lokalisiert ist. Das Protein kann so innerhalb eines Tages in hoher Reinheit aus den Thylakoidmembranfragmenten eines Algenrohhomogenats isoliert werden; dabei bleibt die Fähigkeit des OEE-Proteins das chloroplastidäre Enzym Fructosebisphosphatase (FbPase) zu stimulieren erhalten. Mit gleichen Methoden wurden die Grünalgen Chlorella vulgaris und Chlamydomonas reinhardtii auf außergewöhnliche Proteine mit Trx-f Aktivität untersucht. Die hitze- und säurestabile Proteinfraktion aus Chlorella vulgaris enthält ein Protein mit vergleichbarer Molmasse von 26 kDa, das ähnlich wie in Scenedesmus eine Stimulation der chloroplastidären Fructosebisphosphatase zeigt. In dem hitze- und säurestabilen Proteinextrakt aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wird solche Aktivität nicht beobachtet. Eine Probe des rekombinanten, homogenen OEE-Proteins aus Spinat wurde auf Stimulation der chloroplastidären FbPase und NADPH-abhängigen Malatdehydrogenase (MDH) untersucht. Das Spinat OEE-Protein 1 zeigt mit diesen Enzymen keine Aktivität. Da das OEE-Protein 1 in Scenedesmus starke FbPase-Stimulation zeigt, die anderen Scenedesmus-Thioredoxine mit Molmassen von 12 kDa (Trx I und II) jedoch hohe Aktivität mit der zellulären Ribonucleotidreduktase zeigen, wird postuliert, dass das OEE-Protein die Funktion des Trx-f in vivo ersetzt.


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We describe a system that learns from examples to recognize people in images taken indoors. Images of people are represented by color-based and shape-based features. Recognition is carried out through combinations of Support Vector Machine classifiers (SVMs). Different types of multiclass strategies based on SVMs are explored and compared to k-Nearest Neighbors classifiers (kNNs). The system works in real time and shows high performance rates for people recognition throughout one day.


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Introduction: Dysmenorrhea has a prevalence between 60 and 93%. Different factors have been associated with it, such as age at menarche, body mass index, exercise, smoking and maternal history of dysmenorrhea, among others. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted, based on an anonymous survey applied to a random sample of 127 women from the school of medicine and psychology at the Universidad Del Rosario. Results: The prevalence of  dysmenorrhea was 73%. 67% of participants presenting with menstrual pain, reported having taken pain relief medication (66.7% self medicated). 32.5% of respondents with dysmenorrhea were absent from their academic or social work, with a percentage of school absenteeism due to pain of 74.5% in at least one day. The risk of dysmenorrhoea was 2.36 times higher in women who had mothers with this history (OR = 2.36, 95% CI 1.03 to 5.40). No associations with other factors were found. Conclusions: Dysmenorrhea is a disease with a high prevalence and significant impact on school absenteeism. Maternal history of dysmenorrhea was the only factor positively associated in this study.


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Introducción: El dolor posoperatorio no controlado es un predictor de dolor severo. La trayectoria de dolor durante la primera hora podría predecir el curso del dolor durante las primeras 24 horas. El control temprano del dolor posoperatorio facilita el manejo analgésico durante el primer día y mejora la experiencia del paciente, facilitando su recuperación y rehabilitación. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la trayectoria del dolor en la primera hora y durante las 24 horas post-operatorias. Material y métodos: Estudio analítico observacional prospectivo de 234 pacientes llevados a procedimientos quirúrgicos bajo anestesia general. Se registraron 8 intesidades de dolor durante las 24 horas. Se calcularon las pendientes y se estableció la relación entre ellas. Resultados: El 31,3% de pacientes tenían dolor no controlado al ingreso a recuperación. La intensidad del dolor al inicio se correlaciona de forma negativa con la trayectoria de la primera hora P1 rS= -0,657 (p=0.000). La intensidad de dolor inicial tiene una asociación negativa con P2 de rS= -0.141 (p=0.032). Al compararse las pendientes P1 y P2 y se encontró una correlación negativa muy baja rS= -0.126 (p=0.056). Conclusiones: Uno de cada tres pacientes presenta dolor severo durante el posoperatorio agudo. La trayectoria del dolor en la primera hora no permite predecir el comportamiento de la trayectoria durante el primer día posoperatorio. El comportamiento del dolor está relacionado con la intensidad al final de la anestesia. Cuando el dolor inicial es severo alcanzar la meta analgésica tarda más tiempo.


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Introducción: El trasplante hepático ortotópico es la colocación de un nuevo hígado en la misma ubicación del explantado. El objetivo es prolongar la duración y la calidad de vida en pacientes con enfermedades hepáticas terminales. Sin embargo, las infecciones bacterianas son una complicación en los pacientes receptores del trasplante, comprometiendo el éxito del procedimiento. El objetivo fue determinar los factores asociados a infecciones bacterianas en el primer mes tras realizada la intervención y describir las características demográficas de esa población. De 332 trasplantes realizados, que 262 cumplieron criterios para el análisis. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte, en mayores de 18 años, receptores de trasplante hepático primario, de la FCI-IC de 2005 a 2014; excluyendo trasplante combinado hígado riñón, retrasplantes o fallecidos por causa diferente a la infecciosa durante el primer mes. Resultados: Se encontró que la ventilación mecánica por más de 1 día, el catéter venoso central mayor de 3 días son los principales factores de riesgo para infecciones bacterianas. La albúmina mayor de 2,6gr/dl se asoció a menor infección. Los agentes etiológicos predominantes fueron gérmenes gram negativos como E. coli, K. pneumonia y E. cloacae. Mientras que bacteremia, infección urinaria y peritonitis fueron las infecciones más frecuentes. La incidencia de infección bacteriana en esta población fue 24%. Discusión: Se recomienda por tanto extubación antes de 24 horas, uso de catéter central menor de 3 días y limitar el uso del catéter vesical.


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Conocer los niveles de actividad física de los adolescentes de la provincia de Teruel (12-18 años), a través de una estimación del gasto energético medio diario realizado. Categorización posterior de dichos niveles, a partir de la agrupación de los valores del gasto energético. Conocer el gasto energético y los niveles de actividad física según diversas variables demográficas y periodos de registro (Invierno-Primavera y Jornada escolar-Fin de semana), comprobando las variaciones en su caso. Todo ello para contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida y la salud. La población objeto de estudio es la constituida por los alumnos de entre 12 y 18 años de todos los centros escolares de la provincia de Teruel (9560 alumnos repartidos por 103 centros). La muestra final quedó conformada por 367 escolares, estratificándola según diferentes variables. La recogida de datos se ha realizado mediante una adaptación de la encuesta de recuerdo 'Four by one-day physical activity questionaire', elaborada por Lorraine Cale. Dicho cuestionario valora todas las dimensiones de la actividad física, por medio de la estimación del gasto de energía total. Se recoge la información en cuatro ocasiones, dos en temporada de invierno y dos en temporada de primavera-verano. Posteriormente se clasificó a los sujetos en cuatro niveles de actividad (activos, moderadamente activos, inactivos y muy inactivos), de acuerdo a los valores del gasto energético obtenidos. Variables utilizadas: sexo, edad, tipo de centro y medio en el que se vive. Encuesta de recuerdo 'Four by one-day physical activity questionaire'. Los resultados generales reflejan que los adolescentes de la provincia de Teruel realizan un gasto energético medio de 38,65 Kcal-kg-día. Al agrupar los valores del gasto energético, el 57,2 por ciento de los escolares son considerados como activos o moderadamente activos frente al 42,8 por ciento restante de inactivos y muy inactivos. Sólo una quinta parte de las mujeres son catalogadas como activas, frente a practicamente la mitad de los hombres. No se han encontrado diferencias significativas respecto a la edad. Los jóvenes del medio urbano realizan un gasto energético mayor que los del medio rural. La actividad física experimenta variaciones según la época del año y el día de la semana. Se realiza más actividad en primavera que en invierno y durante el fin de semana que en la jornada escolar. Los resultados muestran altos índices de inactividad en la población estudiada, aunque dichos índices son inferiores a los encontrados en otras poblaciones en las que se ha utilizado una metodología similar. Es necesario, por tanto, potenciar la actividad física entre los adolescentes, y especialmente en las mujeres, para que puedan disfrutar los múltiples beneficios que la práctica de ésta conlleva.


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Would a research assistant - who can search for ideas related to those you are working on, network with others (but only share the things you have chosen to share), doesn’t need coffee and who might even, one day, appear to be conscious - help you get your work done? Would it help your students learn? There is a body of work showing that digital learning assistants can be a benefit to learners. It has been suggested that adaptive, caring, agents are more beneficial. Would a conscious agent be more caring, more adaptive, and better able to deal with changes in its learning partner’s life? Allow the system to try to dynamically model the user, so that it can make predictions about what is needed next, and how effective a particular intervention will be. Now, given that the system is essentially doing the same things as the user, why don’t we design the system so that it can try to model itself in the same way? This should mimic a primitive self-awareness. People develop their personalities, their identities, through interacting with others. It takes years for a human to develop a full sense of self. Nobody should expect a prototypical conscious computer system to be able to develop any faster than that. How can we provide a computer system with enough social contact to enable it to learn about itself and others? We can make it part of a network. Not just chatting with other computers about computer ‘stuff’, but involved in real human activity. Exposed to ‘raw meaning’ – the developing folksonomies coming out of the learning activities of humans, whether they are traditional students or lifelong learners (a term which should encompass everyone). Humans have complex psyches, comprised of multiple strands of identity which reflect as different roles in the communities of which they are part – so why not design our system the same way? With multiple internal modes of operation, each capable of being reflected onto the outside world in the form of roles – as a mentor, a research assistant, maybe even as a friend. But in order to be able to work with a human for long enough to be able to have a chance of developing the sort of rich behaviours we associate with people, the system needs to be able to function in a practical and helpful role. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to get a free ride from many people (other than its developer!) – so it needs to be able to perform a useful role, and do so securely, respecting the privacy of its partner. Can we create a system which learns to be more human whilst helping people learn?


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This group, which is concerned with the applications of mathematics to agricultural science, was formed in 1970 and has since met at approximately yearly intervals in London for one-day meetings. The thirty-ninth meeting of the group, chaired by Professor N. Crout of the University of Nottingham, was held in the Kohn Centre at the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London on Friday, 30 March 2007 when the following papers were read.


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1. A total of 240 Shaver White and 240 ISA Brown pullets that had been reared in multi-bird cages on a 10-h photoperiod, and maintained at a light intensity of 3 or 25 lux, or changed from 3 to 25 lux or from 25 to 3 lux at 9 or 16 weeks of age, were moved into individual-bird cages at 20 weeks and transferred to 15-h photoperiods at 25 lux. 2. In both breeds, birds transferred from 3 to 25 lux at 16 or 20 weeks laid significantly more eggs than birds maintained on the brighter intensity from one day or increased to it at 9 weeks. 3. Mean egg weight, shell deformation, albumen height, feed intake and body weight gain in lay were not significantly affected by the light intensity treatments during the rearing period. There was, however, a small, but significant, negative correlation of egg numbers with mean egg weight, although this only partially explained the difference in egg numbers. The differences in egg production were unrelated to rate of sexual maturation.


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Changes occurring in the viability of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica during the preparation and cold storage of Domiati cheese, Kariesh cheese and ice-cream were examined. A significant decrease in numbers was observed after whey drainage during the manufacture of Domiati cheese, but Salmonella remained viable for 13 weeks in cheeses prepared from milks with between 60 and 100 g/L NaCl; the viability declined in Domiati cheese made from highly salted milk during the later stages of storage. The method of coagulation used in the preparation of Kariesh cheese affected the survival time of the pathogen, and it varied from 2 to 3 weeks in cheeses made with a slow-acid coagulation method to 4-5 weeks for an acid-rennet coagulation method. This difference was attributed to the higher salt-in-moisture levels and lower pH values of Kariesh cheese prepared by the slow-acid coagulation method. A slight decrease in the numbers of Salmonella resulted from ageing ice-cream mix for 24 h at 0degreesC, but a greater reduction was evident after one day of frozen storage at -20degreesC. The pathogen survived further frozen storage for four months without any substantial change in numbers.