983 resultados para indecomposable module


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-adolist- creates, installs and uninstalls lists of user ado packages.


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anogi computes the "Analysis of Gini" for population sub-groups proposed by Frick et al. (2006; Sociological Methods and Research 34/4).


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gsample draws a random sample from the data in memory. Simple random sampling (SRS) is supported, as well as unequal probability sampling (UPS), of which sampling with probabilities proportional to size (PPS) is a special case. Both methods, SRS and UPS/PPS, provide sampling with replacement and sampling without replacement. Furthermore, stratified sampling and cluster sampling is supported.


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fairlie computes the nonlinear decomposition of binary outcome differentials proposed by Fairlie (1999, 2003).


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kdens produces univariate kernel density estimates and graphs the result. kdens supplements official Stata's kdensity. Important additions are: adaptive (i.e. variable bandwidth) kernel density estimation, several automatic bandwidth selectors including the Sheather-Jones plug-in estimator, pointwise variability bands and confidence intervals, boundary correction for variables with bounded domain, fast binned approximation estimation. Note that the moremata package, also available from SSC, is required.


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rrlogit fits a maximum-likelihood logistic regression for randomized response data.


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This package includes various Mata functions. kern(): various kernel functions; kint(): kernel integral functions; kdel0(): canonical bandwidth of kernel; quantile(): quantile function; median(): median; iqrange(): inter-quartile range; ecdf(): cumulative distribution function; relrank(): grade transformation; ranks(): ranks/cumulative frequencies; freq(): compute frequency counts; histogram(): produce histogram data; mgof(): multinomial goodness-of-fit tests; collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; _collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; gini(): Gini coefficient; sample(): draw random sample; srswr(): SRS with replacement; srswor(): SRS without replacement; upswr(): UPS with replacement; upswor(): UPS without replacement; bs(): bootstrap estimation; bs2(): bootstrap estimation; bs_report(): report bootstrap results; jk(): jackknife estimation; jk_report(): report jackknife results; subset(): obtain subsets, one at a time; composition(): obtain compositions, one by one; ncompositions(): determine number of compositions; partition(): obtain partitions, one at a time; npartitionss(): determine number of partitions; rsubset(): draw random subset; rcomposition(): draw random composition; colvar(): variance, by column; meancolvar(): mean and variance, by column; variance0(): population variance; meanvariance0(): mean and population variance; mse(): mean squared error; colmse(): mean squared error, by column; sse(): sum of squared errors; colsse(): sum of squared errors, by column; benford(): Benford distribution; cauchy(): cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz dist.; cauchyden(): Cauchy-Lorentz density; cauchytail(): reverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; invcauchy(): inverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; rbinomial(): generate binomial random numbers; cebinomial(): cond. expect. of binomial r.v.; root(): Brent's univariate zero finder; nrroot(): Newton-Raphson zero finder; finvert(): univariate function inverter; integrate_sr(): univariate function integration (Simpson's rule); integrate_38(): univariate function integration (Simpson's 3/8 rule); ipolate(): linear interpolation; polint(): polynomial inter-/extrapolation; plot(): Draw twoway plot; _plot(): Draw twoway plot; panels(): identify nested panel structure; _panels(): identify panel sizes; npanels(): identify number of panels; nunique(): count number of distinct values; nuniqrows(): count number of unique rows; isconstant(): whether matrix is constant; nobs(): number of observations; colrunsum(): running sum of each column; linbin(): linear binning; fastlinbin(): fast linear binning; exactbin(): exact binning; makegrid(): equally spaced grid points; cut(): categorize data vector; posof(): find element in vector; which(): positions of nonzero elements; locate(): search an ordered vector; hunt(): consecutive search; cond(): matrix conditional operator; expand(): duplicate single rows/columns; _expand(): duplicate rows/columns in place; repeat(): duplicate contents as a whole; _repeat(): duplicate contents in place; unorder2(): stable version of unorder(); jumble2(): stable version of jumble(); _jumble2(): stable version of _jumble(); pieces(): break string into pieces; npieces(): count number of pieces; _npieces(): count number of pieces; invtokens(): reverse of tokens(); realofstr(): convert string into real; strexpand(): expand string argument; matlist(): display a (real) matrix; insheet(): read spreadsheet file; infile(): read free-format file; outsheet(): write spreadsheet file; callf(): pass optional args to function; callf_setup(): setup for mm_callf().


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smithwelch computes decompositions of differences in mean outcome differentials. Smith and Welch (1989) used such decomposition techniques in their analysis of the change in the black-white wage differential over time. An alternative application would be the decomposition of country differences in the male-female wage gap.


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jmpierce computes the decomposition of differences between two outcome distributions introduced by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1993). Examples are the decomposition of changes in the income distribution over time, the decomposition of male-female wage differentials, or the decomposition of wage inequality differences between countries. This routine was previously circulated as jmp.


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jmpierce2 computes the decomposition of differences in mean outcome differentials proposed by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1991). An example is the decomposition of the change of the black-white or the male-female wage differential over time or the decomposition of differences in the male-female wage differential between countries. This routine was previously circulated as jmp2.


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relrank generates the so called (quasi-) relative data of a variable compared to an empirical reference distribution. This is also called the grade transformation.


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cprplot2 is a variation of official Stata's cprplot and is used for graphing component-plus-residual plots (a.k.a. partial residual plots). Additional features (compared to cprplot): (1) cprplot2 can handle variables that enter the model repeatedly via different transformations (for example, polynomials). (2) cprplot2 can display component-plus-residual plots using the original units for transformed variables in the model. (3) A wrapper is provided to quickly display several component-plus-residual plots in a single image.


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devcon transforms the coefficients of 0/1 dummy variables so that they reflect deviations from the "grand mean" rather than deviations from the reference category (the transformed coefficients are equivalent to those obtained by the so called "effects coding") and adds the coefficient for the reference category. The variance-covariance matrix of the estimates is transformed accordingly. The transformed estimated can be used with post estimation procedures. In particular, devcon can be used to solve the identification problem for dummy variable effects in the so-called Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition (see the oaxaca package).


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-cochran- performs a test for equality of two or more proportions in matched samples. The chi-squared calculated by -cochran- is known as Cochran's Q (Cochran 1950)


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duncan computes the Duncan and Duncan segregation statistic (dissimilarity index D) from individual level data.