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This flyer is the first of two flyers that promote the event "Multiple Diasporas: Jews in Cuba, Cuban Jews in Miami (A Forum)" FlU's Ruth K. and Shepard Broad Distinguished Lecture Series, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Department of Religious Studies, Jewish Studies Initiatives, and Jewish Museum of Florida-FlU.


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This flyer is the second of two flyers that promote the event "Multiple Diasporas: Jews in Cuba, Cuban Jews in Miami (A Forum)".


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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“Parallel Ruptures: Jews of Bessarabia and Transnistria between Romanian Nationalism and Soviet Communism, 1918-1940,” explores the political and social debates that took place in Jewish communities in Romanian-held Bessarabia and the Moldovan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic during the interwar era. Both had been part of the Russian Pale of Settlement until its dissolution in 1917; they were then divided by the Romanian Army’s occupation of Bessarabia in 1918 with the establishment of a well-guarded border along the Dniester River between two newly-formed states, Greater Romania and the Soviet Union. At its core, the project focuses in comparative context on the traumatic and multi-faceted confrontation with these two modernizing states: exclusion, discrimination and growing violence in Bessarabia; destruction of religious tradition, agricultural resettlement, and socialist re-education and assimilation in Soviet Transnistria. It examines also the similarities in both states’ striving to create model subjects usable by the homeland, as well as commonalities within Jewish responses on both sides of the border. Contacts between Jews on either side of the border remained significant after 1918 despite the efforts of both states to curb them, thereby necessitating a transnational view in order to examine Jewish political and social life in borderland regions. The desire among Jewish secular leaders to mold their co-religionists into modern Jews reached across state borders and ideological divides and sought to manipulate respective governments to establish these goals, however unsuccessful in the final analysis. Finally, strained relations between Jews in peripheral borderlands with those at national/imperial cores, Moscow and Bucharest, sheds light on the complex circumstances surrounding the inclusion versus exclusion debates at the heart of all interwar European states and the complicated negotiations that took place within all minority communities that responded to state policies.


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At the end of Word War II, Soviet occupation forces removed countless art objects from German soil. Some of them were returned during the 1950s, but most either disappeared for good or were stored away secretly in cellars of Soviet museums. The Cold War then covered the issue with silence. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, museums in St Petersburg and Moscow started to exhibit some of the relocated art for the first time in half a century. The unusual quality of the paintings-mostly impressionist masterpieces-not only attracted the attention of the international art community, but also triggered a diplomatic row between Russia and Germany. Both governments advanced moral and legal claims to ownership. To make things even more complicated, many of the paintings once belonged to private collectors, some of whom were Jews. Their descendants also entered the dispute. The basic premise of this article is that the political and ethical dimensions of relocated art can be understood most adequately by eschewing a single authorial standpoint. Various positions, sometimes incommensurable ones, are thus explored in an attempt to outline possibilities for an ethics of representation and a dialogical solution to the international problem that relocated art has become.


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Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a recessive disorder of inflammation caused by mutations in a gene (designated MEFV) on chromosome 16p13.3, We have recently constructed a 1-Mb cosmid contig that includes the FMF critical region. Here we show genotype data for 12 markers from our physical map, including 5 newly identified microsatellites, in FMF families. Intrafamilial recombinations placed MEFV in the similar to 285 kb between D16S468/D16S3070 and D16S3376. We observed significant linkage disequilibrium in the North African Jewish population, and historical recombinants in the founder haplotype placed MEFV between D16S3082 and D16S3373 (similar to 200 kb). In smaller panels of Iraqi Jewish, Arab, and Armenian families, there were significant allelic associations only for D16S3370 and D16S2617 among the Armenians. A sizable minority of Iraqi Jewish and Armenian carrier chromosomes appeared to be derived from the North African Jewish ancestral haplotype. We observed a unique FMF haplotype common to Iraqi Jews, Arabs, and Armenians and two other haplotypes restricted to either the Iraqi Jewish or the Armenian population. These data support the view that a few major mutations account for a large percentage of the cases of FMF and suggest that same of these mutations arose before the affected Middle Eastern populations diverged from one another. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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Estima-se que em Auschwitz tenham morrido, de modo directo, cerca de 1,5 milhões de pessoas. 90% eram judeus. 150 mil polacos, 23 mil ciganos, 15 mil prisioneiros soviéticos, milhares de pessoas de diferentes nacionalidades incluindo, p.e., homossexuais e deficientes físicos e mentais. E ainda cerca de 400 testemunhas de jeová. § It is estimated that at Auschwitz died, directly, about 1.5 million people. 90% were Jews. 150,000 Poles, 23,000 gypsies, 15,000 Soviet prisoners, thousands of people of different nationalities including, eg, homosexuals and physically and mentally disabled. And still about 400 Jehovah's Witnesses.


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A História da Sinagoga Kadoorie está ligada a Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1887-1961), Militar português que, descobrindo a sua origem judaica, se converteu ao judaísmo, passando a chamar-se Abraham Israel Ben-Rosh. Foi condecorado por ser um soldado valente na frente de batalha, na 1ª Guerra Mundial na Flandres. Já no Porto, ajuda centenas de judeus escapados ao holocausto a começar uma nova vida. Tal como o valente Cônsul Aristides de Sousa Mendes, foi perseguido por Salazar, tendo sido mesmo afastado do exército. Somente foi reabilitado, já morto, em 2012. § The History of Kadoorie Synagogue is linked to Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1887-1961), Military Portuguese who discovered his Jewish origin, converted to Judaism, going to be called Abraham Israel Ben-Rosh. It was awarded for being a brave soldier at the front, in the 1st World War in Flanders. Already in Oporto, helps hundreds of Jews escaped the Holocaust to start a new life. As the valiant consul Aristides de Sousa Mendes, he was pursued by Salazar and was even removed from the army. It was only rehabilitated, dead in 2012.


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“Acredita-se que mais de cem milhões de cristãos enfrentam perseguições diariamente em todo o mundo por causa da sua fé em Jesus Cristo”, Eric Metaxas, “comparou a atitude da maior parte das lideranças cristãs com o silêncio dos cristão no tempo da Alemanha nazi”, Metaxas escreveu uma biografia de Dietrich Bonhoeffer, torturado e morto pelos nazis – 1906/45, foi um teólogo pastor luterano e membro da resistência anti-nazi, tendo estado envolvido com o Almirante Canaris da Abwehr para assassinar Hitler. Bonhoeffer, que foi um crítico das perseguições aos judeus, tinha por lema: “O silêncio diante do mal é o próprio mal”. § "It is believed that over one hundred million Christians face persecution every day around the world because of their faith in Jesus Christ," Eric Metaxas, "compared the attitude of most Christian leaders with Christian of silence in the German time Nazi, "Metaxas wrote a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, tortured and killed by the Nazis - 1906/45, was a pastor Lutheran theologian and member of the anti-Nazi resistance, having been involved with Admiral Canaris of the Abwehr to assassinate Hitler. Bonhoeffer, who was a critic of the persecution of Jews, had a motto: "Silence in the face of evil is evil itself."


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Europa, 1939 A Alemanha, sob a influência do partido Alemão Nazi, deu início a um confronto que mudou a face do mundo. Inicialmente os seus países vizinhos Europeus, depois alguns mais distantes e até o continente Africano sentiram o seu poder e tremeram de medo. Medo, um sentimento tão poderoso que em pequenas quantidades, pode aguçar os sentidos mas que, em quantidades grandes, pode gerar pânico, suprimir o intelecto e até levar a negar aquilo que temos presente como verdades absolutas. A Europa era uma mistura de culturas; até os próprios países eram uma mistura de culturas. A Polónia era um desses países. Neste país, Polacos, Judeus, Ucranianos e Romanis viviam numa paz frágil mas duradora. Quando a II Guerra Mundial começou, as cidades polacas foram conquistadas uma após a outra e, uns após os outros, os seus cidadãos foram confinados à sua cidade para manter a ordem pública. Nesta época de incerteza e insegurança poderíamos pensar que todas estas culturas, diferentes nas suas fundações mas todas elas constituídas por seres humanos que respondem da mesma forma em situações desta natureza, sentir-se- iam na necessidade de se juntar, deixar de parte as suas diferenças e tentariam fazer tudo o que estivesse ao seu alcance para assegurar aquilo que é a necessidade básica de qualquer ser humano: sobreviver. A sobrevivência é o instinto mais básico atribuído ao ser humano. O medo de não ser capaz de sobreviver gerou algo que vai contra este tipo de certezas. Gerou ódio. Não ódio contra o inimigo comum mas sim uma cultura contra a outra. O exército Alemão Nazi foi implacável na sua marcha em busca do domínio total mas, em alguns casos, não foi ele apenas a face do terror. O exército Alemão Nazi conquistava e seguia em frente, a caminho da próxima conquista, deixando governos de fachada para manter a ordem. O medo e o terror eram gerados por outrém. Um verdadeiro choque de culturas cujo resultado foi um dos maiores derramamentos de sangue na história do mundo civilizado.


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This essay analyses how the different types of memory may influence the process of identity formation. It shall be argued that not only memories formed upon the subject’s experiences play a key role in this process; intermediated, received narratives from the past, memories transmitted either symbolically or by elder members of the group, or, what has been meanwhile termed as “postmemory”, also play an important part in the development of an individual’s identitary map. This theoretical framework will be illustrated with the novelistic work of Austrian Israeli-born historian, writer and political activist Doron Rabinovici (*1961). As a representative of the so-called “second generation” of Holocaust writers, a generation of individuals who did not experience the nazi genocide violence, but who had to form their identities under the shadow of such a brutal past, Rabinovici addresses essential topics such as the intergenerational transmission of memory and guilt within survivor families, identity formation of second generation individuals (Jews and non-Jews) and the question of simultaneously belonging to different social, historical and linguistic contexts.


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Des années 1780, quand surgit la question de l'émancipation des juifs, à la Première Guerre mondiale, qui dément l'optimisme de la perfectibilité du genre humain cultivé par la Bildung, le « long » XIXe siècle est la scène sur laquelle se déploient les efforts d'intégration des juifs dans la société et la culture allemandes, où la Bildung, intimement liée à l'esprit du protestantisme allemand qui l'a profondément marquée de son empreinte, tient lieu de médiation. Fil conducteur de ma recherche, la Bildung me permet de montrer en quoi son idéal est devenu un élément constitutif de l'identité des juifs allemands, en même temps qu'il cesse, sous les effets de la nationalisation d'une culture allemande devenue un outil au service d'un peuple particulier, d'être le projet, certes d'une communauté donnée, mais porteur d'universalisme. De fait, tout en adhérant à sa définition originale, les juifs ont su réinterpréter l'idée de Bildung en désamorçant l'alliance entre culture, germanité et nationalisme, afin de construire une nouvelle identité judéo-allemande qui réponde aux enjeux et aux exigences de la modernité ainsi qu'aux évolutions du temps, tout en visant à la reconnaissance des valeurs et du statut du judaïsme. Dans la mesure où cet idéal de la Bildung, sous les coups du nationalisme allemand, a perdu sa portée universelle pour, dans un processus de germanisation, devenir un instrument au service du projet nationaliste, les juifs vont progressivement se voir exclus de la nation allemande, quand bien même ou précisément parce qu'ils se sont identifiés à tel point au projet initial de la Bildung qu'ils en sont devenus les garants. From the 1780s, when the question of the emancipation of the Jews emerged, until World War I-a disappointment for those who were optimistic about cultivating a perfected humanity through Bildung (education)-the "long" nineteenth century is the stage on which the efforts to integrate the Jews into German society and culture took place. In this context, Bildung, which was decidedly bound to and profoundly marked by the German Protestant spirit, served as mediation. The underlying theme of Bildung in my research enables me to show how its ideal became the constitutive element of German Jewish identity. Concurrently, under the effects of the nationalization of German culture that became a tool in the service of a specific folk, the ideal of Bildung ceased to be a project that conveyed universal meaning. In fact, although the Jewish people agreed with its original definition, they succeeded in reinterpreting the idea of Bildung by neutralizing the alliance between culture, being German, and nationalism in order to elaborate a new German-Jewish identity in reply to the challenges and requirements of modernity and the evolution of society while still recognizing the values and status of Judaism. Inasmuch as the ideal of Bildung lost its universal significance for serving the nationalist project under the influence of German nationalism, the Jews were gradually excluded from the German folk, which took place despite, or precisely because, they identified to such an extent with the original aims of Bildung that they became the guarantors for it. Das ,,lange" 19. Jahrhundert bildet die Kulisse der Integrationsbemühungen der Juden in die deutsche Gesellschaft und Kultur, von den 1780er Jahren, als die Frage nach der Judenemanzipation zutage kommt, bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg, der den Optimismus der menschlichen Verbesserungsfahigkeit durch die Bildung widerlegt. Die mit dem Geist des deutschen Protestantismus eng verbundene Bildung dient hier als Mediation. Der rote Faden der Bildung ermöglicht mir zu zeigen, inwiefern ihr Ideal wesentlich für die jüdische Identität geworden ist. Zur gleichen Zeit hat das Bildungsideal, unter der Wirkung der Nationalisierung der deutschen Kultur, die zum Werkzeug eines eigenartigen Volkes gemacht wurde, sein universales Wesen verloren. In der Tat, obwohl die Juden dem ursprünglichen Bildungsideal zustimmten, haben sie die Bildung neu interpretiert, indem sie die Verbindung zwischen Kultur, Germanentum und Nationalismus entschärft und eine neue deutsch-jüdische Identität gebildet haben, die den Herausforderungen und den Ansprüchen der Moderne sowie dem Gesellschaftswandel entsprach und gleichzeitig darauf abzielte, die Werte und den Status des Judentums zu anerkennen. Insoweit, als das Bildungsideal seine universale Geltung unter dem Einfluss des deutschen Nationalismus verloren hat, um den nationalistischen Absichten zu dienen, wurden die Juden nach und nach vom deutschen Volk ausgeschlossen, selbst wenn oder gerade weil sie sich dermassen mit dem ursprünglichen Zweck der Bildung identifiziert haben, dass sie ihre Garanten geworden sind.