833 resultados para newborns
Perinatal bacterial infection may be caused by any microorganism colonizing the vaginal tract. Neonatologists and paediatricians are especially concerned about group B Stretpococcus (GBS). However, Enterobactereacea, mainly E.coli and Proteus, are also responsible for infection. GBS screening may be accomplished in over 90% of pregnant women. In our maternity in 2007-2008, 85% of the mothers had been screened. Screening and prophylaxis were responsible for a decreasing incidence of neonatal infection - from 0.6/1000 to 0.15/1000 live births in Portugal, from 2002 to 2007. However there are some difficulties related to screening. In the second Portuguese study 16/57 NB with early-onset infection (28%) were born to “negative” mothers. Several factors illustrate how difficult is to draw national screening policies: a wide range of carrier’s state rate throughout a country - in Portugal from 12% to 30%. The success of any screening policy may also be affected by additional technical and organizational problems. In countries where home delivery is a tradition or a trend intrapartum GBS prophylaxis requires a very well organized assistance.. Moreover factors usually accepted as protective are not so effective. In the Portuguese study 24/57 infected newborns (42%) were delivery by caesarean section. Another subject deals with the workload in the postnatal ward generated by deficient compliance to the guidelines a problem not confirm by a study of our group. Decreasing the importance of GBS, highlight the importance of E. coli in perinatal infection. From the 16 340 registrations of the National Registry 1676 were newborns with mother-related infection. Applying the same reasoning to E.coli as to GBS and Listeria monocytogenes – that is considering all of them are of maternal origin - 6.7% of these infections were due to E. coli, 4.6% to SGB and 0.5% to Listeria monocytogenes. In conclusion screening and prophylaxis may be not the best way to prevent all GBS neonatal infections but by now it is the only available procedure. The other bacteria continue to demand a high suspicion level and immediate intervention.
A significant number of Brazilian gestational-age women are still not tested for HIV, representing a high risk of transmission to their newborns. The current study sought to identify the number of pregnant women with no previous testing or undocumented for HIV referred to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of a Regional Teaching Hospital and included diagnosis of HIV infection determined by a rapid test and perinatal transmission in pregnancy. Medical records of all pregnant women admitted to hospital from January 2001 to December 2005 were reviewed. Pregnant women without HIV results were submitted to a rapid HIV test. Those who tested positive were further tested by ELISA and confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIA) or Western blot (WB). The viral load from babies born to HIV-infected mothers was assessed by bDNA. Of the 16,424 pregnant women analyzed (6.6%), 1,089 were undocumented for HIV. Eleven women were positive in rapid testing and 10 were confirmed by ELISA, IIA or WB, with 0.9% seropositivity. Mother/infant pairs received zidovudine monotherapy prophylaxis and infant viral load was lower than 50 copies/mL. A higher number of pregnant women previously tested for HIV during antenatal care was verified, compared to that obtained nationwide.
Objectives: To assess induced labor-associated perinatal infection risk at Hospital D.Estefânia from January to June of 2010 at Hospital de D. Estefânia’s delivery rooms, reviewing the indications for inducing labor as well as the techniques used. Material and Methods: Performing an historical prospective study searching the clinical processes as well as the mother and newborn’s computer database from January to June of 2010. An exposed and an unexposed group were created; the first group comprises pregnant women and their newborns whose labor was induced. The unexposed group is constituted by newborns and pregnant women whose labor was spontaneous. Labor induction was performed using intra-vaginal prostaglandins in women who didn’t start it spontaneously; perinatal infection was defined either clinically or using blood tests. The gestational age was ≥ 37 weeks for both groups. 19 variables were studied for both groups. Results: A total of 190 mother-newborn pairs were included: 55 in the exposed group and 135 in the unexposed group. 3 cases of perinatal infection were reported, two in the exposed group and one in the unexposed group. Preliminary data resulted in a perinatal infection rate of 3.6% in the exposed group and 0.7% in the unexposed group; preliminary data suggest that the risk of perinatal infection may be increased in up to 5-fold when labor is inducted. Conclusions: A larger series of patients and a multivariable analysis using logistic regression are both necessary in order to perform a more thorough assessment of labor induction’s role in perinatal infection risk. One must also try to distinguish labor inducing- and clinical practicesrelated factors.
RESUMO: Nas últimas quatro décadas, desenvolveram-se vários estudos, dispersos por todo o mundo, visando analisar a importância da transmissão perinatal do CMV pelo leite materno, nos recém-nascidos prematuros e de baixo peso à nascença. Comparando estes estudos, as taxas de incidência de infecção e doença são extremamente variáveis, não havendo consenso entre os autores. Surgiu, assim, a necessidade de realizar a presente dissertação, pioneira ao nível nacional, com o objectivo de determinar a incidência da infecção perinatal citomegálica, transmitida através do aleitamento materno a recémnascidos prematuros, e identificar as suas consequências clínicas. Para a elaboração deste trabalho foram seleccionados todos os recém-nascidos com idade gestacional inferior a 35 semanas e respectivas mães seropositivas para CMV, internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos de Neonatalogia do Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, entre o período de 1 de Outubro de 2010 e 31 Julho de 2011. Foram analisadas as urinas dos recém-nascidos e o leite materno das mães na primeira, sexta e décima segunda semana pós-parto, utilizando a técnica de Nested-PCR e, posteriormente, a PCR em Tempo Real, para determinar a carga viral do leite materno. Constatou-se que a aquisição da infecção perinatal de CMV no recém-nascido prematuro ocorre com alguma frequência (40,5%), sendo muito provável que a via de transmissão em 38,1% destes casos seja o leite materno infectado, não devendo esta ser desvalorizada. Relativamente às consequências clínicas, não foram observadas alterações clínico-laboratoriais associadas à infecção citomegálica. Analisando os factores que condicionam a transmissão da infecção citomegálica perinatal, estabeleceu-se uma correlação entre a carga viral do leite materno e a transmissão do vírus, permitindo deduzir que quanto maior a carga viral, maior o risco de transmissão. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos sugerem que o risco de transmissão da infecção e suas consequências clínicas não justificam a contra-indicação da amamentação, pois esta comporta, também, elevados benefícios. ----------------ABSTRACT: In the last four decades, several studies were developed all over the world to analyze the importance of CMV perinatal transmission through mother´s milk in the preterm and low birthweight newborns. Comparing these studies, the infection and disease incidence rates are extremely variable, without agreement between the authors. The aim of this study, the first of the kind made in Portugal, is to define the rate of perinatal cytomegalovirus infection in preterm newborns via breastfeeding and its clinical consequences. All the newborns with gestational age below 35 weeks and their CMV seropositive mothers, admitted between the October 1, 2010 and July 31, 2011 in the Neonatology Intensive Care Unit of the São Francisco Xavier Hospital, were included in this study. Human breast milk and urine specimens were collected from mothers and their preterms infants around the 1st, 6th and 12th week after delivery and analyzed by Nested-PCR. The PCR in Real Time was used to determine the breast milk viral load. It was found that the CMV perinatal infection in preterm infants occurs in 40,5% of the cases and most likely 38,1% of these were infected via breastmilk and therefore this should not be overlooked. Considering the clinical consequences, no clinical and laboratory changes associated with cytomegalovirus infection were observed. Analyzing the factors that determine the perinatal transmission of the cytomegalovirus, it was established a correlation between breast milk viral load and viral transmission, allowing to conclude that the higher the viral load the greater the risk of transmission. Finally, the obtained results suggest that the risk of CMV infection and its clinical consequences don´t justify the breastfeeding contraindication because it also provides high benefits.
Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii and may be acquired from food or water contaminated with cat feces or by vertical transmission. Severe fetal complications can overcome during pregnancy. There are also rare case-reports of congenital toxoplasmosis from previously immunized pregnant women; usually these women being had prior retinal toxoplasmic lesions. Immunosuppresion is one of the risk factors which accounts for some of these cases. Case report: 30 year-old pregnant woman, OI 2002, brazilian, previously healthy, admitted in Ophtalmology Department because of sudden left eye amaurosis in June, 2010. The fundoscopy revealed retinal scars suggesting previous infections; she was treated with corticoids and spiramycin for ocular toxoplasmosis reactivation. Previous serum analysis (2008) showed immunity to T. Gondii, but in July the IgM was negative and high levels of specific IgG were found (1227UI/mL). The serologic findings were later confirmed by a more accurate laboratory technique which found the IgM to be also positive. An amniocentesis was performed and it was negative for fetal transmission. Clinical and ultrasound follow-up throughout the rest of the gestational period was normal; daily spiramycin intake was maintained. An uneventful term delivery was performed. Neither the newborn’s serum analysis nor the histopathological study of the placenta were positive for congenital infection. Conclusion: Toxoplasmosis reactivation in pregnant women without immunosuppression is rare but is more likely to occur if previous post-infectious retinal scars are present. T. gondii infection is endemic in Brazil, so the geographical origin is important. If risk factors are present, fundoscopy should be performed every three months during pregnancy and one should always be aware of any visual symptoms. If you suspect reactivation, start medical prophylaxis for fetal transmission, perform amniocentesis and regular ultrasound follow-up.
Portuguese health care system was created in 1979. It is universal and for free. Expenses are supported by the State through taxes. The modern perinatal care system started by the end of 1970. The first neonatal intensive care units were created in 1980, the Portuguese Neonatal Society in 1985 and the National Neonatal Transport System in 1987. Until the seventies of twentieth century and even during eighties there were more than 200 hospitals with deliveries, a great part without obstetrician or paediatrician, a great percentage of pregnancies had no prenatal care, there were few neonatal intensive care units and perinatal mortality rate was one of the highest in the European countries. In 1987 an Experts Committee was nominated by the Health Ministry aiming to collect and analyse data on perinatal care and to suggest improvements. The Report resulting from this work is the main document on which is based the reform. The reform was a 9 years program in 3 years stages aiming to close hospitals with less than 1500 deliveries/year, to reclassify hospitals, to create Coordinating Units between health centres and hospitals, to equip neonatal intensive and intermediate care units, to define needs of obstetricians, paediatricians and nurses for each centre and to promote specialised training in neonatology for paediatricians and nurses. Levels of perinatal care were defined as well as localization of each level of hospital according to the number of deliveries in one geographic area, geographic difficulties and existing routes and connections. Steps for opening and closure of different levels of hospitals were very well programmed. The organization, capacities, number of obstetricians, neonatologists and nurses as well as equipment for each level of care was defined. Rules for pregnant women and newborns transfer from level II to level III hospitals were also well described. A specific training is neonatology was created starting in 1990. This organization resulted in an impressive decrease in mortality rates at all levels and still it is the policy we have today.
In children, vertical transmission is the main form of HIV infection. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of HIV-1 vertical transmission in mother-infant pairs in a public maternity ward in Presidente Prudente, SP. Additionally; we sought to identify characteristics associated with this form of transmission. The files of 86 HIV-1-infected mothers and their newborns referred to a Public Hospital from March 2002 to March 2007 were analyzed. The HIV-1-RNA viral load of the newborns was determined by bDNA. The HIV-1 vertical-transmission rate was 4.6%. Children that were born in the pre-term period and breastfed were at a higher risk of HIV-1 infection (p = 0.005 and p = 0.017 respectively) than children born at term and not breastfed. Prophylactic therapy with zidovudine after birth for newborns was associated with a lower risk of infection (p = 0.003). The number of newborns weighing < 2,500 g was significantly higher for infected children (p = 0.008) than for non-infected newborns. About 22.9% of mothers did not know the HIV-1 status of their newborns eight months after delivery. The study suggests that it is necessary to increase the identification of HIV-1 infection in pregnant women and their newborns as well as to offer and explain the benefits of ARV prophylaxis.
Pregnancy loss is the most common obstetric complication. Multiple factors have been associated with recurrent or sporadic pregnancy loss, and genetic factors, particularly at earlier gestational ages, are the most important ones. The proportion of miscarriages due to chromosomal factors decreases with increasing gestational age. The most common chromosomal abnormalities in early losses are autosomal trisomies, monosomy X and polyploidy. In later losses, aneuploidies are similar to those found in live newborns (trisomies 21,18 and 13, X monosomy and polysomy of sex chromosomes. In cases of recurrent miscarriage the most common cytogenetic changes are trisomies, polyploidy, monosomy X and unbalanced translocations. Identification of the causes of pregnancy loss facilitates the families’ grief and may indicate if there is the risk of repetition, in order to reduce recurrence. The investigation recommended in each case is far from consensual, and the cost/benefit analysis of diagnostic exams is essential. The determination of the karyotype of the products of conception is indicated in cases of fetal loss and recurrent miscarriage, while the parental karyotypes should be performed only in selected cases. Couples with identified genetic conditions should be counseled about reproductive options, including prenatal or pre-implantation diagnosis. Surveillance of a future pregnancy should be multidisciplinary and adjusted in each case. The cytogenetic factors, due to their high prevalence and complexity, have a fundamental, but still not completely clear, role in pregnancy loss.
Introdução: Os serviços de urgência pediátrica são ambientes particularmente deletérios para os recém-nascidos. A identifica - ção precoce da doença neste grupo é fundamental, uma vez que o atraso diagnóstico pode estar associado a consequências graves. A maioria dos sistemas de triagem utilizados nos serviços de urgência pediátrica não possui algoritmos específicos para os recém-nascidos. Este estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar os recém-nascidos que recorreram ao serviço de urgência pediátrica, analisar a sua categorização pelo Sistema de Triagem de Manchester e identificar fatores de risco associados ao internamento. Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo efetuado pela análise dos dados de recém-nascidos admitidos no serviço de urgência pediátrica no ano de 2012. Resultados: Foram incluídos 779 recém-nascidos com idade média de 16,78 dias. Os principais diagnósticos de admissão foram as infeções respiratórias (21,9%) e a cólica do lactente (21%). Ficaram internados 22,2%, sendo os principais motivos as infe - ções respiratórias baixas (19,7%), os episódios de apparent life threatening event (15%) e as gastroenterites agudas (10,8%). A presença de hipoxemia e a realização de exames complementares no serviço de urgência pediátrica associaram-se a maior taxa de internamento (p = 0,001), assim como a atribuição de nível de prioridade “urgente”, “muito urgente” ou “emergente” pelo Sistema de Triagem de Manchester (p = 0,001). Discussão: O recurso dos recém-nascidos ao serviço de urgência pediátrica neste hospital ocorre maioritariamente por situa- ções de doença aguda. Os diagnósticos de admissão mais frequentes apresentam pouca gravidade clínica, já que contribuem pouco para o número de internamentos. Verifica-se uma correlação entre o nível de prioridade atribuído pelo Sistema de Triagem de Manchester e a necessidade de internamento neste grupo etário.
Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is a rare multisystem disease, X linked dominant disorder. As all X linked dominant diseases, it is usually male-lethal. Female newborn admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit on the fi rst day of life was diagnosed as having probable herpetic infection with vesicular skin lesions distributed on upper right limb and inferior limbs. Family history showed that her 22-year-old mother had hypopigmented lesions on the lower limbs and her 13-month-old sister had hyperpigmented lesions on the trunk and limbs. In newborns, herpes infection emerges as the principal diagnosis of vesicular rash, due to the importance of precocious diagnosis and treatment. Other hypothesis must be considered in a newborn with vesicobullous rash, such as IP.
This study aimed to determine the existence of blood vessels within ganglia of the myenteric plexus of the human esophagus and colon. At necropsy, 15 stillborns, newborns and children up to two years of age, with no gastrointestinal disorders, were examined. Rings of the esophagus and colon were analyzed and then fixed in formalin and processed for paraffin. Histological sections were stained by hematoxylin-eosin, Giemsa and immunohistochemistry for the characterization of endothelial cells, using antibodies for anti-factor VIII and CD31. Blood vessels were identified within the ganglia of the myenteric plexus of the esophagus, and no blood vessels were found in any ganglia of the colon. It was concluded that the ganglia of the myenteric plexus of the esophagus are vascularized, while the ganglia of the colon are avascular. Vascularization within the esophageal ganglia could facilitate the entrance of infectious agents, as well as the development of inflammatory responses (ganglionitis) and denervation, as found in Chagas disease and idiopathic achalasia. This could explain the higher frequency of megaesophagus compared with megacolon.
Objective To study the incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors, imaging diagnosis, and clinical outcome of perinatal stroke. Methods Data was retrospectively collected from full-term newborns admitted to the neonatal unit of a level III maternity in Lisbon with cerebral stroke, from January 2007 to December 2011. Results There were 11 cases of stroke: nine were arterial ischemic stroke and two were cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. We estimated an incidence of arterial ischemic stroke of 1.6/5,000 births and of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis of 7.2/100,000 births. There were two cases of recurrent stroke. Eight patients presented with symptoms while the remaining three were asymptomatic and incidentally diagnosed. The most frequently registered symptoms (8/11) were seizures; in that, generalized clonic (3/8) and focal clonic (5/8). Strokes were more commonly left-sided (9/11), and the most affected artery was the left middle cerebral artery (8/11). Transfontanelle ultrasound was positive in most of the patients (10/11), and stroke was confirmed by cerebral magnetic resonance in all patients. Electroencephalographic recordings were carried out in five patients and were abnormal in three (focal abnormalities n=2, burst-suppression pattern n=1). Eight patients had previously identified risk factors for neonatal stroke which included obstetric and neonatal causes. Ten patients were followed up at outpatients setting; four patients developed motor deficits and one presented with epilepsy. Conclusions Although a modest and heterogeneous sample, this study emphasizes the need for a high level of suspicion when it comes to neonatal stroke, primarily in the presence of risk factors. The prevalence of neurological sequelae in our series supports the need of long-term follow-up and early intervention strategies.
This study sought for etndence of previous CMV infection in patients of a general hospital serving the low income population of Rio de Janeiro. An enzyme immunoassay was used to detect anti-CMV antibodies in 713 typical hospital patients classified into eight different groups. Positive tests were found in 87% of pregnant women, 85% of newborns, 61% of pediatric patients, 77% of adolescent patients, 81% of adult patients, 87% of dialysed transplant candidates, 89% of kidney donors, and 92% of patients after transplantation. Depending of the subgroup studied these results carry different meanings and necessitate different clinical approaches. The risk of congenital disease is probably low in view of the reduced number of pregnant women still susceptible to primary infection. The number of primary infections will also be low in transplant recipients. However, those still susceptible will almost certainly acquire the infection from, their donor. Prophylactic CMV matching in kidney transplantation is not a realistic approach due to the low probability of finding pairs of seronegative donors and recipients.
RESUMO - Introdução: A literatura aponta que a gravidez é um período do ciclo reprodutivo associado com o excesso de peso, que se tem tornado um problema de saúde pública em ascensão. Na verdade, evidências sugerem que o excessivo peso pré-gestacional e o ganho ponderal excessivo estão associados a um peso elevado do RN. Objetivos: Relacionar o IMC antes da conceção e o ganho ponderal durante a gestação com o PN do RN. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico, analítico, observacional e transversal, com uma amostra de cento e três mães e respetivos RNs, de termo, saudáveis e de gravidez única, da Unidade de Obstetrícia do Hospital Beatriz Ângelo. Estas foram recrutadas entre novembro de 2012 e março de 2013 inclusive. Para tal, foram recolhidos dados clínicos e outras informações relativas à gravidez e parto, nomeadamente o PN, através do sistema informático. Resultados: Após a análise dos resultados, constatou-se que mães com IMC superior a 25 antes da gravidez apresentam ganho ponderal durante a gravidez acima dos valores recomendados (47,2%). A prevalência de macrossomia e baixo peso ao nascer também foi maior em mães com excesso de peso (p=0,021), tal como de PIG e GIG (p=0,004). Observando a influência do ganho ponderal verificou-se que 9,5% (n=4) das mães com ganho ponderal excessivo tiveram RN com elevado peso ao nascer, enquanto 14,3% (n=4) das mães com ganho ponderal abaixo do recomendado tiveram RN com baixo peso ao nascer (p=0,018). Verificou-se também que o tempo de gestação é maior em mães com ganho ponderal acima do recomendado (p=0,024), e que este fator está positivamente associado com o PN (r=0,218; p=0,029), comprimento (r=0,221; p=0,027) e PC (r=0,249; p=0,012) do RN. No que se refere às correlações, encontrou-se uma correlação positiva moderada entre os fatores maternos (peso antes de engravidar; IMC pré-gestacional; e ganho ponderal) e o PN. Discussão/Conclusão: Desta forma, podemos concluir que tanto o excesso de peso pré-gestacional como o ganho de peso inadequado durante a gestação têm implicações diretas no peso do recém-nascido, nomeadamente aumentando o risco de macrossomia fetal.
RESUMO: Contexto: As anomalias congénitas, com particular destaque para as neuploidias , afectam aproximadamente 2% dos recém-nascidos, constituindo causas frequentes de morbilidade e mortalidade. Actualmente, a avaliação do grau de risco para as aneuploidias mais prevalentes (T21, T13, T18) é efectuada através do “Rastreio Combinado do 1º Trimestre”, devendo as grávidas com risco acrescido ser sujeitas a exames invasivos (ex.biópsia das vilosidades coriónicas,amniocentese). Quanto mais qualidade existir num rastreio, menos falsos positivos existirão e menor o número de exames diagnósticos invasivos desnecessários. As doenças autoimunes são doenças inflamatórias crónicas em cuja fisiopatologia se encontram distúrbios da imunidade humoral e celular, dependentes de factores genéticos, hormonais,psicológicos e ambientais. Atingem mais o sexo feminino e durante a idade fértil,podendo influenciar o outcome da gravidez e a saúde neonatal causando significativa morbilidade e mortalidade. O lúpus eritematoso sistémico para além de potencialmente afectado pelas alterações imunoendócrinas fisiológicas da gravidez, associa-se frequentemente a problemas de fertilidade. Recentemente, foi sugerido que as anormalidades ocorridas durante a invasão precoce do sinciciotrofoblasto, resultando em deficiente diferenciação, deficiente maturação e diminuição na produção de hCG, poderão ser o mecanismo fisiopatológico primário para as perdas fetais no primeiro trimestre, nos doentes com SLE. A ocorrência de níveis elevados de hCG total e ß-hCG livre no rastreio para despiste de síndrome de Down do segundo e do primeiro trimestre foi assinalada em grávidas portadoras de lúpus, mas a escassez de estudos comprovativos e a pequena dimensão das amostras estudadas constituiu uma limitação significativa na fidedignidade dos resultados obtidos. Objectivos: O estudo teve como objectivos i. estabelecer valores normativos Portugueses e de distribuição para as MoM’s dos parâmetros séricos do primeiro trimestre, por semana de gestação:(PAPP-A e ß-hCG livre), ii. avaliar a influência que as doenças autoimunes têm sobre as MoM’s individuais dos parâmetros bioquímicos PAPP-A e/ou ß-hCG livre, utilizados no rastreio pré-natal combinado do 1º trimestre, e iii. saber se as doenças autoimunes podem condicionar um aumento da taxa de resultados falsos positivos, com consequente aumento do número de amniocenteses. Metodologia: Estudo longitudinal prospectivo, consistindo num rastreio pré-natal combinado de 1º trimestre para pesquisa de aneuploidias, em duas amostras provenientes do Reino Unido (n= 45,854) e de Portugal (n=3122). Foram avaliados parâmetros socio-demográficos, ecográficos, laboratoriais, e calculados os indicadores de desempenho do rastreio combinado. A execução analítica dos testes bioquímicos séricos (PAPP-A e ß-hCG livre) foi realizada no autoanalisador Brahms Kryptor e no autoanalizador 6000 Delfia Xpress. Compararam-se os grupos autoimune e não autoimune das amostras. Resultados: Relativamente às características populacionais, o grupo auto imune tinha valores significativamente superiores nas variáveis idade materna e idade gestacional. Comparando os grupos com e sem doença autoimune, constatou-se a existência de uma elevação das MoM’s da ß-hCG livre nas grávidas com doença autoimune, nomeadamente nos casos de lúpus eritematoso sistémico. Conclusões: os resultado obtidos reforçam a indicação do rastreio combinado do 1º trimestre certificado pela FMF nas grávidas com doenças autoimunes, nomeadamente para as doentes com LES; no entanto, devem ser calculados e introduzidos factores de correcção no algoritmo de risco, de modo a evitar a subida no número de resultados falso-positivos, e consequentemente a sobre- utilização de métodos invasivos.------------ ABSTRACT: Context: Congenital anomalies, with particular reference to aneuploidias, affect approximately 2% of newborns, and are frequent causes of morbidity and mortality. Currently, the risk evaluation for the most prevalent aneuploidias (T21, T13, T18) is carried out through the “combined first trimester screening”, and pregnant women with increased risk are subjected to invasive tests (e.g. villus biopsy done, amniocentesis). The more quality exists in a screening, less false positives exists and fewer unnecessary invasive diagnostic exams. Autoimmune diseases are chronic inflammatory diseases in whose pathophysiology are immune humoral and cellular disorders, dependent on genetic factors, hormonal, psychological and environmental factors. The disease is more prevalent among females, during the child-bearing age, and may influence the outcome of pregnancy and neonatal health causing significant morbidity and mortality. Lupus Erythematosus in addition to potentially affected by immunoendocrine physiological changes of pregnancy, is often associated with fertility problems. Recently, it has been suggested that the abnormalities that occurred during the early invasion of the syncytiotrophoblast, resulting in insufficient differentiation, deficient maturation and decrease in production of hCG may be the primary pathophysiological mechanism for fetal losses in the first quarter, in patients with SLE. The occurrence of elevated levels of total hCG and free ß-hCG in screening for Down’s syndrome of the second and first trimester was reported in pregnant women with lupus, but the paucity of supporting studies and the small size of the samples studied constituted a significant limitation on the trustworthiness of the results obtained. Objectives: this study aims to i. establish normative values for the serum parameters MoM’s (PAPP-A and free β-hCG) and it’s distribution, in the first trimester, by week of pregnancy; ii. assess the influence that the autoimmune diseases have on the MoM’s of individual biochemical PAPP-A and/or β-hCG, used in antenatal screening combined for the first trimester, and iii. whether the autoimmune diseases may make an increased rate of false positives, with consequent increase in the number of amniocenteses.Methodology: Prospective longitudinal study, consisting of a combined first trimester antenatal screening for aneuploidies lookup in two samples from the United Kingdom (n=45.854) and Portugal (n= 3.122). Socio-demographic, echographic and laboratory parameters were evaluated, and combined screening performance indicators were calculated. The analytical run of serum biochemical tests (PAPP-A and ß-hCG) was held at the Brahms Kryptor and in Delfia Xpress 6000. Comparisons between autoimmune group and non-autoimmune group were made. Results: Relating to population characteristics, the autoimmune group had significantly diferente values in the variables maternal age and gestational age. Comparing the groups with and without autoimmune disease, it was noted that there is an elevation of the MoM’s of free ß-hCG levels in pregnant women with autoimmune disease, particularly in cases of systemic lupus erythematosus. Conclusions: The results obtained reinforce the indication of FMF certified combined screening in pregnant women with autoimmune diseases, notably to the patients with SLE; However, correction factors should be calculated and entered in the risk algorithm, in order to avoid the rise in the number of false positive results, and consequently the over-use of invasive methods.