270 resultados para hotspots
La importancia del proceso de dispersión de semillas en la estructura y dinámica de los ecosistemas es ampliamente reconocida. Sin embargo, para los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos los estudios relacionados con este proceso son aún escasos y dispersos en comparación con los bosques tropicales lluviosos. En este trabajo se estudió la importancia de los síndromes de dispersión de semillas en la estructuración de comunidades, mediante el análisis de los patrones de dispersión de semillas en el espacio y tiempo para comunidades de leñosas en los bosques secos del suroccidente Ecuatoriano. Esta área forma parte de la región Tumbesina, una de las áreas de endemismo más importantes del mundo, pero también uno de los hotspots más amenazados. El clima se caracteriza por una estación seca que va de mayo a noviembre y una estación lluviosa que se extiende desde diciembre a abril. Para toda esta zona se estima una temperatura promedio anual entre 20° y 26°C y una precipitación promedio anual entre 300 y 700 mm. El trabajo de campo se desarrolló entre febrero de 2009 y septiembre de 2012. El primer paso fue la recopilación de información sobre las especies leñosas nativas de los bosques secos del suroccidente de Ecuador, que permitiera asignar a cada especie a un síndrome de dispersión para determinar el espectro de síndromes de dispersión de semillas. Luego, utilizando la información disponible de 109 parcelas establecidas previamente a lo largo de cuatro cantones de la provincia de Loja que conservan bosques secos en buen estado, se analizó la relación entre el síndrome de dispersión y condiciones ambientales. La relación de los síndromes de dispersión con los patrones espaciales de las especies y con los patrones de la lluvia y banco de semillas se estudió dentro de una parcela permanente de 9 ha, en la Reserva Ecológica Arenillas. Dentro de esta parcela se estableció un transecto de aproximadamente 3,4 km, que se recorrió mensualmente para colectar excretas de cérvidos y analizar el rol de este grupo como dispersor de semillas. Una gran variedad de plantas en los bosques secos tropicales del suroccidente de Ecuador requirió la asistencia de animales para la dispersión de semillas. Sin embargo, un análisis del espectro de dispersión considerando no solo la riqueza, sino también la abundancia relativa de especies, permitió determinar que a pesar de la alta variedad de especies zoócoras, la mayor parte de la comunidad correspondía a individuos anemócoros, que no proveen ninguna recompensa para la dispersión por animales. Este patrón puede deberse a la abundancia relativa de hábitats adecuados para especies con diferente síndrome de dispersión. Las condiciones ambientales afectaron la estructura del espectro de dispersión en la comunidad de bosque seco neotropical estudiada. El análisis de la importancia relativa del síndrome de dispersión y de la heterogeneidad espacial en la formación de patrones espaciales de árboles adultos permitió determinar que la heterogeneidad ambiental ejercía un efecto adicional (y en algunos el único) en la formación de patrones agregados de la mayoría de especies estudiadas. Los resultados señalaron diferencias en los patrones espaciales de las especies dependiendo del síndrome de dispersión, pero también una gran variación en los patrones espaciales incluso entre especies del mismo síndrome de dispersión. El análisis simultáneo de los patrones de la lluvia de semillas y banco de semillas de una comunidad de leñosas y su relación con la vegetación establecida indicaron que la lluvia de semillas era temporalmente variable en número de especies y abundancia de semillas, y dependía del síndrome de dispersión. El síndrome de dispersión también influyó en la formación de bancos de semillas, siendo las especies con capacidad de dispersión limitada (autócoras) las de mayor riqueza de especies y abundancia de semillas. Los cérvidos también se consideraron como un elemento clave en el proceso de dispersión de semillas. Al menos ocho especies leñosas fueron dispersadas legítimamente vía endozoócora. La mayoría de las especies dispersadas presentaron diásporas sin adaptaciones obvias para la dispersión, por lo que la ingestión de semillas por cérvidos se constituye en una vía potencial para la dispersión de sus semillas a largas distancias y, con ello, mejora la posibilidad de colonizar nuevos sitios y mantener el flujo genético. Los resultados de este estudio aportan nuevas evidencias para el entendimiento de la importancia de los procesos de dispersión de semillas en la estructura de los bosques secos neotropicales. Uno de los principales hallazgos a partir de estos cuatro capítulos es que los patrones espaciales de las especies, así como las estrategias que utilizan para dispersarse y hacer frente a las condiciones adversas (es decir, lluvia o banco de semillas) llevan consigo un efecto del síndrome de dispersión, y que la intensidad ese efecto depende a la vez de las condiciones ambientales del lugar. ABSTRACT The importance of seed dispersal process in the estructuring and ecosystem dynamic is widely recongnized. However, for seasonally tropical dry forest studies related to this process are still scarce and scattered compared to tropical rain forests. The present research deals with the importance of seed dispersal syndromes as a driver in the community structure, focusing its attention to temporal and spatial patterns of seed dispersal in woody communities of seasonally dry forest at Southwestern Ecuador. This area is part of the Tumbesian region, one of the most important areas of endemism, but also one of the most threatened areas around the world. Climate is characterized by a dry season from May to November, and a rainy season from December to April. For the whole area an average temperature between 20 ° and 26 ° C, and an average annual rainfall between 300 and 700 mm are estimated. Fieldwork was carried out between February 2009 and September 2012. During a first step information about native woody species of dry forests of southwestern Ecuador was gathered, enabling to assign a dispersal syndrome to each species to determine the seed dispersal spectrum. In a second step, available information from 109 established plots along four municipalities in Loja province, which hold the highest and best conserved dry forest remanants, was analyzed to establish the relationship between dispersal syndromes and environmental conditions. The relationships between dispersal syndromes and species spatial patterns; and between dispersal syndromes and seed rain and seed bank patterns, were studied within a permanent plot of 9 ha, in the Arenillas Ecological Reserve. Within this plot one transect of approximately 3.4 km was set to collect monthly deer droppings, which were used to latter analyze the rol of this group as seed dispersers. The results showed that a large variety of plants in tropical dry forest of Southwestern Ecuador require animal assistance to dispers their seeds. However, an analysis of seed dispersal spectrum considering not only species richness, but also the relative abundance of species, allowed to determine that despite the high variety of zoochorous species, most individuals in the community corresponds to anemochoruos species. This shift may be due to the relative abundance of habitats that are suitable for species with different dispersal syndromes. Moreover, quantitative data analysis showed that environmental conditions affect the structure of seed dispersal spectrum in the studied community. The analysis of relative importance of dispersal syndrome, and the environmental heterogeneity on formation of adult trees spatial patterns, indicated that environmental heterogeneity exert an additional (or was the only) effect limiting the distribution of most species in this forest. The findings showed differences in spatial patterns related to dispersal syndrome, but also showed a large variation in spatial patterns even among species sharing the same dispersal syndrome. Simultaneous analysis of seed rain and seed bank patterns of a woody community, and their relationship with established vegetation, suggested that seed rain is temporally variable in species number and seeds abundance, and that variation is related to the dispersal syndrome. Dispersal syndrome also influenced on the formation of seed banks, being species with limited dispersal abilities (autochorous) the ones with highest species richness and seed abundance. Deer were found as a key element in the seed dispersal process. At least to eight woody species were dispersed legitimately by ingestion. Diaspores of most dispersed species had no obvious adaptations to seed dispersal, therefore, seed ingestion by deer represents a potential pathway for long-distance dispersal, and hence, improves the chances to colonizing new sites and to maintain gene flow. Overall, these results provide new evidence for understanding the importance of seed dispersal processes in the structure of Neotropical dry forests. One of the major findings from these four chapters is that spatial patterns of species, and the strategies used to disperse their seeds and to deal with the adverse conditions (i.e. seed rain or seed bank) are related with dispersal syndromes, and the intensity of that relation depends in turn, on environmental conditions.
Over the last few years, the Data Center market has increased exponentially and this tendency continues today. As a direct consequence of this trend, the industry is pushing the development and implementation of different new technologies that would improve the energy consumption efficiency of data centers. An adaptive dashboard would allow the user to monitor the most important parameters of a data center in real time. For that reason, monitoring companies work with IoT big data filtering tools and cloud computing systems to handle the amounts of data obtained from the sensors placed in a data center.Analyzing the market trends in this field we can affirm that the study of predictive algorithms has become an essential area for competitive IT companies. Complex algorithms are used to forecast risk situations based on historical data and warn the user in case of danger. Considering that several different users will interact with this dashboard from IT experts or maintenance staff to accounting managers, it is vital to personalize it automatically. Following that line of though, the dashboard should only show relevant metrics to the user in different formats like overlapped maps or representative graphs among others. These maps will show all the information needed in a visual and easy-to-evaluate way. To sum up, this dashboard will allow the user to visualize and control a wide range of variables. Monitoring essential factors such as average temperature, gradients or hotspots as well as energy and power consumption and savings by rack or building would allow the client to understand how his equipment is behaving, helping him to optimize the energy consumption and efficiency of the racks. It also would help him to prevent possible damages in the equipment with predictive high-tech algorithms.
Voltage-gated potassium (K+) channels are present in all living systems. Despite high structural similarities in the transmembrane domains (TMD), this K+ channel type segregates into at least two main functional categories—hyperpolarization-activated, inward-rectifying (Kin) and depolarization-activated, outward-rectifying (Kout) channels. Voltage-gated K+ channels sense the membrane voltage via a voltage-sensing domain that is connected to the conduction pathway of the channel. It has been shown that the voltage-sensing mechanism is the same in Kin and Kout channels, but its performance results in opposite pore conformations. It is not known how the different coupling of voltage-sensor and pore is implemented. Here, we studied sequence and structural data of voltage-gated K+ channels from animals and plants with emphasis on the property of opposite rectification. We identified structural hotspots that alone allow already the distinction between Kin and Kout channels. Among them is a loop between TMD S5 and the pore that is very short in animal Kout, longer in plant and animal Kin and the longest in plant Kout channels. In combination with further structural and phylogenetic analyses this finding suggests that outward-rectification evolved twice and independently in the animal and plant kingdom.
Homologous recombination hotspots increase the frequency of recombination in nearby DNA. The M26 hotspot in the ade6 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a meiotic hotspot with a discrete, cis-acting nucleotide sequence (5′-ATGACGT-3′) defined by extensive mutagenesis. A heterodimeric M26 DNA binding protein, composed of subunits Mts1 and Mts2, has been identified and purified 40,000-fold. Cloning, disruption, and genetic analyses of the mts genes demonstrate that the Mts1/Mts2 heterodimer is essential for hotspot activity. This provides direct evidence that a specific trans-acting factor, binding to a cis-acting site with a unique nucleotide sequence, is required to activate this meiotic hotspot. Intriguingly, the Mts1/Mts2 protein subunits are identical to the recently described transcription factors Atf1 (Gad7) and Pcr1, which are required for a variety of stress responses. However, we report differential dependence on the Mts proteins for hotspot activation and stress response, suggesting that these proteins are multifunctional and have distinct activities. Furthermore, ade6 mRNA levels are equivalent in hotspot and nonhotspot meioses and do not change in mts mutants, indicating that hotspot activation is not a consequence of elevated transcription levels. These findings suggest an intimate but separable link between the regulation of transcription and meiotic recombination. Other studies have recently shown that the Mts1/Mts2 protein and M26 sites are involved in meiotic recombination elsewhere in the S. pombe genome, suggesting that these factors help regulate the timing and distribution of homologous recombination.
We have found that human organs such as colon, lung, and muscle, as well as their derived tumors, share nearly all mitochondrial hotspot point mutations. Seventeen hotspots, primarily G → A and A → G transitions, have been identified in the mitochondrial sequence of base pairs 10,030–10,130. Mutant fractions increase with the number of cell generations in a human B cell line, TK6, indicating that they are heritable changes. The mitochondrial point mutation rate appears to be more than two orders of magnitude higher than the nuclear point mutation rate in TK6 cells and in human tissues. The similarity of the hotspot sets in vivo and in vitro leads us to conclude that human mitochondrial point mutations in the sequence studied are primarily spontaneous in origin and arise either from DNA replication error or reactions of DNA with endogenous metabolites. The predominance of transition mutations and the high number of hotspots in this short sequence resembles spectra produced by DNA polymerases in vitro.
Integration of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 cDNA into a target DNA can be strongly influenced by the conformation of the target. For example, integration in vitro is sometimes favored in target DNAs containing sequence-directed bends or DNA distortions caused by bound proteins. We have analyzed the effect of DNA bending by studying integration into two well-characterized protein-DNA complexes: Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF) protein bound to a phage IHF site, and the DNA binding domain of human lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF) bound to a LEF site. Both of these proteins have previously been reported to bend DNA by approximately 140 degrees. Binding of IHF greatly increases the efficiency of in vitro integration at hotspots within the IHF site. We analyzed a series of mutants in which the IHF site was modified at the most prominent hotspot. We found that each variant still displayed enhanced integration upon IHF binding. Evidently the local sequence is not critical for formation of an IHF hotspot. LEF binding did not create preferred sites for integration. The different effects of IHF and LEF binding can be rationalized in terms of the different proposed conformations of the two protein-DNA complexes.
"Snapshot" images of localized Ca2+ influx into patch-clamped chromaffin cells were captured by using a recently developed pulsed-laser imaging system. Transient opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels gave rise to localized elevations of Ca2+ that had the appearance of either "hotspots" or partial rings found immediately beneath the plasma membrane. When the Ca2+ imaging technique was employed in conjunction with flame-etched carbon-fiber electrodes to spatially map the release sites of catecholamines, it was observed that the sites of Ca2+ entry and catecholamine release were colocalized. These results provide functional support for the idea that secretion occurs from "active zone"-like structures in neuroendocrine cells.
Objectives: This article further examines the phenomenon of aggression inside barrooms by relying on the “bouncer-ethnographer” methodology. The objective is to investigate variations in aggression through time and space according to the role and routine of the target in a Montreal barroom. Thus, it provides an examination of routine activity theory at the micro level: the barroom. Methods: For a period of 258 nights of observation in a Canadian barroom, bouncers completed reports on each intervention and provided specific information regarding what happened, when and where within the venue. In addition, the bouncer-ethnographer compiled field observations and interviews with bar personnel in order to identify aggression hotspots and “rush hours” for three types of actors within barrooms: (a) bouncers, (b) barmaids and (c) patrons. Findings: Three different patterns emerged for shifting hotspots of aggression depending on the target. As the night progresses, aggressive incidents between patrons, towards barmaids and towards bouncers have specific hotspots and rush hours influenced by the specific routine of the target inside the barroom. Implications: The current findings enrich those of previous work by pointing to the relevance of not only examining the environmental characteristics of the barroom, but also the role of the target of aggression. Crime opportunities follow routine activities, even within a specific location on a micro level. Routine activity theory is thus relevant in this context, because as actors in differing roles follow differing routines, as do their patterns of victimization.
The refugee crisis will be dominating discussions at the EU Summit. Cooperating with third countries, especially Turkey; border controls, hotspots, relocation and returns will all feature. These discussions reflect that the EU is in crisis response mode, attempting to deal with the sheer scale of the current flows and the rapidly evolving situation, as well as internal divisions.
The October 2015 European Council and migration: no news, good news? EPC Commentary, 19 October 2015
The October European Council meeting took place after an unprecedented sequence of actions, with the Luxembourgish Presidency, the European Commission and the Council adopting and proposing a series of legislative and operational measures (including inter alia relocation decisions, the establishment of “hotspots”, increasing funds, the modification of the Dublin rules and the adoption of safe country of origins lists) to address the refugee crisis. Some of these measures were on the European Council agenda, such as the future of the Dublin system, the role of “hotspots” and the strengthening of the external borders. However, the meeting did not go as planned, with some items being dropped off the agenda and replaced by other ones.
Influenza A virus assembly is an unclear process, whereby individual virion components form an infectious particle. The segmented nature of the influenza A genome imposes a problem to assembly because it requires packaging of eight distinct RNA particles (vRNPs). It also allows genome mixing from distinct parental strains, events associated with influenza pandemic outbreaks. It is important to public health to understand how segmented genomes assemble, a process that is dependent on the transport of components to assembly sites. Previously, it has been shown that vRNPs are carried by recycling endosome vesicles, resulting in a change of Rab11 distribution. Here, we describe that vRNP binding to recycling endosomes impairs recycling endosome function, by competing for Rab11 binding with family-interacting proteins, and that there is a causal relationship between Rab11 ability to recruit family-interacting proteins and Rab11 redistribution. This competition reduces recycling sorting at an unclear step, resulting in clustering of single- and double-membraned vesicles. These morphological changes in Rab11 membranes are indicative of alterations in protein and lipid homeostasis during infection. Vesicular clustering creates hotspots of the vRNPs that need to interact to form an infectious particle.
Validation of the Swiss methane emission inventory by atmospheric observations and inverse modelling
Atmospheric inverse modelling has the potential to provide observation-based estimates of greenhouse gas emissions at the country scale, thereby allowing for an independent validation of national emission inventories. Here, we present a regional-scale inverse modelling study to quantify the emissions of methane (CH₄) from Switzerland, making use of the newly established CarboCount-CH measurement network and a high-resolution Lagrangian transport model. In our reference inversion, prior emissions were taken from the "bottom-up" Swiss Greenhouse Gas Inventory (SGHGI) as published by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment in 2014 for the year 2012. Overall we estimate national CH₄ emissions to be 196 ± 18 Gg yr⁻¹ for the year 2013 (1σ uncertainty). This result is in close agreement with the recently revised SGHGI estimate of 206 ± 33 Gg yr⁻¹ as reported in 2015 for the year 2012. Results from sensitivity inversions using alternative prior emissions, uncertainty covariance settings, large-scale background mole fractions, two different inverse algorithms (Bayesian and extended Kalman filter), and two different transport models confirm the robustness and independent character of our estimate. According to the latest SGHGI estimate the main CH₄ source categories in Switzerland are agriculture (78 %), waste handling (15 %) and natural gas distribution and combustion (6 %). The spatial distribution and seasonal variability of our posterior emissions suggest an overestimation of agricultural CH₄ emissions by 10 to 20 % in the most recent SGHGI, which is likely due to an overestimation of emissions from manure handling. Urban areas do not appear as emission hotspots in our posterior results, suggesting that leakages from natural gas distribution are only a minor source of CH₄ in Switzerland. This is consistent with rather low emissions of 8.4 Gg yr⁻¹ reported by the SGHGI but inconsistent with the much higher value of 32 Gg yr⁻¹ implied by the EDGARv4.2 inventory for this sector. Increased CH₄ emissions (up to 30 % compared to the prior) were deduced for the north-eastern parts of Switzerland. This feature was common to most sensitivity inversions, which is a strong indicator that it is a real feature and not an artefact of the transport model and the inversion system. However, it was not possible to assign an unambiguous source process to the region. The observations of the CarboCount-CH network provided invaluable and independent information for the validation of the national bottom-up inventory. Similar systems need to be sustained to provide independent monitoring of future climate agreements.
Soil degradation threatens agricultural production and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the coming decades, soil degradation, in particular soil erosion, will become worse through the expansion of agriculture into savannah and forest and changes in climate. This study aims to improve the understanding of how land use and climate change affect the hydrological cycle and soil erosion rates at the catchment scale. We used the semi-distributed, time-continuous erosion model SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool) to quantify runoff processes and sheet and rill erosion in the Upper Ouémé River catchment (14500 km**2, Central Benin) for the period 1998-2005. We could then evaluate a range of land use and climate change scenarios with the SWAT model for the period 2001-2050 using spatial data from the land use model CLUE-S and the regional climate model REMO. Field investigations were performed to parameterise a soil map, to measure suspended sediment concentrations for model calibration and validation and to characterise erosion forms, degraded agricultural fields and soil conservation practices. Modelling results reveal current "hotspots" of soil erosion in the north-western, eastern and north-eastern parts of the Upper Ouémé catchment. As a consequence of rapid expansion of agricultural areas triggered by high population growth (partially caused by migration) and resulting increases in surface runoff and topsoil erosion, the mean sediment yield in the Upper Ouémé River outlet is expected to increase by 42 to 95% by 2025, depending on the land use scenario. In contrast, changes in climate variables led to decreases in sediment yield of 5 to 14% in 2001-2025 and 17 to 24% in 2026-2050. Combined scenarios showed the dominance of land use change leading to changes in mean sediment yield of -2 to +31% in 2001-2025. Scenario results vary considerably within the catchment. Current "hotspots" of soil erosion will aggravate, and a new "hotspot" will appear in the southern part of the catchment. Although only small parts of the Upper Ouémé catchment belong to the most degraded zones in the country, sustainable soil and plant management practices should be promoted in the entire catchment. The results of this study can support planning of soil conservation activities in Benin.
Conservation planning is the process of locating and designing conservation areas to promote the persistence of biodiversity in situ. To do this, conservation areas must be able to mitigate at least some of the proximate threats to biodiversity. Information on threatening processes and the relative vulnerability of areas and natural features to these processes is therefore crucial for effective conservation planning. However, measuring and incorporating vulnerability into conservation planning have been problematic. We develop a conceptual framework of the role of vulnerability assessments in conservation planning and propose a definition of vulnerability that incorporates three dimensions: exposure, intensity, and impact. We review and categorize methods for assessing the vulnerability of areas and the features they contain and identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of each broad approach, Our review highlights the need for further development and evaluation of approaches to assess vulnerability and for comparisons of their relative effectiveness.
Research expeditions into remote areas to collect biological specimens provide vital information for understanding biodiversity. However, major expeditions to little-known areas are expensive and time consuming, time is short, and well-trained people are difficult to find. In addition, processing the collections and obtaining accurate identifications takes time and money. In order to get the maximum return for the investment, we need to determine the location of the collecting expeditions carefully. In this study we used environmental variables and information on existing collecting localities to help determine the sites of future expeditions. Results from other studies were used to aid in the selection of the environmental variables, including variables relating to temperature, rainfall, lithology and distance between sites. A survey gap analysis tool based on 'ED complementarity' was employed to select the sites that would most likely contribute the most new taxa. The tool does not evaluate how well collected a previously visited site survey site might be; however, collecting effort was estimated based on species accumulation curves. We used the number of collections and/or number of species at each collecting site to eliminate those we deemed poorly collected. Plants, birds, and insects from Guyana were examined using the survey gap analysis tool, and sites for future collecting expeditions were determined. The south-east section of Guyana had virtually no collecting information available. It has been inaccessible for many years for political reasons and as a result, eight of the first ten sites selected were in that area. In order to evaluate the remainder of the country, and because there are no immediate plans by the Government of Guyana to open that area to exploration, that section of the country was not included in the remainder of the study. The range of the ED complementarity values dropped sharply after the first ten sites were selected. For plants, the group for which we had the most records, areas selected included several localities in the Pakaraima Mountains, the border with the south-east, and one site in the north-west. For birds, a moderately collected group, the strongest need was in the north-west followed by the east. Insects had the smallest data set and the largest range of ED complementarity values; the results gave strong emphasis to the southern parts of the country, but most of the locations appeared to be equidistant from one another, most likely because of insufficient data. Results demonstrate that the use of a survey gap analysis tool designed to solve a locational problem using continuous environmental data can help maximize our resources for gathering new information on biodiversity. (c) 2005 The Linnean Society of London.