904 resultados para lateral preference
The free extended lateral arm flap (ELAF) has gained increasing popularity thank to its slimness and versatility, longer neurovascular pedicle, and greater flap size when compared with the original flap design. The aim of this study was to assess the donor-site morbidity associated with this extended procedure. A retrospective study of 25 consecutive patients analyzing postoperative complications using a visual analogue scale questionnaire revealed high patients satisfaction and negligible donor-site morbidity of the ELAF. Scar visibility was the commonest negative outcome. Impaired mobility of the elbow had the highest correlation with patient dissatisfaction. Sensory deficits or paresthetic disorders did not affect patient satisfaction. The extension of the lateral arm flap and positioning over the lateral humeral epicondyle is a safe and well-accepted procedure with minimal donor-site morbidity. To optimize outcomes, a maximal flap width of 6 or 7 cm and intensive postoperative mobilization therapy is advisable.
BACKGROUND: Pioglitazone, an oral anti-diabetic that stimulates the PPAR-gamma transcription factor, increased survival of mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a phase II, double blind, multicentre, placebo controlled trial of pioglitazone in ALS patients under riluzole. 219 patients were randomly assigned to receive 45 mg/day of pioglitazone or placebo (one: one allocation ratio). The primary endpoint was survival. Secondary endpoints included incidence of non-invasive ventilation and tracheotomy, and slopes of ALS-FRS, slow vital capacity, and quality of life as assessed using EUROQoL EQ-5D. The study was conducted under a two-stage group sequential test, allowing to stop for futility or superiority after interim analysis. Shortly after interim analysis, 30 patients under pioglitazone and 24 patients under placebo had died. The trial was stopped for futility; the hazard ratio for primary endpoint was 1.21 (95% CI: 0.71-2.07, p = 0.48). Secondary endpoints were not modified by pioglitazone treatment. Pioglitazone was well tolerated. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Pioglitazone has no beneficial effects on the survival of ALS patients as add-on therapy to riluzole. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00690118.
El placer lateral de playa Mejías es el más importante de Cuba, y su composición mineral principal (magnetita, cromita, rutilo, ilmenita, ortopiroxeno) revela que la principal área fuente son las rocas ofiolíticas de la Faja de Mayarí-Baracoa. No obstante, hay aportes de diversa procedencia, como lo prueban la presencia de hasta 4 tipos de cristales de zircón, así como de minerales típicos de asociaciones listveníticas (calcosilicatos, carbonatos). Se reconocen además partículas de metales preciosos. Los granos de oro fueron afectados en las áreas fuente por procesos de alteración laterítica, que produjeron un lavado selectivo de oro en relación a la plata. Las partículas de minerales de oro se transportaron en medio fluvial como partículas finas de electrum de diversas composiciones y de amalgama, que se aglutinaron por coalescencia formando granos cada vez mayores. En los granos de electrum se produce,en el medio fluvial, una precipitación de oro en las juntas entre subgranos. Estas partículas se redepositaron en un placer lateral de p l aya, interaccionando con agua marina y produciéndose una disolución selectiva de Ag y Au del electrum o de Hg de la amalgama. Las partículas de minerales de elementos del grupo del platino (EGP) consisten en una primera generación de laurita rica en osmio, reemplazada por vetas de laurita muy pura, con crecimientos simplectíticos de otra generación de laurita (de composición intermedia entre las dos anteriores) e iridoarsenita. Estos reemplazamientos tuvieron lugar durante los procesos de serpentinización en las ofiolitas del área fuente. Durante los procesos de interacción con agua marina se produce una lixiviación selectiva de osmio en relación al restode los EGP.
We argue that preferences for secession are the expression of a common unobserved mechanisms determining national identity. This paper examines the hypothesis of independence of both preferences for secession (independent Euskadi) and Basque national identity in the light of Akerloff and Kranton (2000). We deal with psychological determinants of individuals' national identity formation as well as those that influence the propensity of individuals to support the secession of their perceived ¿imagined community¿ or nation.. We undertake econometric survey analysis for the Basque Country using a bivariate probit model and publicly available data from the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research. Our results provide robust evidence of a common determination of national identity and political preferences for the secession of the Basque Country consistently with Akerloff and Kranton model.
BACKGROUND: Outcome following foot and ankle surgery can be assessed by disease- and region-specific scores. Many scoring systems exist, making comparison among studies difficult. The present study focused on outcome measures for a common foot and ankle abnormality and compared the results obtained by 2 disease-specific and 2 body region-specific scores. METHODS: We reviewed 41 patients who underwent lateral ankle ligament reconstruction. Four outcome scales were administered simultaneously: the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) and the Chronic Ankle Instability Scale (CAIS), which are disease specific, and the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) hindfoot scale and the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), which are both body region-specific. The degree of correlation between scores was assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficient. Nonparametric tests, the Kruskal-Wallis and the Mann-Whitney test for pairwise comparison of the scores, were performed. RESULTS: A significant difference (P < .005) was observed between the CAIS and the AOFAS score (P = .0002), between the CAIS and the FAAM 1 (P = .0001), and between the CAIT and the AOFAS score (P = .0003). CONCLUSIONS: This study compared the performances of 4 disease- and body region-specific scoring systems. We demonstrated a correlation between the 4 administered scoring systems and notable differences between the results given by each of them. Disease-specific scores appeared more accurate than body region-specific scores. A strong correlation between the AOFAS score and the other scales was observed. The FAAM seemed a good compromise because it offered the possibility to evaluate the patient according to his or her own functional demand. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The present study contributes to the development of more critical and accurate outcome assesment methods in foot and ankle surgery.
We study a low-amplitude, long-wavelength lateral instability of the Saffman-Taylor finger by means of a phase-field model. We observe such an instability in two situations in which small dynamic perturbations are overimposed to a constant pressure drop. We first study the case in which the perturbation consists of a single oscillatory mode and then a case in which the perturbation consists of temporal noise. In both cases the instability undergoes a process of selection.
Local adaptation of populations requires some degree of spatio-temporal isolation. Previous studies of the two dung fly species Scathophaga stercoraria and Sepsis cynipsea have revealed low levels of geographic and altitudinal genetic differentiation in quantitative life history and morphological traits, but instead high degrees of phenotypic plasticity. These patterns suggest that gene flow is extensive despite considerable geographic barriers and large spatio-temporal variation in selection on body size and related traits. In this study we addressed this hypothesis by investigating genetic differentiation of dung fly populations throughout Switzerland based on the same 10 electrophoretic loci in each species. Overall, we found no significant geographic differentiation of populations for either species. This is inconsistent with the higher rates of gene flow expected due to better flying capacity of the larger S. stercoraria. However, heterozygote deficiencies within populations indicated structuring on a finer scale, seen for several loci in S. cynipsea, and for the locus PGM (Phosphoglucomutase) in S. stercoraria. Additionally, S. cynipsea showed a tendency towards a greater gene diversity at higher altitudes, mediated primarily by the locus MDH (malate dehydrogenase), at which a second allele was only present in populations above 1000 m. This may be caused by increased environmental stress at higher altitudes in this warm-adapted species. MDH might thus be a candidate locus subject to thermal selection in this species, but this remains to be corroborated by direct evidence. In S. stercoraria, no altitudinal variation was found.
There is growing interest in understanding the role of the non-injured contra-lateral hemisphere in stroke recovery. In the experimental field, histological evidence has been reported that structural changes occur in the contra-lateral connectivity and circuits during stroke recovery. In humans, some recent imaging studies indicated that contra-lateral sub-cortical pathways and functional and structural cortical networks are remodeling, after stroke. Structural changes in the contra-lateral networks, however, have never been correlated to clinical recovery in patients. To determine the importance of the contra-lateral structural changes in post-stroke recovery, we selected a population of patients with motor deficits after stroke affecting the motor cortex and/or sub-cortical motor white matter. We explored i) the presence of Generalized Fractional Anisotropy (GFA) changes indicating structural alterations in the motor network of patientsâeuro? contra-lateral hemisphere as well as their longitudinal evolution ii) the correlation of GFA changes with patientsâeuro? clinical scores, stroke size and demographics data iii) and a predictive model.
The morphology and distribution of local-circuit neurons (interneurons) were examined, by calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin immunocytochemistry, in the frontal cortex (area 8) in two patients with frontal lobe dementia of non-Alzheimer type associated with classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and in seven normal cases. The density of calbindin D-28k immunoreactive cells was dramatically reduced in ALS patients, but the density of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons was preserved. Decreased density of calbindin D-28k-immunoreactive neurons, which are mainly located in the upper cortical layers, may interfere with the normal processing of cortico-cortical connections, whereas integrity of parvalbumin-immunoreactive cells may be associated with the preservation of the major inhibitory intracortical circuits in patients with frontal lobe dementia.
We argue that preferences for secession are the expression of a common unobserved mechanisms determining national identity. This paper examines the hypothesis of independence of both preferences for secession (independent Euskadi) and Basque national identity in the light of Akerloff and Kranton (2000). We deal with psychological determinants of individuals' national identity formation as well as those that influence the propensity of individuals to support the secession of their perceived ¿imagined community¿ or nation.. We undertake econometric survey analysis for the Basque Country using a bivariate probit model and publicly available data from the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research. Our results provide robust evidence of a common determination of national identity and political preferences for the secession of the Basque Country consistently with Akerloff and Kranton model.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is predominantly characterized by a progressive loss of motor function. While autonomic dysfunction has been described in ALS, little is known about the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and intestinal dysfunction. We investigated disease severity, LUTS and intestinal dysfunction in 43 patients with ALS attending our outpatient department applying the ALS functional rating scale, the International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire, the Urinary Distress Inventory and the Cleveland Clinic Incontinence Score. Results were compared to the German population of a cross-sectional study assessing LUTS in the healthy population, the EPIC study. Results showed that urinary incontinence was increased in patients with ALS aged ≥ 60 years compared to the EPIC cohort (female: 50%/19% (ALS/EPIC), p = 0.026; male: 36%/11% (ALS/EPIC), p = 0.002). No difference was seen at 40-59 years of age. Urge incontinence was the predominant presentation (73% of symptoms). A high symptom burden was stated (ICIQ-SF quality of life subscore 5.5/10). Intake of muscle relaxants and anticholinergics was associated with both urinary incontinence and severity of symptoms. Furthermore, a high prevalence of constipation (46%), but not stool incontinence (9%), was noted. In conclusion, the increased prevalence of urge incontinence and high symptom burden imply that in patients with ALS, LUTS should be increasingly investigated for.
Excessive speed is often cited as a primary driver factor in crashes, particularly rural two-lane crashes. It has also been suggested that speed plays a significant role in crashes on curves. However, the relationship between speed and crashes on curves is not well documented because it is difficult to determine driver speed after the fact when investigating a crash. One method to begin documenting this relationship is to explore the relationship between lateral position and speed as a crash surrogate. For this study, the researchers collected speed and lateral position data for three rural two-lane curves. The relationship between lateral position and speed was assessed by comparing the odds of a near-lane crossing for vehicles traveling 5 or more mph over the advisory speed to those for vehicles traveling below that threshold.
Collective evidence indicates that motor neuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is non-cell-autonomous and requires the interaction with the neighboring astrocytes. Recently, we reported that a subpopulation of spinal cord astrocytes degenerates in the microenvironment of motor neurons in the hSOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Mechanistic studies in vitro identified a role for the excitatory amino acid glutamate in the gliodegenerative process via the activation of its inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3))-generating metabotropic receptor 5 (mGluR5). Since non-physiological formation of IP(3) can prompt IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R)-mediated Ca(2+) release from the intracellular stores and trigger various forms of cell death, here we investigated the intracellular Ca(2+) signaling that occurs downstream of mGluR5 in hSOD1(G93A)-expressing astrocytes. Contrary to wild-type cells, stimulation of mGluR5 causes aberrant and persistent elevations of intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](i)) in the absence of spontaneous oscillations. The interaction of IP(3)Rs with the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-X(L) was previously described to prevent cell death by modulating intracellular Ca(2+) signals. In mutant SOD1-expressing astrocytes, we found that the sole BH4 domain of Bcl-X(L), fused to the protein transduction domain of the HIV-1 TAT protein (TAT-BH4), is sufficient to restore sustained Ca(2+) oscillations and cell death resistance. Furthermore, chronic treatment of hSOD1(G93A) mice with the TAT-BH4 peptide reduces focal degeneration of astrocytes, slightly delays the onset of the disease and improves both motor performance and animal lifespan. Our results point at TAT-BH4 as a novel glioprotective agent with a therapeutic potential for ALS.
The authors report a case of repetitive locking knee caused by a subluxation of the posterior horn of a normal lateral meniscus. The posterior horn was sutured to the posterior knee capsule and the athlete resumed complete sports activity 4 months after the surgery.
Each year several prestressed concrete girder bridges in Iowa and other states are struck and damaged by vehicles with loads too high to pass under the bridge. Whether or not intermediate diaphragms play a significant role in reducing the effect of these unusual loading conditions has often been a topic of discussion. A study of the effects of the type and location of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges when the bridge girder flanges were subjected to various levels of vertical and horizontal loading was undertaken. The purpose of the research was to determine whether steel diaphragms of any conventional configuration can provide adequate protection to minimize the damage to prestressed concrete girders caused by lateral loads, similar to the protection provided by the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms presently being used by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The research program conducted and described in this report included the following: A comprehensive literature search and survey questionnaire were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the use of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges. A full scale, simple span, restressed concrete girder bridge model, containing three beams was constructed and tested with several types of intermediate diaphragms located at the one-third points of the span or at the mid-span. Analytical studies involving a three-dimensional finite element analysis model were used to provide additional information on the behavior of the experimental bridge. The performance of the bridge with no intermediate diaphragms was quite different than that with intermediate diaphragms in place. All intermediate diaphragms tested had some effect in distributing the loads to the slab and other girders, although some diaphragm types performed better than others. The research conducted has indicated that the replacement of the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms currently being used in Iowa with structural steel diaphragms may be possible.