885 resultados para later life
This study tested the hypothesis that negative symptoms and quality of life for patients with functional psychoses are associated with family environment. Fifty-seven first-admission patients with functional psychoses were assessed at hospital admission for severity of psychopathology and premorbid adjustment. Relatives residing with patients rated the family environment at admission and one month after discharge on the Family Environment Scale. Patients made the same ratings after discharge. Six months later, patients were reassessed on severity of psychopathology, negative symptoms, and quality of life. Multiple regression analyses showed that higher levels of positive emotional expressiveness in the family predicted milder and fewer negative symptoms and better quality of life at follow-up. The prediction was statistically independent of the initial severity of psychopathology or premorbid adjustment
• At common law, a competent adult can refuse life-sustaining medical treatment, either contemporaneously or through an advance directive which will operate at a later time when the adult’s capacity is lost. • Legislation in most Australian jurisdictions also provides for a competent adult to complete an advance directive that refuses life-sustaining medical treatment. • At common law, a court exercising its parens patriae jurisdiction can consent to, or authorise, the withdrawal or withholding of life-sustaining medical treatment from an adult or child who lacks capacity if that is in the best interests of the person. A court may also declare that the withholding or withdrawal of treatment is lawful. • Guardianship legislation in all jurisdictions allows a substitute decision-maker, in an appropriate case, to refuse life-sustaining medical treatment for an adult who lacks capacity. • In terms of children, a parent may refuse life-sustaining medical treatment for his or her child if it is in the child’s best interests. • While a refusal of life-sustaining medical treatment by a competent child may be valid, this decision can be overturned by a court. • At common law and generally under guardianship statutes, demand for futile treatment need not be complied with by doctors.
Background Patient-relevant outcome measures are essential for high-quality clinical research, and quality-of-life (QoL) tools are the current standard. Currently, there is no validated children's acute cough-specific QoL questionnaire. Objective The objective of this study was to develop and validate the Parent-proxy Children's Acute Cough-specific QoL Questionnaire (PAC-QoL). Methods Using focus groups, a 48-item PAC-QoL questionnaire was developed and later reduced to 16 items by using the clinical impact method. Parents of children with a current acute cough (<2 weeks) at enrollment completed 2 validated cough score measures, the preliminary 48-item PAC-QoL, and 3 other questionnaires (the State Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI], the Short-Form 8-item 24-hour recall Health Survey [SF-8], and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress 21-item Scale [DASS21]). All measures were repeated on days 3 and 14. Results The median age of the 155 children enrolled was 2.3 years (interquartile range, 1.3-4.6). Median cough duration at enrollment was 3 days (interquartile range, 2-5). The reduced 16-item scale had high internal consistency (Cronbach α = 0.95). Evidence for repeatability and criterion validity was shown by significant correlations between the domains and total PAC-QoL scores and the SF-8 (r = −0.36 and −0.51), STAI (r = −0.27 and −0.39), and DASS21 (r = −0.32 and −0.41) scales on days 0 and 3, respectively. The final PAC-QoL questionnaire was sensitive to change over time, with changes significantly relating to changes in cough score measures (P < .001). Conclusion The 16-item PAC-QoL is a reliable and valid outcome measure that assesses QoL related to childhood acute cough at a given time point and reflects changes in acute cough-specific QoL over time.
Väitöskirjani käsittele mikrobien ja erilaisten kemikaalien rooleja saostumien ja biofilmien muodostumisessa paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. "Saostuma" tässä työssä tarkoittaa kiinteän aineen kertymää konepinnoille tai rajapinnoille konekierroissa, jotka on tarkoitettu massasulppujen, lietteiden, vesien tai ilman kuljetukseen. Saostumasta tulee "biofilmi" silloin kun sen oleellinen rakennekomponentti on mikrobisolut tai niiden tuotteet. Väitöstyöni työhypoteesina oli, että i. tietämys saostumien koostumuksesta, sekä ii. niiden rakenteesta, biologisista, fysikaalis-kemiallisista ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista ohjaavat tutkijaa löytämään ympäristöä säästäviä keinoja estää epätoivottujen saostumien muodostus tai purkaa jo muodostuneita saostumia. Selvittääkseni saostumien koostumista ja rakennetta käytin monia erilaisia analytiikan työkaluja, kuten elektronimikroskopiaa, konfokaali-laser mikroskopiaa (CLSM), energiadispersiivistä röntgenanalyysiä (EDX), pyrolyysi kaasukromatografiaa yhdistettynä massaspektrometriaan (Py-GCMS), joninvaihtokromatografiaa, kaasukromatografiaa ja mikrobiologisia analyysejä. Osallistuin aktiivisesti innovatiivisen, valon takaisinsirontaan perustuvan sensorin kehittämistyöhön, käytettäväksi biofilmin kasvun mittaukseen suoraan koneen vesikierroista ja säiliöistä. Työni osoitti, että monet paperinvalmistuksessa käytetyistä kemikaaleista reagoivat keskenään tuottaen orgaanisia tahmakerroksia konekiertojen teräspinnoille. Löysin myös kerrostumia, jotka valomikroskooppisessa tarkastelussa oli tulkittu mikrobeiksi, mutta jotka elektronimikroskopia paljasti alunasta syntyneiksi, alumiinihydroksidiksi joka saostui pH:ssa 6,8 kiertokuitua käyttävän koneen viiravesistä. Monet paperintekijät käyttävät vieläkin alunaa kiinnitysaineena vaikka prosessiolot ovat muuttuneet happamista neutraaleiksi. Sitä pidetään paperitekijän "aspiriinina", mutta väitöstutkimukseni osoitti sen riskit. Löysin myös orgaanisia saostumia, joiden alkuperä oli aineiden, kuten pihkan, saippuoituminen (kalsium saippuat) niin että muodostui tahmankasvua ylläpitävä alusta monilla paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. Näin solumuodoiltaan Deinococcus geothermalista muistuttavia bakteereita kasvamassa lujasti teräskoepalojen pintaan kiinnittyneinä pesäkkeinä, kun koepaloja upotettiin paperikoneiden vesikiertoihin. Nämä deinokokkimaiset pesäkkeet voivat toimia jalustana, tarttumisalustana muiden mikrobien massoille, joka selittäisi miksi saostumat yleisesti sisältävät deinokokkeja pienenä, muttei koskaan pääasiallisena rakenneosana. Kun paperikoneiden käyttämien vesien (raakavedet, lämminvesi, biologisesti puhdistettu jätevesi) laatua tutkitaan, mittausmenetelmällä on suuri merkitys. Koepalan upotusmenetelmällä todettu biofilmikasvu ja viljelmenetelmällä mitattu bakteerisaastuneisuus korreloivat toisiinsa huonosti etenkin silloin kun likaantumisessa oli mukana rihmamaiseti kasvavia bakteereja. Huoli ympäristöstä on pakottanut paperi- ja kartonkikoneiden vesikiertojen sulkemiseen. Vesien kierrätys ja prosessivesien uudelleenkäyttö nostavat prosessilämpötilaa ja lisäävät koneella kiertävien kolloidisten ja liuenneiden aineiden määriä. Tutkin kiertovesien pitoisuuksia kolmessa eriasteisesti suljetussa tehtaassa, joiden päästöt olivat 0 m3, 0,5 m3 ja 4 m3 jätevettä tuotetonnia kohden, perustuen puhdistetun jäteveden uudelleen käyttöön. Nollapäästöisellä tehtaalla kiertovesiin kertyi paljon orgaanisesti sidottua hiiltä (> 10 g L-1), etenkin haihtuvina happoina (maito-, etikka-, propioni- ja voi-). Myös sulfaatteja, klorideja, natriumia ja kalsiumia kertyi paljon, > 1 g L-1 kutakin. Pääosa (>40%) kaikista bakteereista oli 16S rRNA geenisekvenssianalyysien tulosten perusteella sukua, joskin etäistä (< 96%) ainoastaan Enterococcus cecorum bakteerille. 4 m3 päästävältä tehtaalta löytyi lisäksi Bacillus thermoamylovorans ja Bacillus coagulans. Tehtaiden saostumat sisälsivät arkkeja suurina pitoisuuksina, ≥ 108 g-1, mutta tunnistukseen riittävää sekvenssisamanlaisuutta löytyi vain yhteen arkkisukuun, Methanothrix. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat että tehtaan vesikiertojen sulkeminen vähensi rajusti mikrobiston monimuotoisuutta, muttei estänyt liuenneen aineen ja kiintoaineen mineralisoitumista.
Memoir, written in 1997
This is the first of three books about the history of Geoffrey Lynfield's family. It is about four Lilienfeld brothers--Geoffrey Lynfield's grandfather and his brothers. They were born in the Jewish enclave of Marburg and ended up in South Africa when and where the first diamonds were discovered. The manuscript also includes photographs and documents.
Long-term monitoring data collected from wild smolts of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Simojoki river, northern Finland, were used in studying the relationships between the smolt size and age, smolt and postsmolt migration, environmental conditions and postsmolt survival. The onset of the smolt run was significantly dependent on the rising water temperature and decreasing discharge of the river in the spring. The mean length of smolts migrating early in the season was commonly higher and the mean age always older than among smolts migrating later. Many of the smolts migrating early in the season and almost all smolts migrating later had started their new growth in spring in the river before their sea entry. Among postsmolts, the time required for emigration from the estuary was dependent on the sea surface temperature (SST) off the river, being significantly shorter in years with warm than cold sea temperatures. After leaving the estuary, the postsmolts migrated southwards along the eastern coast of the northern Gulf of Bothnia, the geographical distribution of the tag recoveries coinciding with the warm thermal zone in spring in the coastal area. After arriving in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in late summer the postsmolts mostly migrated near the western coast, reaching the Baltic Main Basin in late autumn. Until the early 1990s there was only a weak positive association between smolt length and postsmolt survival. However, following a subsequent decrease in the mean smolt size, a significant positive dependence was observed between smolt size and the reported recapture rate of tagged salmon. The differences in recapture rates between smolts tagged during the first and second half of the annual migration season were insignificant, indicating that the seasonal variation in smolt size and age seem to be too small to affect survival. Among the climatic factors examined, the summer SST in the Gulf of Bothnia was most clearly related to the survival of the wild postsmolts. Postsmolt survival appeared to be highest in years when the SST in June in the Bothnian Bay varied between 9 and 12 ºC. In addition, the survival of wild postsmolts showed a significant positive dependence on the SST in July in the Bothnian Sea, but not on the abundance of the prey fish (0+ herring, Clupea harengus and sprat, Sprattus sprattus) in the Bothnian Sea and in the Baltic Main Basin. The results suggest, that if the incidence of extreme weather conditions were to increase due to climatic changes, it would probably reduce the postsmolt survival of wild salmon populations. For improving the performance of hatchery-reared smolts, it could be useful to examine opportunities to produce smolts that are in their smolt traits and abilities more similar to the wild smolts described in this thesis.
1. Whether life-history traits can determine community composition and structure is an important question that has been well explored theoretically, but has received scant empirical attention. Life-history traits of a seven-member community of galler and parasitoid fig wasp species (Chalcidoidea), developing within the inflorescences (syconia) of Ficus racemosa (Moraceae) in India, were determined and used to examine community structure and ecology. 2. Gallers were pro-ovigenic (all eggs are mature upon adult emergence) whereas parasitoids were synovigenic (eggs mature progressively during adult lifespan). Initial egg load was correlated with body size for some species, and there was a trade-off between egg number and egg size across all species. Although all species completed their development and left the syconium concurrently, they differed in their adult and pre-adult lifespans. Providing sucrose solutions increased parasitoid lifespan but had no effect on the longevity of some galler species. While feeding regimes and body size affected longevity in most species, an interaction effect between these variables was detected for only one species. 3. Life-history traits of wasp species exhibited a continuum in relation to their arrival sequence at syconia for oviposition during syconium development, and therefore reflected their ecology. The largest number of eggs, smallest egg sizes, and shortest longevities were characteristic of the earliest-arriving galling wasps at the smallest, immature syconia; the converse characterised the later-arriving parasitoids at the larger, already parasitised syconia. Thus life history is an important correlate of community resource partitioning and can be used to understand community structure. 4. This is the first comprehensive study of life-history traits in a fig wasp community. The comparative approach revealed constraints and flexibility in trait evolution.
Consider a J-component series system which is put on Accelerated Life Test (ALT) involving K stress variables. First, a general formulation of ALT is provided for log-location-scale family of distributions. A general stress translation function of location parameter of the component log-lifetime distribution is proposed which can accommodate standard ones like Arrhenius, power-rule, log-linear model, etc., as special cases. Later, the component lives are assumed to be independent Weibull random variables with a common shape parameter. A full Bayesian methodology is then developed by letting only the scale parameters of the Weibull component lives depend on the stress variables through the general stress translation function. Priors on all the parameters, namely the stress coefficients and the Weibull shape parameter, are assumed to be log-concave and independent of each other. This assumption is to facilitate Gibbs sampling from the joint posterior. The samples thus generated from the joint posterior is then used to obtain the Bayesian point and interval estimates of the system reliability at usage condition.
Consider a J-component series system which is put on Accelerated Life Test (ALT) involving K stress variables. First, a general formulation of ALT is provided for log-location-scale family of distributions. A general stress translation function of location parameter of the component log-lifetime distribution is proposed which can accommodate standard ones like Arrhenius, power-rule, log-linear model, etc., as special cases. Later, the component lives are assumed to be independent Weibull random variables with a common shape parameter. A full Bayesian methodology is then developed by letting only the scale parameters of the Weibull component lives depend on the stress variables through the general stress translation function. Priors on all the parameters, namely the stress coefficients and the Weibull shape parameter, are assumed to be log-concave and independent of each other. This assumption is to facilitate Gibbs sampling from the joint posterior. The samples thus generated from the joint posterior is then used to obtain the Bayesian point and interval estimates of the system reliability at usage condition.
Settled juvenile blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) were collected from two kelp beds approximately 335 km apart off Mendocino in northern California and Monterey in central California. A total of 112 rockfish were collected from both sites over 5 years (1993, 1994, 2001, 2002, and 2003). Total age, settlement date, age at settlement, and birth date were determined from otolith microstructure. Fish off Mendocino settled mostly in June and fish off Monterey settled mostly in May (average difference in settlement=23 days). Although the difference in the timing of settlement followed this same pattern for both areas over the five years, settlement occurred later in 2002 and 2003 than in the prior years of sampling. The difference in the timing of settlement was due primarily to differences in birth dates for the two areas. The time of settlement was positively related to upwelling and negatively related to sea level anomaly for most of the months before settlement. Knowledge of the timing of settlement has implications for design and placement of marine protected areas because protection of nursery grounds is frequently a major objective of these protected areas. The timing of settlement is also an important consideration in the planning of surveys of early recruits because mistimed surveys (caused by latitudinal differences in the timing of settlement) could produce biased estimates.
Larvae of the genus Icelinus are collected more frequently than any other sculpin larvae in ichthyoplankton surveys in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, and larvae of the northern sculpin (Icelinus borealis) are commonly found in the ichthyofauna in both regions. Northern sculpin are geographically isolated north of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, which allows for a definitive description of its early life history development in the Bering Sea. A combination of morphological characters, pigmentation, preopercular spine pattern, meristic counts, and squamation in later developmental stages is essential to identify Icelinus to the species level. Larvae of northern sculpin have 35–36 myomeres, pelvic fins with one spine and two rays, a bony preopercular shelf, four preopercular spines, 3–14 irregular postanal ventral melanophores, few, if any, melanophores ventrally on the gut, and in larger specimens, two rows of ctenoid scales directly beneath the dorsal fins extending onto the caudal peduncle. The taxonomic characters of the larvae of northern sculpin in this study may help differentiate northern sculpin larvae from its congeners, and other sympatric sculpin larvae, and further aid in solving complex systematic relationships within the family Cottidae.
Exposing individuals to an isolated component (a prime) of a prior event alleviates its forgetting. Two experiments with 120 human infants between 3 and 18 months of age determined the minimum duration of a prime that can reactivate a forgotten memory and how long the reactivated memory persists. Infants learned an operant task, forgot it, were exposed to the prime, and later were tested for renewed retention. In Experiment 1, the minimum duration of an effective prime decreased logarithmically with age, but was always longer than the duration of a mere glance. In Experiment 2, the reactivated memory was forgotten twice as fast after a minimum-duration prime as after a full-length one, irrespective of priming delay and infant age. These data reveal that the minimum effective prime duration psychophysically equates the accessibility of forgotten memories. We conclude that priming is perceptually based with effects that are organized on a ratio (log) scale.
We all experience a host of common life stressors such as the death of a family member, medical illness, and financial uncertainty. While most of us are resilient to such stressors, continuing to function normally, for a subset of individuals, experiencing these stressors increases the likelihood of developing treatment-resistant, chronic psychological problems, including depression and anxiety. It is thus paramount to identify predictive markers of risk, particularly those reflecting fundamental biological processes that can be targets for intervention and prevention. Using data from a longitudinal study of 340 healthy young adults, we demonstrate that individual differences in threat-related amygdala reactivity predict psychological vulnerability to life stress occurring as much as 1 to 4 years later. These results highlight a readily assayed biomarker, threat-related amygdala reactivity, which predicts psychological vulnerability to commonly experienced stressors and represents a discrete target for intervention and prevention.
We examined the frequency and impact of exposure to potentially traumatic events among a nonclinical sample of older adults (n = 3,575), a population typically underrepresented in epidemiological research concerning the prevalence of traumatic events. Current PTSD symptom severity and the centrality of events to identity were assessed for events nominated as currently most distressing. Approximately 90% of participants experienced one or more potentially traumatic events. Events that occurred with greater frequency early in the life course were associated with more severe PTSD symptoms compared to events that occurred with greater frequency during later decades. Early life traumas, however, were not more central to identity. Results underscore the differential impact of traumatic events experienced throughout the life course. We conclude with suggestions for further research concerning mechanisms that promote the persistence of post-traumatic stress related to early life traumas and empirical evaluation of psychotherapeutic treatments for older adults with PTSD.