890 resultados para leader peptidases


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan voidaanko organisaatioissa määrittää johtajuutta, joka ei ole henkilöitynyt. Jos voidaan, mikä on ei henkilöön sitoutuneen henkilöitymättömän johtajuuden määritelmä ja mitkä ovat tällaisen johtajuuden elementit.


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Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that causes severe systemic infections in immunosuppressed individuals. C. albicans resistance to antifungal drugs is a severe problem in patients receiving prolonged therapy. Moreover, trailing yeast growth, which is defined as a resistant MIC after 48 h of incubation with triazole antifungal agents but a susceptible MIC after 24 h, has been noted in tests of antifungal susceptibility against some C. albicans isolates. In this context, we recently noticed this phenomenon in our routine susceptibility tests with fluconazole/itraconazole and C. albicans clinical isolates. In the present study, we investigated the production of cell-associated and secreted aspartyl peptidases (Saps) in six trailing clinical isolates of C. albicans, since this class of hydrolytic enzymes is a well-known virulence factor expressed by this fungal pathogen. Sap2, which is the best-studied member of the Sap family, was detected by flow cytometry on the cell surface of yeasts and as a 43-kDa polypeptide in the culture supernatant, as demonstrated by Western blotting assay using an anti-Sap1-3 polyclonal antibody. Released aspartyl peptidase activity was measured with BSA hydrolysis and inhibited by pepstatin A, showing distinct amounts of proteolytic activity ranging from 5.7 (strain 44B) to 133.2 (strain 11) arbitrary units. Taken together, our results showed that trailing clinical isolates of C. albicans produced different amounts of both cellular and secreted aspartyl-type peptidases, suggesting that this phenotypic feature did not generate a regular pattern regarding the expression of Sap.


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Keratinases are enzymes of great importance involved in pathogenic processes of some fungi. They also have a widespread ecological role since they are responsible for the degradation and recycling of keratin. On the one hand, studying them furthers our knowledge of pathogenicity mechanisms, which has important implications for human health, and on the other hand, understanding their ecological role in keratin recycling has biotechnological potential. Here, a wild-type keratinolytic Candida parapsilosis strain isolated from a poultry farm was treated with ethyl methanesulfonate in order to generate mutants with increased keratinase activity. Mutants were then cultured on media with keratin extracted from chicken feathers as the sole source of nitrogen and carbon. Approximately 500 mutants were screened and compared with the described keratinolytic wild type. Three strains, H36, I7 and J5, showed enhanced keratinase activity. The wild-type strain produced 80 U/mL of keratinolytic activity, strain H36 produced 110 U/mL, strain I7, 130 U/mL, and strain J5, 140 U/mL. A 70% increase in enzyme activity was recorded for strain J5. Enzymatic activity was evaluated by zymograms with proteic substrates. A peptidase migrating at 100 kDa was detected with keratin, bovine serum albumin and casein. In addition, a peptidase with a molecular mass of 50 kDa was observed with casein in the wild-type strain and in mutants H36 and J5. Gelatinase activity was detected at 60 kDa. A single band of 35 kDa was found in wild-type C. parapsilosis and in mutants with hemoglobin substrate.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59711


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Self-presentation is the process by which individuals attempt to monitor and control how others perceive and evaluate them (Leary, 1992; Leary & Kowalski, 1990). Self-presentational concerns have been shown to influence a number of exercise-related behaviours, cognitions, and affective responses to exercise (e.g., social anxiety). Social anxiety occurs when an individual wants to create a specific impression on others, but is unsure (s)he will be successful (Leary & Kowalski, 1995). Social physique anxiety (SPA) is a specific form of social anxiety related the evaluation of one's body (Hart, Leary, & Rejeski, 1989). Both social anxiety and SPA may act as deterrents to exercise (Lantz, Hardy, & Ainsworth, 1997; Leary, 1992), so it is important to examine factors that may influence social anxiety and SPA; one such factor is self-presentational efficacy (SPE). SPE is one's confidence in successfully making desired impressions on others (Leary & Atherton, 1986) and has been associated with social anxiety and SPA (Leary & Kowalski, 1995; Gammage, Martin Ginis, & Hall, 2004). Several aspects of the exercise environment, such as the presence of mirrors, clothing, and the exercise leader or other participant characteristics, may be manipulated to influence self-presentational concerns (e.g., Gammage, Martin Ginis et aI., 2004; Martin & Fox, 2001; Martin Ginis, Prapavessis, & Haase, 2005). Given that the exercise leader has been recognized as one of the most important influences in the group exercise context (Franklin, 1988), it is important to further examine how the leader may impact self-presentational concerns. The present study examined the impact of the exercise leader's gender and physique salience (i.e., the extent to which the body was emphasized) on SPE, state social anxiety (SSA), and state social physique anxiety (SPA-S) of women in a live exercise class. Eighty-seven college-aged female non- or infrequent exercisers (i.e., exercised 2 or fewer times per week) participated in a group exercise class led by one of four leaders: a female whose physique was salient; a female whose physique was non-salient; a male whose physique was salient; or a male whose physique was non-salient. Participants completed measures of SPE, SSA, and SPA-S prior to and following completion of a 30- minute group exercise class. In addition, a measure of social comparison to the exercise leader and other participants with respect to attractiveness, skill, and fitness was completed by participants following the exercise class. A MANOV A was conducted to examine differences between groups on postexercise variables. Results indicated that there were no significant differences between groups on measures ofSPE, SSA, or SPA-S (allp's > .05). However, when all participants were collapsed into one group, a MANOV A showed a significant time effect (F(3, 81) = 19.45,p < .05, 1')2= .419). Follow-up ANOVAs indicated that post-exercise SPE increased significantly, while SSA and SPA-S decreased significantly (SPE: F(I, 83) = 30.87,p < .001,1')2 = .27; SSA: F(I,83) = 11.09,p < .001, 1')2 = .12; SPA-S: F (1,83) = 42.79,p < .001, 1')2 = .34). Further, results of a MANOVA revealed that participants who believed they were less fit than other group members (i.e., made negative social comparisons) reported significantly more post-exercise SSA and SP A-S than those who believed they were more fit than the other participants (i.e., made positive comparisons; SSA: F(2, 84) = 3.46, p < .05, 1')2 = .08; SPA-S: F(2, 84) = 5.69, p < .05, 1')2 = .12). These results may indicate that successfully completing an exercise class may serve as a source of SPE and lead to reduced social anxiety and SPA-S in this population. Alternatively, characteristics of the exercise leader may be less important than characteristics of the other participants. These results also suggest that the types of social comparisons made may influence self-presentational concerns in this sample. Future research should examine how the type of social comparison (i.e., negative or positive) made to the other group members may either generate or reduce anxiety. Also, factors that contribute to the types of social comparisons made with other exercisers should be examined. Implications for practice and research are discussed.


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This study investigates the mediating impact of psychological capital and follower-leader relational capital on the relationship between ethical leadership and in-role performance through the lenses of social exchange theory, social information processing theory, and psychological resources theory. Analysis of data collected from a sample of 171 employees and 24 supervisors from Pakistan reveals that ethical leadership has a positive effect on followers’ in-role job performance, yet this effect is fully explained through the role of psychological capital and partially through follower-leader relational capital. Significant implications of these findings for further research and practice are discussed.


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The Weekly Leader, Toronto, Ontario, June 16, 1866.


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Ce mémoire porte sur le rôle que jouent les médias de masse dans la construction de la personnalité publique des nouveaux chefs de partis politiques. Lorsqu’un individu est nommé à la tête d’un parti politique, il est la plupart du temps peu connu du grand public. Or, comme une écrasante majorité de citoyens n’a jamais l’occasion d’entrer en contact directement avec les hommes et les femmes politiques, c’est exclusivement par le biais des médias que la plupart des gens apprennent à connaître leurs représentants politiques – ou ceux qui aspirent à jouer ce rôle. Or les médias ne se contentent pas de répéter ce que les politiciens disent. Les informations qu’ils décident d’inclure dans leurs reportages, les mots qu’ils utilisent et les cadrages qu’ils retiennent contribuent à définir la personnalité des leaders émergents dont ils parlent. Les médias choisissent aussi de mettre l’accent sur certains traits de personnalité et décident d’en ignorer d’autres. Afin de mieux comprendre ce phénomène, nous avons étudié le cas de l’ex-chef du Parti québécois, André Boisclair. Nous avons cherché à savoir si la couverture dont ce dernier a fait l’objet a été stable ou si elle a suivi certains cycles, et nous nous sommes intéressés aux critères retenus par les médias pour évaluer sa personnalité. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié le volume, le format, le ton, les objets et les cadrages qui caractérisent la couverture dont a été l’objet André Boisclair à l’antenne de la Société Radio-Canada et du Réseau TVA entre le 4 juin 2005 et le 21 février 2007. Nos conclusions sont à l’effet que la couverture a bel et bien suivi un cycle, et que les critères retenus par les médias sont très similaires à ceux qui sont réputés être importants pour la population dans le choix d’un leader politique.


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Le présent ouvrage s’intéresse à la façon dont la science politique aborde le sujet qu’est le leader, la prise de décision et la maladie mentale. Pour ce faire, la littérature de la discipline ainsi que celles de domaines connexes sont explorées. La recherche nous amène à constater que la science politique n’étudie pas véritablement le sujet et lorsqu’elle le fait, les analyses laissent à désirer. Cependant, d’autres disciplines se sont penchées sur le thème de façon intéressante. Ceci nous conduit à appeler la science politique à étudier avec sérieux le sujet qu’est le leader, la prise de décision et la maladie mentale en s’inspirant du travail fait dans d’autres disciplines, tout particulièrement la psychologie.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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On note un taux élevé de résistance aux traitements dans la leucémie myéloïde aiguë (LMA). Cette résistance peut être associée aux altérations de TP53. Les « ubiquitin specific peptidases » (USP) sont impliquées dans plusieurs cancers mais leurs rôles ne sont pas élucidés dans les LMA. L’analyse de l’expression génique par RT-PCR quantitative de 21 USP et des gènes de l’axe USP7-MDM2-TP53-CDKN1A dans 111 échantillons de LMA a montré une dérégulation de USP44, USP1, USP28 et CDKN1A dans respectivement 72%, 44%, 25% et 42% des cas. CDKN1A, une cible importante de TP53, pourrait avoir un rôle dans la résistance au traitement. Nous avons développé un modèle expérimental pour évaluer la réponse des cellules leucémiques à la doxorubicine et au nutlin 3, un modulateur non génotoxique de TP53, selon l’expression initiale de CDKN1A. Ce travail préliminaire suggère que certains membres de la famille des USP et CDKN1A pourraient représenter de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans les LMA.


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Agent based simulation is a widely developing area in artificial intelligence.The simulation studies are extensively used in different areas of disaster management. This work deals with the study of an agent based evacuation simulation which is being done to handle the various evacuation behaviors.Various emergent behaviors of agents are addressed here. Dynamic grouping behaviors of agents are studied. Collision detection and obstacle avoidances are also incorporated in this approach.Evacuation is studied with single exits and multiple exits and efficiency is measured in terms of evacuation rate, collision rate etc.Net logo is the tool used which helps in the efficient modeling of scenarios in evacuation


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En Extremadura desde 1991 se están gestionando Iniciativas de Desarrollo Rural, denominadas LEADER, cofinanciadas por la UE en distintos territorios comarcales. Por ello, hemos introducido la tecnología SIG como una herramienta de estudio de la gestión de estas Iniciativas. Conociendo el territorio, se podrá analizar con mayor claridad el impacto de este tipo de políticas en los últimos dieciséis años y si han conseguido lograr sus objetivos de mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población rural. El uso de esta tecnología nos ayudará a introducir nuevas reflexiones en la gestión de estos espacios debido a un mejor conocimiento de su territorio. Hemos diseñado un visualizador en MapWinGis para poder analizar el impacto de estas Iniciativas y en que medida han cumplido sus objetivos iniciales. Por ello hemos creado primero una Base de Datos Cartográfica y Alfanumérica con los parámetros físicos, económicos y sociales de los territorios donde se está aplicando LEADER. Posteriormente hemos introducido otra Base de Datos con los parámetros económicos (Inversiones realizadas por sector y su tipo de financiación: Fondos Estructurales de la UE, Administraciones Nacionales y/o aportaciones privados), y los parámetros sociales generados por la Iniciativa (empleo creado y/o consolidado, empresas creadas, cursos de formación de su población, nuevas tecnologías…). Esta aplicación en MapWinGis que la vamos a denominar SIG_LEADER es para poder visualizar las bases de datos cartográficas y alfanuméricas creadas anteriormente y conseguir de una manera sencilla la consulta de todos los datos introducidos y su localización en el territorio. Por ello, se permite a los gestores de esta Iniciativa, mediante esta herramienta poder analizar la relación entre las inversiones económicas y las características del territorio donde se están implementando, todo ello con la novedad de poder realizarlo en un entorno de software libre sin costes económicos