213 resultados para isótopos


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The distribution of diagenetic alterations in Late Cenomanian siliciclastic reservoirs from Potiguar Basin was influenced by the stratigraphic framework and the depositional system. Seismic sections and geophysical logs of two wells drilled in the SW portion of the mentioned basin above register regional stratigraphic surfaces representing maximum floods related to a transgressive event. The sequential analysis of 80 m of drill core (~450 m deep) recognized nine depositional facies with an upwards granodecrescent standard piling that limits cycles with an erosional conglomeratic base (lag) overlain by intercalations of medium to very fine sandstones showing cross bedding (channel, planar and low angled) and horizontal bedding (plane-parallel , wave and flaser). The top of the cycles is marked by the deposition of pelites and the development of paleosoils and lagoons. The correlation of genetically related facies reveals associations of channel fillings, crevasse, and flood plains deposited in a transgressive system. Detailed descriptions of seventy nine thin sections aided by MEV-EBSD/EDS, DRX and stable isotope analyses in sandstones revealed an arcosian composition and complex textural arrays with abundant smectite fringes continuously covering primary components, mechanically infiltrated cuticles and moldic and intragrain pores. K-feldspar epitaxial overgrowth covers microcline and orthoclase grains before any other phase. Abundant pseudomatrix due to the compactation of mud intraclasts concentrate along the stratification planes, locally replaced by macrocristalline calcite and microcrystalline and framboidal pyrite. Kaolinite (booklets and vermicular), microcrystalline smectite, microcrystalline titanium minerals and pyrite replace the primary components. The intergrain porosity prevails over the moldic, intragrain and contraction porosities. The pores are poorly connected due to the presence of intergranular smectite, k-feldspar overgrowth, infiltrated mud and pseudomatrix. The sandstones were subjected to eodiagenetic conditions next to the surface and shallow burial mesodiagenetic conditions. The diagenetic alterations reduced the porosity and the permeability mainly due to the precipitation of smectite fringes, compactation of mud intraclasts onto the pseudomatrix and cementing by poikilotopic calcite characterizing different reservoir petrofacies. These diagenetic products acted as barriers and detours to the flow of fluids thus reducing the quality of the reservoir.


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Chemical Stratigraphy, or the study of the variation of chemical elements within sedimentary sequences, has gradually become an experienced tool in the research and correlation of global geologic events. In this paper 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of the Triassic marine carbonates (Muschelkalk facies) of southeast Iberian Ranges, Iberian Peninsula, are presented and the representative Sr-isotopic curve constructed for the upper Ladinian interval. The studied stratigraphic succession is 102 meters thick, continuous, and well preserved. Previous paleontological data from macro and micro, ammonites, bivalves, foraminifera, conodonts and palynological assemblages, suggest a Fassanian-Longobardian age (Late Ladinian). Although diagenetic minerals are present in small amounts, the elemental data content of bulk carbonate samples, especially Sr contents, show a major variation that probably reflects palaeoenvironmental changes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios curve shows a rise from 0.707649 near the base of the section to 0.707741 and then declines rapidly to 0.707624, with a final values rise up to 0.70787 in the upper part. The data up to meter 80 in the studied succession is broadly concurrent with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sequences of similar age and complements these data. Moreover, the sequence stratigraphic framework and its key surfaces, which are difficult to be recognised just based in the facies analysis, are characterised by combining variations of the Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr and CaCO3 contents


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This paper discusses some aspects of hunter-gatherer spatial organization in southern South Patagonia, in later times to 10,000 cal yr BP. Various methods of spatial analysis, elaborated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) were applied to the distributional pattern of archaeological sites with radiocarbon dates. The shift in the distributional pattern of chronological information was assessed in conjunction with other lines of evidence within a biogeographic framework. Accordingly, the varying degrees of occupation and integration of coastal and interior spaces in human spatial organization are explained in association with the adaptive strategies hunter-gatherers have used over time. Both are part of the same human response to changes in risk and uncertainty variability in the region in terms of resource availability and environmental dynamics.


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El presente trabajo incluye el estudio de un amplio conjunto cerámico perteneciente al yacimiento arqueológico de la Edad del Cobre y Edad del Bronce de Castillejo del Bonete. La muestra fue recuperada de distintas áreas del asentamiento durante la campaña de excavación de 2012. La investigación ha tenido como fin conocer mejor la relación forma-función de las vasijas, su proceso de fabricación, así como el modelo productivo y las posibles manifestaciones simbólicas presentes en el repertorio analizado. La metodología utilizada para cumplir con los objetivos se ha basado en la recopilación de datos, considerando una serie de variables morfológicas y tecnológicas, y su procesamiento con el empleo de técnicas estadísticas sencillas.


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Programa de doctorado: Física Fundamental y Aplicada. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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O estudo teve como objetivo descrever a biologia reprodutiva e a dieta de populações de Thamnodynastes hypoconia em ambientes úmidos subtemperados do extremo sul brasileiro. Para avaliação da reprodução foram feitas análises macroscópicas das gônadas. Para avaliação da ecologia alimentar foram empregadas análises de conteúdo estomacal e de isótopos estáveis (δ13C e δ15N). Os machos apresentaram maior comprimento rostro-cloacal que as fêmeas e atingiram a maturidade sexual com menor tamanho corporal. O ciclo reprodutivo das fêmeas foi sazonal, com vitelogênese secundária ocorrendo entre o inverno e a primavera. Os machos apresentaram ciclo contínuo. Aparentemente a cópula ocorre entre o final da primavera e o início do verão, quando foram detectados embriões nas fêmeas e a parturição ocorreu no verão. Não houve relação entre o tamanho da ninhada e o tamanho da fêmea, e a frequência reprodutiva de 40% foi considerada relativamente baixa. Todavia, por ser uma espécie dominante em banhados subtemperados do extremo sul do Brasil sua estratégia reprodutiva parece ser eficiente. Dessa forma, o ciclo contínuo dos machos, bem como a viviparidade possam potencializar o deslocamento do pico reprodutivo da população de modo a ajustar-se de acordo com os picos de temperatura do ambiente. A análise de conteúdo estomacal mostrou uma dieta predominantemente anurófaga, exceto por um único lagarto. Hylidae foi a família mais representativa, com predomínio de Hypsiboas pulchellus, seguida de Leptodactylidae, onde Leptodactylus latrans teve maior importância. As análises de isótopos estáveis corroboraram a importância dessas espécies na alimentação da serpente. Apesar de ser uma serpente terrestre, T. hypoconia apresentou assinatura isotópica mais próxima das fontes primárias oriundas do ambiente aquático, o que indica a importância das áreas alagáveis para a subsistência de organismos terrestres de habitats adjacentes.


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En este trabajo se presentan datos de la composición isotópica en carbono y oxígeno de rocas carbonáticas (calizas y dolomías) en el sector Reocín-La Florida (Cantabria). Estos materiales constituyen la roca encajante de importantes mineralizaciones dé Zn-Pb (tipo Mississippi Valley) de edad Cretácica. Las calizas analizadas tienen valores medios del ð13C(PDB) y ð18 O(SMOW) de +3,15 y +27,21, respectivamente. y las dolomías de +2,05 y +25,53, respectivamente. Estos datos sugieren una génesis diferente para ambos tipos de carbonatos, de tal forma que un origen singenético para las mineralizaciones debe ser rechazado. También se analizan otros tipos de carbonatos presentes (calizas de dolomitización y espeleotemas), cuyos datos indican un origen relacionado con aguas meteóricas, dado el empobrecimiento que estos materiales poseen en los isótopos pesados.


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Propósito y Método del Estudio: Determinar los perfiles de expresión de proteínas en orina en pacientes agrupados de acuerdo a las complicaciones presentadas post trasplante (TR) y detectar su variación al modificar la terapia. Fue un estudio observacional, longitudinal, analítico y retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes que fueron sometidos a trasplante y estuvieron de acuerdo en participar en el protocolo. Se recolectaron muestras de orina pretrasplante y cada tercer día desde el momento del trasplante. Las muestras fueron almacenadas a -70ºC hasta el momento de su análisis por marcaje peptídico mediante isótopos isobáricos para la cuantificación relativa (iTRAQ). Se agrupó a los pacientes con complicaciones por infección confirmado por cultivos y rechazo agudo confirmado por biopsia. Se establecieron 4 fases de estudio: pre trasplante, post TR previo a complicación, post TR con complicación en curso y post TR complicación tratada. Contribuciones y Conclusiones: De Enero de 2009 a Mayo de 2013 se incluyeron a 22 pacientes: 10 mujeres (45%) y 12 hombres (55%) con una edad promedio de 45+ 15 años. Solo 12 pacientes presentaron complicaciones en el post TR: 2 pacientes con rechazo agudo al injerto (GR) (1hombre, 1 mujer); y 10 pacientes (6 hombres, 4 mujeres) en el grupo de infecciones (GI). Para el análisis por iTRAQ se hizo la cuantificación relativa comparando la presencia de las proteínas en las diferentes fases de estudio. Para el grupo de rechazo agudo, se encontraron 345 proteínas, de las cuales solo 15 cumplieron los criterios de aceptación de la técnica (score >30, > 2 péptidos identificados con el 95% de confianza). Para el grupo de infecciones se encontraron 113 de las cuales 28 cumplieron los criterios de aceptación de la técnica. Conclusiones: La albúmina fue la única proteína encontrada en ambos grupos de estudio, el resto de las proteínas 14 en el GR y 27 en GI fueron diferentes. Las 5 proteínas con mayor scores en GR fueron alfa 1 microglobulina, 5' nucleosidasa citosólica, Proteína 4 de unión a retinol, proteína de membrana 4 palmitolada y serin carboxipeptidasa mientras que en GI: acetil coenzima A sintetasa mitocondrial, adenosil homocisteinasa 2, proteína de dedo de zinc GLIS1isoforma X1, proteína putativa de la isoforma FAM157B, proteína de dedo de zinc 615 isoforma X6. Queda por dilucidar la participación de cada una de éstas en los pacientes con trasplante renal.


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For the past 15 years, a succession of stable isotope studies have documented the abrupt dietary transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in Western and Northern Europe. Portugal, with its Late Mesolithic shell middens and burials apparently coexisting with the earliest Neolithic, further illustrates the nature of that transition. Individuals from Neolithic contexts there had significantly different diets to their Mesolithic counterparts. No evidence was found for a transitional phase between the marine oriented Mesolithic subsistence regimes and the domesticated, terrestrial Neolithic diet. Two later Neolithic individuals, however, showed evidence for partial reliance on marine or aquatic foods. This raises questions about the possible persistence of marine dietary regimes beyond the Mesolithic period. This article is followed by a brief note by Mary Jackes and David Lubell.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Microbiana, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.


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The general objective of this study was to contribute to the understanding of the chemical evolution of fluids that percolate through carbonate rocks of the Jandaíra Formation. The oxidation and reduction conditions in which grains, source and cement were formed was investigated using the cathodoluminescence technique (CL). The study area is located in the west part of the Potiguar Basin (Fazenda Belém field) and Rosário Ledge (Felipe Guerra municipality, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The analysis of thin sections of carbonate rocks under CL revealed that grains (allochemical or not) and diagenetic products (micritization, dolomitization, neomorphism and cementation) exhibit since absence of luminescence the various luminescence colors (yellow, orange, red, brown, and blue) in a variety of intensities. As pure calcite shows dark blue luminescence, the occurrence of different luminescence colors in calcite crystals suggest one or more punctual crystal defects such as free electron, free space and impurity. The dyeing of thin sections with alizarin and potassium ferrocyanide revealed the absence of ferrous carbonate in the different lithotypes of Jandaíra Formation. Therefore, the different colors and intensities of CL observed in these rocks are probably caused by the presence of ion activators such as Mn2+ and is not an activator/inhibitor combination. In the same way, the absence of luminescence is very probably caused by the absence of activator ions and not due to the low concentration of inhibitor ions such as Fe2+. The incorporation of Mn2+ in the different members of the Jandaíra Formation must have been controlled by the redox state of the depositional environment and diagenesis. Therefore, it is possible that the luminescent members have been formed (e.g.,ooids) or have been modified (gastropod neomorphism) under reduction conditions in the depositional environments, in subsurface during the burial, or, in the case of Rosario Ledge samples , during the post-burial return to surface conditions. As regards the sudden changes from low to moderate and to strong luminescence, these features should indicate the precipitation of a fluid with chemical fluctuations, which formed the frequent zonations in the block cement of the Rosario Ledge samples. This study suggests that the different intensities and colors of CL should be correlated with the Mn2+ and Fe2+ contents, and stable isotopes of samples to determine the salinity, temperature, pH e Eh conditions during deposition