212 resultados para nectar


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This research first evaluated levels and type of herbivory experienced by Centrosema virginianum plants in their native habitat and how florivory affected the pollinator activity. I found that populations of C. virginianum in two pine rockland habitat fragments experienced higher herbivory levels (15% and 22%) compared with plants in the protected study site (8.6%). I found that bees (Hymenoptera) pollinated butterfly pea. Furthermore, I found that florivores had a negative effect in the pollinators visitation rates and therefore in the seed set of the population. ^ I then conducted a study using a greenhouse population of C. virginianum. I applied artificial herbivory treatments: control, mild herbivory and severe herbivory. Flower size, pollen produced, ovules produced and seeds produced were negatively affected by herbivory. I did not find difference in nectar volume and quality by flowers among treatments. Surprisingly, severely damaged plants produced flowers with larger pollen than those from mildly damaged and undamaged plants. Results showed that plants tolerated mild and severe herbivory with 6% and 17% reduction of total fitness components, respectively. However, the investment of resources was not equisexual. ^ A comparison in the ability of siring seeds between large and small pollen was necessary to establish the biological consequence of size in pollen performance. I found that fruits produced an average of 18.7 ± 1.52 and 17.7 ± 1.50 from large and small pollen fertilization respectively. These findings supported a pollen number-size trade-off in plants under severe herbivory treatments. As far as I know, this result has not previously been reported. ^ Lastly, I tested how herbivory influenced seed abortion patterns in plants, examining how resources are allocated on different regions within fruits under artificial herbivory treatments. I found that self-fertilized fruits had greater seed abortion rates than cross-fertilized fruits. The proportion of seeds aborted was lower in the middle regions of the fruits in cross-fertilized fruits, producing more vigorous progeny. Self-fertilized fruits did not show patterns of seedling vigor. I also found that early abortion was higher closer to the peduncular end of the fruits. Position of seeds within fruits could be important in the seed dispersion mechanism characteristic of this species. ^


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The taxonomic delimitation at the species level in plants is not an easy task due to the large polymorphism of plants. In this project we aimed to evaluate three morphotypes (forms) of Cryptanthus zonatus (Vis.) Beer ( Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae ) described in the literature using fl oral biology and phenology, as well as flo ral morphology and leaf anatomy . These studies were conducted in the Parque Estadual das Dunas de Natal, Rio Grande Norte (RN) and Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Mata Estrela , in the municipality of Ba í a Form osa. The survey of the phenology of the morphotypes involved monthly specimen observation in the field, during one year. In each visit, we observed the status of flowering and fruiting phenophases of the population of the three forms of C. zonatus . For flo ral biology we sought to evaluate data like: observed floral visitors, nectar volume and concentration, time of anthesis and closing of flowers . Flowers of the three fo rms were collected in the field , analyzed by stereomicroscope, and measurements of the f loral pieces were made with the help of a caliper . Transversal and paradermal sections of the leaves of the three forms were stained and then examined under an optical microscope. Observations of the epidermis under scanning electron microscopy were also conducted. The three m orphotypes could not be sepated based on all evidence investigated. Thus, we conclude that there is not evidences to support the recognition of C. zonatus morphotypes as taxonomic entities, and also that the tools of phenology, anatomy, biology and floral morphology were not useful to delimit these three forms . Yet to characterize better the Flora of Bromeli aceae of RN, the leaf anatomy of Orthophytum disjunctum was also studied. Orthophytum is the sister genus to Cryptanthus and only recently documented in the semiarid of RN. The anatomical comparison between Cryptanthus and Orthophytum allowed the separatio n of both genera based on the arrangement of stomata and thickness of aquiferous parênquima . During the fieldwork, it was still possible to document the first occurrence of Aechmea muricata in RN, inside the Mata Estrela preserve, aiding the understanding of the distribution of the taxon that is currently threatened with extinction.


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En la presente comunicación nos proponemos estudiar el texto de Leoncio de Neápolis (Chipre, s. VII d. C.) conocido con el título Apología o Apología contra los judíos. La obra pertenece a la tradición literaria adversus iudaeos y se enmarca en la polémica por el uso religioso de imágenes sacras. Nos centraremos en particular en el análisis de la forma en la que aparecen representados en la obra los elementos naturales y las menciones de la naturaleza, ya sea a través de imágenes y metáforas, descripciones o ekphráseis, citas del Antiguo Testamento y reflexiones filosóficas. En un primer lugar, ofreceremos una clasificación de dichas representaciones, para luego definir de qué modo éstas funcionan de manera cohesiva en el dispositivo retórico general de la obra, en tanto que contribuyen al propósito persuasivo en favor del uso de imágenes. Tendremos en cuenta para el tratamiento del tema los aportes de H. Maguire (sobre todo, Nectar and Illusion: Nature in Byzantine Art and Literature, Oxford, 2012 y "The Profane Aesthetic in Byzantine Art and Literature", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53, 1999, pp. 189-205)


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ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Síndromes de polinização ocorrentes em uma área de Mata Atlântica, Paraíba, Brasil. Biotemas, Florianopolis, v. 4, n. 22, p.83-94, dez. 2009. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Bumblebee species declines have been reported in Europe, North America and Asia. Loss of suitable habitat to agricultural intensification is considered to be the main cause of declines in Europe. Differential impacts on species have been recorded but insufficient knowledge of species ecology means that effective conservation management prescriptions cannot be put into place with certainty. Dietary specialisation, specifically on flowers of Fabaceae, has been hypothesised as driving differential declines but the reliability of previous studies has been questioned. Here we present a three-year study of the foraging behaviour of two UK Biodiversity Action Plan bumblebee species. For the first time, analysis of nectar and pollen foraging was performed on sites where nationally rare UK bumblebees were as abundant as more nationally ubiquitous species. Results indicated that the nationally rare Bombus sylvarum collected the majority of its pollen from flowers of Odontites verna and had a significantly narrower mean nectar dietary breadth than ecologically similar species Bombus humilis and Bombus pascuorum (p = 0.004 and 0.008 respectively). In contrast, the dietary breadth of the nationally rare B. humilis was similar to the more nationally ubiquitous species B. pascuorum and Bombus lapidarius. Moreover, B. lapidarius was recorded as having the narrowest pollen dietary breadth, collected pollen from the least number of floral taxa and was the most specialised of the Bombus species on pollen of Fabaceae. Patterns of dietary specialization were inconsistent with national declines and results highlighted a need for further detailed investigation into the factors contributing to differential declines.


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ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Síndromes de polinização ocorrentes em uma área de Mata Atlântica, Paraíba, Brasil. Biotemas, Florianopolis, v. 4, n. 22, p.83-94, dez. 2009. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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The overwhelming majority of flowering plant species depend on animals for pollination, and such pollinators are important for the reproductive success of many economically and environmentally important plant species. Yet pollinators in the Old World tropics are relatively understudied, particularly paleotropical nectarivorous bats (Pteropodidae), and much is unknown about their interactions with night-blooming plant species. To better understand these bat-plant pollination interactions, I conducted fieldwork in southern Thailand for a total of 20 months, spread across three years. I examined the foraging times of pteropodid bat species (Chapter 1), and found that strictly nectarivorous species foraged earlier, and for a shorter duration, than primarily frugivorous species. I also studied year-long foraging patterns of pteropodid bats to determine how different species track floral resources across seasons (Chapter 2). Larger species capable of flying long distances switched diets seasonally to forage on the most abundant floral species, while smaller species foraged throughout the year on nearby plant species that were low-rewarding but highly reliable. To determine which pteropodid species are potentially important pollinators, I quantified the frequency and effectiveness of their visits to six common bat-pollinated plant taxa for an entire year (Chapter 3). The three strictly nectarivorous species were responsible for almost all pollination, but pollinator importance of each bat species varied across plant species. I further examined the long-term reliability of these pollinators (Chapter 4), and found that pollinator importance values were consistent across the three study years. Lastly, I explored mechanisms that reduce interspecific pollen transfer among bat-pollinated plants, despite having shared pollinators. Using a flight cage experiment, I demonstrated that these plant species deposit pollen on different areas of the bat’s body (mechanical partitioning), resulting in greater pollen transfer between conspecific flowers than heterospecific flowers (Chapter 5). Additionally, while I observed ecological and phenological overlap among flowering plant species, pollinators exhibited high floral constancy within a night, resulting in strong ethological separation (Chapter 6). Collectively, these findings illustrate the importance of understudied Old World bat pollinators within a mixed agricultural-forest system, and their strong, interdependent interactions with bat-pollinated plant species within a night, across seasons, and across years.


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The World Health Organization (WHO, 2005) recommends consumption of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet with daily recommendation of 5 servings or at least 400 g per day. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Papaya fruit is known for his high nutrient and fiber content, and with few exceptions, it is generally consumed ripe due to its characteristic flavor and aroma. Digestion improvement has been attributed to consumption of papaya; this we speculate is attributed to the fiber content and proteolytic enzymes associated with this highly nutritious fruit. However, research is lacking that evaluates the impact of papaya fruit on human digestion. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme generally extracted from the latex of unripe papaya. Previous research has focused on evaluating papain activity from the latex of different parts of the plant; however there are no reports about papain activity in papaya pulp through fruit maturation. The activity of papain through different stages of ripeness of papaya and its capacity of dislodging meat bolus in an in vitro model was addressed. The objective of this study was to investigate whether papain activity and fiber content are responsible for the digestive properties attributed to papaya and to find a processing method that preserves papaya health properties with minimal impact on flavor. Our results indicated that papain was active at all maturation stages of the fruit. Ripe papaya pulp displayed the highest enzyme activity and also presented the largest meat bolus displacement. The in vitro digestion study indicated that ripe papaya displayed the highest protein digestibility; this is associated with proteolytic enzymes still active at the acidity of the stomach. Results from the in vitro fermentation study indicated that ripe papaya produced the highest amount of Short Chain Fatty Acids SCFA of the three papaya substrates (unripe, ripe, and processed). SCFA are the most important product of fermentation and are used as indicators of the amount of substrate fermented by microorganisms in the colon. The combination of proteolytic enzymes and fiber content found in papaya make of this fruit not only a potential digestive aid, but also a good source of SCFA and their associated potential health benefits. Irradiation processing had minimal impact on flavor compounds of papaya nectar. However, processed papaya experienced the lowest protein digestibility and SCFA production among the papaya substrates. Future research needs to explore new processing methods for papaya that minimize the detrimental impact on enzyme activity and SCFA production.


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Butterflies are insects known, in a variety of environments and for easy visual identification. The adult form may be frequently found in flowers looking for nectar. However, for many species of Heliconius (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) to visit the flower also represents the collecting of pollen, an important source of protein for adults. The protein obtained from the pollen allows the maintenance of physiological processes that increase the performance of the individual, promoting greater longevity and egg production. For males, proteins can also be part in your investment in reproductive success and fitness of offspring through a nutritional contribution that is transferred to the female in the act of mating as a nuptial present. It is known that this protein contains essential to the performance of the female oviposition, however the proportion of content and specific importance to the monogamous and polygamous species is not known yet. Whereas the species studied in this work have different patterns of mating in the strategy was to verify a significant difference in the quality of the spermatophore, and H. erato and H. melpomene, on the amount of protein present in this structure, indicating a difference in investment between the male reproductive strategies


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SCADA systems allow users to monitor and/or control physical devices, processes and events remotely. As these systems are critical to industrial processes, they are often run on highly reliable and dedicated hardware. Moving these SCADA systems to an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud, allows for: cheaper deployments, system redundancy support, and increased uptime, however it is not clear to what degree clouds can support the real-time requirements. Experiments were carried out to examine the effects of using cloud resources and public networks have on SCADA systems. Using the "Life-and-Shift" approach, eclipseSCADA was deployed to the NeCTAR research cloud. Performance metrics were collected from the deployed eclipseSCADA system under different loads. From these collected metrics, a series of recommendations are provided for deploying and modifying a SCADA system on IaaS cloud resources.


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Garlic is an integral part of European and Asian cuisines. It is appreciated for its flavour, and the consumption of garlic is associated with a wide range of health benefits throughout history. For instance, records from Ancient Egypt suggest that pyramid builders were fed garlic to acquire extra power. In the Roman Empire, garlic was used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, madness, tumours and worms.


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The federally endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov) persists in rare oak/pine grassland communities spanning across the Great Lakes region, relying on host plant wild blue lupine (Lupinus perennis). Conservation efforts since 1992 have led to the development of several programs that restore and monitor habitat. This study aims to evaluate Karner blue habitat selection in the state of Wisconsin and develop high-resolution tools for use in conservation efforts. Spatial predictive models developed during this study accurately predicted potential habitat across state properties based on soils and canopy cover, and identified ~51-100% of Karner blue occurrences based on lupine and shrub/tree cover, and focal nectar plant abundance. When evaluated relative to American bison (Bison bison), Karner blues and lupine were more likely to occur in areas of low disturbance, but aggregated where bison were recently present in areas of moderate/high disturbance. Lupine C:N ratio increased relative to cover of shrubs/trees and focal nectar plant abundance and decreased relative to cover of groundlitter. Karner blue density increased with lupine C:N ratio, decreased with nitrogen content, and was not related to phenolic levels. We strongly suggest that areas of different soil textures must be managed differently and that maintenance techniques should generate a mix of shrubs/tree cover (10-45%), groundlitter cover (~10-40%), >5% cover of lupine, and establish an abundance of focal nectar plants. This study provides unique tools for use in conservation and should aid in focusing management efforts and recovery of this species.


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En la presente comunicación nos proponemos estudiar el texto de Leoncio de Neápolis (Chipre, s. VII d. C.) conocido con el título Apología o Apología contra los judíos. La obra pertenece a la tradición literaria adversus iudaeos y se enmarca en la polémica por el uso religioso de imágenes sacras. Nos centraremos en particular en el análisis de la forma en la que aparecen representados en la obra los elementos naturales y las menciones de la naturaleza, ya sea a través de imágenes y metáforas, descripciones o ekphráseis, citas del Antiguo Testamento y reflexiones filosóficas. En un primer lugar, ofreceremos una clasificación de dichas representaciones, para luego definir de qué modo éstas funcionan de manera cohesiva en el dispositivo retórico general de la obra, en tanto que contribuyen al propósito persuasivo en favor del uso de imágenes. Tendremos en cuenta para el tratamiento del tema los aportes de H. Maguire (sobre todo, Nectar and Illusion: Nature in Byzantine Art and Literature, Oxford, 2012 y "The Profane Aesthetic in Byzantine Art and Literature", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53, 1999, pp. 189-205)


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En la presente comunicación nos proponemos estudiar el texto de Leoncio de Neápolis (Chipre, s. VII d. C.) conocido con el título Apología o Apología contra los judíos. La obra pertenece a la tradición literaria adversus iudaeos y se enmarca en la polémica por el uso religioso de imágenes sacras. Nos centraremos en particular en el análisis de la forma en la que aparecen representados en la obra los elementos naturales y las menciones de la naturaleza, ya sea a través de imágenes y metáforas, descripciones o ekphráseis, citas del Antiguo Testamento y reflexiones filosóficas. En un primer lugar, ofreceremos una clasificación de dichas representaciones, para luego definir de qué modo éstas funcionan de manera cohesiva en el dispositivo retórico general de la obra, en tanto que contribuyen al propósito persuasivo en favor del uso de imágenes. Tendremos en cuenta para el tratamiento del tema los aportes de H. Maguire (sobre todo, Nectar and Illusion: Nature in Byzantine Art and Literature, Oxford, 2012 y "The Profane Aesthetic in Byzantine Art and Literature", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53, 1999, pp. 189-205)


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African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum Solanaceae) is a Weed of National Significance in Australia. It is particularly problematic in Victoria and is thought to not only threaten native wildlife but also provide important habitat, particularly to birds, when there is no native alternative. In a wetland ecosystem such as a saltmarsh, boxthorn has the potential to increase structural complexity because it can stand as an emergent above surrounding vegetation. We compared bird assemblages and behaviour in saltmarsh vegetation with and without boxthorn in a coastal wetland in south-east Australia. Species assemblage, but not richness, changed with the presence of boxthorn. The presence of singing honeyeaters (Lichenostomus virescens) and white-fronted chats (Epthianura albifrons), the two most common native bird species (based on numerical and spatial dominance), appeared to drive these differences; singing honeyeaters preferred boxthorn while white-fronted chats avoided it. The presence of boxthorn increased the seasonal availability of fruit and flowers, which was reflected by a high frequency of foraging for fruit and nectar where boxthorn was present. In saltmarshes without boxthorn, there was a higher frequency of foraging for insects. Some, but not all, species responded to increased structural complexity and fruit/floral resources provided by boxthorn. Consequently, management by reducing boxthorn is likely to alter bird communities and the usage of sites by some native species, thus management success should consider fine-scale biodiversity objectives, such as managing for particular types or species of birds.