291 resultados para longissimus dorsi
Oliveira, AS, Greco, CC, Pereira, MP, Figueira, TR, de Araujo Ruas, VD, Goncalves, M, and Denadai, BS. Physiological and neuromuscular profile during a Bodypump session: acute responses during a high-resistance training session. J Strength Cond Res 23(2): 579-586, 2009-The main purposes of this study were 1) to describe and to compare blood lactate ([La]), heart rate (HR), and electromyographic (EMG) parameters during high-repetition training sessions (HRTSs), 2) to analyze the influence of physical fitness levels in these parameters, and, 3) to analyze the relationship between metabolic ([La]) and neuromuscular (EMG) responses during the HRTS. Fifteen healthy untrained women (21.7 +/- 2.1 years) performed an HRTS called Bodypump for 1 hour, which incorporated the use of variable free weights and high repetitions in a group setting. This session involved 10 music selections (M1-M10) containing resistive exercises for different muscle groups. After music selections 2 (M2), 4 (M4), 6 (M6), 7 (M7), and 9 (M9), [La], HR, and EMG (vastus medialis [VM], vastus lateralis [VL], iliocostalis lumborum [IC], and longissimus thoracis <) were determined. The [La] (M2, 4.00 +/- 1.45 mM; M7, 5.02 +/- 1.73 mM) and HR (M2, 153.64 +/- 18.89 bpm; M7, 16.14 +/- 20.14 bpm) obtained at M2 and M7 were similar but were significantly higher than the other moments of the session. However, EMG (root mean square [RMS]) at M2 (VL, VM, and LT) was lower than at M7. There was no significant correlation of strength and aerobic physical fitness with [La], RMS. In the same way, there was no significant correlation of [La] with RMS at M2 and M7. on the basis of our data, we can conclude that metabolic, cardiovascular, and EMG variables present different and independent behavior during an HRTS. Accordingly, for neuromuscular conditions during HRTS, it seems to be enough to induce improvement in the muscular strength of inferior limbs in untrained subjects.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the EMG activity of lumbar multifidus (MU), longissimus thoracis (LT) and iliocostalis (IC) muscles during an upper limb resistance exercise (biceps curl). Ten healthy males performed maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) of the trunk extensors, after this, the biceps curl exercise was executed at 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% one repetition maximum during 1 min, with 10 min rest between them. EMG root mean square (RMS) and median frequency (MFreq) were calculated for each lifting and lowering of the bar during the exercise bouts, to calculate slopes and intercepts. The results showed increases in the RMS and decreases in the MFreq slopes. RMS slopes were no different between muscles, indicating similar fatigue process along the exercise irrespective of the load level. MU and LT presented higher RMS irrespective of the load level, which can be related to the specific function during the standing position. on the other hand, IC and MU presented higher MFreq intercepts compared to LT, demonstrating possible differences in the muscle fiber conduction velocity of these muscles. These findings suggest that trunk muscles are differently activate during upper limb exercises, and the fatigue process affects the lumbar muscles similarly. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar as características qualitativas de carcaças de 36 cordeiros terminados em pastagem de coastcross, sendo 13 Corriedale, 14 Bergamácia x Corriedale e 9 Hampshire Down x Corriedale, e 29 cordeiros terminados em confinamento, sendo 10 Corriedale, 11 Bergamácia x Corriedale e 8 Hampshire Down x Corriedale. As médias das variáveis (escala de 1 a 5) condição corporal: 2,70 e 3,13; conformação: 2,65 e 3,35; e cobertura de gordura: 2,43 e 2,95; foram superiores para os cordeiros do confinamento que para cordeiros em pastagem. Na escala de 1 a 3, foram avaliadas a cor da gordura: 1,66 e 1,94; cor da carne: 1,66 e 1,72; e consistência de gordura: 1,62 e 1,83, respectivamente, para os cordeiros em pastagem e em confinamento. A área de olho de lombo foi significativamente (10,21 vs. 9,03 cm²), bem como a espessura de gordura de cobertura: 1,10 vs. 1,70 mm, foi superior para os cordeiros confinados. As médias das porcentagens de músculo no lombo foram de 54,92 e 57,94%; para gordura, 9,29 e 12,95%; e osso, 35,78 e 29,10%, respectivamente, para cordeiros em pastagem e confinamento. Entre os sistemas de terminação, não houve diferenças para porcentagem de proteína (19,71 e 19,10%, respectivamente), mas houve diferença para teor de lipídios, com 5,43% para cordeiros em pastejo e 11,54% para cordeiros confinados. Para as variáveis analisadas não houve diferenças significativas entre os cruzamentos.
O trabalho foi realizado com objetivo de realizar um estudo alométrico dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo na meia carcaça esquerda de cordeiros em crescimento. Foram utilizados 36 cordeiros machos inteiros, sendo 24 Santa Inês e 12 Bergamácia. Os animais foram confinados em gaiolas individuais e alimentados ad libitum. O abate ocorreu quando os animais atingiram os pesos vivos de 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg. Após a carcaça ter sido limpa e resfriada, foram obtidos os cortes comerciais a partir da meia carcaça esquerda. A quantidade dos diferentes tecidos foi obtida a partir da dissecação da perna, do lombo, da costeleta, costela/fralda e paleta. A quantidade total dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo foi obtida pela adição das quantidades de cada corte comercial. O estudo do desenvolvimento relativo da composição tecidual foi feito por meio do modelo de HUXLEY (1932). Constatou-se crescimento heterogônico negativo (b < 1) para o tecido ósseo, crescimento isogônico (b =1) para o tecido muscular e heterogônico positivo (b > 1) para a gordura, em relação ao peso da ½ carcaça.
Com o objetivo de estudar as características qualitativas da carne de ovinos de diferentes categorias quanto aos músculos dos cortes da carcaça (paleta, lombo e perna), utilizaram-se 18 ovinos ½ Ile de France ½ Ideal (seis cordeiros não-castrados, seis ovelhas de descarte e seis machos adultos castrados). Os animais foram criados em pasto de capim-tifton 85 e receberam suplementação (concentrado). Os cordeiros foram abatidos aos 32 kg, com aproximadamente 5 meses de idade, e as ovelhas e os machos adultos castrados, com 55 kg e aos 60 meses de idade. Não houve diferenças nos valores de pH 45 minutos e pH 24 horas entre as categorias animais e nos músculos dos cortes da carcaça. A idade de abate influenciou a luminosidade da carne de todos os músculos. O teor de vermelho não diferiu entre os animais adultos, mas foi superior aos valores obtidos na carne dos cordeiros. A carne de animais adultos é mais escura que a de cordeiros. As perdas por cocção no músculo Triceps brachii são maiores que no Longissimus lumborum e Semimembranosus. Os valores de pH e a capacidade de retenção de água são similares entre as categorias animais.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Biceps femoris, Longissimus and Triceps brachii muscles from Morada Nova lambs were submitted to ageing and calcium chloride injection. Colour, water holding capacity and tenderness were studied. Lambs were slaughtered weighting 25kg.. The muscles presented differences in colour (lightness-L*, redness-a* and yellowness- b*) 24 hours after rigor mortis instalation. Ageing intensified redness of the meats. Calcium chloride did not modify the colour of Longissimus and Triceps brachii, however, Biceps femoris became more redness after receiving calcium chloride. In relation to water holding capacity, ageing affected meats from Triceps brachii. However, it did not affect Biceps femoris and Longissimus. The calcium chloride didn't modify the water holding capacity of the muscles. Ageing influenced tenderness of Biceps femoris and Longissimus.
Pigs are quite sensitive to high environmental temperatures and the thermoregulation mechanisms represent great expenses in energy for heating loss, reducing animal well-being and production performance, and altering carcass quality. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of sex and dietary energy level in growing-finishing pigs submitted to characteristic seasonal variation of temperature in subtropical humid climate, and to propose a mathematical model to predict growth performance and carcass characteristics. Twenty-eight crossbred growing-finishing pigs were randomly allotted to twelve treatments, in a 2x2x3 factorial trial (2 sex; 2 environmental conditions, and 3 energy levels). Heat stress condition (climatic chamber) showed temperatures of 31 oC at 7:00 and 22 oC at 17:00 (maximum of 33 °C) and thermal comfort condition (stall) showed temperatures of 18 °C at 7:00 and 24 °C (maximum of 27 °C). Pigs were fed ad libitum with diets containing 12.2 (low), 13.6 (medium) and 15.0 (high) MJ ME/ kg DM. Voluntary feed intake, daily weight gain, and final body weight were higher (P<0.01) at thermal comfort condition and were influenced by sex (P<0.01) in growing pigs. Feed to gain ratio decreased as the energy level increased (P<0.01), with values of 2.67, 2.59, and 2.32 (12.2, 13.6, and 15.0 MJ ME/kg DM, respectively). There was energy level and sex interaction only for daily weight gain. Regarding finishing pigs, environmental conditions also showed effects (P<0.01) on voluntary feed intake, daily weight gain, and final body weight. Performance of pigs was better at thermal comfort condition. Feed to gain ratio values were 3.55, 3.42, and 2.95 for low, medium, and high energy level, respectively. Interactions between energy level and sex were observed for voluntary feed intake, daily weight gain, and final body weight (P<0.05). Carcass yield and quality were affected by environmental condition and dietary energy level. Both hot and cold carcass weight increased as energy of ration increased. Cold carcass weight increased by 1.142 kg/MJ EM whereas backfat thickness was up to 252 mm/MJ EM. Longissimus thoracis muscle thickness was around 16 mm smaller in pigs under heat stress, but lean content was 2.68% higher in those animals. Regression equations were proposed to predict the performance values in the different situations studied.
Sensory characteristics of Morada Nova lambs meat (muscles Biceps femoris, Longissimus and Triceps brachii) submitted to effects of ageing and injection of calcium chloride were studied. The lambs were slaughtered at 25 kg of body weight. After rigor mortis, muscles were removed and submitted to treatments. The variance analysis indicated that ageing and calcium chloride didn't influence the attributes flavor (6.71) and tenderness (7.13) of meats from Biceps femoris. The interaction among the factors wasn't significant for tenderness, however it was significant for flavor. Ageing didn't affect colour (7.08), flavor (7.42), tenderness (7.83) and global impression (7.58) of meats from Longissimus without calcium chloride, and meats with calcium chloride also didn't affect. Ageing and calcium chloride factor didn't influence the attributes flavor and tenderness of meats from Triceps brachii. The interaction among the factors wasn't significant for attributes flavor and tenderness. The sensory quality of Morada Nova lambs meat, was shown similar with relationship to evaluated attributes when it was submitted to ageing and injection with calcium chloride.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fifty-nine Nellore bulls from low and high residual feed intake (RFI) levels were studied with the objective of evaluating meat quality traits. Animals were slaughtered when ultrasound-measured backfat thickness reached 4. mm, and samples of Longissimus were collected. A mixed model including RFI as fixed effect and herd and diet as random effects was used, and least square means were compared by t-test. More efficient animals consumed 0.730. kg dry matter/day less than less efficient animals, with similar performance. No significant differences in carcass weight, prime meat cuts proportion, chemical composition, pH, sarcomere length, or color were observed between RFI groups. Shear force, myofibrillar fragmentation index and soluble collagen content were influenced by RFI, with a higher shear force and soluble collagen content and a lower fragmentation index in low RFI animals. Feedlot-finished low RFI young Nellore bulls more efficiently convert feed into meat, presenting carcasses within quality standards. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.