911 resultados para high velocity power training


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Infant milk formula (IMF) is fortified milk with composition based on the nutrient content in human mother's milk, 0 to 6 months postpartum. Extensive medical and clinical research has led to advances in the nutritional quality of infant formula; however, relatively few studies have focused on interactions between nutrients and the manufacturing process. The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of composition and processing parameters on physical behaviour of high dry matter (DM) IMF systems with a view to designing more sustainable manufacturing processes. The study showed that commercial IMF, with similar compositions, manufactured by different processes, had markedly different physical properties in dehydrated or reconstituted state. Commercial products made with hydrolysed protein were more heat stable compared to products made with intact protein, however, emulsion quality was compromised. Heat-induced denaturation of whey proteins resulted in increased viscosity of wet-mixes, an effect that was dependant on both whey concentration and interactions with lactose and caseins. Expanding on fundamental laboratory studies, a novel high velocity steam injection process was developed whereby high DM (60%) wet-mixes with lower denaturation/viscosity compared to conventional processes could be achieved; powders produced using this process were of similar quality to those manufactured conventionally. Hydrolysed proteins were also shown to be an effective way of reducing viscosity in heat-treated high DM wet-mixes. In particular, using a whey protein concentrate whereby β-Lactoglobulin was selectively hydrolysed, i.e., α-Lactalbumin remained intact, reduced viscosity of wet-mixes during processing while still providing good emulsification. The thesis provides new insights into interactions between nutrients and/or processing which influence physical stability of IMF both in concentrated liquid and powdered form. The outcomes of the work have applications in such areas as; increasing the DM content of spray drier feeds in order to save energy, and, controlling final powder quality.


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The majority of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of spinal manipulative therapy have not adequately de?ned the terms ‘mobilization’ and ‘manipulation’, nor distinguished between these terms in reporting the trial interventions. The purpose of this study was to describe the spinal manipulative therapy techniques utilized within a RCT of manipulative therapy (MT; n=80), interferential therapy (IFT; n=80), and a combination of both (CT; n=80) for people with acute low back pain (LBP). Spinal manipulative therapy was de?ned as any ‘mobilization’ (low velocity manual force without a thrust) or ‘manipulation’ (high velocity
thrust) techniques of the spine described by Maitland and Cyriax.
The 16 physiotherapists, all members of the Society of Orthopaedic Medicine, utilized three spinal manipulative therapy patterns in the RCT: Maitland Mobilization (40.4%, n=59), Maitland Mobilization/Cyriax Manipulation (40.4%, n=59) and Cyriax Manipulation (19.1%, n=28). There was a signi?cant difference between the MT and CT groups in their usage of spinal manipulative therapy techniques (w2=9.178; df=2;P=0.01); subjects randomized to the CT group received three times more Cyriax Manipulation (29.2%, n=21/72) than those randomized to the MT group (9.5%, n=7/74; df=1; P=0.003).
The use of mobilization techniques within the trial was comparable with their usage by the general population of physiotherapists in Britain and Ireland for LBP management. However, the usage of manipulation techniques was considerably higher than reported in physiotherapy surveys and may re?ect the postgraduate training of trial therapists.


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We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope HI images, Lovell telescope multibeam H I wide-field mapping, William Herschel Telescope long-slit echelle Ca II observations, Wisconsin Halpha Mapper (WHAM) facility images, and IRAS ISSA 60- and 100-mum co-added images towards the intermediate- velocity cloud (IVC) at + 70 km s(-1), located in the general direction of the M15 globular cluster. When combined with previously published Arecibo data, the H I gas in the IVC is found to be clumpy, with a peak H I column density of similar to1.5 x 10(20) cm(-2), inferred volume density (assuming spherical symmetry) of similar to24 cm(-3)/D (kpc) and a maximum brightness temperature at a resolution of 81 x 14 arcsec(2) of 14 K. The major axis of this part of the IVC lies approximately parallel to the Galactic plane, as does the low- velocity H I gas and IRAS emission. The H I gas in the cloud is warm, with a minimum value of the full width at half-maximum velocity width of 5 km s(-1) corresponding to a kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence, of similar to540 K. From the H I data, there are indications of two-component velocity structure. Similarly, the Ca II spectra, of resolution 7 km s(-1), also show tentative evidence of velocity structure, perhaps indicative of cloudlets. Assuming that there are no unresolved narrow-velocity components, the mean values of log(10)[N(Ca II K) cm(2)] similar to 12.0 and Ca II/H I similar to2 5 x 10(-8) are typical of observations of high Galactic latitude clouds. This compares with a value of Ca II/H I>10(-6) for IVC absorption towards HD 203664, a halo star of distance 3 kpc, some 3.degrees1 from the main M15 IVC condensation. The main IVC condensation is detected by WHAM in Halpha with central local-standard-of-rest velocities of similar to60-70 km s(-1), and intensities uncorrected for Galactic extinction of up to 1.3 R, indicating that the gas is partially ionized. The FWHM values of the Halpha IVC component, at a resolution of 1degrees, exceed 30 km s(-1). This is some 10 km s(-1) larger than the corresponding H I value at a similar resolution, and indicates that the two components may not be mixed. However, the spatial and velocity coincidence of the Halpha and H I peaks in emission towards the main IVC component is qualitatively good. If the Halpha emission is caused solely by photoionization, the Lyman continuum flux towards the main IVC condensation is similar to2.7 x 10(6) photon cm(-2) s(-1). There is not a corresponding IVC Halpha detection towards the halo star HD 203664 at velocities exceeding similar to60 km s(- 1). Finally, both the 60- and 100-mum IRAS images show spatial coincidence, over a 0.675 x 0 625 deg(2) field, with both low- and intermediate-velocity H I gas (previously observed with the Arecibo telescope), indicating that the IVC may contain dust. Both the Halpha and tentative IRAS detections discriminate this IVC from high-velocity clouds, although the H I properties do not. When combined with the H I and optical results, these data point to a Galactic origin for at least parts of this IVC.


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From the instantaneous efficiency plot, it is observed that the conventional 2-stage Doherty power amplifier (DPA) with high upper power dynamic range (>12 dB) suffers from a substantial dip in the middle of the upper power regime, thus reducing the average efficiency. In this study, an envelope-tracking-based DPA is proposed in order to minimise this dip by adjusting the drain bias voltage of the auxiliary amplifier of the DPA proportional to the input power level.


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We present a detailed kinematical analysis of the young compact hourglass-shaped planetary nebula Hb 12. We performed optical imaging and long-slit spectroscopy of Hb 12 using the Manchester echelle spectrometer with the 2.1-m San Pedro Mártir telescope. We reveal, for the first time, the presence of end caps (or knots) aligned with the bipolar lobes of the planetary nebula shell in a deep [NII] ?6584 image of Hb 12. We measured from our spectroscopy radial velocities of ~120kms-1 for these knots. We have derived the inclination angle of the hourglass-shaped nebular shell to be ~65° to the line of sight. It has been suggested that Hb 12's central star system is an eclipsing binary which would imply a binary inclination of at least 80°. However, if the central binary has been the major shaping influence on the nebula, then both nebula and binary would be expected to share a common inclination angle. Finally, we report the discovery of high-velocity knots with Hubble-type velocities, close to the core of Hb 12, observed in Ha and oriented in the same direction as the end caps. Very different velocities and kinematical ages were calculated for the outer and inner knots showing that they may originate from different outburst events.


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This study attempts to establish a link between the reasonably well known nature of the progenitor of SN2011fe and its surrounding environment. This is done with the aim of enabling the identification of similar systems in the vast majority of the cases, when distance and epoch of discovery do not allow a direct approach. To study the circumstellar environment of SN2011fe we have obtained high-resolution spectroscopy of SN2011fe on 12 epochs, from 8 to 86 days after the estimated date of explosion, targeting in particular at the time evolution of CaII and NaI. Three main absorption systems are identified from CaII and NaI, one associated to the Milky Way, one probably arising within a high-velocity cloud, and one most likely associated to the halo of M101. The Galactic and host galaxy reddening, deduced from the integrated equivalent widths (EW) of the NaI lines are E(B-V)=0.011+/-0.002 and E(B-V)=0.014+/-0.002 mag, respectively. The host galaxy absorption is dominated by a component detected at the same velocity measured from the 21-cm HI line at the projected SN position (~180 km/s). During the ~3 months covered by our observations, its EW changed by 15.6+/-6.5 mA. This small variation is shown to be compatible with the geometric effects produced by therapid SN photosphere expansion coupled to the patchy fractal structure of the ISM. The observed behavior is fully consistent with ISM properties similar to those derived for our own Galaxy, with evidences for structures on scales


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Os sistemas de comunicações óticas têm evoluído rapidamente e, como consequência, a potência dos sinais óticos propagados na fibra tem vindo a aumentar. A propagação de sinais de elevada potência pode resultar na degradação e/ou destruição da fibra ótica. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do impacto da propagação de sinais óticos com elevadas potências na degradação e redução do tempo de vida útil das fibras óticas. Estudou-se este tipo de degradação das fibras óticas a dois níveis: degradação do revestimento de fibras sujeitas a curvaturas apertadas e ignição e propagação do efeito rastilho que leva a destruição da fibra ótica. Para a concretização deste estudo, caracterizou-se experimentalmente o aumento de temperatura no revestimento de fibras óticas sujeitas a curvaturas de diâmetro reduzido e na presença de sinais com elevada potência. Tendo-se desenvolvido um modelo analítico para descrever o aquecimento do revestimento da fibra. No âmbito do efeito rastilho em fibra ótica, estudou-se experimentalmente, em diversos tipos de fibra, as principais propriedades deste fenómeno, nomeadamente, a potência ótica de limiar necessária para a sua ignição e propagação, a velocidade de propagação e as características da cadeia de bolhas formada no núcleo da fibra ótica durante a propagação deste efeito. Desenvolveu-se, ainda, um modelo teórico para simular a propagação do efeito rastilho, tendo sido validado e complementado através de resultados experimentais. Por fim, desenvolveram-se e implementaram-se técnicas para detetar e interromper a propagação do efeito rastilho, como forma de limitar a extensão de fibra destruída e proteger os equipamentos óticos da rede.


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This paper presents a methodology supported on the data base knowledge discovery process (KDD), in order to find out the failure probability of electrical equipments’, which belong to a real electrical high voltage network. Data Mining (DM) techniques are used to discover a set of outcome failure probability and, therefore, to extract knowledge concerning to the unavailability of the electrical equipments such us power transformers and high-voltages power lines. The framework includes several steps, following the analysis of the real data base, the pre-processing data, the application of DM algorithms, and finally, the interpretation of the discovered knowledge. To validate the proposed methodology, a case study which includes real databases is used. This data have a heavy uncertainty due to climate conditions for this reason it was used fuzzy logic to determine the set of the electrical components failure probabilities in order to reestablish the service. The results reflect an interesting potential of this approach and encourage further research on the topic.


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This article is devoted to the research of VoIP transmission quality over Digital Power Line Carrier channels. Assessment of quality transmission is performed using E-model. Paper considers the possibility of joint using of Digital Power Line carrier equipment with different architecture in one network. As a result of the research, the rule for constructing of multi-segment Digital Power Line Carrier channels was formulated. This rule allows minimizing the transmission delay and saving frequency resources of high voltage Power Line Carrier range.


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Diplomityössä tutkittiin Fortumin Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen ulosvirtauskanaviston ja suurnopeuskosteudenerottimen toimintaa, sekä selvitettiin taustalla olevaa teoriaa ja aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Tavoitteena oli ymmärtää ja esittää laitteiden toimintaa, sekä tutkia voiko ulosvirtauskanaviston suorituskykyä parantaa geometrian muutoksilla. Työssä luotiin tutkittaville kohteille geometriat ja laskentahilat, joiden avulla simuloitiin niiden toimintaa eri käyttötilanteissa numeerisen virtauslaskennan avulla. Laskennan reunaehdot saatiin olemassa olevasta prosessimallista ja aiemmista turbiiniselvityksistä. Ulosvirtauskanaviston suorituskyky laskettiin kolmella eri lauhdutinpaineella neljällä eri geometrialla. Geometrian muutokset vaikuttivat selkeästi ulosvirtauskanaviston suorituskykyyn ja sitä saatiin parannettua. Kaksi kolmesta muutoksesta, lisäkanavat ja oikaistu vesilippa, pa-ransivat suorituskykyä. Lokinsiipien poistaminen heikensi ulosvirtauskanaviston toi-mintaa. Suurnopeuskosteudenerottimen mallintaminen jäi lähtötietojen ja ajan puutteen takia hieman tavoitteesta. Sekä ulosvirtauskanaviston että suurnopeuskosteudenerotti-men jatkotutkimusta ja mahdollisia toimenpiteitä varten saatiin arvokasta uutta tietoa.


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During maturation, muscle strength is enhanced through muscle growth, although neuro-muscular factors are also believed to be involved. In adults, training for power sports has been shown to enhance muscle strength and activation. The purpose of this study was to examine muscle strength and activation in power-trained athletes (POW) compared with non-athletes (CON), in boys and in adults. After familiarization subjects performed ten 5-s explosive maximal voluntary contractions for elbow and knee flexion and extension. The adults were stronger then the boys and the adult POW were stronger then the adult CON, even after correction for muscle size. Normalized rate of torque development was higher in the adults then in the boys and higher in the POW then CON boys. The rate of muscle activation was higher in the adults and POW groups. The results suggest that maturation and power-training have an additive effect on muscle activation.


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L'entraînement par intervalles à haute intensité est plus efficace que l'entraînement continu d’intensité modérée pour améliorer la consommation maximale d’oxygène (VO2max) et le profil métabolique des patients coronariens. Cependant, il n’y a pas de publications pour appuyer la prescription d’un type d’exercice intermittent (HIIE) spécifique dans cette population. Nous avons donc comparé les réponses aiguës cardio-pulmonaires de quatre sessions différentes d’exercice intermittent dans le but d’identifier l’exercice optimal chez les patients coronariens. De manière randomisée, les sujets participaient aux sessions d’HIIE, toutes avec des phases d’exercice à 100% de la puissance maximale aérobie (PMA), mais qui variaient selon la durée des phases d’exercice et de récupération (15s ou 1 min) et la nature de la récupération (0% de la PMA ou 50% de la PMA). Chaque session était réalisée sous forme de temps limite et l’exercice était interrompu après 35 minutes. En considérant l’effort perçu, le confort du patient et le temps passé au-dessus de 80% de VO2max, nous avons trouvé que l’exercice optimal consistait à alterner des courtes phases d’exercice de 15s à 100% de la PMA avec des phases de 15s de récupération passive. Ensuite, nous avons comparé les réponses physiologiques de l’HIIE optimisé avec un exercice continu d’intensité modérée (MICE) iso-calorique chez des patients coronariens. En considérant les réponses physiologiques, l’aspect sécuritaire (aucune élévation de Troponin T) et l’effort perçu, le protocole HIIE est apparu mieux toléré et plus efficace chez ces coronariens. Finalement, une simple session d’HIIE n’induit pas d’effets délétères sur la paroi vasculaire, comme démontré avec l’analyse des microparticules endothéliales. En conclusion, l’exercice intermittent à haute intensité est un mode d'entraînement prometteur pour les patients coronariens stables qui devrait faire l’objet d’autres études expérimentales en particulier pour les patients coronariens ischémiques.


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India is increasingly investing in renewable technology to meet rising energy demands, with hydropower and other renewables comprising one-third of current installed capacity. Installed wind-power is projected to increase 5-fold by 2035 (to nearly 100GW) under the International Energy Agency’s New Policies scenario. However, renewable electricity generation is dependent upon the prevailing meteorology, which is strongly influenced by monsoon variability. Prosperity and widespread electrification are increasing the demand for air conditioning, especially during the warm summer. This study uses multi-decadal observations and meteorological reanalysis data to assess the impact of intraseasonal monsoon variability on the balance of electricity supply from wind-power and temperature-related demand in India. Active monsoon phases are characterised by vigorous convection and heavy rainfall over central India. This results in lower temperatures giving lower cooling energy demand, while strong westerly winds yield high wind-power output. In contrast, monsoon breaks are characterised by suppressed precipitation, with higher temperatures and hence greater demand for cooling, and lower wind-power output across much of India. The opposing relationship between wind-power supply and cooling demand during active phases (low demand, high supply) and breaks (high demand, low supply) suggests that monsoon variability will tend to exacerbate fluctuations in the so-called demand-net-wind (i.e., electrical demand that must be supplied from non-wind sources). This study may have important implications for the design of power systems and for investment decisions in conventional schedulable generation facilities (such as coal and gas) that are used to maintain the supply/demand balance. In particular, if it is assumed (as is common) that the generated wind-power operates as a price-taker (i.e., wind farm operators always wish to sell their power, irrespective of price) then investors in conventional facilities will face additional weather-volatility through the monsoonal impact on the length and frequency of production periods (i.e. their load-duration curves).


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Skeletal muscle is the source of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and recently, it has been recognized as an important source of interleukin 6 (IL-6), a cytokine that exerts inhibitory effects on several pro-inflammatory cytokines. Although dynamic chronic resistance training has been shown to produce the known ""repeated bout effect"", which abolishes the acute muscle damage, performing of high-intensity resistance training has been regarded highly advisable, at least from the hypertrophy perspective. On the other hand, a more therapeutic, ""non-damaging"" resistance training program, mainly composed of concentric forces, low frequency/low volume of training, and the same exercise, could theoretically benefit the muscle when the main issue is to avoid muscle inflammation (as in the treatment of several ""low-grade"" inflammatory diseases) because the acute effect of each resistance exercise session could be diminished/avoided, at the same time that the muscle is still being overloaded in a concentric manner. However, the benefits of such ""less demanding"" resistance training schedule on the muscle inflammatory profile have never been investigated. Therefore, we assessed the protein expression of IL-6, TNF-alpha, IL-10, IL-10/TNF-alpha ratio, and HSP70 levels and mRNA expression of SCF(beta-TrCP), IL-15, and TLR-4 in the skeletal muscle of rats submitted to resistance training. Briefly, animals were randomly assigned to either a control group (S, n = 8) or a resistance-trained group (T, n = 7). Trained rats were exercised over a duration of 12 weeks (two times per day, two times per week). Detection of IL-6, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and HSP70 protein expression was carried out by western blotting and SCF(beta-TrCP) (SKP Cullin F-Box Protein Ligases), a class of enzymes involved in the ubiquitination of protein substrates to proteasomal degradation, IL-15, and TLR-4 by RT-PCR. Our results show a decreased expression of TNF-alpha and TLR4 mRNA (40 and 60%, respectively; p < 0.05) in the plantar muscle from trained, when compared with control rats. In conclusion, exercise training induced decreased TNF-alpha and TLR-4 expressions, resulting in a modified IL-10/TNF-alpha ratio in the skeletal muscle. These data show that, in healthy rats, 12-week resistance training, predominantly composed of concentric stimuli and low frequency/low volume schedule, down regulates skeletal muscle production of cytokines involved in the onset, maintenance, and regulation of inXammation.


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Purpose: To investigate whether growth was adversely affected in 137 young competitive female artistic gymnasts involved in different training volumes.

Methods: This was a 2-yr prospective cohort study in which height, sitting height, leg length, weight, skinfolds, and pubertal status were measured in competitive advanced (20–27 h·wk-1) and intermediate (7.5–22 h·wk-1) training level female gymnasts every 6–12 months. Biological parameters of the adolescent growth curve were estimated using the Preece–Baines growth model. Growth rates were estimated for both groups from the mixed-longitudinal data.

Results: Estimated ages at peak height velocity (PHV) (13–13.5 yr) and mean PHV (6.2–6.4 cm·yr-1) for the advanced- and intermediate-level gymnasts suggest that these gymnasts were later maturing and experienced a blunting of the growth spurt relative to reference values for U.S. youth. Comparison of growth velocities by pubertal status revealed that height velocity was lower in the advanced- versus the intermediate-level peripubertal gymnasts, which was due to a significant reduction in sitting height velocity (2.3 vs 3.1 cm·yr-1, P. < 0.05). No marked acceleration in height or sitting height velocity was detected in the advanced-level gymnasts from pre- to peripuberty. Inspection of individual growth rates revealed that over 35% of the pre- and peripubertal gymnasts experienced growth faltering (height velocity less than 4.5 cm·yr-1) during follow-up.

Conclusion: Advanced–and intermediate–training level competitive female gymnasts tend to exhibit an adolescent growth spurt that is similar in timing and tempo to short, normal, slowly maturing girls, but the high frequency of growth faltering suggests that training may alter the tempo of growth and maturation in some, but not all, female gymnasts.