437 resultados para insulation


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Any occupation of northern Europe by Lower Palaeolithic hominins, even those occurring during full interglacials, must have addressed the challenges of marked seasonality and cold winters. These would have included the problems of: wind-chill and frostbite; duration, distribution and depth of snow-cover; reduced daylight hours; and distribution and availability of animal and plant foods. Solutions can essentially be characterised as a ‘stick or twist’ choice: i.e. year-round presence on a local scale vs. extensive annual mobility. However these options, and the ‘interim’ strategies that lie between them, present various problems, including maintaining core body temperature, meeting the energetic demands of mobility, coping with reduced resource availability and increasing patchiness, and meeting nutritional requirements. The feasibility of different winter survival strategies are explored with reference to Lower Palaeolithic palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and on-site behavioural evidence. Emphasis is placed upon possible strategies for (i) avoiding the excessive lean meat protein problem of ‘rabbit starvation’ (e.g. through exploitation of ‘residential’ species with significant winter body fat and/or by targeting specific body parts, following modern ethnographic examples, supplemented by the exploitation of winter plants); and (ii) maintaining body temperatures (e.g. through managed pyrotechnology, and/or other forms of cultural insulation). The paper concludes with a suggested winter strategy.


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Urban greening solutions such as green roofs help improve residents’ thermal comfort and building insulation. However, not all plants provide the same level of cooling. This is partially due to differences in plant structure and function, including different mechanisms that plants employ to regulate leaf temperature. Ranking of multiple leaf/plant traits involved in the regulation of leaf temperature (and, consequently, plants’ cooling ‘service’) is not well understood. We therefore investigated the relative importance of water loss, leaf colour, thickness and extent of pubescence for the regulation of leaf temperature, in the context of species for semi-extensive green roofs. Leaf temperature were measured with an infrared imaging camera in a range of contrasting genotypes within three plant genera (Heuchera, Salvia and Sempervivum). In three glasshouse experiments (each evaluating three or four genotypes of each genera) we varied water availability to the plants and assessed how leaf temperature altered depending on water loss and specific leaf traits. Greatest reductions in leaf temperature were closely associated with higher water loss. Additionally, in non-succulents (Heuchera, Salvia), lighter leaf colour and longer hair length (on pubescent leaves) both contributed to reduced leaf temperature. However, in succulent Sempervivum, colour/pubescence made no significant contribution; leaf thickness and water loss rate were the key regulating factors. We propose that this can lead to different plant types having significantly different potentials for cooling. We suggest that maintaining transpirational water loss by sustainable irrigation and selecting urban plants with favourable morphological traits is the key to maximising thermal benefits provided by applications such as green roofs.


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In order to exploit the passive energy potential of the building envelope, it is important to provide a right combination of insulation thickness, heat capacity and night-time ventilation. In this paper, this issue will be tackled with reference to an historic building in Catania (Southern Italy). The building was built at the end of the XIX century, and its opaque envelope is entirely made with lava stones, which is typical of traditional architecture in this area. Starting from the current configuration of the building, many hypotheses for refurbishment are considered, combined with different strategies for passive cooling, such as night-time ventilation, use of shading devices and adoption of highly-reflective coatings. The effectiveness of each solution in terms of summer thermal comfort is evaluated through dynamic thermal simulations carried out with EnergyPlus. The results show the synergic effect of these strategies, as well as their individual impact, and allow to draw some general conclusions about the behaviour of heavyweight buildings under moderately hot weather conditions.


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In this report, we describe a rapid and reliable process to bond channels fabricated in glass substrates. Glass channels were fabricated by photolithography and wet chemical etching. The resulting channels were bonded against another glass plate containing a 50-mu m thick PDMS layer. This same PDMS layer was also used to provide the electrical insulation of planar electrodes to carry out capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection. The analytical performance of the proposed device was shown by using both LIF and capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection systems. Efficiency around 47 000 plates/m was achieved with good chip-to-chip repeatability and satisfactory long-term stability of EOF. The RSD for the EOF measured in three different devices was ca. 7%. For a chip-to-chip comparison, the RSD values for migration time, electrophoretic current and peak area were below 10%. With the proposed approach, a single chip can be fabricated in less than 30 min including patterning, etching and sealing steps. This fabrication process is faster and easier than the thermal bonding process. Besides, the proposed method does not require high temperatures and provides excellent day-to-day and device-to-device repeatability.


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Continuous casting is a casting process that produces steel slabs in a continuous manner with steel being poured at the top of the caster and a steel strand emerging from the mould below. Molten steel is transferred from the AOD converter to the caster using a ladle. The ladle is designed to be strong and insulated. Complete insulation is never achieved. Some of the heat is lost to the refractories by convection and conduction. Heat losses by radiation also occur. It is important to know the temperature of the melt during the process. For this reason, an online model was previously developed to simulate the steel and ladle wall temperatures during the ladle cycle. The model was developed as an ODE based model using grey box modeling technique. The model’s performance was acceptable and needed to be presented in a user friendly way. The aim of this thesis work was basically to design a GUI that presents steel and ladle wall temperatures calculated by the model and also allow the user to make adjustments to the model. This thesis work also discusses the sensitivity analysis of different parameters involved and their effects on different temperature estimations.


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This report describes the work done creating a computer model of a kombi tank from Consolar. The model was created with Presim/Trnsys and Fittrn and DF were used to identify the parameters. Measurements were carried out and were used to identify the values of the parameters in the model. The identifications were first done for every circuit separately. After that, all parameters are normally identified together using all the measurements. Finally the model should be compared with other measurements, preferable realistic ones. The two last steps have not yet been carried out, because of problems finding a good model for the domestic hot water circuit.The model of the domestic hot water circuit give relatively good results for low flows at 5 l/min, but is not good for higher flows. In the report suggestions for improving the model are given. However, there was not enough time to test this within the project as much time was spent trying to solve problems with the model crashing. Suggestions for improving the model for the domestic circuit are given in chapter 4.4. The improved equations that are to be used in the improved model are given by equation 4.18, 4.19 and 4.22.Also for the boiler circuit and the solar circuit there are improvements that can be done. The model presented here has a few shortcomings, but with some extra work, an improved model can be created. In the attachment (Bilaga 1) is a description of the used model and all the identified parameters.A qualitative assessment of the store was also performed based on the measurements and the modelling carried out. The following summary of this can be given: Hot Water PreparationThe principle for controlling the flow on the primary side seems to work well in order to achieve good stratification. Temperatures in the bottom of the store after a short use of hot water, at a coldwater temperature of 12°C, was around 28-30°C. This was almost independent of the temperature in the store and the DHW-flow.The measured UA-values of the heat exchangers are not very reliable, but indicates that the heat transfer rates are much better than for the Conus 500, and in the same range as for other stores tested at SERC.The function of the mixing valve is not perfect (see diagram 4.3, where Tout1 is the outlet hot water temperature, and Tdhwo and Tdhw1 is the inlet temperature to the hot and cold side of the valve respectively). The outlet temperature varies a lot with different temperatures in the storage and is going down from 61°C to 47°C before the cold port is fully closed. This gives a problem to find a suitable temperature setting and gives also a risk that the auxiliary heating is increased instead of the set temperature of the valve, when the hot water temperature is to low.Collector circuitThe UA-value of the collector heat exchanger is much higher than the value for Conus 500, and in the same range as the heat exchangers in other stores tested at SERC.Boiler circuitThe valve in the boiler circuit is used to supply water from the boiler at two different heights, depending on the temperature of the water. At temperatures from the boiler above 58.2°C, all the water is injected to the upper inlet. At temperatures below 53.9°C all the water is injected to the lower inlet. At 56°C the water flow is equally divided between the two inlets. Detailed studies of the behaviour at the upper inlet shows that better accuracy of the model would have been achieved using three double ports in the model instead of two. The shape of the upper inlet makes turbulence, that could be modelled using two different inlets. Heat lossesThe heat losses per m3 are much smaller for the Solus 1050, than for the Conus 500 Storage. However, they are higher than those for some good stores tested at SERC. The pipes that are penetrating the insulation give air leakage and cold bridges, which could be a major part of the losses from the storage. The identified losses from the bottom of the storage are exceptionally high, but have less importance for the heat losses, due to the lower temperatures in the bottom. High losses from the bottom can be caused by air leakage through the insulation at the pipe connections of the storage.


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In a Nordic climate, space heating (SH) and domestic hot water (DHW) used in buildings constitute a considerable part of the total energy use in the country. For 2010, energy used for SH and DHW amounted to almost 90 TWh in Sweden which corresponds to 60 % of the energy used in the residential and service sector, or almost 24 % of the total final energy use for the country. Storing heat and cold with the use of thermal energy storage (TES) can be one way of increasing the energy efficiency of a building by opening up possibilities for alternative sources of heat or cold through a reduced mismatch between supply and demand. Thermal energy storage without the use of specific control systems are said to be passive and different applications using passive TES have been shown to increase energy efficiency and/or reduce power peaks of systems supplying the heating and cooling needs of buildings, as well as having an effect on the indoor climate. Results are however not consistent between studies and focus tend to be on the reduction of cooling energy or cooling power peaks. In this paper, passive TES introduced through an increased thermal mass in the building envelope to two single family houses with different insulation standard is investigated with building energy simulations. A Nordic climate is used and the focus of this study is both on the reduction of space heating demand and space heating power, as well as on reduction of excess temperatures in residential single family houses without active cooling systems. Care is taken to keep the building envelope characteristics other than the thermal mass equal for all cases so that any observations made can be derived to the change in thermal mass. Results show that increasing the sensible thermal mass in a single family house can reduce the heating demand only slightly (1-4 %) and reduce excess temperatures (temperatures above 24 degrees C) by up to 20 %. Adding a layer of PCM (phase change materials) to the light building construction can give similar reduction in heating demand and excess temperatures, however the phase change temperature is important for the results.


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This research was carried out by studying possible renovation of a two-storey detached multifamily building by using passive solar design options in a cold climate in Borlänge, Sweden where the heating Degree Days are 4451 (base 20°C). Borlänge`s housing company, Tunabyggen, plans to renovate the project house located inthe multicultural district, Jakobsgårdarna. The goal of the thesis was to suggest a redesign of the current building, decrease the heating energy use, by applying passive solar design and control strategies, in a most reasonable way. In addition ensure a better thermal comfort for the tenants in the dwellings. Literatures have been studied, from which can be inferred that passive design should be abasic design consideration for all housing constructions, because it has advantages to ensure thermal comfort, and reduce the energy use. In addition further savings can be achieved applying different types of control strategies, from which the house will be more personalized, and better adapted to the user’s needs.The proposed method is based on simulations by using TRNSYS software. First a proper building model was set up, which represents the current state of the project building. Then the thermal insulation and the windows were upgraded, based on today's building regulations. The developments of the passive solar options were accomplished in two steps. First of all the relevant basic passive design elements were considered, then those advantages were compared to the advantages of applying new conventional thermostat, and shading control strategies.The results show that there is significant potential with the different types of passive solar design; their usage depends primarily on the location of the site as well as the orientation of the project building. Applying the control strategies, such as thermostat, and shading control, along the thermal insulation upgrade, may lead to significant energy savings (around 40 %), by comparison to the reference building without any upgrade.


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In this project, Stora Enso’s newly developed building system has been further developed to allow building to the Swedish passive house standard for the Swedish climate. The building system is based on a building framework of CLT (Cross laminated timber) boards. The concept has been tested on a small test building. The experience gained from this test building has also been used for planning a larger building (two storeys with the option of a third storey) with passive house standard with this building system. The main conclusions from the project are:  It is possible to build airtight buildings with this technique without using traditional vapour barriers. Initial measurements show that this can be done without reaching critical humidity levels in the walls and roof, at least where wood fibre insulation is used, as this has a greater capacity for storing and evening out the moisture than mineral wool. However, the test building has so far not been exposed to internal generation of moisture (added moisture from showers, food preparation etc.). This needs to be investigated and this will be done during the winter 2013-14.  A new fixing method for doors and windows has been tested without traditional fibre filling between them and the CLT panel. The door or window is pressed directly on to the CLT panel instead, with an expandable sealing strip between them. This has been proved to be successful.  The air tightness between the CLT panels is achieved with expandable sealing strips between the panels. The position of the sealing strips is important, both for the air tightness itself and to allow rational assembly.  Recurrent air tightness measurements show that the air tightness decreased somewhat during the first six months, but not to such an extent that the passive house criteria were not fulfilled. The reason for the decreased air tightness is not clear, but can be due to small movements in the CLT construction and also to the sealing strips being affected by changing outdoor temperatures.  Long term measurements (at least two years) have to be carried out before more reliable conclusions can be drawn regarding the long term effect of the construction on air tightness and humidity in the walls.  An economic analysis comparing using a concrete frame or the studied CLT frame for a three storey building shows that it is probably more expensive to build with CLT. For buildings higher than three floors, the CLT frame has economic advantages, mainly because of the shorter building time compared to using concrete for the frame. In this analysis, no considerations have been taken to differences in the influence on the environment or the global climate between the two construction methods.


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Allt hårdare lagkrav gör att det är svårt att energieffektivisera befintliga byggnader utan att förändra deras utseende. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utreda hur stor energieffektivisering, för tre befintliga småhus uppförda under 1900-talet, som är möjlig att uppnå genom förbättring av byggnadernas klimatskal, det vill säga tak, väggar, golv, fönster och dörrar, utan att förvanska byggnadernas utseende och samtidigt bevara deras kulturhistoriska värden. Arbetet bestod av en förstudie där tre byggnader identifierades, ett undersökningsskede där information om byggnaderna togs fram och ett slutsatsskede där energibesparande åtgärdsförslag togs fram och utvärderades. Byggnader som var goda representanter för sin tid och stil söktes. Byggnader från 1910-talet, 1930-talet och 1970-talet, lokaliserades. Sedan gjordes det fallstudier med intervjuer och inventeringar. För att utreda byggnadens klimatskal utfördes u-värdesberäkningar och energiberäkningar av befintliga byggander och byggnader baserade på föreslagna åtgärdsförslag. Ingen av byggnaderna nådde efter föreslagna åtgärder ner till passivhuskravet 59 kWh/år/m2 Atemp eller BBR-kravet 110 kWh/år/m2 Atemp för en byggnads specifika energianvändning. Den största möjliga energieffektivisering för de tre byggnaderna uppförda under 1900-talet, som är möjlig att uppnå utan att förvanska byggnadernas utseende och samtidigt bevara deras kulturhistoriska värden är 13,0 kWh/år/m2 Atemp, 49,7 kWh/år/m2 Atemp respektive 64,8 kWh/år/m2 Atemp. Slutsatser från arbetet är att byggnader från 1910-tal kan åtgärdas genom att isolera fönstren, sätta dit en extra dörr på insidan av ytterdörren samt tilläggsisolera snedtaket. Byggnader från 1930-tal kan åtgärdas genom att isolera fönstren med en isolerruta på insidan av fönstret och dörrarna med en extra dörr på insidan av ytterdörren. Byggnader från 1970-tal kan åtgärda fönstren genom att byta ut dem till energifönster, ingen åtgärd för golvet men fasaden isoleras utvändigt med vakuumisolering. Byggnaden från 1970-talet klarade sig bäst i jämförelsen eftersom den var i autentiskt skick från början vilket gjorde att förbättringen blev större än för till exempel byggnaden från 1910-talet som redan var ombyggd innan åtgärder föreslogs.


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Rapporten ingår i ett FoU- projekt för Högskolan Dalarna, där målet är att ta fram en konstruktion utan ångspärr som ska klara dagens mått på lufttäthet och fuktkrav. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda hur fukt påverkar en byggnad medmassivträstomme och olika isoleringsmaterial utan ångspärr. Mineralull och träfiberisolering jämförs mot varandra för att se hur dessa påverkarfuktbelastningen i en väggkonstruktion. Testobjektet är lokaliserat i Dalarna, inget fukttillskott har funnits inomhus i byggnaden. För att genomföra detta arbete har tre stycken olika metoder används. Ensimulering, verkliga uppmätta värden och en provtagning. Fuktsimuleringen genomfördes med hjälp av programmet WUFI, uppmätta värden i form av relativ fuktighet och temperatur har samlats in kontinuerligt under två års tid från väggkonstruktionen via mätsensorer. Provtagningen utfördes med ett fysiskt ingrepp på samma nivå i konstruktionen som mätsensorer var placerade. Resultat presenteras i form av diagram och tabeller där det går att avläsa konstruktionens nulägesstatus i form av relativ fuktighet, temperatur, fuktkvot och mikrobiologisk påväxt. Isoleringsmaterialen påvisar en hög relativ fuktighet under vinterhalvåret längst ut i konstruktionen mot utomhusklimatet. Utomhusklimatet har visats spela stor roll i detta. Ingen direkt mikrobiologisk påväxt har påträffats trots en hög halt av fukt. Resultaten visar att träfiberisoleringen har bättre förmåga att hantera fukt i jämförelse med mineralullen. En vidarestudie med fuktbelastning och 21 °C inomhus bör utföras. Men för att denna studie ska fungera rekommenderas en tvåstegstätad fasadlösning för att klara fuktbelastningen i väggkonstruktionen.


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Por mais que a informatização esteja avançada (interligação por melO da rede internet de computadores entre os órgãos e entidades públicas pelo Estado), máquina alguma substituirá os dramas do homem contemporâneo, principalmente aqueles que sempre estiveram alijados da cidadania. Os problemas do homem, principalmente os hiposuficientes, dentro do caso concreto, nem sempre podem ser solucionados por máquinas distantes uma da outra e, o pior, em locais distantes, sem permitir o acesso direto ao ser humano que comanda a máquina. Esse cidadão, que tem no princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana sua maior proteção e garantia outorgada pelo Estado de Direito, tem o direito de ser tratado com dignidade pelo Estado que monopoliza a pacificação social através da jurisdição, principalmente quando o réu é o próprio Estado, como é o caso do subsistema dos Juizados Especiais Federais (os réus são a União, ou suas entidades autárquicas, ou empresas públicas federais). A humanização no atendimento do cidadão, que busca e deposita no Estado Judiciário (Federal), no subsistema do Juizado Especial Federal, sua última esperança na resposta de seus direitos violados pelo próprio Estado Administração (Federal), se materializará por uma nova proposta de prestação de serviço público - a unitariedade (concentração de todos os partícipes desse subsistema em um único local - Judiciário e Executivo juntos) - de forma permanente e estática, nas cidades de maior demanda social, pela gestão associada de prestação de serviço público jurisdicional entre o Judiciário e Executivo (Legislativo eventualmente) onde a entrega do bem da vida litigioso ou a pacificação (meios alternativos de solução do conflito, como a conciliação) se dê dentro de um ambiente de respeito ao ser humano, ou seja, dentro de um prazo razoável, com padrões de atendimento de eficiência compatíveis com a contemporaneidade e principalmente de forma efetiva (com efetividade plena). Os Juizados Especiais, que foram criados para serem rápidos, ágeis e efetivos, não podem se banalizar e terem os mesmos estigmas da morosidade, da não efetividade e do desapego a qualidade no atendimento ao usuário. Tal humanização, como proposta na dissertação, desse subsistema judiciário - Juizado Especial Federal - com a unitariedade desse serviço público, atende e concretiza os valores e princípios constitucionais, sem necessidade de mudança legislativa, além de reforçar a legitimidade do Estado e solidificar a cidadania. O que se quer nessa dissertação é retirar o Judiciário do isolamento, o que é fundamental sobretudo no plano da efetividade (execução de suas decisões e prevenção e postergação de litígios criando uma mecanismos de conciliação prévia permanente). A dissertação propõe um novo desenho institucional entre Poderes da República para prestação de serviço público jurisdicional buscando contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das atividades judiciárias em sentido amplo, ou seja, atividades administrativas ou não jurisdicionais (função atípica do Poder Judiciário). O paradigma proposto, além da valorização do consensualismo, implica a efetividade das normas jurídicas e a eficiência do sistema.


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O calor, no ambiente onde o ser humano vive ou trabalha, atribui-se a: -fatores físicos: relação entre temperatura, radiação, umidade e movimento do ar; fatores humanos: o ser humano atua como fonte de energia através de seu metabolismo e atividade física. o calor caracterizado por um determinado meio ambiente é o resultado da atuação de diferentes variáveis, tais como: sistema de construção, situação geográfica do ambiente físico, climatização artificial, etc.; idade, sexo, capacidade física, estado de aclimatação, vestuário, tipo, carga e regime de trabalho, etc. A partir do momento em que o indivíduo for introduzido num determinado meio ambiente térmico, todos estes fatores vão influenciar a transmissão de calor entre ele e o ambiente. Na pretensão de haver equilíbrio térmico no meio ambiente quente, constata-se a necessidade de providenciar medidas de proteção a nível do sujeito e do ambiente, para que prevaleçam situações ambientais "confortáveis", ou pelo menos, "tolerantes". Desse modo, através da: definição das condições térmicas tolerantes e de conforto, parte-se para projetar meios ambientes de trabalho, que tornem praticáveis um isolamento térmico do calor exterior, assim como a perda de calor de dentro para fora. Atuando-se sobre variáveis individuais e ambientais estaremos incidindo diretamente sobre os meios de transmissão, procurando-se diminuir a quantidade de calor que o organismo produz e/ou recebe e aumentar a possibilidade de dissipá-lo.


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This study aims to compare the thermal performance of tiles made from recycled material (waste packaging cardboard with aluminized film) with the tiles of fiber and bitumen, fiber cement and red ceramic with the aim of verifying the suitability of tile to be used in hot and humid climate of low latitude. The samples were selected according to the availability from Natal - RN market, as they are sold to the consumers. The methodology was based on studies that used experimental apparatus composed of thermal chambers heated by banks of incandescent bulbs, to analyze the thermal performance of materials. The tiles in the study were submitted to analysis of thermal performance, thermophysical properties and absorptance, using chambers of thermal performance, measuring the thermophysical properties and portable spectrometer, respectively. Comparative analysis of thermal performance between two samples of the recycled material with dimple sizes and different amounts of aluminum were made, in order to verify, if these characteristics had some interference on the thermal performance of them; the results showed no significant performance differences between the samples. The data obtained in chambers of thermal performance and confirmed by statistical analysis, showed, that the tile of recycled material have similar thermal performance to the tile of fiber cement. In addition to these tests was carried out the automatic monitoring of a building covered with tiles of recycled material, to verify its thermal performance in a real situation. The results showed that recycled shingles must be used with technical criteria similar to those used for fiber cement tiles, with regard to the heat gain into the building. Within these criteria should be taken into account local characteristics, especially in regions with hot and humid climate, and its use must be associated, according to the literature, to elements of thermal insulation and use of passive techniques such as vented attics, ceilings and right foot higher


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The northeastern region of Brazil has a large number of wells producing oil using a method of secondary recovery steam injection, since the oil produced in this region is essentially viscous. This recovery method puts the cement / coating on thermal cycling, due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between cement and metal coating causes the appearance of cracks at this interface, allowing the passage of the annular fluid, which is associated with serious risk socioeconomic and environmental. In view of these cracks, a correction operation is required, resulting in more costs and temporary halt of production of the well. Alternatively, the oil industry has developed technology for adding new materials in cement pastes, oil well, providing high ductility and low density in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by the injection of water vapor. In this context, vermiculite, a clay mineral found in abundance in Brazil has been applied in its expanded form in the construction industry for the manufacture of lightweight concrete with excellent insulation and noise due to its high melting point and the presence of air in their layers lamellar. Therefore, the vermiculite is used for the purpose of providing low-density cement paste and withstand high temperatures caused by steam injection. Thus, the present study compared the default folder containing cement and water with the folders with 6%, 8% and 10% vermiculite micron conducting tests of free water, rheology and compressive strength where it obtained the concentration of 8 % with the best results. Subsequently, the selected concentration, was compared with the results recommended by the API standard tests of filtered and stability. And finally, analyzed the results from tests of specific gravity and time of thickening. Before the study we were able to make a folder with a low density that can be used in cementing oil well in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by steam injection