718 resultados para measuring device


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Monitoring organic environmental contaminants is of crucial importance to ensure public health. This requires simple, portable and robust devices to carry out on-site analysis. For this purpose, a low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) microfluidic potentiometric device (LTCC/μPOT) was developed for the first time for an organic compound: sulfamethoxazole (SMX). Sensory materials relied on newly designed plastic antibodies. Sol–gel, self-assembling monolayer and molecular-imprinting techniques were merged for this purpose. Silica beads were amine-modified and linked to SMX via glutaraldehyde modification. Condensation polymerization was conducted around SMX to fill the vacant spaces. SMX was removed after, leaving behind imprinted sites of complementary shape. The obtained particles were used as ionophores in plasticized PVC membranes. The most suitable membrane composition was selected in steady-state assays. Its suitability to flow analysis was verified in flow-injection studies with regular tubular electrodes. The LTCC/μPOT device integrated a bidimensional mixer, an embedded reference electrode based on Ag/AgCl and an Ag-based contact screen-printed under a micromachined cavity of 600 μm depth. The sensing membranes were deposited over this contact and acted as indicating electrodes. Under optimum conditions, the SMX sensor displayed slopes of about −58.7 mV/decade in a range from 12.7 to 250 μg/mL, providing a detection limit of 3.85 μg/mL and a sampling throughput of 36 samples/h with a reagent consumption of 3.3 mL per sample. The system was adjusted later to multiple analyte detection by including a second potentiometric cell on the LTCC/μPOT device. No additional reference electrode was required. This concept was applied to Trimethoprim (TMP), always administered concomitantly with sulphonamide drugs, and tested in fish-farming waters. The biparametric microanalyzer displayed Nernstian behaviour, with average slopes −54.7 (SMX) and +57.8 (TMP) mV/decade. To demonstrate the microanalyzer capabilities for real applications, it was successfully applied to single and simultaneous determination of SMX and TMP in aquaculture waters.


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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Volume 2010, Article ID 634597, 8 pages


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Smart Cities are designed to be living systems and turn urban dwellers life more comfortable and interactive by keeping them aware of what surrounds them, while leaving a greener footprint. The Future Cities Project [1] aims to create infrastructures for research in smart cities including a vehicular network, the BusNet, and an environmental sensor platform, the Urban Sense. Vehicles within the BusNet are equipped with On Board Units (OBUs) that offer free Wi-Fi to passengers and devices near the street. The Urban Sense platform is composed by a set of Data Collection Units (DCUs) that include a set of sensors measuring environmental parameters such as air pollution, meteorology and noise. The Urban Sense platform is expanding and receptive to add new sensors to the platform. The parnership with companies like TNL were made and the need to monitor garbage street containers emerged as air pollution prevention. If refuse collection companies know prior to the refuse collection which route is the best to collect the maximum amount of garbage with the shortest path, they can reduce costs and pollution levels are lower, leaving behind a greener footprint. This dissertation work arises in the need to monitor the garbage street containers and integrate these sensors into an Urban Sense DCU. Due to the remote locations of the garbage street containers, a network extension to the vehicular network had to be created. This dissertation work also focus on the Multi-hop network designed to extend the vehicular network coverage area to the remote garbage street containers. In locations where garbage street containers have access to the vehicular network, Roadside Units (RSUs) or Access Points (APs), the Multi-hop network serves has a redundant path to send the data collected from DCUs to the Urban Sense cloud database. To plan this highly dynamic network, the Wi-Fi Planner Tool was developed. This tool allowed taking measurements on the field that led to an optimized location of the Multi-hop network nodes with the use of radio propagation models. This tool also allowed rendering a temperature-map style overlay for Google Earth [2] application. For the DCU for garbage street containers the parner company provided the access to a HUB (device that communicates with the sensor inside the garbage containers). The Future Cities use the Raspberry pi as a platform for the DCUs. To collect the data from the HUB a RS485 to RS232 converter was used at the physical level and the Modbus protocol at the application level. To determine the location and status of the vehicles whinin the vehicular network a TCP Server was developed. This application was developed for the OBUs providing the vehicle Global Positioning System (GPS) location as well as information of when the vehicle is stopped, moving, on idle or even its slope. To implement the Multi-hop network on the field some scripts were developed such as pingLED and “shark”. These scripts helped upon node deployment on the field as well as to perform all the tests on the network. Two setups were implemented on the field, an urban setup was implemented for a Multi-hop network coverage survey and a sub-urban setup was implemented to test the Multi-hop network routing protocols, Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) and Babel.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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RESUMO: Introdução: A relação cinemática entre as articulações do CAO apresenta grande importância na função do MS, e é por isso cada vez mais investigada e descrita. O posicionamento da omoplata ganha um importante papel para compreender as DCAO. É indiscutível o importante papel da omoplata na dinâmica do MS, bem como o posicionamento escapular como parâmetro clínico de disfunção do CAO. Todos estes factores criam a necessidade de desenvolver instrumentos de avaliação da posição da articulação ET. A grande maioria dos testes de avaliação, restringem a sua avaliação às disfunções da articulação GU, não integrando uma avaliação mais dinâmica e interactiva que respeite os pressupostos teóricos inerentes ao REU. È importante também que os métodos de avaliação sejam de fácil aplicabilidade clínica e que avaliem fidedignamente e com validade os outcomes. Objectivos: Contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de avaliação da omoplata em diferentes amplitudes do MS, através do estudo da validade concorrente, da fidedignidade intra e inter-observador. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por 20 elementos seleccionados por conveniência, entre o corpo de discentes da ESS-IPS, sem história de disfunção do CAO. Foi realizada uma análise cinemática ao MS de cada sujeito, usando um aparelho de análise por varrimento electromagnético, o FOB. Em cada sujeito foram ainda medidas, as distâncias escapulares em estudo, usando a fita métrica. Cada método de medição foi constituído por dois momento (teste e reteste), em cada momento, as medidas eram recolhidas por dois investigadores distintos. Resultados e Discussão: Foram considerados como positivos os resultados que se apresentassem acima do limiar de 0,5, que classifica uma correlação como moderada a excelente. Os resultados da validade mostram que para o investigador 1 nas medidas M1e M2 apenas houve correlação com valores excelentes a moderados até aos 30º de elevação do MS. Já para M3 apenas aos 30º no plano da omoplata essa mesma correlação não tem valores próximos do cutpoint. Em M4 nenhum valor tem correlação significativa com os valores do FOB, chegando mesmo a haver correlação negativa para os 120º no plano da omoplata. Em M5 apenas os 0º mostram valores correlacionais excelentes a moderados. Para o investigador 2, em M1 e M2 á semelhança do investigador 1, só existem valores de correlação significativos até aos 30º de elevação do MS. Já para M3 todos os valores mostram excelente a moderada correlação á excepção dos 120º no plano frontal. Em M4 este investigador apresenta maus resultados. Já em M5 os valores de correlação são moderados aos 0º e aos 90º. No que diz respeitos aos resultados dos CCI intra-observador,podemos afirmar que foi em M5 que estes valores mais se aproximaram do cut point. M1 e M2 são as medidas onde se encontram resultados menos satisfatórios. É aos 60º que existem valores mais satisfatórios, seguidos pelos 0º e 30º, quando nos aproximamos de graus mais elevados, como 90º e 120º, estes valores tendem a baixar. Quanto á fidedignidade inter-observador para M1 apenas aos 90º e aos 120º houve valores de correlação abaixo do cutpoint. Em M2, só os 60º do plano sagital não teve valores acima do cutpoint, em M3 apenas os 30º plano sagital não obtiveram valores acima do cut-point, o mesmo acontece para M3 aos 30º plano da omoplata e em M5 aos 30º e 120º no plano frontal. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a metodologia em causa apresenta elevado grau de fidedignidade inter-observador, já no que toca é fidedignidade intra-observador o grau de semelhança não é tão elevado. Também o erro associado á medida não ultrapassou 1,5cm, sendo considerado baixo. Na validade concorrente concluímos que é aos 0º que a metodologia se torna uma opção válida na aferição das distâncias medidas com uma boa a excelente concordância com o FOB. As medidas consideradas como opções válidas, nas diferentes amplitudes, podem funcionar como parâmetros clínicos de caracterização do posicionamento da omoplata, podendo vir a contribuir ainda para a caracterização da orientação da mesma.-------------------- ABSTRACT:Introduction: The kinematic relationship between the joints of the CAO has great importance in the function of MS, which is why more and more investigated and described. The positioning of the blade gets an important role in understanding the DCAO. There is no doubt the important role of the scapula in the dynamics of MS as well as the positioning of scapular dysfunction as a clinical parameter of the CAO. All these factors create the need to develop tools for evaluating the place of articulation ET. Most assessment tests, restrict its assessment to GU joint disorders, not incorporating a more dynamic and interactive way that respects the theoretical assumptions inherent in the REU. It is also important that the methods are easy to apply clinical and reliably to assess the validity and outcomes. Objectives: To contribute to the development of a methodology for evaluating the scapula in different ranges of MS, through the study of concurrent validity, reliability of intra-and inter-observer. Methodology: The sample consisted of 20 selected elements for convenience, between the body of students of IPS-ESS with no history of dysfunction of the CAO. We performed a kinematic analysis of each subject to MS, using a scanning device for electromagnetic analysis, the FOB. In each subject were also measured, the scapular distances under study, using tape measure. Each method of measuring the time consisted of two (test and retest), in each moment, the measures were collected by two different investigators. Results and Discussion: We considered as positive results that were above the threshold of 0.5, which ranks as a moderate to excellent correlation. The results show that the validity for the researcher in an action M1e M2 was only correlated with moderate to excellent values up to 30º of elevation of the MS. As for M3 only to 30º in the plane of the scapula has the same correlation values near the cutpoint. M4 has no value in correlation with the values of the FOB, and even negative correlation to 120 ° in the plane of the scapula. In M5 show only the values 0 ° correlational excellent to moderate. For investigator 2 in M1 and M2 will be like an investigator, there are only significant correlation values up to 30º of elevation of the MS. As for M3 all the values show excellent correlation to moderate with the exception of 120 ° in the frontal plane. In this researcher M4 has bad results. M5 already in the correlation values are moderate to 0º and 90 º. Regarding the results of ICC intra-observer, we can say that M5 was that these values come closest to the cut point. M1 and M2 are measures which are less than satisfactory results. At 60 ° there are more satisfactory values, followed by 0º and 30º, when we approached the highest levels, such as 90 ° and 120 °, these values tend to decrease. The inter-observer reliability for M1 only to 90 º and 120 ºcorrelation values were below the cutpoint. In M2, only 60 of the sagital plane did not have values above the cutpoint in M3 only 30º sagital plane did not obtain values above the cut-point, the same goes for M3 at 30 ° plane of the scapula and M5 at 30 º and 120 º in frontal plane. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the methodology in question has a high degree of inter-observer reliability, as far as intra-observer reliability is the degree of similarity is not as high. Also the error of measure did not exceed 1.5 cm, and is considered low. In concurrent validity conclude that it is at 0 ° the methodology becomes a valid option for the measurement of distances measured with a good to excellent agreement with the FOB. The measures considered as valid options in different amplitudes, can function as clinical parameters to characterize the positioning of the shoulder blade and could further contribute to the characterization of the orientation of the same.


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Objective:We aimed to identify if there was any difference in Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) efficacy or weight gain when used in heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) treatment, between obese and non-obese women. Population and methods: This was a case-controlled retrospective study undertaken between 2002-2007. 194 women with HMB were treated with LNG-IUS and stratified into two groups accordingly with body mass index (BMI): Obese Group – BMI ≥ 30 (n=53) and Non-obese Group – BMI < 30 (n=141). Age, weight, days of spotting and days of menses were analyzed at 1, 3 and 6 months after insertion and then annually until 2 years. Analytic parameters of anemia (hemoglobin, serum ferritin, mean corpuscular volume) were reviewed at pre-insertion, at 6 months and then annually until 2 years. Results: During the 2-year follow-up there was a similar improvement in two groups regarding duration of menses, spotting and in analytic parameters of anemia. A statistically significant improvement was observed in obese group after 2 years of treatment regarding analytic parameters of anemia and menstrual characteristics, without weight gain. Conclusion: In obese women, the LNG-IUS is an effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding, without being associated to weight gain.


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INTRODUCTION: Mitral regurgitation (MR) is the most common valvular disease and has recently become the target of a number of percutaneous approaches. The MitraClip is virtually the only device for which there is considerable experience, with more than 20,000 procedures performed worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To describe our initial experience of the percutaneous treatment of MR with the MitraClip device. METHODS: We describe the first six MitraClip cases performed in this institution (mean age 58.5 ± 13.1 years), with functional MR grade 4+ and New York Heart Association (NYHA) heart failure class III or IV (n=3), with a mean follow-up of 290 ± 145 days. RESULTS: Procedural success (MR ≤ 2+) was 100%. Total procedure time was 115.8 ± 23.7 min, with no in-hospital adverse events and discharge between the fourth and eighth day, and consistent improvement in the six-minute walk test (329.8 ± 98.42 vs. 385.33 ± 106.95 m) and in NYHA class (three patients improved by two NYHA classes). During follow-up there were two deaths, in two of the four patients who had been initially considered for heart transplantation. CONCLUSION: In patients with functional MR the MitraClip procedure is safe, with both a high implantation and immediate in-hospital success rate. A longer follow-up suggests that the clinical benefit decreases or disappears completely in patients with more advanced heart disease, namely those denied transplantation or on the heart transplant waiting list.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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To assess the degree of discomfort caused by length measurement in neonates, performed with one or both lower limbs extended, on the first and second day after birth, with either one or both lower limbs extended. METHODS: Healthy full-term neonates were systematically sampled during the months of February and March 2004. Crown-heel length was measured, using a 1-mm precision neonatometer, at approximately 8 h and 32 h after birth, with one and both lower limbs extended. The Neonatal Facial Coding System was used to assess discomfort during measurements. Data were analysed by parametric and non-parametric tests as appropriate. RESULTS: Whatever the measurement technique, discomfort scores are significantly higher during the length measurement than at baseline. Whenever length measurements are performed, discomfort scores are significantly higher when extending both lower limbs rather than one lower limb (p < 0.006). The measured length is greater with one lower limb extended; however, the difference decreases over time, being 0.19 cm (95% CI 0.1-0.3; p < 0.001) at approximately 32 h of age. No significant differences in length were found between measurements at approximately 8 or 32 h, regardless of the technique used. The best correlation between length measurements with one or both lower limbs extended was observed at approximately 32 h after birth (r = 0.98). CONCLUSION: Measuring crown-heel length is a distressful procedure for the neonate. Measurements with one lower limb extended result in less discomfort than when both lower limbs are extended, without decreasing the accuracy.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Molecular Biology


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores Especialidade: Robótica e Manufactura Integrada


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Dissertation for obtaining the Master degree in Membrane Engineering


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Teleoperation is a concept born with the rapid evolution of technology, with an intuitive meaning "operate at a distance." The first teleoperation system was created in the mid 1950s, which were handled chemicals. Remote controlled systems are present nowadays in various types of applications. This dissertation presents the development of a mobile application to perform the teleoperation of a mobile service robot. The application integrates a distributed surveillance (the result of a research project QREN) and led to the development of a communication interface between the robot (the result of another QREN project) and the vigilance system. It was necessary to specify a communication protocol between the two systems, which was implemented over a communication framework 0MQ (Zero Message Queue). For the testing, three prototype applications were developed before to perform the test on the robot.