995 resultados para lymphatic vessel
BACKGROUND: Recanalization of the culprit lesion is the main goal of primary angioplasty for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction and multivessel disease are, therefore, usually subjected to staged procedures, with the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) confined to recanalization of the infarct-related artery (IRA). Theoretically at least, early relief of stenoses of non-infarct-related arteries could promote collateral circulation, which could help to limit the infarct size. However, the safety and feasibility of such an approach has not been adequately established. METHODS: In this single-center prospective study we examined 73 consecutive patients who had an acute STEMI and at least one or more lesions > or = 70% in a major epicardial vessel other than the infarct-related artery. In the first 28 patients, forming the multi-vessel (MV) PCI group, all lesions were treated during the primary procedure. In the following 45 patients, forming the culprit-only (CO) PCI group, only the culprit lesion was treated during the initial procedure, followed by either planned-staged or ischemia-driven revascularization of the non-culprit lesions. Fluoroscopy time and contrast dye amount were compared between both groups, and patients were followed up for one year for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and other significant clinical events. RESULTS: The two groups were well balanced in terms of clinical characteristics, number of diseased vessels and angiographic characteristics of the culprit lesion. In the MV-PCI group, 2.51 lesions per patient were treated using 2.96 +/- 1.34 stents (1.00 lesions and 1.76 +/- 1.17 stents in the CO-PCI group, both p < 0.001). The fluoroscopy time increased from 10.3 (7.2-16.9) min in the CO-PCI group to 12.5 (8.5-19.3) min in the MV-PCI group (p = 0.22), and the amount of contrast used from 200 (180-250) ml to 250 (200-300) ml, respectively (p = 0.16). Peak CK and CK-MB were significantly lower in patients of the MV-PCI group (843 +/- 845 and 135 +/- 125 vs 1652 +/- 1550 and 207 +/- 155 U/l, p < 0.001 and 0.01, respectively). Similar rates of major adverse cardiac events at one year were observed in the two groups (24% and 28% in multi-vessel and culprit treatment groups, p = 0.73). The incidence of new revascularization in both infarct- and non-infarct-related arteries was also similar (24% and 28%, respectively, p = 0.73). CONCLUSION: We may state from this limited experience that a multi-vessel stenting approach for patients with acute STEMI and multi-vessel disease is feasible and probably safe during routine clinical practice. Our data suggest that this approach may help to limit the infarct size. However, larger studies, perhaps using drug-eluting stents, are still needed to further evaluate the safety and efficiency of this procedure, and whether it is associated with a lower need of subsequent revascularization and lower costs.
Spray characterization under flash boiling conditions was investigated utilizing a symmetric multi-hole injector applicable to the gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine. Tests were performed in a constant volume combustion vessel using a high-speed schlieren and Mie scattering imaging systems. Four fuels including n-heptane, 100% ethanol, pure ethanol blended with 15% iso-octane by volume, and test grade E85 were considered in the study. Experimental conditions included various ambient pressure, fuel temperature, and fuel injection pressure. Visualization of the vaporizing spray development was acquired by utilizing schlieren and laser-based Mie scattering techniques. Time evolved spray tip penetration, spray angle, and the ratio of the vapor to liquid region were analyzed by utilizing digital image processing techniques in MATLAB. This research outlines spray characteristics at flash boiling and non-flash boiling conditions. At flash boiling conditions it was observed that individual plumes merge together, leading to significant contraction in spray angle as compared to non-flash boiling conditions. The results indicate that at flash boiling conditions, spray formation and expansion of vapor region is dependent on momentum exchange offered by the ambient gas. A relation between momentum exchange and liquid spray angle formed was also observed.
OBJECTIVES: To map the primary prostatic lymphatic landing sites using a multimodality technique. METHODS: Thirty-four patients with organ-confined prostate cancer (cT1-cT2; cN0) underwent single-photon emission computed tomography fused with data from computed tomography (SPECT/CT) (n=33) or magnetic resonance imaging (SPECT/MRI) (n=1) 1h after ultrasound-guided intraprostatic injection of technecium (Tc-99m) nanocolloid. The presence of lymph nodes (LNs) containing Tc-99m was confirmed intraoperatively with a gamma probe. A backup extended pelvic lymphadenectomy (PLND) was performed to preclude missed primary lymphatic landing sites. The SPECT/CT/MRI data sets were used to generate a three-dimensional projection of each LN site. RESULTS: A total of 317 LNs (median, 10 per patient; range, 3-19) were detected by SPECT/CT/MRI, 314 of which were confirmed by gamma probe. With an "extended" PLND, two thirds of all primary prostatic lymphatic landing sites are resected compared with only one third with a "limited" PLND. CONCLUSIONS: The multimodality technique presented here enables precise mapping of the primary prostatic lymphatic landing sites. PLND for prostate cancer should include not only the external and obturator regions as well as the portions medial and lateral to the internal iliac vessels, but also the common iliac LNs at least up to the ureteric crossing, thus removing approximately 75% of all nodes potentially harbouring metastasis.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Transient elevation of arterial blood pressure (BP) is frequent in acute ischemic stroke and may help to increase perfusion of tissue jeopardized by ischemia. If this is true, recanalization may eliminate the need for this BP elevation. METHODS: We analyzed BP in 149 patients with acute ischemic stroke on admission to the hospital and 1 and 12 hours after intraarterial thrombolysis. BP values of patients with adequate recanalization were compared with BP values of patients with inadequate recanalization. Recanalization was determined on cerebral arteriography after thrombolysis using thrombolysis in myocardial infarction grades. RESULTS: Systolic, mean, and diastolic arterial BP decreased significantly from admission to 12 hours after thrombolysis in all patients (P<0.001). Before thrombolysis, patients with adequate and inadequate recanalization showed equal systolic (147.4 and 148.0 mm Hg), mean (102.1 and 104.1 mm Hg), and diastolic (79.5 and 82.1 mm Hg) BP values. Twelve hours after thrombolysis, patients with adequate recanalization had lower values than those with inadequate recanalization (systolic BP, 130 versus 139.9 mm Hg; mean BP, 86.8 versus 92.2 mm Hg; and diastolic, BP 65.2 versus 68.3 mm Hg). Two-way repeated ANOVA analysis showed a significant group x time interaction for systolic BP, indicating a larger systolic BP decrease when recanalization succeeded (P=0.019). CONCLUSIONS: The course of elevated systolic but not diastolic BP after acute ischemic stroke was found to be inversely associated with the degree of vessel recanalization. When recanalization failed, systolic BP remained elevated longer than when it succeeded.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The major goal of acute ischemic stroke treatment is fast and sufficient recanalization. Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTA) and/or placement of a stent might achieve both by compressing the thrombus at the occlusion site. This study assesses the feasibility, recanalization rate, and complications of the 2 techniques in an animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty cranial vessels of 7 swine were occluded by injection of radiopaque thrombi. Fifteen vessel occlusions were treated by PTA alone and 15, by placement of a stent and postdilation. Recanalization was documented immediately after treatment and after 1, 2, and 3 hours. Thromboembolic events and dissections were documented. RESULTS: PTA was significantly faster to perform (mean, 16.6 minutes versus 33.0 minutes for stent placement; P < .001), but the mean recanalization rate after 1 hour was significantly better after stent placement compared with PTA alone (67.5% versus 14.6%, P < .001). Due to the self-expanding force of the stent, vessel diameter further increased with time, whereas the recanalization result after PTA was prone to reocclusion. Besides thromboembolic events related to the passing maneuvers at the occlusion site, no thrombus fragmentation and embolization occurred during balloon inflation or stent deployment. Flow to side branches could also be restored at the occlusion site because it was possible to direct thrombus compression. CONCLUSIONS: Stent placement and postdilation proved to be much more efficient in terms of acute and short-term vessel recanalization compared with PTA alone.
OBJECTIVES: We assessed the impact of vessel size on outcomes of stenting with biolimus-eluting degradable polymer stent (BES) and sirolimus-eluting permanent polymer stent (SES) within a randomized multicenter trial (LEADERS). BACKGROUND: Stenting of small vessels might be associated with higher rates of adverse events. METHODS: "All-comer" patients (n = 1,707) were randomized to BES and SES. Post-hoc-stratified analysis of angiographic and clinical outcomes at 9 months and 1 year, respectively, was performed for vessels with reference diameter
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Angiogenesis is a pathological hallmark of portal hypertension. Although VEGF is considered to be the most important proangiogenic factor in neoangiogenesis, this process requires the coordinated action of a variety of factors. Identification of novel molecules involved in angiogenesis is highly relevant, since they may represent potential new targets to suppress pathological neovascularization in angiogenesis-related diseases like portal hypertension. The apelin/APJ signaling pathway plays a crucial role in angiogenesis. Therefore, we determined whether the apelin system modulates angiogenesis-driven processes in portal hypertension. METHODS: Partial portal vein-ligated rats were treated with the APJ antagonist F13A for seven days. Splanchnic neovascularization and expression of angiogenesis mediators (Western blotting) was determined. Portosystemic collateral formation (microspheres), and hemodynamic parameters (flowmetry) were also assessed. RESULTS: Apelin and its receptor APJ were overexpressed in the splanchnic vasculature of portal hypertensive rats. F13A effectively decreased, by 52%, splanchnic neovascularization and expression of proangiogenic factors VEGF, PDGF and angiopoietin-2 in portal hypertensive rats. F13A also reduced, by 35%, the formation of portosystemic collateral vessels. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first experimental evidence showing that the apelin/APJ system contributes to portosystemic collateralization and splanchnic neovascularization in portal hypertensive rats, presenting a potential novel therapeutic target for portal hypertension.
Vascular endothelial protein tyrosine phosphatase (VE-PTP) is an endothelial-specific receptor-type tyrosine phosphatase that associates with Tie-2 and VE-cadherin. VE-PTP gene disruption leads to embryonic lethality, vascular remodeling defects, and enlargement of vascular structures in extraembryonic tissues. We show here that antibodies against the extracellular part of VE-PTP mimic the effects of VE-PTP gene disruption exemplified by vessel enlargement in allantois explants. These effects require the presence of the angiopoietin receptor Tie-2. Analyzing the mechanism we found that anti-VE-PTP antibodies trigger endocytosis and selectively affect Tie-2-associated, but not VE-cadherin-associated VE-PTP. Dissociation of VE-PTP triggers the activation of Tie-2, leading to enhanced endothelial cell proliferation and enlargement of vascular structures through activation of Erk1/2. Importantly, the antibody effect on vessel enlargement is also observed in newborn mice. We conclude that VE-PTP is required to balance Tie-2 activity and endothelial cell proliferation, thereby controlling blood vessel development and vessel size.
Although vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been described as a potent angiogenic stimulus, its application in therapy remains difficult: blood vessels formed by exposure to VEGF tend to be malformed and leaky. In nature, the principal form of VEGF possesses a binding site for ECM components that maintain it in the immobilized state until released by local cellular enzymatic activity. In this study, we present an engineered variant form of VEGF, alpha2PI1-8-VEGF121, that mimics this concept of matrix-binding and cell-mediated release by local cell-associated enzymatic activity, working in the surgically-relevant biological matrix fibrin. We show that matrix-conjugated alpha2PI1-8-VEGF121 is protected from clearance, contrary to native VEGF121 mixed into fibrin, which was completely released as a passive diffusive burst. Grafting studies on the embryonic chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and in adult mice were performed to assess and compare the quantity and quality of neovasculature induced in response to fibrin implants formulated with matrix-bound alpha2PI1-8-VEGF121 or native diffusible VEGF121. Our CAM measurements demonstrated that cell-demanded release of alpha2PI1-8-VEGF121 increases the formation of new arterial and venous branches, whereas exposure to passively released wild-type VEGF121 primarily induced chaotic changes within the capillary plexus. Specifically, our analyses at several levels, from endothelial cell morphology and endothelial interactions with periendothelial cells, to vessel branching and network organization, revealed that alpha2PI1-8-VEGF121 induces vessel formation more potently than native VEGF121 and that those vessels possess more normal morphologies at the light microscopic and ultrastructural level. Permeability studies in mice validated that vessels induced by alpha2PI1-8-VEGF121 do not leak. In conclusion, cell-demanded release of engineered VEGF121 from fibrin implants may present a therapeutically safe and practical modality to induce local angiogenesis.
OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to assess the occurrence, predictors, and mechanisms of optical coherence tomography (OCT)-detected coronary evaginations following drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation. BACKGROUND Angiographic ectasias and aneurysms in stented segments have been associated with a risk of late stent thrombosis. Using OCT, some stented segments show coronary evaginations reminiscent of ectasias. METHODS Evaginations were defined as outward bulges in the luminal contour between struts. They were considered major evaginations (MEs) when extending ≥3 mm along the vessel length, with a depth ≥10% of the stent diameter. A total of 228 patients who had sirolimus (SES)-, paclitaxel-, biolimus-, everolimus (EES)-, or zotarolimus (ZES)-eluting stents implanted in 254 lesions, were analysed after 1, 2, or 5 years; and serial assessment using OCT and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) was performed post-intervention and after 1 year in 42 patients. RESULTS Major evaginations occurred frequently at all time points in SES (∼26%) and were rarely seen in EES (3%) and ZES (2%, P = 0.003). Sirolimus-eluting stent implantation was the strongest independent predictor of ME [adjusted OR (95% CI) 9.1 (1.1-77.4), P = 0.008]. Malapposed and uncovered struts were more common in lesions with vs. without ME (77 vs. 25%, P < 0.001 and 95 vs. 20%, P < 0.001, respectively) as was thrombus [49 vs. 14%, OR 7.3 (95% CI: 1.7-31.2), P = 0.007]. Post-intervention intra-stent dissection and protrusion of the vessel wall into the lumen were associated with an increased risk of evagination at follow-up [OR (95% CI): 2.9 (1.8-4.9), P < 0.001 and 3.3 (1.6-6.9), P = 0.001, respectively]. In paired IVUS analyses, lesions with ME showed a larger increase in the external elastic membrane area (20% area change) compared with lesions without ME (5% area change, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION Optical coherence tomography-detected MEs are a specific morphological footprint of early-generation SES and are nearly absent in newer-generation ZES and EES. Evaginations appear to be related to vessel injury at baseline; are associated with positive vessel remodelling; and correlate with uncoverage, malapposition, and thrombus at follow-up.
Aims: We examined what type of STEMI patients are more likely to undergo multivessel PCI (MPCI) in a "real-world" setting and whether MPCI leads to worse or better outcomes compared with single-vessel PCI (SPCI) after stratifying patients by risk. Methods and results: Among STEMI patients enrolled in the Swiss AMIS Plus registry between 2005 and 2012 (n=12,000), 4,941 were identified with multivessel disease. We then stratified patients based on MPCI use and their risk. High-risk patients were identified a priori as those with: 1) left main (LM) involvement (lesions, n=263); 2) out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; or 3) Killip class III/IV. Logistic regression models examined for predictors of MPCI use and the association between MPCI and in-hospital mortality. Three thousand eight hundred and thirty-three (77.6%) patients underwent SPCI and 1,108 (22.4%) underwent MPCI. Rates of MPCI were greater among high-risk patients for each of the three categories: 8.6% vs. 5.9% for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (p<0.01); 12.3% vs. 6.2% for Killip III/IV (p<0.001); and 14.5% vs. 2.7% for LM involvement (p<0.001). Overall, in-hospital mortality after MPCI was higher when compared with SPCI (7.3% vs. 4.4%; p<0.001). However, this result was not present when patients were stratified by risk: in-hospital mortality for MPCI vs. SPCI was 2.0% vs. 2.0% (p=1.00) in low-risk patients and 22.2% vs. 21.7% (p=1.00) in high-risk patients. Conclusions: High-risk patients are more likely to undergo MPCI. Furthermore, MPCI does not appear to be associated with higher mortality after stratifying patients based on their risk.
Aims: To assess observations with multimodality imaging of the Absorb bioresorbable everolimus-eluting vascular scaffold performed in two consecutive cohorts of patients who were serially investigated either at 6 and 24 months or at 12 and 36 months. Methods and results: In the ABSORB multicentre single-arm trial, 45 patients (cohort B1) and 56 patients (cohort B2) underwent serial invasive imaging, specifically quantitative coronary angiography (QCA), intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), radiofrequency backscattering (IVUS-VH) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Between one and three years, late luminal loss remained unchanged (6 months: 0.19 mm, 1 year: 0.27 mm, 2 years: 0.27 mm, 3 years: 0.29 mm) and the in-segment angiographic restenosis rate for the entire cohort B (n=101) at three years was 6%. On IVUS, mean lumen, scaffold, plaque and vessel area showed enlargement up to two years. Mean lumen and scaffold area remained stable between two and three years whereas significant reduction in plaque behind the struts occurred with a trend toward adaptive restrictive remodelling of EEM. Hyperechogenicity of the vessel wall, a surrogate of the bioresorption process, decreased from 23.1% to 10.4% with a reduction of radiofrequency backscattering for dense calcium and necrotic core. At three years, the count of strut cores detected on OCT increased significantly, probably reflecting the dismantling of the scaffold; 98% of struts were covered. In the entire cohort B (n=101), the three-year major adverse cardiac event rate was 10.0% without any scaffold thrombosis. Conclusions: The current investigation demonstrated the dynamics of vessel wall changes after implantation of a bioresorbable scaffold, resulting at three years in stable luminal dimensions, a low restenosis rate and a low clinical major adverse cardiac events rate.
BACKGROUND The long-term results after second generation everolimus eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (Absorb BVS) placement in small vessels are unknown. Therefore, we investigated the impact of vessel size on long-term outcomes, after Absorb BVS implantation. METHODS In ABSORB Cohort B Trial, out of the total study population (101 patients), 45 patients were assigned to undergo 6-month and 2-year angiographic follow-up (Cohort B1) and 56 patients to have angiographic follow-up at 1-year (Cohort B2). The pre-reference vessel diameter (RVD) was <2.5 mm (small-vessel group) in 41 patients (41 lesions) and ≥2.5 mm (large-vessel group) in 60 patients (61 lesions). Outcomes were compared according to pre-RVD. RESULTS At 2-year angiographic follow-up no differences in late lumen loss (0.29±0.16 mm vs 0.25±0.22 mm, p=0.4391), and in-segment binary restenosis (5.3% vs 5.3% p=1.0000) were demonstrated between groups. In the small-vessel group, intravascular ultrasound analysis showed a significant increase in vessel area (12.25±3.47 mm(2) vs 13.09±3.38 mm(2) p=0.0015), scaffold area (5.76±0.96 mm(2) vs 6.41±1.30 mm(2) p=0.0008) and lumen area (5.71±0.98 mm(2) vs 6.20±1.27 mm(2) p=0.0155) between 6-months and 2-year follow-up. No differences in plaque composition were reported between groups at either time point. At 2-year clinical follow-up, no differences in ischaemia-driven major adverse cardiac events (7.3% vs 10.2%, p=0.7335), myocardial infarction (4.9% vs 1.7%, p=0.5662) or ischaemia-driven target lesion revascularisation (2.4% vs 8.5%, p=0.3962) were reported between small and large vessels. No deaths or scaffold thrombosis were observed. CONCLUSIONS Similar clinical and angiographic outcomes at 2-year follow-up were reported in small and large vessel groups. A significant late lumen enlargement and positive vessel remodelling were observed in small vessels.