941 resultados para human behaviour


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Knowledge on human behaviour in emergency is crucial to increase the safety of buildings and transportation systems. Decision making during evacuations implies different choices, of which one of the most important concerns the escape route. The choice of a route may involve local decisions between alternative exits from an enclosed environment. This work investigates the influence of environmental (presence of smoke, emergency lighting and distance of exit) and social factors (interaction with evacuees close to the exits and with those near the decision-maker) on local exit choice. This goal is pursued using an online stated preference survey carried out making use of non-immersive virtual reality. A sample of 1,503 participants is obtained and a Mixed Logit Model is calibrated using these data. The model shows that presence of smoke, emergency lighting, distance of exit, number of evacuees near the exits and the decision-maker, and flow of evacuees through the exits significantly affect local exit choice. Moreover, the model points out that decision making is affected by a high degree of behavioural uncertainty. Our findings support the improvement of evacuation models and the accuracy of their results, which can assist in designing and managing building and transportation systems. The main contribution of this work is to enrich the understanding of how local exit choices are made and how behavioural uncertainty affects these choices.


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Shame is a social emotion with adaptive functions involved in human be-havior and social interactions. This emotion is regarded as an involuntary response associated with increased self-awareness, loss of status and self-devaluation (Gilbert, 1998), that may render individuals more prone to psychopathology (Gilbert, 1998; Pinto-Gouveia & Matos, 2011). Thus, identifying and assessing feelings of shame in childhood is essential in addressing the actual impact of shame on individual’s developmental trajectory. The Other As Shamer Scale (OAS; Goss, Gilbert & Allan, 1994) is a widely used measure of external shame, adapted and translated to several languages — including Portuguese (Matos, Pinto-Gouveia, Gilbert, Duarte & Figueiredo, 2015) — to adult and to adolescent populations (OASB-A - Other As Shamer Brief for adolescents; translated and adapted by Cunha, Xavier, Cherpe & Pinto-Gouveia, 2014). The current study aims to adapt and to explore the psychometric proper-ties of the brief OAS in a sample of Portuguese children attending to elementary schools.


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O presente trabalho congrega, em si, o estabelecimento de uma ligação entre as áreas científica e artística, justificando o trabalho do actor com elementos inerentes à anatomia humana e aos progressos na ciência sobre o estudo do comportamento e cérebro humanos. A arte do actor é, neste estudo, vista como uma ciência de palco desenvolvida a partir do esqueleto e do corpo em vida, atentos aos impulsos psico-fisicos, prolongando a acção quotidiana na acção extra-quotidiana. Se na ciência a menor unidade, viva, do organismo humano é a célula, este estudo reclama o impulso como a unidade mínima do teatro e, por conseguinte, do trabalho de actor. Esta análise complementa-se, perspectivando a célula vivente como o núcleo da relação entre o invisível, como processo mental, e o visível como processo e manifestação física do trabalho do actor dentro e fora do palco. ABSTRACT; The present work congregates the creation of a connection between scientific and artistic areas, justifying the actor's work through characteristic elements of human anatomy and through the scientific advances on the study of the human brain and of human behaviour. ln this study, the actor's art, is viewed as a stage science based on the human skeleton and on the living body, both conscious of the psycho-physical impulses that extend everyday action to the extraordinary action. If in science the smallest living unit in the human body is the cell, then, this study argues that the impulse is the smallest unit in theater and therefore, of the actor's work. This analysis complements itself, envisaging the living cell as the core of the relationship between the invisible, as a mental process, and the visible, as a process of physical manifestation of the actor's work in(side) and out(side) of stage.


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Ultimamente muitas investigações têm sido levadas a cabo em diferentes áreas das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, nas quais o fenómeno de inércia, suas causas e resultados têm sido estudados, a saber: na Filosofia (Ética e Praxeologia), na Psicologia ou na Teoria Organizacional. Todavia, parece que a literatura científica das Ciências Sociais, maioritariamente baseada em estudos empíricos, nos quais a inércia é uma das variáveis independentes, carece de reflexão teórica. O problema de inércia organizacional é analisado no presente artigo como um caso específico da inércia do comportamento humano. Este artigo aborda apenas algumas questões relacionadas com a inércia do comportamento humano: o problema da aplicação directa do princípio mecânico para a área psicossocial, algumas concepções deste fenómeno nas Ciências Sociais com especial enfoque na Teoria organizacional, bem como a avaliação deste fenómeno. Por estas razões, o texto concentra- se nos aspectos conceptuais do fenómeno, levantando mais questões do que dando respostas. Tem um carácter introdutório a futuras investigações.


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Engagement is a useful concept in the profession of nursing as it focuses on the positive dimension of human behaviour and visualizes the work context as a positive situation. Evaluate the stress and engagement levels on Portuguese and Spanish nurses and analyse the factors related to the stress and engagement levels in the two sample groups. Comparative exploratory study in a quantitative paradigm. Sample of 867 nurses (504 Portuguese, 363 Spanish), female 83.6% (78.6% Portugal, 90.6% Spain) and average age of 37. Portuguese (77.2%) and Spanish nurses (39.4%), work on average 40 hours per week. 60.6% and 57.7% of the Spanish and Portuguese respectively exercise their profession for 10 years. Sociodemographic questionnaire, the Pamela Gray-Toft’s Nursing Stress Scale (1981) and Schaufeli & Bakker’s Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (2003) were used. In what concerns Engagement there are statistically signiicant differences in the three dimensions, the p-value of the t-Student test were under 5%, highlighting the Spanish nurses for being more vigorous, dedicated and absorbed by their work: vigour, dedication and absorption. The sample of Portuguese nurses experience higher stress levels although the difference with Spanish nurses isn’t statistically signiicant. There are statistically signiicant differences between Portugal and Spain in “Lack of help from colleagues” and also in the psychological domain in general. The Spanish nurses feel more vigorous, dedicated and absorbed by their work. The Portuguese nurses perceive more psychological stress and mention having less help from colleagues.


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Early modern thought found in emotion a key to explaining human behaviour, highlighting the powerful way in which it can influence and disturb human life. Shakespeare’s and Cervantes’s treatment of emotion includes a full acknowledgement of its mental and bodily aspects and functions. But emotion rarely comes in a pure state. Character and emotion interact and their responses are often contradictory. Since emotions are sentiments that we feel and actions that we perform, it is worth inquiring into how, in Cervantes and Shakespeare, emotion affects their characters in different ways.


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During 2009 CARA announced the Iraqi Research Fellowship Programme aiming to enhance research capacity among Iraqi academics. The IRFP allows scholars to conduct and disseminate advanced and modern research projects connecting these to Iraq’s future academic development. This programme takes into consideration fostering and engaging the work of Iraqi academics in exile. One key expectation of the programme is for projects to have a positive impact on development of academia in Iraq in both the short and long term. It also facilitates international academic engagement fostering cooperation with Iraqi counterparts. This account is a reflection from a multidisciplinary team of researcher-practitioners facing these kinds of dilemmas the IRFP is intended to address. The context for the research involves paediatric training in Iraq and the potential extension of curriculum to involve psychosocial approaches to understanding human behaviour. Central to this account is an acknowledgement that in both research and practice, possibly one of the hardest decisions to make is not a choice of whether one possesses sufficient knowledge, but an acceptance that in not knowing we possibly find our way to get to where we want to be. This chapter discusses several challenges faced by an international research team as they embrace uncertainty together.


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Policy, research and clinical practice need a paradigm shift, focused on human behaviour and psychology.


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Disruptive colouration is a visual camouflage composed of false edges and boundaries. Many disruptively camouflaged animals feature enhanced edges; light patches are surrounded by a lighter outline and/or a dark patches are surrounded by a darker outline. This camouflage is particularly common in amphibians, reptiles and lepidopterans. We explored the role that this pattern has in creating effective camouflage. In a visual search task utilising an ultra-large display area mimicking search tasks that might be found in nature, edge enhanced disruptive camouflage increases crypsis, even on substrates that do not provide an obvious visual match. Specifically, edge enhanced camouflage is effective on backgrounds both with and without shadows; i.e. this is not solely due to background matching of the dark edge enhancement element with the shadows. Furthermore, when the dark component of the edge enhancement is omitted the camouflage still provided better crypsis than control patterns without edge enhancement. This kind of edge enhancement improved camouflage on all background types. Lastly, we show that edge enhancement can create a perception of multiple surfaces. We conclude that edge enhancement increases the effectiveness of disruptive camouflage through mechanisms that may include the improved disruption of the object outline by implying pictorial relief.


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How conservation messages are framed will impact the success of our efforts to engage people in conservation action. This is highly relevant in the private land conservation (PLC) sector given the low participation rates of landholders. Using a case study of PLC schemes targeted at Australian landholders, we present the first systematic analysis of communication strategies used by organisations and government departments delivering those schemes to engage the public. We develop a novel approach for analysing the framing of conservation messages that codes the stated benefits of schemes according to value orientation. We categorised the benefits as flowing to either the landholder, to society, or to the environment, corresponding to the egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations that have been shown to influence human behaviour. We find that messages are biased towards environmental benefits. Surprisingly, this is the case even for market-based schemes that have the explicit objective of appealing to production-focussed landholders and those who are not already involved in conservation. The risk is that PLC schemes framed in this way will fail to engage more egoistically oriented landholders and are only likely to appeal to those likely to already be conservation-minded. By understanding the frame in which PLC benefits are communicated, we can begin to understand the types of people who may be engaged by these messages, and who may not be. Results suggest that the framing of the communications for many schemes could be broadened to appeal to a more diverse group (and thus ultimately to a larger group) of landholders.


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The structure and dynamics of a modern business environment are very hard to model using traditional methods. Such complexity raises challenges to effective business analysis and improvement. The importance of applying business process simulation to analyze and improve business activities has been widely recognized. However, one remaining challenge is the development of approaches to human resource behavior simulation. To address this problem, we describe a novel simulation approach where intelligent agents are used to simulate human resources by performing allocated work from a workflow management system. The behavior of the intelligent agents is driven a by state transition mechanism called a Hierarchical Task Network (HTN). We demonstrate and validate our simulator via a medical treatment process case study. Analysis of the simulation results shows that the behavior driven by the HTN is consistent with design of the workflow model. We believe these preliminary results support the development of more sophisticated agent-based human resource simulation systems.


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When designing a new passenger ship or modifying an existing design, how do we ensure that the proposed design and crew emergency procedures are safe from an evacuation point of view? In the wake of major maritime disasters such as the Herald of Free Enterprise and the Estonia and in light of the growth in the numbers of high density, high-speed ferries and large capacity cruise ships, issues concerned with the evacuation of passengers and crew at sea are receiving renewed interest. In the maritime industry, ship evacuation models offer the promise to quickly and efficiently bring evacuation considerations into the design phase, while the ship is "on the drawing board". maritimeEXODUS-winner of the BCS, CITIS and RINA awards - is such a model. Features such as the ability to realistically simulate human response to fire, the capability to model human performance in heeled orientations, a virtual reality environment that produces realistic visualisations of the modelled scenarios and with an integrated abandonment model, make maritimeEXODUS a truly unique tool for assessing the evacuation capabilities of all types of vessels under a variety of conditions. This paper describes the maritimeEXODUS model, the SHEBA facility from which data concerning passenger/crew performance in conditions of heel is derived and an example application demonstrating the models use in performing an evacuation analysis for a large passenger ship partially based on the requirements of MSC circular 1033.


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Versican is a hyaluronan-binding, large extracellular matrix chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan whose expression is increased in malignant melanoma. Binding to hyaluronan allows versican to indirectly interact with the hyaluronan cell surface receptor CD44. The aim of this work was to study the effect of silencing the large versican isoforms (V0 and V1) and CD44 in the SK-mel-131 human melanoma cell line. Versican V0/V1 or CD44 silencing caused a decrease in cell proliferation and migration, both in wound healing assays and in Transwell chambers. Versican V0/V1 silencing also caused an increased adhesion to type I collagen, laminin and fibronectin. These results support the proposed role of versican as a proliferative, anti-adhesive and pro-migratory molecule. On the other hand, CD44 silencing caused a decrease in cell adhesion to vitronectin, fibronectin and hyaluronan. CD44 silencing inhibited the binding of a FITC-hyaluronan complex to the cell surface and its internalization into the cytoplasm. Our results indicate that both versican and CD44 play an important role regulating the behavior of malignant melanoma cells.