212 resultados para neuroblastoma


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Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) promote nerve growth and functional recovery in animal models of spinal cord injury (SCI) to varying levels. The authors have tested high-content screening to examine the effects of MSC-conditioned medium (MSC-CM) on neurite outgrowth from the human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y and from explants of chick dorsal root ganglia (DRG). These analyses were compared to previously published methods that involved hand-tracing individual neurites. Both methods demonstrated that MSC-CM promoted neurite outgrowth. Each showed the proportion of SH-SY5Y cells with neurites increased by ~200% in MSC-CM within 48 h, and the number of neurites/SH-SY5Y cells was significantly increased in MSC-CM compared with control medium. For high-content screening, the analysis was performed within minutes, testing multiple samples of MSC-CM and in each case measuring >15,000 SH-SY5Y cells. In contrast, the manual measurement of neurite outgrowth from >200 SH-SY5Y cells in a single sample of MSC-CM took at least 1 h. High-content analysis provided additional measures of increased neurite branching in MSC-CM compared with control medium. MSC-CM was also found to stimulate neurite outgrowth in DRG explants using either method. The application of the high-content analysis was less well optimized for measuring neurite outgrowth from DRG explants than from SH-SY5Y cells.


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The process of astrogliosis, or reactive gliosis, is a typical response of astrocytes to a wide range of physical and chemical injuries. The up-regulation of the astrocyte specific glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a hallmark of reactive gliosis and is widely used as a marker to identify the response. In order to develop a reliable, sensitive and high throughput astrocyte toxicity assay that is more relevant to the human response than existing animal cell based models, the U251-MG, U373-MG and CCF-STTG 1 human astrocytoma cell lines were investigated for their ability to exhibit reactive-like changes following exposure to ethanol, chloroquine diphosphate, trimethyltin chloride and acrylamide. Cytotoxicity analysis showed that the astrocytic cells were generally more resistant to the cytotoxic effects of the agents than the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Retinoic acid induced differentiation of the SH-SY5Y line was also seen to confer some degree of resistance to toxicant exposure, particularly in the case of ethanol. Using a cell based ELISA for GFAP together with concurrent assays for metabolic activity and cell number, each of the three cell lines responded to toxicant exposure by an increase in GFAP immunoreactivity (GFAP-IR), or by increased metabolic activity. Ethanol, chloroquine diphosphate, trimethyltin chloride and bacterial lipopolysaccharide all induced either GFAP or MTT increases depending upon the cell line, dose and exposure time. Preliminary investigations of additional aspects of astrocytic injury indicated that IL-6, but not TNF-α. or nitric oxide, is released following exposure to each of the compounds, with the exception of acrylamide. It is clear that these human astrocytoma cell lines are capable of responding to toxicant exposure in a manner typical of reactive gliosis and are therefore a valuable cellular model in the assessment of in vitro neurotoxicity.


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2,5-hexanedione (2,5HD) is the neurotoxic metabolite of the aliphatic hydrocarbon n-Hexane. The isomers, 2,3-hexanedione (2,3HD) and 3,4-hexanedione (3,4HD) are used as food additives. Although the neurotoxicity of 2,5HD is well established, there are no human data of the possible toxicity of the 2,3- and 3,4- isomers. MTT and flow cytometry were utilised to determine the cytotoxicity of hexanedione isomers in neuroblastoma cells. The neuroblastoma cell lines SK-N-SH and SH-SY5Y are sufficiently neuron-like to provide preliminary assessment of the neurotoxic potential of these isomers, in comparison with toxicity towards human non-neuronal cells. Initial studies showed that 2,5HD was the least toxic in all cell lines at all times (4, 24 and 48h). Although considerably lower than for 2,5HD, in general the IC50s for the α isomers were not significantly different from each other and, besides 4h exposure, the SH-SY5Y cells were significantly more sensitive to 2,3HD and 3,4HD than the SK-N-SH cells. All three isomers caused varying degrees of apoptosis in the neuroblastoma lines, with 3,4HD more potent than 2,3HD. Flow cytometry highlighted cell cycle arrest indicative of DNA damage with 2,3- and 3,4HD. The toxicity of the isomers towards 3 non-neuronal cell lines (MCF7, HepG2 and CaCo-2) was assessed by MTT assay. All 3 hexanedione isomers proved to be cytotoxic in all non-neuronal cell lines at all time points. These data suggest cytotoxicity of 2,3- and 3,4HD (mM range), but it is difficult to define this as specific neurotoxicity in the absence of specific neurotoxic endpoints. However, the neuroblastomas were significantly more susceptible to the cytotoxic effects of the α hexanedione isomers at exposures of 4 and 24 hours, compared to non-neuronal lines. Finally, a mechanism of toxicity is suggested for the α HD isomers whereby inhibition of the oxoglutarate carrier (OGC) releases apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), causing apoptosis-like cell death.


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Transglutaminase 2 has been postulated to be involved in the pathogenesis of central nervous system neurodegenerative disorders. However, its role in neuronal cell death remains to be elucidated. Excitotoxicity is a common event underlying neurodegeneration. We aimed to evaluate the protein targets for transglutaminase 2 in cell response to NMDA-induced excitotoxic stress, using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells which express high tranglutaminase 2 levels upon retinoic acid-driven differentiation toward neurons. NMDA-evoked calcium increase led to transglutaminase 2 activation that mediated cell survival, as at first suggested by the exacerbation of NMDA toxicity in the presence of R283, a synthetic competitive inhibitor of transglutaminase active site. Assays of R283-mediated transglutaminase inhibition showed the involvement of enzyme activity in NMDA-induced reduction in protein basal levels of pro-apoptotic caspase-3 and the stress protein Hsp20. However, this occurred in a way different from protein cross-linking, given that macromolecular assemblies were not observed in our experimental conditions for both proteins. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments provided evidence for the interaction, in basal conditions, between transglutaminase 2 and Hsp20, as well as between Hsp20 and Hsp27, a major anti-apoptotic protein promoting caspase-3 inactivation and degradation. NMDA treatment disrupted both these interactions that were restored upon transglutaminase 2 inhibition with R283. These results suggest that transglutaminase 2 might be protective against NMDA-evoked excitotoxic insult in neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cells in a way, independent from transamidation that likely involves its interaction with the complex Hsp20/Hsp27 playing a pro-survival role. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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The metabolite 2,5-hexanedione (HD) is the cause of neurotoxicity linked with chronic n-hexane exposure. Acute exposure to high levels of 2,5-HD, have also shown toxic effects in neuronal cells and non-neuronal cells. Isomers of 2,5-HD, 2,3- and 3,4-HD, added to foodstuffs, are reported to be non-toxic. The acute cytotoxic effects of 2,5-, 2,3- and 3,4-HD were evaluated in neural (NT2.N, SK-N-SH), astrocytic (CCF-STTG1) and non-neural (NT2.D1) cell lines. All the cell lines were highly resistant to 2,5-HD (34-426 mM) at 4-h exposure, although sensitivity was greatest with NT2.D1, then SK-N-SH, NT2.N and finally the CCF-STTG1 line. At 24-h exposure, cell vulnerability increased 5-10-fold. The NT2.D1 cells were again the most sensitive, followed by NT2.N, SK-N-SH and then the CCF-STTG1 cells. 2,3- and 3,4-HD (8-84 mM), were significantly more toxic towards all four cell lines compared with 2,5-HD, after 4-h exposure. After 24-h exposure there was a 12-fold increase in inhibition of MTT turnover in the SK-N-SH cells and a 4-fold increase in the CCF-STTG1 cells, compared with 2,5-HD exposure. 2,3- and 3,4-HD, were significantly less toxic to the NT2.N cells than the SK-N-SH cells after 24-h exposure to the compounds, demonstrating a differing toxin vulnerability between these neural and neuroblastoma cell lines. This study indicates that these non-neuronal and neuronal cells are acutely resistant to 2,5-HD cytotoxicity, whilst the previously unreported sensitivity of all four cell lines to the 2,3- and 3,4- isomers of HD to has been shown to be significantly greater than that of 2,5-HD. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have provided useful insights into the pathogenesis and mechanistic pathways that lead to its development. One emerging idea about AD is that it may be described as a hypometabolic disorder due to the reduction of glucose uptake in AD brains. Inappropriate processing of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) is considered central to the initiation and progression of the disease. Although the exact role of APP misprocessing is unclear, it may play a role in neuronal metabolism before the onset of neurodegeneration. To investigate the potential role of APP in neuronal metabolism, the SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cell line was used to generate cell lines that stably overexpress wild type APP695 or express Swedish mutated-APP observed in familial AD (FAD), both under the control of the neuronal promoter, Synapsin I. The effects of APP on glucose uptake, cellular stress and energy homeostasis were studied extensively. It was found that APP-overexpressing cells exhibited decreased glucose uptake with changes in basal oxygen consumption in comparison to control cell lines. Similar studies were also performed in fibroblasts taken from FAD patients compared with control fibroblasts. Previous studies found FAD-derived fibroblasts displayed altered metabolic profiles, calcium homeostasis and oxidative stress when compared to controls. As such, in this study fibroblasts were studied in terms of their ability to metabolise glucose and their mitochondrial function. Results show that FAD-derived fibroblasts demonstrate no differences in mitochondrial function, or response to oxidative stress compared to control fibroblasts. However, control fibroblasts treated with Aβ1-42 demonstrated changes in glucose uptake. This study highlights the importance of APP expression within non-neuronal cell lines, suggesting that whilst AD is considered a brain-associated disorder, peripheral effects in non-neuronal cell types should also be considered when studying the effects of Aβ on metabolism.


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Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease. The transcription factor, Nrf2 (nuclear factor E2-related factor 2) that binds to the antioxidant responsive element (ARE) activates a battery of genes encoding enzymes and factors essential for neuronal survival. We have investigated the hypothesis that a downstream product of cyclooxygenase(COX-2), 15-deoxy-delta (12, 14)-prostagland in J2 (15d-PGJ2) has protective effects by activating the Nrf2 pathway during oxidative stress.Human neuroblastoma cells (SHSY5Y) were differentiated intoneuronal-like cells as described previously (Gimenez-Cassina et al.,2006). SHSY5Y cells were co-treated with 10 mM buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) 7 10 mM 15d-PGJ2. Cell viability was measured by MTT assay and cellular glutathione (GSH) levels were measured after treating cells for0.5-24 hours by GSH recycling assay. Cellular Nrf2 levels were determined by immunoblotting. IL-6 levels were measured by ELISA.15d-PGJ2 alone lowered GSH levels 30min after the treatment(12.870.64 nmol/mg protein) and returned to untreated control levels at 16hours (28.173.6 nmol/mg protein; Po0.01). Compared to intracellular GSH levels in untreated cells (27.871.8 nmol/mg protein) BSO treatment alone significantly decreased GSH (9.672.1 nmol/mg protein;Po0.001) but co-incubation with 15d-PGJ2 for 24 hours prevented the depletion elicited by BSO(21.372.7 nmol/mg protein). Compared to untreated cells BSO treatment decrease dIL-6 secretion (from 0.941.6ng/ml to 0.6971.3ng/ml) and total Nrf2 protein levels (by21%). Co-incubation with15d-PGJ2 for 24 hours with BSO did not change IL-6(0.6771.4ng/ml) or total Nrf2 level at any time point. This study suggests that neuronal toxicity resulting from glutathione depletion canbere stored by the induction of Nrf2-ARE pathway and the role of the Nrf2 signalling merits further investigation in neurodegenerative diseases.


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The amyloid cascade hypothesis places amyloid-β at the origin of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Amyloid-β (Aβ) is the product of the sequential cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the enzymes β- and γ-secretases. An inflammatory component to AD has been suggested in association with CD40 (a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRS) and its cognate ligand CD40L. In this study, I hypothesized that the neutralization of pro-inflammatory cytokines produced downstream of CD40/CD40L interaction would reduce APP processing. I also hypothesized that blocking the binding of different adaptor proteins to CD40 by mutating its cytoplasmic tail would result in significant reduction of the APP metabolites: Aβ, sAPPβ, sAPPα, CTFβ and CTFα. ^ Treatment with CD40L of human embryonic kidney cells over-expressing both APP and CD40 (HEK/APPsw/CD40) significantly increased levels of the cytokine granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Neutralizing antibodies against GM-CSF mitigated the CD40L-induced production of Aβ in these cells. Treatment of the HEK/APPsw/CD40 cells with recombinant GM-CSF significantly increased Aβ levels. GM-CSF receptor gene silencing with shRNA significantly reduced Aβ levels to below base line in non-stimulated HEK/APPsw/CD40 cells. Silencing of the GM-CSF receptor also decreased APP endocytosis (therefore reducing the availability of APP to be cleaved in the endosomes). ^ Using CD40 mutants, I show that CD40L can increase levels of Aβ(1-40), Aβ(1-42), sAPPβ, sAPPα and CTFβ independently of TRAF signaling. TRAFs had been shown to be necessary for most CD40/CD40L-dependent signaling. An increase in mature/immature APP ratio after CD40L treatment of CD40wt and CD40-mutant cells was observed, reflecting alterations in APP trafficking. CD4OL treatment of a neuroblastoma cell line over-expressing CTFβ suggested that CD40L affected γ-secretase activity. Inhibition of γ-secretase activity significantly reduced sAPPβ levels in the CD40L treated HEK/APPsw CD40wt and the CD40-mutant cells. The latter suggests CD40/CD40L interaction primarily acts on γ-secretase and affects β-secretase via a positive feedback mechanism. ^ Taken together, the results of this dissertation suggest that GM-CSF operates downstream of CD40/CD40L interaction and that GM-CSF modulates Aβ production by influencing APP trafficking. Moreover, the data presented suggest that CD40/CD40L interaction can modulate APP processing via a mechanism independent of TRAF signaling. ^


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HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) is characterized by development of cognitive, behavioral and motor abnormalities, and occur in approximately 50% of HIV infected individuals. Our current understanding of HAND emanates mainly from HIV-1 subtype B (clade B), which is prevalent in USA and Western countries. However very little information is available on neuropathogenesis of HIV-1 subtype C (clade C) that exists in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Therefore, studies to identify specific neuropathogenic mechanisms associated with HAND are worth pursuing to dissect the mechanisms underlying this modulation and to prevent HAND particularly in clade B infection. In this study, we have investigated 84 key human synaptic plasticity genes differential expression profile in clade B and clade C infected primary human astrocytes by using RT2 Profile PCR Array human Synaptic Plasticity kit. Among these, 31 and 21 synaptic genes were significantly (≥3 fold) down-regulated and 5 genes were significantly (≥3 fold) up-regulated in clade B and clade C infected cells, respectively compared to the uninfected control astrocytes. In flow-cytometry analysis, down-regulation of postsynaptic density and dendrite spine morphology regulatory proteins (ARC, NMDAR1 and GRM1) was confirmed in both clade B and C infected primary human astrocytes and SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells. Further, spine density and dendrite morphology changes by confocal microscopic analysis indicates significantly decreased spine density, loss of spines and decreased dendrite diameter, total dendrite and spine area in clade B infected SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells compared to uninfected and clade C infected cells. We have also observed that, in clade B infected astrocytes, induction of apoptosis was significantly higher than in the clade C infected astrocytes. In conclusion, this study suggests that down-regulation of synaptic plasticity genes, decreased dendritic spine density and induction of apoptosis in astrocytes may contribute to the severe neuropathogenesis in clade B infection.


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O aumento da esperança média de vida tem elevado a prevalência de doenças neurodegenerativas, como é o caso da doença de Parkinson. Nos últimos anos a procura de novas soluções terapêuticas, assim como a minimização dos efeitos dos tratamentos atualmente utilizados tem promovido a procura de novas soluções. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu no estudo dos mecanismos moleculares de neurotoxicidade induzidos pela dopamina (DA) e 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA) num modelo celular do neuroblastoma humano (SH-SY5Y), bem como na avaliação do potencial neuroprotetor de extratos de algas com elevada capacidade antioxidante. O efeito neurotóxico da DA e 6-OHDA, assim como o efeito protetor dos extratos das algas com maior atividade antioxidante (Sargassum muticum, Saccorhiza polyschides, Padina pavonica, Codium tomentosum, Ulva compressa) foi avaliado através da viabilidade celular das células SH-SY5Y utilizando o método de MTT. De modo a compreender os efeitos induzidos na viabilidade celular pela DA e 6-OHDA procedeu-se ao estudo da atividade da caspase-3, alterações do potencial mitocondrial e quantificação de H2O2. Os resultados demonstraram um claro efeito dependente da concentração da DA (30-3000μM) e 6-OHDA (10-1000μM) na viabilidade celular das células SH-SY5Y, bem como do tempo de exposição (6-48h). No que diz respeito a prevenção do efeito neurotóxico da DA (1000μM (56,41±5,05% de células viáveis); 24h) e 6-OHDA (100μM (66,76±3,24% de células viáveis);24h) pelos extratos das algas (1mg/mL; 24h) verificou-se que os extratos que apresentaram um efeito preventivo mais marcado pertencem as algas Sargassum muticum (82,37±6,41% de células viáveis e 115,8±8,53% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (89,26±8,62% de células viáveis e 106,51±4,26% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e Codium tomentosum (81,28±3,68% de células viáveis e 103,17±7,25% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). A morte celular induzida pela DA e pela 6-OHDA foi acompanhada pelo aumento da atividade da caspase-3 quando comparado com o controlo (DA - 66,46±1,49fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto; 6-OHDA - 22,56±1,71fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto; controlo – 4,8 ±0,48fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto), pela presença de elevadas quantidades de peróxido de hidrogénio (H2O2) (363,81±28,58 % do controlo e 214,26 ± 8,46 % do controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e pela despolarização da membrana mitocondrial (162,3±2,34 % do controlo e 144,7±2,87 % do controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). Por sua vez, durante o tratamento com extratos das algas (1mg/mL) na presença de DA e 6-OHDA verificou-se uma inibição da atividade da caspase-3 induzida pelas algas Sargassum muticum (2,53±2,49fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto e 4,52±1,36 fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (4,71±0,70fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto e 2,73±1,11 fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e Codium tomentosum (17,05±1,72fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto e 2,58±1,77fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). De igual modo verificou-se uma diminuição da produção de H2O2 pelas células SH-SY5Y na presença dos extratos das algas Sargassum muticum (132,58 ± 10,68% controlo), Saccorhiza polyschides (150,54 ± 23,54% controlo) e Codium tomentosum (54,074 ± 6,66% do controlo), quando expostas a 6-OHDA, contudo não se verificou o mesmo efeito na presença de DA. Relativamente ao potencial mitocondrial observou-se uma inibição da despolarização mitocondrial induzida pela DA e 6-OHDA nas células SH-SY5Y pela presença dos extratos das algas Sargassum muticum (135,7±2,97% controlo e 49,3±1,17% controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (126,7±5,46% controlo e 94,3±1,70% controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram o potencial citoprotetor dos extratos de algas sobre efeitos neurotóxicos induzidos pela DA e 6-OHDA no modelo celular SH-SY5Y. O efeito protetor é mediado pela diminuição da condição de stress oxidativo, com redução da produção de H2O2, diminuição da atividade da caspase-3 e prevenção da alteração do potencial mitocondrial induzido pela DA e 6-OHDA. Conclui-se que os extratos de algas produzem moléculas bioativas com elevado potencial antioxidante, podendo ser uma fonte promissora de novos compostos neuroprotetores com aplicação terapêutica para doenças neurodegenerativas como a doença de Parkinson.


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Central nervous system (CNS) drug delivery is often hampered due to the insidious nature of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Nose-to-brain delivery via olfactory pathways have become a target of attention for drug delivery due to bypassing of the BBB. The antioxidant properties of phytochemicals make them promising as CNS active agents but possess poor water solubility and limited BBB penetration. The primary aim of this study was the development of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) loaded with the poorly water-soluble phytochemicals curcumin and chrysin which could be utilised for nose-to-brain delivery. We formulated spherical MSNP using a templating approach resulting in ∼220nm particles with a high surface porosity. Curcumin and chrysin were successfully loaded into MSNP and confirmed through Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and HPLC approaches with a loading of 11-14% for curcumin and chrysin. Release was pH dependant with curcumin demonstrating increased chemical stability at a lower pH (5.5) with a release of 53.2%±2.2% over 24h and 9.4±0.6% for chrysin. MSNP were demonstrated to be non-toxic to olfactory neuroblastoma cells OBGF400, with chrysin (100μM) demonstrating a decrease in cell viability to 58.2±8.5% and curcumin an IC50 of 33±0.18μM. Furthermore confocal microscopy demonstrated nanoparticles of <500nm were able to accumulate within cells with FITC-loaded MSNP showing membrane localised and cytoplasmic accumulation following a 2h incubation. MSNP are useful carriers for poorly soluble phytochemicals and provide a novel vehicle to target and deliver drugs into the CNS and bypass the BBB through olfactory drug delivery.


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Neuronal stretching during concussion alters glucose transport and reduces neuronal viability, also affecting other cells in the brain and the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). Our hypothesis is that oxidative stress (OS) generated in neurons during concussions contributes to this outcome. To validate this, we investigated: (1) whether OS independently causes alterations in brain and BBB cells, namely human neuron-like, neuroblastoma cells (NCs), astrocyte cells (ACs) and brain microvascular endothelial cells (ECs), and (2) whether OS originated in NCs (as in concussion) is responsible for causing the subsequent alterations observed in ACs and ECs. We used H2O2 treatment to mimic OS, validated by examining the resulting reactive oxygen species, and evaluated alterations in cell morphology, expression and localization of the glucose transporter GLUT1, and the overall cell viability. Our results showed that OS, either directly affecting each cell type or originally affecting NCs, caused changes in several morphological parameters (surface area, Feret diameter, circularity, inter-cellular distance), slightly varied GLUT1 expression and lowered the overall cell viability of all NCs, ACs, and ECs. Therefore, we can conclude that oxidative stress, which is known to be generated during concussion, caused alterations in NCs, ACs, and ECs whether independently originated in each cell or when originated in the NCs and could further propagate the ACs and ECs.


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Fertilization is a multistep and complex process culminating in the merge of gamete membranes, cytoplasmic unity and fusion of genome. CD81 is a tetraspanin protein that participates in sperm-oocyte interaction, being present at the oocyte surface. CD81 has also been implicated in other biological processes, however its specific function and molecular mechanisms of action remain to be elucidated. The interaction between CD81 and its binding partner proteins may underlie the CD81 involvement in a variety of cellular processes and modulate CD81/interactors specific functions. Interestingly, in a Yeast two Hybrid system previously performed in our lab, CD81 has emerged as a putative interactor of the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP). In the work here described, bioinformatics analyses of CD81 interacting proteins were performed and the retrieved information used to construct a protein-protein interaction network, as well as to perform Gene Ontology enrichment analyses. CD81 expression was further evaluated in CHO, GC-1 and SH-SY5Y cell lines, and in human sperm cells. Additionally, its subcellular localization was analyzed in sperm cells and in the neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cell line. Subsequently, coimmunoprecipitation assays were performed in CHO and SH-SY5Y cells to attempt to prove the physical interaction between CD81 and APP. A functional interaction between these two proteins was accessed thought the analyses of the effects of CD81 overexpression on APP levels. A co-localization analysis of CD81 and some interactors proteins retrieved from the bioinformatics analyses, such as APP, AKT1 and cytoskeleton-related proteins, was also performed in sperm cells and in SH-SY5Y cells. The effects of CD81 in cytoskeleton remodeling was evaluated in SH-SY5Y cells through monitoring the effects of CD81 overexpression in actin and tubulin levels, and analyzing the colocalization between overexpressed CD81 and F-actin. Our results showed that CD81 is expressed in all cell lines tested, and also provided the first evidence of the presence of CD81 in human sperm cells. CD81 immunoreactivity was predominantly detected in the sperm head, including the acrosome membrane, and in the midpiece, where it co-localized with APP, as well as in the post-acrosomal region. Furthermore, CD81 co-localizes with APP in the plasma membrane and in cellular projections in SH-SY5Y cells, where CD81 overexpression has an influence on APP levels, also visible in CHO cells. The analysis of CD81 interacting proteins such as AKT1 and cytoskeletonrelated proteins showed that CD81 is involved in a variety of pathways that may underlie cytoskeleton remodeling events, related to processes such as sperm motility, cell migration and neuritogenesis. These results deepen our understanding on the functions of CD81 and some of its interactors in sperm and neuronal cells.


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Specific domains can determine protein structural functional relationships. For the Alzheimer’s Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) several domains have been described, both in its intracellular and extracellular fragments. Many functions have been attributed to APP including an important role in cell adhesion and cell to cell recognition. This places APP at key biological responses, including synaptic transmission. To fulfil these functions, extracellular domains take on added significance. The APP extracellular domain RERMS is in fact a likely candidate to be involved in the aforementioned physiological processes. A multidisciplinary approach was employed to address the role of RERMS. The peptide RERMS was crosslinked to PEG (Polyethylene glycol) and the reaction validated by FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectrometry). FTIR proved to be the most efficient at validating this reaction because it requires only a drop of sample, and it gives information about the reactions occurred in a mixture. The data obtained consist in an infrared spectra of the sample, where peaks positions give information about the structure of the molecules, and the intensity of peaks is related to the concentration of the molecules. Subsequently substrates of PEG impregnated with RERMS were prepared and SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line) cells were plated and differentiated on the latter. Several morphological alterations were clearly evident. The RERMS peptide provoked cells to take on a flatter appearance and the cytoskeletal architecture changed, with the appearance of stress fibres, a clear indicator of actin reorganization. Given that focal adhesions play a key role in determining cellular structure the latter were directly investigated. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is one of the most highly expressed proteins in the CNS (central nervous system) during development. It has been described to be crucial for radial migration of neurons. FAK can be localized in growth cones and mediated the response to attractive and repulsive cues during migration. One of the mechanisms by which FAK becomes active is by auto phosphorylation at tyrosine 397. It became clearly evident that in the presence of the RERMS peptide pFAK staining at focal adhesions intensified and more focal adhesions became apparent. Furthermore speckled structures in the nucleus, putatively corresponding to increased expression activity, also increased with RERMS. Taken together these results indicate that the RERMS domain in APP plays a critical role in determining cellular physiological responses. Here is suggested a model by which RERMS domain is recognized by integrins and mediate intracellular responses involving FAK, talin, actin filaments and vinculin. This mechanism probably is responsible for mediating cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth on neurons.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016