590 resultados para landslides
The causes of a greening trend detected in the Arctic using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) are still poorly understood. Changes in NDVI are a result of multiple ecological and social factors that affect tundra net primary productivity. Here we use a 25 year time series of AVHRR-derived NDVI data (AVHRR: advanced very high resolution radiometer), climate analysis, a global geographic information database and ground-based studies to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation greenness on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. We assess the effects of climate change, gas-field development, reindeer grazing and permafrost degradation. In contrast to the case for Arctic North America, there has not been a significant trend in summer temperature or NDVI, and much of the pattern of NDVI in this region is due to disturbances. There has been a 37% change in early-summer coastal sea-ice concentration, a 4% increase in summer land temperatures and a 7% change in the average time-integrated NDVI over the length of the satellite observations. Gas-field infrastructure is not currently extensive enough to affect regional NDVI patterns. The effect of reindeer is difficult to quantitatively assess because of the lack of control areas where reindeer are excluded. Many of the greenest landscapes on the Yamal are associated with landslides and drainage networks that have resulted from ongoing rapid permafrost degradation. A warming climate and enhanced winter snow are likely to exacerbate positive feedbacks between climate and permafrost thawing. We present a diagram that summarizes the social and ecological factors that influence Arctic NDVI. The NDVI should be viewed as a powerful monitoring tool that integrates the cumulative effect of a multitude of factors affecting Arctic land-cover change.
We explore the controls of the litho-tectonic architecture on the erosional flux in the 370-km2 Glogn basin (European Alps). In this basin, the bedding and schistosity of the bedrock dip parallel to the topographic slope on the NW valley flank, leading to a non-dip slope situation on the opposite SE valley side. While the dip slope condition has promoted the occurrence of landslides (e.g. the c. 30-km2 deep-seated Lumnezia landslide), the opposite non-dip slope side of the valley hosts >100-m-deeply incised tributary streams. 10Be concentrations of stream sediments yield catchment-averaged denudation rates that vary between 0.27 ± 0.03 and 2.19 ± 0.37 mm a−1, while the spatially averaged denudation rate of the entire basin is 1.99 ± 0.34 mm a−1. Our 10Be-based approach reveals that the Lumnezia landslide front contributes c. 30–65% of the entire sediment budget, although it covers <5% of the Glogn basin. This suggests a primary control of the bedrock bedding on erosion rates and processes.
The Chakhama Valley, a remote area in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, was badly damaged by the 7.6-magnitude earthquake that struck India and Pakistan on 8 October 2005. More than 5% of the population lost their lives, and about 90% of the existing housing was irreparably damaged or completely destroyed. In early 2006, the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) initiated a multisector, community-driven reconstruction program in the Chakhama Valley on the premise that the scale of the disaster required a response that would address all aspects of people's lives. One important aspect covered the promotion of disaster risk management for sustainable recovery in a safe environment. Accordingly, prevailing hazards (rockfalls, landslides, and debris flow, in addition to earthquake hazards) and existing risks were thoroughly assessed, and the information was incorporated into the main planning processes. Hazard maps, detailed site investigations, and proposals for precautionary measures assisted engineers in supporting the reconstruction of private homes in safe locations to render investments disaster resilient. The information was also used for community-based land use decisions and disaster mitigation and preparedness. The work revealed three main problems: (1) thorough assessment of hazards and incorporation of this assessment into planning processes is time consuming and often little understood by the population directly affected, but it pays off in the long run; (2) relocating people out of dangerous places is a highly sensitive issue that requires the support of clear and forceful government policies; and (3) the involvement of local communities is essential for the success of mitigation and preparedness.
Debris flows represent a widespread threat to villages and small towns in the Swiss Alps. For many centuries people “managed” such risks by trying to avoid hazardous areas. However, major debris flow and flood events in the last 25 years have revealed that the degree of freedom to engage in this type of risk management has substantially decreased. This became especially evident during the 1999 disasters in a number of places in Switzerland. The winter of that year was unusually wet. In February heavy snowfall triggered destructive avalanches. In May high temperatures caused heavy snowmelt, with excessive rainfall contributing more water to the already saturated soils. Landslides, debris flows and floods were triggered in many locations, including Sörenberg. Hazard prevention and disaster management have a long tradition in Switzerland, although an integrated approach to risk management is rather new. Only in recent years have methods and tools been developed to assess hazards, define protection goals, and implement disaster reduction measures. The case of Sörenberg serves as an example of how today's approaches to disaster reduction are implemented at the local level.
Schwarzsee is located in the western Swiss Alps, in a region that has been affected by numerous landslides during the Holocene, as evidenced by geological surveys. Lacustrine sediments were cored to a depth of 13 m. The vegetation history of the lake's catchment was reconstructed and investigated to identify possible impacts on slope stability. The pollen analyses record development of forest cover during the middle and late Holocene, and provide strong evidence for regional anthropogenic influence such as forest clearing and agricultural activity. Vegetation change is characterized by continuous landscape denudation that begins at ca. 4300 cal. yrs BP, with five distinct pulses of increased deforestation, at 3650, 2700, 1500, 900, and 450 cal. yrs BP. Each pulse can be attributed to increased human impact, recorded by the appearance or increase of specific anthropogenic indicator plant taxa. These periods of intensified deforestation also appear to be correlated with increased landslide activity in the lake's catchment and increased turbidite frequency in the sediment record. Therefore, this study gives new evidence for a strong influence of vegetation changes on slope stability during the middle and late Holocene in the western Swiss Alps, and may be used as a case study for anthropogenically induced landslide activity.
Predicting the timing and amount of tree mortality after a forest fire is of paramount importance for post-fire management decisions, such as salvage logging or reforestation. Such knowledge is particularly needed in mountainous regions where forest stands often serve as protection against natural hazards (e.g., snow avalanches, rockfalls, landslides). In this paper, we focus on the drivers and timing of mortality in fire-injured beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) in mountain regions. We studied beech forests in the southwestern European Alps, which burned between 1970 and 2012. The results show that beech trees, which lack fire-resistance traits, experience increased mortality within the first two decades post-fire with a timing and amount strongly related to the burn severity. Beech mortality is fast and ubiquitous in high severity sites, whereas small- (DBH <12 cm) and intermediate-diameter (DBH 12–36 cm) trees face a higher risk to die in moderate-severity sites. Large-diameter trees mostly survive, representing a crucial ecological legacy for beech regeneration. Mortality remains low and at a level similar to unburnt beech forests for low burn severity sites. Beech trees diameter, the presence of fungal infestation and elevation are the most significant drivers of mortality. The risk of beech to die increases toward higher elevation and is higher for small-diameter than for large-diameter trees. In case of secondary fungi infestation beech faces generally a higher risk to die. Interestingly, fungi that initiate post-fire tree mortality differ from fungi occurring after mechanical injury. From a management point of view, the insights about the controls of post-fire mortality provided by this study should help in planning post-fire silvicultural measures in montane beech forests.
En 1996, las lluvias excepcionalmente abundantes que cayeron en la región de Saguenay (Quebec - Canadá) provocaron la ruptura o el desbordamiento de presas, inundaciones, deslizamientos de tierra (más de 1000 en 36 horas) y numerosos cortes de electricidad. Estos eventos repentinos causaron dos muertes, forzaron la evacuación de más de 16.000 personas y generaron perdidas económicas estimadas en aproximadamente un millar de dólares canadienses. Cerca de quince años más tarde se hace un balance de algunas de las principales repercusiones que dichos eventos tuvieron en la manera como el gobierno de Quebec enfrenta estas situaciones. Dos leyes (ley sobre la seguridad de las presas (2000) y la ley sobre la seguridad publica 2001)) y una política (la política nacional del agua, 2002) se inspiraron directamente en las lecciones dejadas por el desastre de Saguenay y son brevemente presentadas en este artículo. Estas lecciones, así como aquellas obtenidas de la tormenta de hielo que vivió Quebec en 1998, abrieron la vía a un enfoque mas global y estructurado de la seguridad civil: la gestión de riesgos.
Although the permanently to seasonally ice-covered Arctic Ocean is a unique and sensitive component in the Earth's climate system, the knowledge of its long-term climate history remains very limited due to the restricted number of pre-Quaternary sedimentary records. During Polarstern Expedition PS87/2014, we discovered multiple submarine landslides over a distance of >350 km along Lomonosov Ridge. Removal of younger sediments from steep headwalls has led to exhumation of Miocene to early Quaternary sediments close to the seafloor, allowing the retrieval of such old sediments with gravity cores. Multi-proxy biomarker analyses of these gravity cores reveal for the first time that the late Miocene central Arctic Ocean was relatively warm (4-7°C) and ice-free during summer, whereas sea ice occurred during spring and autumn/winter. A comparison of our proxy data with Miocene climate simulations seems to favour relatively high late Miocene atmospheric CO2 concentrations. These new findings from the Arctic region provide new benchmarks for groundtruthing global climate reconstructions and modeling.
La cuenca del río Kilca es uno de los principales sistemas hidrográficos de la región antecordillerana, ubicada en el centro de la provincia de Neuquén. En esta zona, de clima subhúmedo, el uso de suelo dominante es el de "veranada", que consiste en una de las tres etapas anuales de un tipo de ganadería trashumante, basado en el aprovechamiento forrajero de pastizales naturales. Dada la constitución fisiográfica de estos paisajes, existe en ellos una gran propensión al desarrollo de procesos geomorfológicos de erosión y remoción en masa. Los factores históricos vinculados a la evolución de la actividad ganadera en la región a ambos lados del eje cordillerano, han determinado desde fines del siglo XIX, modalidades de uso de suelo caracterizadas por el exceso estacional de la carga ganadera. Esta organización de la actividad implicó, no sólo un deterioro de las pasturas, sino además el desencadenamiento y aceleración de los procesos geomorfológicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la problemática actual, enfocando los procesos del medio biofísico, vinculados con las prácticas sociales. En este sentido, se describen y explican las condiciones fisiográficas, en términos del grado de inestabilidad y deterioro de las tierras.
La cuenca del río Kilca es uno de los principales sistemas hidrográficos de la región antecordillerana, ubicada en el centro de la provincia de Neuquén. En esta zona, de clima subhúmedo, el uso de suelo dominante es el de "veranada", que consiste en una de las tres etapas anuales de un tipo de ganadería trashumante, basado en el aprovechamiento forrajero de pastizales naturales. Dada la constitución fisiográfica de estos paisajes, existe en ellos una gran propensión al desarrollo de procesos geomorfológicos de erosión y remoción en masa. Los factores históricos vinculados a la evolución de la actividad ganadera en la región a ambos lados del eje cordillerano, han determinado desde fines del siglo XIX, modalidades de uso de suelo caracterizadas por el exceso estacional de la carga ganadera. Esta organización de la actividad implicó, no sólo un deterioro de las pasturas, sino además el desencadenamiento y aceleración de los procesos geomorfológicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la problemática actual, enfocando los procesos del medio biofísico, vinculados con las prácticas sociales. En este sentido, se describen y explican las condiciones fisiográficas, en términos del grado de inestabilidad y deterioro de las tierras.
La cuenca del río Kilca es uno de los principales sistemas hidrográficos de la región antecordillerana, ubicada en el centro de la provincia de Neuquén. En esta zona, de clima subhúmedo, el uso de suelo dominante es el de "veranada", que consiste en una de las tres etapas anuales de un tipo de ganadería trashumante, basado en el aprovechamiento forrajero de pastizales naturales. Dada la constitución fisiográfica de estos paisajes, existe en ellos una gran propensión al desarrollo de procesos geomorfológicos de erosión y remoción en masa. Los factores históricos vinculados a la evolución de la actividad ganadera en la región a ambos lados del eje cordillerano, han determinado desde fines del siglo XIX, modalidades de uso de suelo caracterizadas por el exceso estacional de la carga ganadera. Esta organización de la actividad implicó, no sólo un deterioro de las pasturas, sino además el desencadenamiento y aceleración de los procesos geomorfológicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la problemática actual, enfocando los procesos del medio biofísico, vinculados con las prácticas sociales. En este sentido, se describen y explican las condiciones fisiográficas, en términos del grado de inestabilidad y deterioro de las tierras.
Several studies indicate that the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) off the Pacific coast of Japan has induced slip to the trench and triggered landslides in the Japan Trench. In order to better understand these processes, detailed mapping and shallow-coring landslides at the trench as well as Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) deep drilling to recover the plate boundary décollement (Japan Trench Fast Earthquake Drilling Project, JFAST) have been conducted. In this study we report sediment core data from the rapid response R/V SONNE cruise (SO219A) to the Japan Trench, evidencing a Mass Transport Deposit (MTD) in the uppermost section later drilled at this JFAST-site during IODP Expedition 343. A 8.7 m long gravity core (GeoB16423-1) recovered from ~7,000 m water depth reveals a 8 m sequence of semi-consolidated mud clast breccias embedded in a distorted chaotic sediment matrix. The MTD is covered by a thin veneer of 50 cm hemipelagic, bioturbated diatomaceous mud. This stratigraphic boundary can be clearly distinguished by using physical properties data from Multi Sensor Core Logging and from fall-cone penetrometer shear strength measurements. The geochemical analysis of the pore-water shows undisturbed linear profiles measured from the seafloor downcore across the stratigraphic contact between overlying younger background-sediment and MTD below. This indicates that the investigated section has not been affected by a recent sediment destabilization in the course of the giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake event. Instead, we report an older landslide which occurred between 700 and 10,000 years ago, implying that submarine mass movements are dominant processes along the Japan Trench. However, they occur on local sites and not during each megathrust earthquake.